Macross Fan Fiction ❯ Jisedai Macross ❯ eps. 4: "No Need for Emperors!" ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Jisedai Macross eps. 4

"No Need For Emperors!"

(Alpha Version)

Once again I stress that I do not own Macross nor do I own any part of Macross. I also do not own any other series. So don't sue me because I don't have any money anyway. I am not doing this for any profit what so ever. I merely feel like writing this fic.

Hey you're back. If you are planning on reading this episode, then you are in for a treat. This is the first official episode of the series. The first few were just setting things up. Now in this episode I express relationships between characters of a certain unnamed series. If you don't like it then e-mail me at for the long-winded expression of my reviews. If you don't mind, then you are cool. Must I explain the "Alpha Version" and "Beta Version" again? Ok, but this is the last time. "Alpha Version" means that it is `hot off the presses'. I recently finished it and haven't had time to re-read it for errors. "Beta Version" is after a long sit-down with the story. A Beta Version will have less errors in it and will be a much more refined version. It also is likely to be the last version, unless something happens in a later episode to make me come back and change something. Now I ask that for all you flamers out there…you can flame BUT BUT you MUST give me a decent reason why you hate it. I do not accept "It Sucks!" Tell me why it sucks in a mature way and I may even acknowledge your existence. Also, I like things like "Great! Keep up the good work!" but please tell me what was great about the fic. Surely, there must be something that you did not think was so great. You are free to express your opinion here…it just has to be a well backed opinion.


We left off with Jon being informed of the impending visit to the Universal Council. We, for the sake of time will pick up a little later in the day. Enjoy…

The Laviathan rested just outside of space dock. Ships from the battle were still making little runs here and there, so the gigantic ship had to maneuver carefully. To say that the area of space around Mars was teeming with life would be an understatement. Literally thousands of ships had departed from Earth to rescue the wounded, capture the enemies left behind, and sadly even steal from the dead. It seemed space pirates were every where after that battle. The Laviathan had just pulled out of the ship filled space to a free space area. Inside many people were taking the day off. They were resting from the battle. Unfortunately, most were preparing for the 1 million that would be joining them inside the `little world'. It was a nickname for the very large planet connected to the Laviathan through the gate in the northwestern wall. Currently the main characters were on the bridge of the Laviathan awaiting the impending fold to the, much fabled, solar system of the Universal Council. Though, Seif had to explain some things before the operation began. Due to extremely strict security reasons, very important rules had to be followed. As Seif approached Rick, who was in his chair, he took a quick glance around the room ensuring that everyone was listening. Everyone on duty that day was wearing not a full dress uniform, but a very formal one none the less. Jon stood in the back with his left arm around Elly's shoulders. To Elly's left was Myung who was flanked on both sides by Isamu and Guld. Danielle, who currently was looking very serious, stood a little to Jon's right.

"Alright people, listen up. The council is about as serious, if not more serious, about their security as we are about ours. We must tread with light feet where we are going. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT antagonize these people! I want communications to transmit the verification signal just we exit the fold. That is all you need to do. I will handle the rest. Remember that this is UC territory. Their ships always fly with gun ports open. Do not take this as a sign of aggression. We are also not allowed into their space unless requested to enter it. Even today we will dock at a special space dock for us. I, and the top command of this ship, have a meeting with the UC. I am leaving the 1st mate Jon Sheridan in charge. We will not be returning for a while due to other duties that must be performed. Ok now that we are all briefed, lets get going. Are the coordinates for the UC home sol system inputted into the fold drive?"

"Sir, yes sir!" responds from one side of the bridge. "Are the engines ready for fold?", again from another part of the bridge comes, "Sir, yes sir!". "Alright then, proceed with fold." "Yes, sir! Proceeding with fold to designated coordinates." An officer responds.

A slight humming of machinery is heard charging up. Then, the entire ship is engulfed in a green light and it simply disappears only leaving behinds residual green energy which quickly dies out. As the Laviathan travels through the greenish tunnel in the Space/Time rip an officer announces, "Sir, we are coming upon a strange energy field. It seems to exist in all space." Jon smirks slightly, "Don't worry that is there to stop people from folding right into their space. We will come out of fold just before the energy barrier." The behemoth ship comes out of the tunnels trailing green energy. "Send verification signal now!" As they await an answer the bridge crew stares in awe at the sight in front of the ship. It is a strange solar system. There are a number of different looking planets circling a sun about the size of Earth's. The strange thing is that not only are all inhabited planets but they are all in the same orbit. They have been spaced just right as to avoid any problems. Each planet is connected to the two next to it through a small network of tubes with only a single tube leading to one of the planets. This single tubed planet was in a smaller orbit, but it would appear that it orbited the sun at the right speed to keep up with the other planets. "Welcome…to the Universal Council main sol system." After a few seconds a screen pops up with an old officer. He resembles some type of humanoid fish. He has large, yellow eyes and pale blue skin.

"Ahh, Mr. Seif nice to see you againg. You know the drill." Seif smirking at the proud Universal Council officer, "I am Seif of the Council of Elders and Supreme Council. This is the U.N.S.S. Laviathan and her crew. We are here by order of the Supreme Council and to receive passengers. Current access code is zero-niner-six-five-niner-zero-four." The `fish' starts laughing, "Hahahahaha! It is always good to see the all-powerful Seif reduced to safety procedures." The `fish' gets a strange smirk on its face, "The Council is waiting for you. Have fun! Hahahahaha!"

As the com. window closes Rick leans over and wispers to Seif. "What's up?" Seif gets a little smiles and replies, "Oh I have an idea. Don't worry about Kaztar. He is harmless. He was laughing because he expects our meeting to go bad with the council…which could mean only one thing…he's back. Navigation, soon you will receive docking orders. Sheridan I leave her in your hands…scratch the paint and you will pay for it. Guys lets go." Seif, Danielle, Jon, ect…left for the transport.


After a short jog to what is known as the "Transportation Planet", the group got into one of the tube transports designated specifically for them. This would bring them to the inner planet in the solar system. When the passengers got in the tube transport it seemed to resemble a bullet in the barrel of a gun. Seif expressed his distaste for the outdated technology, but agreed that it was a smooth ride. It seemed the `bullet car' was sped along at a leisurely pace by elector-magnetic drives and specialty energy fields. As the ride would take some time Seif decided to explain the lay out of the Universal Council.

"This is actually the second council, but after a large war and the devastating civil war that followed it was decided to reorganize the council. The council looked at great civilizations of the past present and future and took little things from everywhere. Ironically enough, the basic design of the current council came from the United States of America government. Though, it isn't entirely the same and only slightly resembles it. The basic mold started like the US government and was evolved from there. There are 3 sections of the council. There is the first, and lowest on the list, the Galactic Forces Council. This mostly deals with the judging the laws created by the next section. The Galactic Forces Council is made up of mostly military and it rightfully represents the militaries of the races that have joined the council. The two sub-groups under them are the Galaxy Police and the Galactic Army. Now naturally the council's rule has extended far beyond our tiny galaxy. In fact the council started off two solar systems from the Milkyway Galaxy. They just never wanted to change the name. Next, we have the second in ranking…the Juraian High Council. This, like the Galactic Forces Council kept its name even though it has extended far beyond just the Juraian High Council. These people represent the people. They represent the all the people of the member races. These people make the laws that govern the Universe. They have a higher council themselves. These people are called the Juraian Head Council. They are made up of the elder and wiser race's representatives. This brings us to the Supreme Universal Council, otherwise known as the Supreme Council, them selves. This is the highest of the councils. Though a similar council exists in my dimensions, their Supreme Council is only known as the Universal Council. This council, in the original dimension, holds power over the others. The Supreme Council has very well selected representatives from the respective member races of the council. Though, there are thousands of representatives, you will see none. I am a member of the Supreme Council and its head council, the Council of Elders. This is made up just like the Juraian Head Council. I am the only person of the Supreme Council to appear in public…I think. I have never seen any of the others myself so I can only assume that they never leave…although one might be just a guy you pass on the street. No one knows who these people are. I'll explain my confusion of the Supreme Council main chamber later. For now, our ride has come to an end."

