Macross Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot) ❯ The First Date ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot)
: Macross Frontier
Couple: Alto/Ranka
Summary: Ranka's life was as normal as could be on Frontier, until she met Saotome Alto.  Time passes and she falls in love, but will this be a blessing or the end of Frontier altogether?  AU.
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure/Horror/Drama
Rating: R (does NOT apply to ALL chapters)
Warnings: sexual situations, violence, blood, gore, and language.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Macross Frontier, it belongs to Shôji Kawamori. This is purely fanmade for entertainment purposes only.

Music: All songs inserted with the exception of Aimo, the Nyan-Nyan commercial, and Sheryl's songs are written by me.

~...~ = singing


Chapter Four: The First Date
(Special “Blu-Ray” release!)
A few days passed after the kiss in which were very awkward for Alto and Ranka, whom still had the memory of said action in their minds.  For Ranka, she was still unsure about Alto’s feelings for her or if they’d been affected by the show of affection between them.  For Alto, he was frightened of getting deeper, as she seemed very cautious of intimacy.  But when he called in sick to school, Nanase dared to approach her friend.

She – along with Luca and Michael – had kept their distance for the sake of their bonding.  She approached her friend at lunch and took a seat beside her.  Luckily, Sheryl was also absent.  She looked at her worried friend with a small smile.  Even now, Ranka was worrying about his condition.  “I was asked out on a date,” she admitted.

This caused her friend’s head to shoot up in shock.  Then the happiness flooded in.  “That’s great!”  Then it became confused, “by who?” she asked.

She blushed thickly and tapped her index fingers together shyly.  “I didn’t expect him to.”  She looked up at the sky with a longing look on her face.  It had been a while since she felt this happy.  “But Saotome-kun inspired him to ask me out.”  She looked at her friend with shining glasses, “Luca-kun asked me out.”

“He asked you out?” she shot up with amazement.  But as she scanned over those words, she understood.  When Alto had asked her out, Luca must’ve gained courage from him, as girls had told her all week that he often avoided girls, yet he had asked her out.  A smile was on her face.  “That’s great.”

Nanase looked at her with hope, “you think so?”

She nodded swiftly, “yes!”  She jumped up and down; pulling out a plane cookie that was painted with brands of the VF-25F Alto had used to rescue her in icing.  She pretended to fly it, making plane sounds, “you can fly too!” she quoted her boyfriend’s words with a happy smile.  She turned and ate the cookie.  “I believe that we both can fly with our love, Nana-chan.”

A smile lit her face at this.  She stood and gripped her friend’s hands with inspiration.  “Thank you, Ranka-san.”

With a warm smile, she nodded.  “You’re welcome.”

Nanase immediately remembered the reason she had approached her friend at lunch.  Reaching into her bag, she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Ranka.  “This is Saotome-kun’s apartment number.”  At the shock written on her friend’s face, she smiled.  “Please go visit him.”

Ranka nodded shyly before picking up the phone to call him.  When she got his answering machine, she frowned.  “He usually answers.”  She decided to take a different approach then.  She managed to get through to this person.  “Michael-kun,” she spoke into the speaker, “is Alto-kun there or at home?”

{Ozma sent him home,} Michael mentioned into the speaker.  But he caught his words quickly.  {Ozma was making sure he didn’t push himself too much.  He looked sick.}

At this, worry hit her.  He hadn’t answered his phone and he was home according to Michael.  It wasn’t like Alto not to answer her calls.  “Thank you, Michael-kun.”  She hung up before he could reply.  She stood and left school without permission or warning Nanase.

Said girl just stared at the rushing girl leaving to find her boyfriend with a smile.

Outside the school parameter, Sheryl Nome prepared to enter when she saw her nemesis rush past her.  Her form turned to find Ranka in a hurry to somewhere.  A small smirk played on her lips.  “What’s the rush for, Ranka-chan?” she asked herself.


They’d walked home together many times but he’d never invited her over to his place once.  But she found his apartment without much trouble.  She wanted to see him and assess the damage for herself instead of taking others words instead.  He was her boyfriend.  This was her duty and no one else’s.

The first knock came with no answer.  It was odd to her.  He shouldn’t be anywhere but at home unless he went to the hospital.  However, Michael had assured her that Ozma had sent him home.  She looked around the door for a way in.  A glittering object above the door caught her attention.  Reaching her hand up to the frame, she felt a small metal object – a spare key.  She used it to enter the house.  One more knock alerted him of her presence more than her calling out to him, “Alto-kun?”

“R… Ranka…?” his husky voice answered, though slightly slurred.  “Is… that you?” he asked weakly.