Everyone in the `bullet car' had been listening so intently that they had never seen their approach to the planet. As the group made their way out of the transport building they found themselves in the Garden of Eden. There was luscious forest everywhere. The paths were what looked similar to white marble slabs. Beautiful trees and flowers were everywhere. The few people walk around the grounds would reminds you of Socrates and his people back in ancient Athens. Every one of them was in a deep discussion of politics, life, science, ect…and most where dressed in white. The tall, artistic, and gorgeous buildings that rose from above the trees where a metallic blue and topped with a strange crystal like peak. Directly in front of the group, across a large opening in the forest was the main building with many steps leading up to the entrance. In the middle of this large opening was a enormous, and beautiful white marble fountain. "THIS is the Universal Council main planet. It is a little heaven in a Universe of hell. Takes your breath away doesn't it." Seif simply stated leading the little group across the opening in the forest and up the stairs. As they entered the building a large desk greeted them with a beautiful woman with purple hair and wearing a white, blue and gold kimono sitting behind it. She smiled a large toothy smile as she recognized Seif.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the great Seif. Welcome back! I see you have friends. The council is about to be ready for you. If you would just wait a moment." As she smiled she winked at Seif who pulled Danielle closer to hint at the impossibility of what she was thinking…though they all knew it was a running, inside joke. "Hello Lucia. These are some of my friends…Jon who I have already told you about, and the rest are new friends as the command crew of the U.N.S.S. Lavaithan. I got the impression that Rengo is back." Lucia gave a little laugh, "You're quick Seif. Yep, Rengo is back…and it looks like you will be seeing him now." A ding [think elevator ding] is heard and a large set of concave doors open in the wall not too far to the left of Lucia's desk. A tall humanoid creature stepped out. He had a row of horns growing from the top of the ears to where they meet at the top-back of his head. Each horn larger than the last. He wore loose blue and gold pants and shirt with a white belt and large, gold buckle. He also had a white and blue colored, short sleeved, robe like piece of clothing on the hung open and loose. Though the clothing sharply contrasted from his flustered attitude. "Hahaha! Rengo is definitely back. Only he can make the mighty Toshiro pissed off."

"You damn right he is back! Where ever he went it only rejuvenated his ability to push your buttons. Hope you have better luck than me Sief!" Toshiro shouted as he passed in a huff of rage. Seif laughed a little and then lead the group to the doors that Toshiro had just come from. After the doors had closed behind them and the room entirely dark Seif spoke, "Rengo is infamous for pissing people off, but you must show respect. He is the Eldest and most high of us. Just remember that all he is doing is having a little fun." As the floor started moving, what felt like up. Lights on the sides of the circular `elevator' stared moving in the all directions, but there was never enough light to show a lot. Seif continued "From here on out I have no idea where we are going. I have tried but my sence of direction does not help here. For all we know we are being sent to a secret and separate dimension or not moving at all. The camber we are about to enter may be nothing but a large box or a gigantic coliseum…I don't know." A look of confusion is pasted on the faces of everyone inside the `elevator', though it is barely visible. "I know weird huh? Worked here for a long time and no one has ever figured it out. You'll see what I mean."


As the elevator came to a stop in a pitch-black room a spotlight was shined upon them from above, but the light never left the small circle `elevator' floor they were on. Seif and Danielle stood staring out into the space of the strangely quite room. The rest of the group was looking around nervously realizing what Seif had meant. Then a low voice seemed to emanate from the entire room.

"Ahh Mr. Seif. It is so good to see you again. You are looking well." Seif was smirking. "Rengo you old bastard. What happened? You weren't here for a while." Again the mysterious voice came.

"Hahahahaha! Seif you know my comment on that issue. To tell the truth I never left. I was merely…preoccupied. That is all." This time both Seif and Danielle responded by laughing whole heatedly to the obvious inside joke. "Well, we have business to conduct. Seif we must congratulate you on both your performances in battle and in planning of the battle. You made a smart move anticipating the enemy's secret weapon. Now, Danielle you are looking as beautiful as you always do. You performed well in the gathering of the info from our spies and organizing the Earthlings. General Hunter, your command ability with the Laviathan is superb. You fought with a cool clear head and commanded wisely. We are glad Seif requested you be the captain of the Laviathan. Evallyn Hunter and Myung Dyson you both performed your tasks, in the new positions of communications officer, with great speed and wisdom. You have set a great precedent to all those who shall surely follow you in this position. Lt. Dyson and Capt. Bowman you both showed great courage and valor on the battle field. You both fought valiantly taking more than your share of kills. You kept you troops in line and concentrated in battle. You two are great leaders and your efforts are noted for reward on a later date. Now we have come to the great Lt. Jonathan Hester. If I was to say that your efforts in this battle helped would be a great understatement. You lead the troops of the Laviathan's first wave into battle with great wisdom. You truly shine as a leader. Then you proceeded to clear an ENTIRE QUADRANT of enemies. Then you fought and defeated Zaffra, who was considered to be one of the premiere mecha pilots of this age. Not only have you done this, but were instrumental in the planning stages of battle, designed the VF-99, and helped greatly in developing and building the Laviathan. With all this and your score on your piloting skills test puts you in the position of one of the top fighter pilots in the universe. Congratulations and keep up the good work Mr. Hester. Now, Seif I believe you have a meeting to keep with a certain, important government official. Are there any questions?"

"Yes I have one." Seif speaks up, "Where were you during the battle? You never sent support." There is a long silence. "Mr. Seif, the council did send support. They were sitting in sub-space waiting for you to be on the edge of defeat. We ordered them not to help unless absolutely necessary. It is quite obvious that their help wasn't needed. Is there anything else?" Seif nodded understanding his mistake. Jon's eyes brightened with a thought, "Seif told us you enjoy getting on people's nerves, but you haven't tried that with us. Why?"

"Hahaha! Well Mr. Hester, I haven't mere because of my respect for this group of fine individuals. You won't get that kind of mercy next time. Mr. Seif, you speak too much of the council's doings. Careful or you might give us a bad reputation. No? Ok then you are free to go. Good luck to you all in the future." As the mysterious voice ceased, so did the light. The `elevator' soon lowered them to the exit.


The group exits the elevator and proceeds to the transport station. As they walk Rick breaks the awkward silence. "Where are we going Seif? And who is this government official we are going to meet?" Seif's eye gleamed over as he thought of the friend that they were going to meet. "Well…he is an old friend of mine. He is ascending the throne of the Jurai. He also happens to be from Earth. His name is Tenchi Masaki. Oh and Jon, he wants you to bring the 99 with you. Apparently Jurai has finished production of their first fighter craft and he wishes that you test it with your mech. I tried to convince him that it wouldn't stand a chance, but he wouldn't hear of it. All of you come as you are dressed. I have arranged clothing to be dropped at their household. We are going to Tenchi's wedding and his inception to the throne with his new empress-to-be."

"So he finally chose one?" Jon had a strange understanding of the situation, "Last I heard from you Ryoko and Ayeka were still battling it out."

"Yeah he chose…the one I was rooting for. You will be quite surprised." Seif and Danielle made an almost evil, maniacal laugh.


A long, white, and expensive hover limousine sat next to a very secure hangar that was specifically for the Emperor. Out side the limousine stood 4 High Juraian Guard. Each one stood at a different side of the limousine. Something in the sky caught the eye of one of the guards. He turned at tapped on the window of the door at the rear of the limousine. The window rolled down, "Sir, they are here." The window merely rolled back up without a word from its occupant.

A fairly small, in comparison to the rest of the fleet, UC [from now on this refers to the Universal Council] Ship descends through the atmosphere. The ship resembles Yagami only colored white, blue, and gold. This ship is also different in that it three menacing gun-ports on the nose of the craft. The VF-99, which was attached to a "Parasite Connector"[this is a little thing that allows a smaller ship to "hitch a ride" with the larger ship] on top of the ship, detaches and floats along side of the larger craft as the both descend toward the surface. As they get closer to the ground, the UC ship fires reverse thrusters and makes a soft landing on the concrete. Unlike the larger ship the 99 pulls an "Isamu Landing" which is essentially transforming to Gerwalk mode at the last second and skidding to a stop. The move is impressive, but extremely dangerous when not performed by an experienced pilot. Our little group of people (you know Seif, Danielle, Rick, ect…) exit the UC craft by way of a now lowered stair case. There is only one person missing from this group. Jon is currently in the 99. As they exit the door to the limousine opens and out steps Tenchi in Juraian garb. Seif and Danielle step away from their group and both give a hug to Tenchi. "So, where is the lucky lady Tenchi?" Danielle speaks with earnest. "Just a second, I want to see this. Our fighter is currently in the air and heading this way. The rules are no killing and a best 2 out of three match."

Seif turns to the 99, "Did ya get that Hester." The mech responds with thumbs up. The valkyrie then transforms into Battleroid mode and starts searching the skies. Something catches its attention. Jon opens a com. link with Seif. A small window appears in from of Seif with a picture of Jon in it. "Seif we have an unidentified object incoming at high speed from the north. Setting system to training mode and taking aim." The 99 gets down on its right knee and raises its gun-pod. Jon supports the pod with his left arm, which has its elbow resting on his left knee. "I have weapons lock and the enemy has not even seen me yet. Tenchi you need to increase the ability of this thing to pick up opponents. Even a F-15 could pick me up if it were looking for me. Requesting permission to fire a training shot." Seif only nods in response to the request. Jon gets a smirk on its face as he fires three rounds off into the distance. "Target terminally damaged…that is if this were not training. Resetting and taking off to dogfight for my second kill." The 99 transforms into Gerwalk mode to gain speed and then turns into fighter mode. The white valkyrie pulls up next to the small green and tan tree ship. The Juraian fighter is slightly smaller than the valkyrie. There are four `spines' tha extend from the nose to the tail in a pyramidal form. From the tail a similar, but more rounded, fashion the same piece appears only this time with the spines move from inside the tail to near the nose. In between these two pieces is a round, blue and red, sphere that houses the pilot.

The Juraian ship breaks off to the right, obviously impervious to the Earthen way of performing a training dogfight. Jon merely performs a fairly tight reversal loop. The Juraian pilot looses Jon in the Sun and is unknowingly falling right into Jon's trap. "Seif this way too easy. Send some UC guys over here to not only redesign that piece of shit but train their crap-ass pilots." Tenchi appears disturbed by the turn of events. Jon who long ago had lost the Juraian pilot due to his sun technique, is now inverted just above the opposing pilot waving at him. The enemy pilot doesn't seem to notice for a good while and when he does he make a fatal error. He rolls inverted and pulls down toward the ground. It is a easy job for Jon to follow him through the upside-down loop. With a quick burst of gunfire, the Juraian ship is defeated. "*yawns* that was way too easy." Seif laughs at Jon's latest remark.

"Wow that was amazing how did you do that sun thing and the inverted move?" The Juraian pilot pops into the conversation. Jon just laughs and says. "You got a long way to go before you should start fighting in battle with THAT hunk of junk. Keep up the work kid. You have yet untapped skill." With that the new fighter takes off towards the north and Jon makes a soft landing in Gerwalk mode next to the UC craft.

"Wow Seif, he is everything you said he was. Remind me not to distrust you from now on. Get him out here I want him to meet my future wife as well." Just as Tenchi finishes a sound of rushing air is heard as the seal on the 99's cockpit breaks open. Jon makes a quick hop from the cockpit steps to the ground leaving his helmet in the cockpit. Jon wasn't even wearing a pressure suit. He was still in his formal UNSD uniform. Jon walks over to the group and shakes Tenchi's hand saying, "An honor to meet you Tenchi. Seif has told me a lot about you. So…which one did you choose? I mean Seif refuses to tell us and I am getting impatient."

Tenchi gives a Seif an annoyed look as Seif responds with a sheepish grin. Seif scratches the back of his head and a sweat drop appears on his forehead, "Well…your situation was kinda…ironically funny. Heh…heh…" Everyone is looking at Seif like they had just seen a ghost. Elly squeaks out, "Did he…just sweat drop…that is something…unexpected." Everyone except Seif nods in agreement.

Tenchi manages to shake them out of their dazed stares as he announces he is going to introduce them to his fiancé. "Everyone I would like to introduce my future wife and future empress of Jurai…" The door to the limousine opens and out steps a young lady about as tall as Tenchi. She has long teal colored hair, more blue than green and an orange headband around her forehead. "Kiyone Makabi." [AH HA! Bet you weren't expecting that were you! I am a huge fan of the T/K relationship. This is again a reference to Mugen Tenchi Muyo.] "Kiyone this fellow here is Seif of the Supreme Council (Kiyone who already recognizes Seif is starting to bow, but Seif stops her citing his preference of an informal life) and with him is his…fiancé? (Seif and Danielle nod in agreement) That is good Seif, anyway she is Danielle also of the Supreme Council. [See how much respect is given to the council. Even the emperor of Jurai and his empress bow in respect. Does this help show how much influence they have. Here we have the captain of the new ship from Earth, the U.N.S.S. Laviathan, General Rick Hunter. The tall guy in the back with the green hair is Captain Guld Goa Bowman, who is the #3 ranked pilot in the universe. Next to him are Lt. Isamu Dyson and his wife Myung. Isamu is ranked 2nd in the universe. This young lady is Rick's daughter Evallyn who is this man's girlfriend. This is the famed Lt. Hester. He is ranked as the best pilot in the universe."

"Nice to meet all of you. Any friend of Seif's is a friend of ours. You are all always welcome in our home. I have hear much about all of you and am honored to be in your presence." Kiyone is beaming. "I assume you get your info from Seif…eh Tenchi?" Jon asks inquisitively.

It is now that Sasami with Ryo-ohki perched on top of her head joins Tenchi and Kiyone. All, with the exception of Ryo-ohki, have an amused smile on their faces. "No…lets just say that we have met…before. (Tenchi changes the subject at the look on Seif's face telling him that Jon and the group has not been informed of their future events) This little girl is Sasami, who Kiyone and I are adopting as our daughter." Tenchi speaks as Sasami gives a scrupulous look to her two `parents'. "Were you two being naughty again? What am I gonna do with you?! You must excuse my parents naughtiness. Now, are we going out to eat or what!?" Sasami states with a tinge of frustration in her voice. [The whole naughty thing is a running gag in Mugen Tenchi Muyo.] "Yes Sasami, we were just meeting some new friends. We can go now."

The group all pile into the limousine. As they are getting in Jon puts a hand on Tenchi's shoulder and states, "Nice choice. *In a whispered tone* She was the one I was rooting for as well." They finally all get in and the now almost filled limousine takes off down the road.


The limousine was quite fancy, even for an emperor. The seats were all the Juraian equivalent of black leather. There were two vid-screens installed for entertainment purposes. There was even a mini-bar installed in one side of the elegant vehicle. In the back, and farthest from the door was Rick and Guld. In the back left hand corner was Isamu and Myung. Across from them (back right hand corner) was Elly and Jon. Sitting directly next to Jon and opposite of the mini-bar was Danielle and Seif. Finally, Tenchi, Kiyone, and Sasami sat in the back (they were facing forward) and closest to the door. For the most part there was mostly small talk until Elly struck up an interesting conversation.

"So, how did you two meet?" Tenchi and Kiyone looked into each other's eyes with passion as the recollected the events. Kiyone started, "Well how we meet and how we found our love for one another are two different stories, though oddly enough connected through the bumbling actions of my ex-partner Mihoshi." At the thought of Mihoshi, Kiyone cringes slightly.

"You see I used to be a detective in the Galaxy Police. I was a very good officer. I was even ranked top of my class from the academy. Sadly…no I can't say it is too sad because I have enjoyed being with Mihoshi. It is just…frustrating a lot of the time. You see, Mihoshi isn't the smartest person…well not all the time. She does show signs of profound intelligence, but those instances are few and far between. She had gone off to chase a space pirate by the name of Ryoko and disappeared. At first everyone though that she had died, but I was sent to search for her in her last known whereabouts. I eventually got to Earth. I went to her last known position and found the house I had been looking for. As I strolled up I found Tenchi here sweeping the deck. I admit I was attracted to him even then, but I had duties to perform at the time. When I asked about Mihoshi I found her asleep on the wooden deck. To cut a long story short, we were reassigned to Earth as resident officers only leaving the solar system during the Kagato incident on Planet Jurai. [Remember most people who came to live in the original dimension from the Macross dimension learned much about their new home. We will assume that Rick, Myung, Isamu, Guld, and Elly read about it. As for Jon, he is a friend from Seif so Seif himself had already told him the story.] That is how we initially met." The group appeared quite interested in their story, so Tenchi took over and continued on.

[The rest of this stuff is taken from Mugen Tenchi Muyo. If you wrote MTM then I am sorry. I couldn't get in contact with you to get your permission.]

"How we fell in love came later. To understand everything else you must understand the family we live with. At the time this began only my father Nobuyuki, my grand father Katsuhito other wise known as Yosho on planet Jurai, Princess Ayeka, Princess Sasami, their guardians, Ryoko the space pirate, Washu a genius scientist, and myself lived in our obviously large home. Kiyone and Mihoshi lived in the city and stopped by regularly for dinner. It all started when this Muriyaki girl showed up claming to be out running her master. Kiyone and Mihoshi showed up just in time to meet the mysterious man. He came aboard a large space station named Chisako, which had quite the array of weaponry and technology. His name was Kyoto Minamoto. He was ranked on the GP's A-1 class list of criminals. Kyoto was listed only a few steps down from Kain. [Can anyone say the first Tenchi movie?] Well after a while he seemed to fit into our strange little family until he pissed off Ayeka. She then went and called the Juraian fleet to come and destroy him. Unfortunately he had other plans. He took all of our house and us onto his space station and used the princesses to stop the Juraian bombardment until he could make an escape. This is where things get interesting. While we were arguing, Mihoshi found an interest in a control panel on Chisako's bridge. The last thing we heard was `What does this do?' Famous last words, eh? Well somehow she had overloaded the space/time engine and sent us directly to Jurai. This wasn't our Jurai though. When she overloaded us she created a temporal shift in the dimensional wavelength existence…"At this point Tenchi stops as everyone, with the exception of Seif, Danielle, and Jon are lost.

"Ummm…Washu said that essentially she threw us into another dimension. In this dimension the emperor or empress, as is this case, of Jurai was Nagi who we know to be a bounty hunter in our dimension. Her first prince was Kyoto and his wife was Ryoko. Ayeka, Nobuyuki, and Sasami were space pirates. Kiyone was the head of the GP and I was head of the Juraian equivalent of the Secret Service. It also turned out that Kiyone and I were married in this universe, so we had to act the part since we had been picked up by the Juraian fleet and brought `home'. As the evening wore down we went to sleep in `our room' and that is where Kiyone and I confessed our love for one another. It turned out that we were just too caught up in what we were doing and we both feared rejections from the other. Well, I am sure you will hear the rest from Seif here as he has information on the rest of our little trip. Essentially we got married and adopted Sasami and now are ascending the thrown. Mihoshi now has a new partner named Mitsuki. [Ultimate revenge for Kiyone on her stuck up friend from the academy, eh? You remember Mitsuki from Tenchi Universe when Kiyone returned to GP headquarters during the start of the space adventure.] Kyoto is eventually planning on marring Ryoko and opening a restaurant. Well we are here." The limo stops as it pulls up to a fancy looking Juraian restaurant that is all decked out and ready to receive the future emperor and wife along with their famous company.