She walked through the house in search of the source of his voice.  Finally, she found him on the bed in his bedroom.  His hazed eyes stared up at her with no true focus.  She blushed slightly upon realizing he was naked underneath the covers, for his clothes were scattered all about the floor.  “What happened to you?” she asked with worry.  She knelt at his side, ignoring his nudity, as he seemed to be truly sick by his pale face.

He tried to sit up and treat his guest to tea but his mind began to spin and he was back on the pillows again.  “I was… training at… the base… and I just… fainted.”  His eyes rose to her with dilated pupils.  “What… are you doing… here?”

“I was worried about you,” she replied with a frown.  He could barely keep straight thoughts let alone speak out.  She lifted a hand and felt his forehead.  “It seems to be a heavy fever.”

His eyes fluttered closed at the warm touch on his face.  “You feel warm.”  His eyes opened as the touch moved away, leaving his face in the cold.  “Ranka?” he questioned silently.  Had he said something wrong?

“I’ll get you a cold wet towel.”  She stood and entered the bathroom.  She grabbed the first small towel she could find and then moved to the kitchen.  Pulling out a bucket, she popped multiple ice cubes into it then filled it with tap water.  When she entered the room, she nearly dropped the bucket.  “Alto-kun,” she spoke breathlessly, “why did you…?”

He was sitting up, the sheets in a bundle at his feet, exposing his whole form to her.  He seemed to sway as he attempted to stand up.  “I need to go… bathroom.”

At the reply, she placed the bucket down carefully and nodded.  Ignoring his nudity, she helped him into the bathroom.  It was awkward but she listened as he went to the bathroom, though she refused to look or even help him aim for the toilet.  Instead, she decided to clean the mess up later.  Then she helped him into bed again where she tucked him in carefully.  “Comfy?” she asked with hope.

He nodded with a small smile.  “Very.”

She dipped the towel in the frosty water carefully.  This was the first time she’d pampered him.  Usually, it was the opposite.  But today was a new experience for her.  As she placed the wet towel upon his forehead, a smile crept to her lips.  He sighed like a baby upon the cool liquid upon his face.  “You always worry me half to death.”  She gripped his hand softly, “but I still want to worry about you.  That’s how special you are to me, Alto-kun.”

He smiled with a silly expression.  His brain had barely registered the words.  “I promise to work on that, dearest.”

At the name, she flushed thickly, hair rising slightly, just in absolute shock.  His nudity was nothing compared to the term ‘anata’ which meant ‘dearest.’  That wasn’t something one said to a girlfriend.  Perhaps it was the fever making his mind hazy still.  But for now, it felt nice.  It felt right.  “Then please sleep now, honey.”

He closed his eyes at the plea without noticing the name given and slipped into sleep comfortably.

Ranka decided to stay by his side and care for him.  It was all she could do at this point.  He had done so much for her and this was returning the favor.  A smile lit her lips as she recalled what he’d called her.  ‘Is that his way of saying I’m precious to him too?’ she wondered inwardly, though inside, she knew that question answered itself.


It was a week after the kiss that both felt comfortable with the thought of it.  Her caring for him in his sickness and breaching the boundaries had helped speed their relationship along.  Their normal school days had fallen apart though.  A few days after his fever broke; he once again called in sick.  But this time, Michael proved that his sickness was false, that he was training once more and skipped school on purpose.  It gave her peace of mind.  Then Ranka ended up starting on her debut with Elmo.  She informed everyone of her accomplishment and they were amazed.  Occasionally, he’d meet her halfway to school, share a laugh, and then walk to school together.  The days went by swiftly after Sheryl caught a cold and was absent – which Alto thanked the heavens for – and Michael and Luca were distant, allowing them alone time.

One night, he decided he would avoid the call for training and walk her home, as he hadn’t seen her in a while.  He felt so distant from her at times, but that was the stakes he took to gain strength to protect her.  They stopped in front of her house and he noticed the lights were on, signaling her brother was home.  He blushed slightly and met her eyes, “Ranka, go out with me tomorrow.”

Her eyes were wide as she looked up at him.  Finally, he’d asked her on a date.  And tomorrow was Saturday too.  “Okay.”

For a moment, time had frozen, as he had awaited the answer eagerly.  When it came, relief washed through him.  He hadn’t known what to do after the kiss they’d shared and the nudity he’d shown during his sickness, as moments seemed so awkward.  Now it was over with.  “I’ll pick you up at eleven tomorrow morning.  We can spend the whole day together.  I’ve already called in and freed my schedule.”

She held that gentle smile and nodded, then leaned up and kissed him swiftly on the lips.  As he tensed, she pulled away and took off up the stairs, leaving him to absorb the shock.  She waved to him and soon closed the door behind her.