As they step out of the limo [Now you will remember how they were seated. They sat that way so that the most important people get out first. The military does this as well.] A multitude of waiters as well as the owner of the establishment, who shows them to their table himself, cordially greets them.


The restaurant is a very fancy one with many entrepreneurs seated at the white clothed tables that are lit with candles. In the main dining area there is a giant crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Everyone appears to be dressed in tuxedos or dresses (these being similar to Sasami's and Ayeka's clothing). Tenchi's party seems to be the only exception to this rule. Their group is quickly sat at a large round table in a small, round area off to the side. This area is partially surrounded by window giving the group a lovely view of a sunset on Jurai. They are quickly served wine and appetizers. As the main course comes, another conversation is started that is based on the past of another one of the group.

"The people here are a little stuck up and too political," Tenchi states, "but we still come here for the delicious food. Besides this is the only place that Ayeka ever wants to eat out at." The group lets out a chuckle. "So Jon, how is it that you got into this position?"

Jon coughs a little at the sudden question. "*Clears throat* Well, I guess it started at basic training for the US Air Force. When I first got there I definitely was not the best. I was actually last in my class at the time. As time went on I spent every waking moment, well practically, at studying strategies. So when ever the guys would go out to party with girls and such, I would stay in reading from books and studying the papers given to us. I then started to pick up on some hidden secrets to dog fighting. When you start looking very closely at the basics and the more complex maneuvers you see…similarities. When you look closely enough you see a basic `rule' as I call it." Jon explains.

"So…what is that `rule'?" Kiyone asks. "Ha ha ha! No, I couldn't tell you that. It wouldn't be a secret if I did that. No, you have to earn it. Some people, like Rick down there, it comes to them like an instinct. Isamu, Guld, and I know it as a fact and made it an instinct after looking at it so much." The four aforementioned pilots grin as the same thought raced through their heads.

"Anyway, after figuring this out I rose to top of my class. I easily bested all the students and then beat the instructors with some effort. After basic training I was assigned to a base in a small dusty, but very angry and rich, country of Iraq. Needless to say I had a lot of fun with those guys. It seemed that no matter how much we beat the shit out them the still came back for more. One day a man in a suit was waiting for me when I returned from scaring some enemy pilots back home. He was from the CIA or something like that. He said I have been chosen to lead some squadron out of Edwards AFB. He said it was a new squadron being set up. It turns out that the Air Force was jealous of the Marine's Recon forces, the Navy's Seals teams, the Army's Delta Force teams and Green Berets. So they were making an elite fighter group called Gray Squadron. This was to be an illusive group whispered amongst pilots. We were to be the best on Earth and could deploy anywhere anytime. At first I laughed in his face, but after coming to terms with the truth of his statement I only had one question `Where do I sign?'" In a mere three days I was landing at Edwards and stepping out of my F-22A. There was a small group of pilots gathered near. They had the look about them. I could tell just by the way they stood and laughing as they told stories of flying victories with their hands as the aircraft models. There was an aura about them that screamed confidence. As they noticed me I could tell they saw the same in me. Like any new group we had rough spots right off the bat. Mostly it was a couple of the guys not trusting me and disobeying my orders. One example was a colonel on the team. At the time I was a 1st Lt. He didn't like taking orders from a lower ranking officer. One day we were flying in formation and he wouldn't fall in with us. With a quick loop with a roll I was right behind him. Immediately I shot a short burst of gunfire next to his right wing and he fell in place. He never complained again. I found that to be a useful move whenever I had a higher-ranking officer under my command whom wouldn't listen. Our group laughing called the move the "Hester Maneuver". This also was applied to anyone who doubted my skill and wished to challenge me. We had a good time. There were a few fights we were sent on, but we didn't get much of a chance. A year or so later we were disbanded when the UN was formed. After that my `inability to follow orders' and `recklessness' caused me to be put into the test-piloting program. I guess all my commanders were hoping that I would get myself killed there. Obviously…I didn't. A couple years later after completing a test on the new splitter type missile, I get called into the commanding officer of the base's office. It turns out to be Seif here giving me a shot at flying valkyries. I happily accepted. That brings us to here and now. As for my interest in flying…well that actually started with a videogame long ago. Not even that. It started as a demo for a game called Ace Combat 2. After flying mach 1.5 while barrel rolling between two very close buildings and surviving…I realized that is what I wanted to do. My love for flying was again intensified after watching Macross Plus the Movie. That is pretty much it." By this time the entire group had finished their dinner and desert and was now sipping on their wine as the intently listening to Jon.

"That is an interesting story Mr.…." Jon interrupts Kiyone, "Please, Kiyone just call me Jon." "Ok Jon that was an interesting story."

"I think we better be going now. The fleet may wait for me, but that doesn't mean that they will be happy about it." Tenchi stands while standing.

"Fleet?" Elly seems a bit lost. "Well Elly, Tenchi and Kiyone are having the wedding on Earth so the Juraian Fleet is taking us." Seif answers her question.

The group quickly pays and leaves a hefty tip at the table. They all then pile back into the limo that brought them there.


Not long after a large group of Juraian tree ships pull away from the planet. As they get a good distance from the planet they go into a fold. Jon is slightly disappointed at finding that the Juraians don't have true fold capability. The fold technology they use is known as `Black Hole Fold'. This means that it is much more dangerous and time-consuming. [You have any question on the types of fold and such just e-mail me] After an hour in fold the Juraian ships come out of fold in Earth orbit and a small ship departs to land on the planet. Tenchi and company depart the small ship outside of the Masaki household. They find a small group of people waiting for me. [Needless to say I have deviated slightly from the Mugen Tenchi Muyo story line.] The group consists of Nobuyuki, Mihoshi, Kyoto (who is tall with long green hair and is well built and usually has a smirk or look of confidence on his face), Ryoko (who happens to be hanging on Kyoto's arm), Katsuhito, well you know the rest of the Tenchi group with the exception of a small cabit who is…smoking a cigar!? This turns out to be Chi-ohki and a long time partner-in-crime with Kyoto. This little ohki can also speak. After handshakes and greetings exchanged the group goes inside the Masaki household all the while Sasami is berating her future parents for "Being Naughty and especially with guests around". Needless to say Seif and Jon nearly break down laughing while Tenchi reaches new levels of embarrassment and Kiyone merely laughs along with Seif and Jon. The group spends much of the night laughing at stories and the occasional "Naughty comment" made by Sasami. It is late by the time that the group disperses to catch some sleep. Surprisingly there isn't enough room in the house for everyone so Washu quickly makes some rooms in her separate lab dimension. The only people of the Laviathan that stay inside the house are Jon in one room and Seif and Danielle in another. A slight shock that Elly isn't spending the night with Jon, but she feels it is too early for something like that.

It is now early morning at the Masaki household and the first ones up are Sasami and Ayeka. Sasami has started breakfast and preparing the wedding gown, while Ayeka has found that the uniforms and supplies from the Laviathan had been delivered early that morning. She then starts to distribute the small packages. She starts with Seif, Danielle, and Jon. She walks up to the room Seif and Danielle are in. She slides the door open expecting them to still be asleep and starts speaking before she realizes that they are up [They aren't doing that! You people need to get your heads out of the gutter.] "Mr. Seif I have brought…" She is cut short as a sword is placed to her throat. Seif relaxes and lets the sword down. "I have brought the items that were delivered from your ship." She finishes a little shaky.

"I'm sorry Ayeka. You scared me so I reacted. You know you should really try knocking. Thank you." Ayeka nods slightly and backs out of the room. She closes the door and shakes off her fear. She then proceeds to Jon's door. She once again opens it without knocking, "Mr. Hester your…"She learns her lesson once again as the cold metal of a gun's muzzle is placed to her forehead. Jon realizes who it is and brings down the handgun. "Your…things…from your ship are right here." Ayeka quickly drops the items into Jon's hands shaking slightly and sweating immensely.

"Sorry about that. I don't like it when people sneak up on me. Knocking is a good thing to start doing otherwise you might end up finding Tenchi and Kiyone in a very…compromising position. Try it out." Jon chuckles slightly as a now thoroughly scared Ayeka back out of the room and closes the door. [Some of these next parts will be taken directly from Mugen Tenchi Muyo. For these sections a " " will indicate these parts. Remember I did not write these sections.]

" "The first of the guests arrive about 10:30. Tenchi has just gotten up from the breakfast table when he hears the doorbell ring. He looks at the clock, shrugs, and walks to the door.

He slides the door open to find himself faced with two guardians, one marked with green and the other marked in orange, standing before him. They bow to him and float into the house, swerving around him and cutting in behind. Now standing before him is a beautiful, black-haired woman, dressed in a light blue dress suit and sporting a hairstyle similar to Murasaki's. Her dark brown eyes--Just like my mother's, he muses--are sparkling with humor. Abruptly, he realizes that she is speaking to him.

"Well, young man," she says in an amused voice, "why are you...staring at me?"

Tenchi suppresses the blush and smiles in equal humor. "Sorry about that," he replies, "but I tend to stare when strange women accompanied by floating logs show up on my doorstep. May I ask your name?"

The unidentified lady bows her head, as if to say "Touché." "My name is Funaho. I am the president of the Galaxy Federation." She extends her hand. "My apologies for not being present at your visit to Prime Center, Lord Tenchi."

Tenchi shakes his head. He doesn't know why, but he finds himself liking this woman. "Don't worry about it, Madam President. I'm honored that you came for my wedding."

"To miss the wedding of the new Juraian emperor?" Funaho's voice is rich with amusement. "That is damage my reputation can do without. Besides, I have a personal reason for being here. You see--"

"Tenchi!" It's Katsuhito's voice, coming up behind his grandson. "Aren't you going to show our guest i--" As his eyes fall upon the identity of the guest, his normally implacable calm is visibly disturbed. Finally, he bows his head and says, "Mother."

It is now Tenchi's turn to look disturbed. He looks from Funaho...and back again and back again and...He finally stops himself. The first words to come out of his mouth are, "She's your mother?" Although, he thinks, this explains the dot on her forehead...

Funaho smiles and nods. "Yes, Tenchi, so I am your great-grandmother."

"Tenchi-yon?" Kiyone's voice now. "Tenchi-yon, who--" Her hands fly to her face as she sees the first guest. "Auntie Funaho!" With a delighted, girlish smile on her face, she runs up and hugs Funaho, who returns the hug in full. Neither of them notices that Kiyone is still in her shorts and tank top. "Oh, Auntie Funaho, thank you for coming!"

"I could never miss my favorite goddaughter's wedding," says Funaho.

"Oh, I see…" Tenchi nods in understanding. Kiyone had told him that her mother and the president were good friends. Katsuhito shows Funaho into the house and introduces her around, and then takes her up to the shrine, so they can talk about events in privacy. Tenchi and Kiyone head upstairs to get dressed.

Ryoko is sitting in the living room, going over the guest list with Ayeka. This particular list is extremely long: in addition to Tenchi's friends from Earth and their families, the entire Juraian Supreme Council will be present, along with their families, all of Kiyone and Mihoshi's friends from the Galaxy Police and their families, most of the Galactic High Council and their start to get the idea. Suddenly the doorbell rings for the second time in thirty minutes. Shrugging, she opens the door--

--and finds her swept up in a bonecrushing embrace. Her eyes bug out and she starts clawing at her captor. It's useless. Ryoko doesn't need to breathe, but that doesn't lessen the effects of this killer hug.

The person squeezing Ryoko like a plush Ohki is a tall, fetching lady dressed in a conservative dress who doesn't look too much older than Ryoko herself. Her wide, cherry-colored eyes and long, turquoise hair, just a shade or two darker than Sasami's, highlight her features. And she is blubbering, "Oh Kiyone oh Kiyone I've missed you so much Kiyone!"

Ryoko is desperately but gently trying to extricate herself from this woman's grasp. "Uh, lady, I'm not Kiyone..." This prove no good, so after several seconds of rational pleading she finally shouts, "I'm not Kiyone!"

The woman, her eyes shut in bliss, suddenly goes rigid. Her eyes snap open, and she pulls away from Ryoko, regarding her carefully. Satisfied that she has made herself clear, Ryoko begins, "My name is Ry--"

"You've changed so much, Kiyone!" wails the woman, causing Ryoko to facefault. Without warning she grabs Ryoko by the hair and starts sobbing. "Your hair! It used to be so soft and pretty; now you've dyed it, and it's all hard and pointy!" She yanks Ryoko up to eye level and abruptly grabs her cheeks, pulling them apart till the ex-pirate's eyes narrow into thin lines. "And your eyes! They look so mean and vicious!"

Ryoko has had enough. She tears herself away from the woman and screams, "My eyes are none of your business!"

Instead of alerting the woman to the fact that there's something wrong, it merely makes her go into full-bore mother mode. Her eyes switching to "my poor baby"-setting, she hugs Ryoko again. "I'm sorry, Kiyone," she whispers. "My poor, poor Kiyone. Life in the Galaxy Police must have been very, very tough for you. I just hope this love hasn't come too late..."
Ryoko has almost given up. Weakly, she croaks, " I said...I'm not Kiyone..." Idly, she wonders where Ayeka has gone. I hope she went to get Kiyone...

Ayeka has indeed gone to get Kiyone and Tenchi, who are now dressed in casual clothes and watching from the top of the stairs. Mrs. Masaki has a frightened look on her face. "Oh, no," she whimpers.

"Who is it, Kiyone-yoni?" asks Tenchi, giving his wife a hug.

"My mother, Misaki."

Tenchi now looks a little apprehensive. "She's your mother?!"

Kiyone nods. Right then and there, they resolve to visit only a few times a year.

Ayeka is looking down the stairs in concern. "Shouldn't we get down there? It looks like Ryoko's about to pass out!"

Tenchi looks pleadingly at his beloved. After a long moment, Kiyone sighs and starts down the stairs, Tenchi and Ayeka right behind.

The woman is still smothering Ryoko, who has ceased struggling for her own good, when she sees a familiar figure coming down the stairs. The hair is still the same color, if a bit longer, the sapphire eyes are sparkling with happiness, and the clincher--the omnipresent red-orange headband--is wrapped snugly around her forehead. The woman looks at this girl, and at the one she is clutching, and drops the girl she is holding. Or, rather, flings the girl into the nearest wall. (Tenchi and Ayeka wince in sympathy, and Ayeka rushes up to help her friend to her feet.)

For her part, the new guest is looking almost entranced by the girl's entrance. "Kiyone?" She gets a very motherly expression on her face. "Is that my little Kiyone?"

Kiyone appreciates the displays of affection by her mother, but believes that she stopped acknowledging her growth when she turned fourteen. Well, maybe it'll work this time... A genuine smile on her face, she says, "Mom! It's so good to see you again!"

Her mother gets a quizzical expression on her face.

"Ah heh heh heh..." Kiyone's eyes start pleading.

Now her mother's eyes are radiating a dangerous anger, looking much like a vampire's eyes.

Kiyone gives up. Tenchi-yon, you know what I have to do, don't you?

I know, Kiyone-yoni, he reassures her. Go right ahead.

All right... Kiyone lets her face fall into a little girl's expression and calls out in her very best eight-year-old's voice, "My Mommy!"

Ayeka and Ryoko's jaws hit the floor at the same time. Tenchi is wearing an impassive expression on his face, looking very much like his grandfather.

Misaki looks delighted. "My little Kiyone!"

"Oh Mommy!" Kiyone scuttles forward and throws herself into her mother's arms. The detached part of her mind notes with dry satisfaction that she almost knocks her over.

Tenchi watches this with a small smile. He is a discreet and loving enough husband to conveniently forget he ever saw Kiyone do this.

Ryoko, however, is not so tactful. Any animosity she might have harbored towards Kiyone for getting Tenchi has long since died, and she is more than happy with her Kyoto. Still, this is too good an opportunity for teasing to pass up. "S-sh-she," she stutters merrily, "sh-she's calling her....mommy!"

The laugh, however, dies stillborn on her lips as Kiyone's mother is in front of her, her face looking eerily like a vampire. Ryoko abruptly finds herself being lifted off the ground, the older woman's hands clutching her shoulders and shaking her like a little doll. In a voice like the grave, she says, "Nobody mocks my little Kiyone. Are you understanding me?"

"" Through the haze of pain, Ryoko can see Kiyone scribbling something on a sheet of paper and holding it up. She can also see Kiyone mouthing the words "Read it out loud."

"Uhhh...I'm...sorry...pretty...young...lady...?" she manages.

The look of anger vanishes from Misaki's face, and is replaced by a placid one. "Oh. That's much better." The motherly look returns. "Come to me!" She pulls Ryoko into an embrace again. The space pirate is too weak to resist.

"Mi-ya! Mi-ya!" Kiyone's attention switches from her mother smothering the unfortunate Ryoko--again--to the teal Ohki--in fact, the same shade as her hair--scampering through the door. An "oh, how sweet"-expression on her face, she drops to one knee and holds out her arms. "Chana-ohki!"

"Mi-ya!" The Ohki happily catapults herself into Kiyone's arms. After nuzzling her owner for a moment, she climbs onto Kiyone's head, settles herself into the thick, lush mane of teal, and disappears. Kiyone smiles at Tenchi. "Tenchi-yon, meet Chana-ohki. She's--" She feels around the top of her head for a moment. "Well, she's somewhere up there." In agreement, a muffled mi-ya sounds from atop Kiyone's head.

Sasami rushes into the living room. "Did I just hear an Ohki?"

In response, Chana-ohki surfaces from Kiyone's hair, and climbs onto her shoulder. Sasami looks up in delight. "Mommy, another Ohki?"

Kiyone nods and gently strokes Chana-ohki's back. "That's right, Sami-cha'ya. This is Chana-ohki."

Chana-ohki looks down at Sasami for a minute, mi-yas in approval, and hops down onto Sasami's head. Needless to say, the young princess has no objections.

Tenchi is chuckling when Misaki suddenly appears in front of him. Startled, he takes an involuntary step (or five) back.

Misaki looks approvingly at him. "Well, well, well, now. You must be Tenchi."

Before Tenchi can think of a response, she has him in a bonecrushing hug. "Thank you for taking such good care of my Kiyone!" she sobs blissfully. "Where's your mother? I want to thank her for raising such a wonderful young man!"

"Well..." Tenchi, having watched Kiyone and Ryoko, is forgoing any resistance whatsoever, and is merely waiting for it to end. "My mother...passed away a long time ago."

"Ohhh..." Misaki's countenance shifts again, now wearing the "my poor baby" look again. The hug tightens, causing Tenchi to nearly pass out. "Poor baby! Well, don't worry. I'll be your mother! Call me mommy!"

What can you say to that? Tenchi tries, "T-th-thank you, Mrs. Makibi--"

"Call me mommy!" The hug tightens slightly.


"Mommy!" Tenchi does not so much hear this as he does feel it, like an earthquake.

Fine, I give up. "Mommy." He immediately feels color and air returning, and Kiyone rushes forward to catch him.

The next few hours pass swiftly. The rest of the guests arrive, dressed in their best (yes, that includes the Nerima gang. We even see Ryoga and Ukyo dressed up; she in a beautiful red kimono, he in a dapper black suit--but still with the bandanna. Oh, well...) The offworlders arrive to, and as the young and adorable princesses--with Ohkis on their shoulders, of course--come into view, the single men present start to lament, "Oh, god, if only they were just a little older..."

Nobuyuki takes Misaki on a personal tour of the grounds. They find that they have much in common--both of them being widowers--and they make plans to get together for coffee or something sometime after the wedding.

Katsuhito and Funaho spend some time catching up on the others' lives. Katsuhito is more than a little surprised to see that his mother, once an empress of Jurai, sits in the President's Office on Prime Center (this had happened after he left Jurai). For her part, Funaho is bemused at her son settling down as a shrine priest on a backwater world--but glad that her great-grandson is taking the throne--and that he and his bride have demonstrated the ability to project Light Hawk Wings.

(She is also glad that her son has dropped his disguise as an old man for her. The Fountain of Life*--one of the powers of Jurai, a water, flowing from Tsunami, that slows down the aging process to the point where a person ages only one year for every thousand lived--would keep him alive for many centuries, and the old man's appearance he projects is merely a shell to hide the young Yosho--who, in reality, looks almost exactly like he did in his "youth.")

Another surprise is that Hideki Kuramitsu, Director General of the Galaxy Mihoshi's grandfather. Kiyone, of course, already knew this...and more. "You see," she explains to a shocked Tenchi and Ryoko, "Mihoshi is a member of a noble Megamian with close ties to the Royal Family. I've known her our entire lives. So, in effect...she's a princess too!" To Ryoko, this explains why Mihoshi has been able to last in the Galaxy Police. " "

Now the group from the Laviathan starts to appear and are introduced all around. Even Seif barely survives the diaphragm collapsing hugs from Misaki. Jon comes out a considerable time after everyone else. He has intended to look his absolute best. When he emerges at the top of the stairs nearly everyone at the party goes silent like they had just seen the bride. Jon's shoes are shining like mirrors and well overall looks like the perfect model for the military. Though that is not the only reason they went silent. It was the rumors of his skill. To hear of an Earthling with such skill is well unheard of. It is mostly of the sharp uniform though. Seif intends to see how good Jon did. "I lost…big time." Rick muttered. As he noticed his daughter's confused expression he explains that he and Jon had a bet that he could look better in uniform. Elly merely chuckles at the joke now. Jon is now also wearing a saber at his left side and a cape like cloth pinned to his left shoulder. He also has gold agulets hanging on the outside of his cape thingy. [An agulet is a rope like decoration worn on military uniform. It is pronounced ag(sounding like gag)-U-let(like the word) ag-U-let]

"Attention!" Barks Seif to Jon. Jon snaps his arms to his side, head up slightly, and eyes ahead. Seif tests his bearing by waving his hand in Jon's face and the pretends to punch him. Jon doesn't make a move. Seif smirks, "Lt.! Present your saber!" Jon makes 5 moves and the sword's handle is toward Seif. He takes it from Jon's hand and examines it. He looks at the shine and then looks down the length ensuring its straightness. He then slashes it through the air a few times and rubs his finger along the sharp end. The only reason blood isn't drawn is because of Seif inherently tough skin. He nods in approval and returns it to Jon's hands "Order Arms." Jon then reverses his last actions and replaces the sword. Jon then snaps back into attention. "Present sidearm!". Again Jon methodically removes his handgun, ensures the safety is on, ejects clip, pulls back on the top of the gun for inspection, and holds it out for Seif's inspection. Seif takes the weapon from Jon's hand and looks down the barrel for any sign of dirt. After discovering a well cleaned and oiled barrel he takes the strange look clip. [Remember that the handgun is energy supplied.] After determining its cleanliness Seif slaps it into the bottom the handgun and clicks the gun loaded. He then returns it to Jon's hand. "Order Arms!". Jon quickly returns the gun to his holster and snaps back to attention. "As you were officer." Jon relaxes smiling. He doesn't have time to react as he is swept into a literally crushing hug from Misaki. After being released his mingles with the large group of guests.

" "Finally, the time for the ceremony has arrived. Both bride and groom have been dressed in separate rooms, despite their protests. Now they emerge, dressed very much like they were for the initial meeting with the Juraian Supreme Council. The only difference this time is that Kiyone has a GP dress jacket draped across her shoulders, and a Megamian princess' cloak over the jacket.

Tenchi and Kiyone meet in the living room, join hands, and are conducted out of the house and onto the lawn. The guests--all god-only-knows-how-many thousands--are crowded together--after the front ten rows, it's SRO. Smiling at each other again, they break away from one another and head for the two rows of warriors with weapons raised and crossed--Juraian warriors for Tenchi, and GP officers for Kiyone. These two columns funnel down into one, like the two prongs of a "Y" funnel down into the single support, and the bride and groom join hands once more as they meet at the junction.

The column they travel down now is made up of both GPs and Juraian knights. First, there is a pair of GPs with ceremonial swords drawn and crossed in the air over the bride and groom's heads, and then a pair of Juraian knights with their fighting staffs crossed likewise, and so on and so on. " " Second pair to the last is Seif and Jon with their swords crossed. As Tenchi and Kiyone reach them Jon and Seif lower their swords stopping them for a moment. "Tenchi you better be good to her or you will answer to me." Tenchi smiles and nods and the swords are once again raised. Tenchi and Kiyone continue on. " "At the end, making the last crossed pair, are Azaka and Kamidake, in their roles as the Commanders of the Royal Bodyguard.

Past them, ahead of Tenchi and Kiyone, are several clusters of people. To the right are Keiichi, Makoto, Ryoga, Ranma, and Sagami--the five best men. To the left are Mihoshi, Mitsuki, Nanami, Belldandy, and Ryoko--the five maids of honor. In the center, standing behind a portable altar, is Katsuhito, in full priestly regalia. He has a calm expression on his face, and he nods as the couple, still hand-in-hand, comes to a stop before his altar.

"Tenchi Masaki," he intones, "who is this woman you bring before me?"

Tenchi bows his head slightly. "Honored elder, this is Kiyone Makibi, the woman I love."

"Do you vow to love her with all of your heart, forsaking all other passions, until the day of your death?"

Tenchi doesn't even need to think about it. "Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise to put her needs and desires above and before your own, to defend her with your very life?"

"Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise, before the eyes of all gathered here today, to be a gentle and loving husband, a faithful and generous husband, a nurturing and supportive husband, until death takes you?"

"Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise to do and be the same as a father for any children that may come of this union?"

Tenchi inwardly rolls his eyes. He wouldn't be standing here if he didn't intend to. "Yes, honored elder. I do."

Katsuhito nods, satisfied. He shifts his attention to Kiyone. "Kiyone Makibi, who is this man you bring before me?"

Kiyone mimics Tenchi's slight bow. "Honored elder, this is Tenchi Masaki, the man I love."

"Do you vow to love him with all of your heart, forsaking all other passions, until the day of your death?"

As Tenchi before her, Kiyone has no need to hesitate. "Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise to put his needs and desires above and before your own, to defend him with your very life?"

"Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise, before the eyes of all gathered here today, to be a gentle and loving wife, a faithful and generous wife, a nurturing and supportive wife, until death takes you?"

Come on already! Let's get to the kissing part! Kiyone thinks fiercely. She says aloud, "Yes, honored elder. I do."

"Do you promise to do and be the same as a mother for any children that may come of this union?"

"Yes, honored elder. I do." " "

Katsuhito then looks to the crowd. "Is there anyone here to day that wishes to speak before these two are to be married?" Unexpectedly a "Yes." Comes from the audience. Everyone turns to see Seif standing.

"I have something to say. Don't worry. I do not wish to stop this marriage. I would like to deliver a message from the UC and myself. Tenchi the council would like you to know that they bless this marriage and hope for its future. They would also like to say that they back you as emperor of Jurai and you may rely upon them if you ever need assistance." Seif again takes his seat and the large group is left speechless for the council has never supported any emperor of Jurai like this before. Katsuhito clears his throat and continues on.

" "Katsuhito nods once again in satisfaction. He motions for the two to let go of each other's hands, then produces a saucer of saké and hands it to Tenchi. Instead of sipping from it, however, he smiles at Kiyone and offers it to her. Ignoring the surprise from the rest of the onlookers, Kiyone accepts the saucer and takes a sip. She then hands it back to Tenchi, who returns her bright smile and sips from the very place her lips had touched. The saucer is replaced on the table, and Tenchi takes Kiyone in his arms--not very traditional, but appropriate nonetheless.

Katsuhito clears his throat. "By these words spoken, and your actions, you have proven yourselves worthy of spending your lives together. As the elder presiding over this ceremony, I pronounce you husband and wife. While it is not required, it is customary to ki--" He sees that Tenchi has already beaten him to the punch. He and Kiyone are locked in a passionate embrace and are kissing as if the other's mouth were air. The crowd cheers, and Katsuhito allows himself a small smile.

He has to hold that smile for the next five minutes, for it appears that Tenchi and Kiyone are just fine with using each other as breathing apparatus. Finally, they break apart, breathing heavily. Katsuhito then remembers something.

"The rings!"

Fortunately, in a Juraian ceremony--such as this--the rings are exchanged after the vows and kisses. Mihoshi and Keiichi step forward, each one holding a small, velvet-lined box. Tenchi removes the 24K gold ring with diamond solitaire from Keiichi's box, while Kiyone does the same with the plain gold ring in Mihoshi's box. The rings slide onto the ring fingers easily, and Tenchi and Kiyone Masaki--now officially so--turn, still hand-in-hand, to face the crowd of guests.

Katsuhito steps out from behind the altar, stands behind the bride and groom, and places a hand on each one's shoulder. Speaking into a small, collar-mounted mike, he declares, "All that are present, know that Tenchi Masaki and Kiyone Makibi are husband and wife, pledged to each other for the rest of time. You are all witnesses to this holy act. This matter is settled." He releases Tenchi and Kiyone's shoulders.

"All right Tenchi!" yells one of his kendo club compatriots. A cheer rises from the guests yet again, occasionally by faint sobs from the girls of Shinonome High.

The reception starts almost immediately. Sasami, Belldandy, Nanami, and Kasumi were kind enough to prepare the refreshment, and six large buffet tables--Belldandy and Kasumi would later apologize, much to Tenchi and Kiyone's shock, for only producing six tables' worth of food--hold the results of their toil.

Of more immediate interest is the makeshift stage--complete with...that's right, you guessed it, a karaoke machine--and dance floor. The second the ceremony ended, Kiyone pulled Tenchi onto the floor with her (not that he was protesting by any means). The poor groom spends most of the reception graciously giving dances to any girl who wants one--and since it's Tenchi, one must literally take a number. Finally, he catches Sagami's eye, who nods and taps Mihoshi on the shoulder and whispers in her ear. She looks blank for a moment, but her eyes suddenly widen with remembrance. She and Sagami move toward the stage.

Tenchi gives them ten minutes, then breaks away from his partner, with a promise for a later dance, and climbs onto the stage. Ranma immediately starts yelling "Speech! Speech!", and the crowd joins in. Tenchi smiles and raises his hands for silence. The crowd goes silent. He picks up the mike. "I'd like to thank you all for coming. This has been a very special day for Kiyone and I, and all of you helped make that possible."

The crowd starts cheering again, and he holds up his hand, causing them to lapse back into silence. "About six weeks ago, I noticed all the RSVPs and letters coming in, and all the promises of wedding presents. Don't worry, I'm not trying to hit you up for more." Laughter. "Anyway, I started trying to think about what I could give Kiyone. Now, I can give her anything she wants--and I have every intention of doing so--but I thought this occasion called for something more personal, something that came from my heart instead of my wallet. And this is what I came up with."

He holds up a stapled-together stack of papers with musical notes and bars on them. The crowd is surprised--but not too surprised.

Tenchi notes that Kiyone is standing in the very front of the crowd, and that she is smiling up at him. He returns it. "I had a lot of help with this--my dad and Washu, who handle a piano better than I ever could--but the words are mine, and they come from the very core of my being. He looks back at Sagami and Mihoshi, who are smiling reassuringly at him. Both of them are holding cordless mikes.

"And so, this is my gift to you, Kiyone-yoni, the first of many." Kiyone's face is the only one that Tenchi sees. "It's called `Ring of Love.'" He replaces the mike and hops off the stage. Offering his hand to Kiyone, he asks, "May I have this dance?"

The look she gives him in response could teach Kasumi or Belldandy something about being sweet. He draws her into his arms, and she rests her head on his shoulder. The music--a piano, backed by the faint sounds of an electric guitar and a snare drum--starts to play, and Sagami and Mihoshi step forward. They start to sing*:

I was such a fool, just standin' there, watchin' you
Oh, so many times I wanted to take you in my arms
But I never knew how...

You weren't the only one holding your feelings in
Watching all the girls around, I started thinkin',
"How could I compare with them?"; I saw no hope in sight

I'm sorry, shoulda said something before...

...Don't worry, it's all right

But at least we're here now, it don't matter how

Hold me close through the night...

Whenever you get lost, can't find your way home
Just call out my name, and I'll come running to find you
Never gonna let you down
When the rain starts to pour, I'll be there to cover you
Keep you safe and warm, I'll wrap you up inside my arms
Hold you tight in our ring of love

I'd given up on love so long ago
When I met you, I tried to run away
My heart was intent on betraying me

Very soon, Kiyone and Tenchi are not the only couple slow-dancing on the makeshift dance floor. Even the singles have grabbed the hand of whoever's handy and pulled them up.

There never was anyone else that I wanted
From the moment you walked into view
My heart was yours, and the offer still stands

And it's like a cool wind in summertime...

It's like a fire in wintertime...

And I want you for all time, whoa-ho-whoa

Whenever you get lost, can't find your way home
Just call out my name, and I'll come running to find you
Never gonna let you down
When the rain starts to pour, I'll be there to cover you
Keep you safe and warm, I'll wrap you up inside my arms
Hold you tight in our ring of love

And we stand here now, making our vows

Never gonna leave your side...

And we'll say "I do"...

I promise to, I'll take you as my bride...

Whenever you get lost, can't find your way home
Just call out my name, and I'll come running to find you
Never gonna let you down
When the rain starts to pour, I'll be there to cover you
Keep you safe and warm, I'll wrap you up inside my arms
Hold you tight in our ring of love

Whenever you get lost, can't find your way home
Just call out my name, and I'll come running to find you
Never gonna let you down
When the rain starts to pour, I'll be there to cover you
Keep you safe and warm, I'll wrap you up inside my arms
Hold you tight in our ring of love

When there's no where to go, when there's nothing to know
Reach out your hand, I'll lead you back home, I swear I will
I'll never let you fall
You know where to find me, standing right beside you
This love is forever, I'm here for good, just wait and see
I'll wrap you up in our ring of love...

I'll hold you tight in our ring of love.

As the music dies down and the couples slowly stop dancing, the silence is replaced by applause. Tenchi whispers in Kiyone's ear, "I love you."

She gives him a loving smile. "I love you too." She then gently pulls away from him and winks. "I have a gift for you too. Sami-cha'ya?'

Sasami, with Ryo-ohki on one shoulder and Chana-ohki on the other, appears. "Yes, Mommy?"

"Keep your father company." Kiyone winks at her adopted daughter. "Now, don't you two be naughty!" She climbs onto the stage and takes the mike from Mihoshi. "Thank you, Mihoshi, Sagami, a wonderful job. Wouldn't you so say, folks?" The crowd cheers once again. "I'm afraid, however, that Tenchi isn't the only one that wrote a song--with the help of his father and Washu, of course--for this wedding." Her eyes lock onto Tenchi's, and those around can feel the love passing between these two. After a moment, Kiyone resumes speaking. "My gift to you, on our wedding day, Tenchi-yon. This song. It's called `Forevermore*.'" The music--this time, a soft piano, backed with a synth drum--begins to play:

Feel the wind, feel the sun
And our new day in paradise has only begun
On the sand, by the sea
It's a peaceful oasis made for you and for me
Take my hand...

This place was always waiting, this beauty all around us
The air intoxicating, just like the love that found us
Let's forget who we've been, and give in to the dream
Maybe life is a song, that's how it seems...

And forevermore we'll hear the music play
Yes forevermore I'll take you in my arms this way
And forevermore we'll know the melody
We will sing forevermore, just like the peaceful sea

Once again, the dance floor is packed with dancing couples. This includes Nobuyuki and Misaki. For Misaki, this dredges up memories of her beloved Ryoji, dead fifteen years this fall. How he would have loved to see this day, she muses.

Achika is never far from Nobuyuki's thoughts, and he sends a silent thought to heaven. I hope you're watching this, love.

Past the clouds, past the sky
We can only imagine what great mysteries lie
Other moons, other stars
Close your eyes and together we'll go wandering far
Take my hand...
This miracle's undying, it never will forsake us
We'll always keep on flying, wherever love may take us
Let's forget who we've been, and give in to the dream
Maybe life is a song, that's how it seems...

And forevermore we'll hear the music play
Yes forevermore I'll take you in my arms this way
And forevermore we'll know the melody
We will sing forevermore, just like the peaceful sea

Normally, the song would repeat the chorus one last time, but as she was finishing, Kiyone's eyes caught Tenchi's. Letting the last strains play out, she hops off the stage and into his arms.

The coronation takes place on Jurai that evening. All the guests from the wedding--after all, enough of them have strange enough lives so that they won't breathe a word of this to anyone--are present, and, as at the wedding, this is a media frenzy. In fact, Tenchi is so worried about things getting out of hand that he almost doesn't notice that he and Kiyone have been crowned. One thing he is fully aware of, however, is the assigning of his and Kiyone's tree-ships. The process begins by taking their swords and nicking their wrists, just enough to draw blood, and dripping the blood into a small pitcher of water from the Fountain of Life. This water is then poured on the roots of two small saplings, looking a little like Ryu-oh's sapling(that is, one sapling for Kiyone, and one for Tenchi). The blood and the water of the Fountain of Life combine to unlock the saplings' conversion capabilities. And so, the trees demonstrate.

Tenchi's ship looks like a giant-sized Ryu-oh, with the addition of a long, amethyst crystal bow that is slightly up-hooked at the end. Also, there are four equidistantly placed "wings" on the main body that look very much like Light Hawk Wings. The name he gives it is far from surprising: Kiyone.

Kiyone's looks like a slightly smaller, more streamlined version of the ship that is her namesake, with several long fins placed dorsally and ventrally. The color scheme is like that of Sasami's old tree-ship. This ship's name? Tenchi, natch. " "

Just before Tenchi and Kiyone are swept away to…consummate the marriage, they are pulled aside to Seif and the group from the Laviathan. There is a quick congratulations and apologies for having to leave. There are a few promises made as well. "If you EVER need a pilot to fly…what ever. Call me. I can fly virtually everything and fly it well. Remember that." Seif makes his turn. "Remember what I spoke about the council. Trust me…you will take me up on this offer. So long good friend." With that the group departs. They are taken by limo to the UC ship that brought them here. The 99 is once again perched on top. The now very tired group is taken back to the Laviathan. [Hope that I didn't butcher that MTM thing too much.]


Somewhere in the universe a group meets for the first time in many millennia. They are an odd group of creatures from many planets and civilizations. They sit around a large round table in a very dark room. In the center of the table is a glowing, blue ball that projects 4 holographic screens in the center for each side of the round table. They carry with them an air of hostility and darkness. Once the entire group is settled in their seats a large bluish creature begins. [Ok, since I am the author I am allowing you as the reader to understand these creatures. Normally, if you were in this room and did not have anything to translate with then you would never understand them. I need this to push the story along, so I am translating for you.]

In his deep voice, "Why? After all this time of separation. Why have reconvened?" Another creature, which is small in stature and has green scaly skin, seems quite irritated by his comrade's ignorance, "Obviously you have had your eyes shut, ears plugged and been hiding under a rock!" The lizard like creature states in his raspy voice.

Yet another being enters the conversation. This one is cloaked in black and his face is hidden. His voice is a calm and deep one with just a touch of a British accent, "Please, we must bicker amongst ourselves. When we break the council will win. We have come together again because the council has some new weapons. These weapons are very advanced and will be very hard to beat. After conferencing with most of our other members, it is decided that we will need to work together." The cloaked one looks to a tall humanoid with a large forehead and glasses.

He resembles a human greatly, but is not. He speaks in an entirely British accent. "Yes, let us start off with the *clears throat* larger of our problems. This *an image of the Laviathan appears in the center holo-screens* is the U.N.S.S. Laviathan. Let us start with the weapons systems. The outer skin of the ship is almost literally covered in weapons ranging from railguns, beam cannons, rocket pods, and gattling guns. All of these weapons are energy fed so there is no shortage of ammunition. They appear to be computer controlled because their accuracy and reaction time as well as their coordinated movements are too good for any living creature. Next, when the ship opens up like so *the holo-screen shows the Laviathan opening up its man gun* it reveals its main gun. This cannon is a type 20 energy cannon." There is unrest in the group about the latest statement.

A large brown creature with a very deep voice stands up, "Type 20! You are telling me that ship has the ability to destroy a planet the size Narak! Impossible!" The group seems to agree with the big oaf.

The humanoid continues, "Unfortunately…yes. That is not the only problem. It appears that the cannon can be fired quickly and many times. Now, the ship is also carrying anywhere from 50,000 to 200,000 mecha. These mecha appear to be very fast, but having little armor. That flaw is made up with the pilot's abilities. Do not take their size, firepower, or armor lightly. I will return to a certain mecha on this ship later in my presentation. Next, the propulsion systems are state of the art. The ship had 9 energy driven reactor engines. The ship has the ability to move to hyperspace and subspace with no gate. It also has the ability to perform a perfect fold and switch dimensions by choice. This ship has full capabilities in movement. It also has many verniers on its outer skin, which make the ship surprisingly maneuverable. Now, the armor, as far as we gather, is 50 or more layers of alternating energy and solid armor. We cannot find anything else out on this subject. A General Rick Hunter, a man from the Macross Dimension captains the ship, and he has show great ability in doing this. Seif and Danielle are also on this ship. There are a number of excellent mecha pilots on this ship. We will return to one in particular later. Our next order of business is this new mech. It is the VF-99 Katana. It, like all the other mecha onboard the Laviathan is of Valkyrie design. We know little to nothing on this mech. There are three of them on the ship. They are extremely fast and strong for their size. There is no visible cockpit, but we suspect it is here in the nose. That is literally all we know about this craft, besides the pilots that is. Two of the pilots of the 99 are from the Macross Dimension. Their names are Isamu Alva Dyson and Guld Goa Bowman. They are ranked as some of the best mecha pilots to live. The third was a shocker. His name is Jonathan Hester. The surprising thing is that he is of Earth and this dimension. This man is a danger. His skills in the cockpit are near perfection. Do not face this man alone. He will win. This man beat Zafra in his first real battle. Arming this man with one of the fastest and agile mechs in the universe just makes him a weapon of mass destruction. He is a good friend with Seif, so assassinating him would be a bad idea unless we want Seif's wrath upon you. Best bet would be to send an army against just him and defeating him in battle. The only other thing about these things is that they have full backing by the council. Other than that we no nothing more." The humanoid takes a seat.

The short, green creature stands, "My apologies, but my people are already in motion to defeat the Laviathan in a…non-direct way. The only help we may need is that they be weakened." The cloaked one ponders on this. Very well, I know a race that may be able to weaken them as well as test their response capabilities. I will send for them."

A new creature with a crystal like substance for hair and a strange symbol imprinted on his chest plate stands. "My team will test the strength of this Lt. Hester and his little toy. If he is anything less than perfect then he will die. We will also try to get him to join us. We will lay a trap so that only he will be fighting."

The cloaked on turns once again to the humanoid, "One last thing. How is the project proceeding?" The humanoid smirks, "We have hit some rough spots recently, but we are still on schedule. If all works out, Seif will be dead within the next 10,000 years along with his little hoar." The group exits the room in maniacal laughter.


Rick stands on the bridge of the Laviathan waiting to be informed that they are prepared to go. An officer turns in his chair to the General, "Sir, all loading has been completed and all system checks have been completed for the third time. We are ready to go."

"Very well, pull away from space dock and proceed to next way point." The citizens of the ship now try to settle down in their new home planet. Everyone is enjoying himself or herself on the ship and overall is happy. Unbeknownst to citizens and military onboard the ship, a dark cloud looms above them as a sinister group plots their fate. Even Seif himself is unaware of the danger ahead.


A vid-screen is hovering in the air inside the Supreme Council chamber. The man on the screen has just finished speaking. A female voice, "This is not good." Rengo's voice comes, "So…after all this time they have reconvened. This is definitely not good…what are you planning? (a rhetorical question). Thank you, continue on with your duties." The man on the screen salutes and the screen disappear. "No, not good at all."


Next episode: Fierce battles rage. An explosion and death causes Jon's judgement to be questioned deeply by the UC. Christmas time on the Laviathan! All in the next episode of Jisedai Macross: "A Christmas to Remember". Till next time…so long.

A/N: So what did you think? Was it good or horrible? I need opinions. Either e-mail them to me at or review it here at the site. I need feedback.