He stood there and slowly smiled.  ‘I feel so happy and peaceful.’  He walked home with light in his heart.


Saotome Alto felt happy as he walked through the streets of Frontier, headed for the base to pick up his jacket.  Spring was just barely reaching its end to give way for summer.  The cold was still biting at his skin.  Dressed only in his tank top and jeans, he fought with the Goosebumps.  His heart hardly cared for it.  After asking Ranka out on an official date, he felt his heart pounding with anticipation and excitement.  He entered the base with his access card and headed towards his room.  The door opened and revealed a curious Michael.  “What?” he questioned with confusion.

“Did you two have a fight already?” the blonde inquired without warning.  At the quirked eyebrow, that curiosity changed to confusion.  “What’s with the awkward stares between you two?” he asked with concern.

The blue-haired boy successfully blushed upon remembering why they were so awkward around one another.  It wasn’t about the kiss at all.  That had only started it.  She had stayed with him for three whole days after arriving out of concern and cared for him without caring towards his nudity.  But once it had ended, she was embarrassed with it.  To make matters worse, he felt confused by it.  Had he said things whilst his mind was hazed?

“Did something happen between you two while you were sick?” Michael asked, completely concerned now.

At this, Alto lowered his head with shame.  Their eyes always darted away now.  He could tell she was viewing him naked through her eyes without meaning to.  “A bit.”

The blonde was shocked, “you two didn’t do something erotic, did you?” he spouted without thinking correctly.  And he was punched harshly across the face.  He stumbled back a bit before gathering his footing.  “What’s with you?” he spat angrily.  “That was uncalled for!”

“Every time something happens between us, you think it’s erotic!” he yelled in anger.  He frowned and turned away with a sad face.  “It was nothing like that.”  At the shame written on his face in the mirror, he could see Michael understood.  “When I was sick, she cared for me for three whole days.  I didn’t notice until I was feeling better on the third day… but I was nude the whole time.”

Michael’s mouth nearly dropped to the floor at this, “butt naked?”

He blushed at the emphasis on the word but nodded in agreement.  He grabbed his jacket and threw it on.  “Now it’s awkward between us.”  That blush spread to his ears now.  “She… saw it.”

Michael immediately understood the word’s meaning.  He frowned at the knowledge.  “Your…” he began which received a nod in agreement.  He chuckled a bit at this.  “My, you’ve already gotten to third base and haven’t gotten all the way through.  What a shame.”  He poked at Alto’s forehead as the boy moved to yelp at him.  His eyes were serious now.  “Don’t tell Ozma.”  At that, Alto looked shocked.  “If he knows about that, he’ll skin you.”

Alto nodded his head, taking the advice seriously, as it was important.  He placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder with reassurance.  “Thanks, Michael.  I’m glad I can always count on you.”

The blonde frowned slightly at the words then just smirked and wrapped an arm around the other boy’s neck, rubbing a knuckle into his head.  “Just keep track of yourself, idiot!”  He pulled away and smirked at his companion.  “I’ll make you a bet, Alto-hime.”  He received curiosity at this.  “If you tell Ranka-chan how you feel about her, then I’ll tell Klan my feelings.”

At this, Alto blushed slightly but nodded.  “Deal.”


At exactly eleven o’clock the next morning, the doorbell rang.  He was stunned when Ranka opened the door and looked at him with sparkling eyes.  Her brother was behind her and he was steaming, holding a frying pan.  But when he saw her date, he was taken aback.  Alto merely leaned down and kissed her on the cheek, trying his best to hold his cool.  He looked upon her dress and saw that familiar orange dress he had bought for her on her form.  “You’re beautiful.”

She jumped onto him in an instant, hugging him, ignoring the blush that lit his cheeks.  “Good morning, Alto-kun!”

He was now red as a tomato as he felt her breasts press against his chest, making him realize she did have breasts, no matter how small they seemed, and they were pressed against him now.  He helped her down.  His mind was fuzzy.  “How does ice cream sound?” he asked.

She jumped with joy.  “Yeah!” she exclaimed as she passed him and prepared to take off down the road.

He waved stiffly to her brother and followed her.  Bravely, as they neared the street, he wrapped his arm around her waist.  He failed to see Ozma smile gently at the joy this single boy brought to his sister.


The trip to their destination was no picnic.  Ranka had a way with talking when she entered a deep comfort zone.  She went on for almost an hour about her debut album, future street concerts, songs, and even dance movements – which he volunteered reluctantly to help with.  She also managed to invite herself to his early birthday bash that Michael had planned.  But he hadn’t even considered holding a party for his birthday yet.

When they arrived at the station, it was the last train, and they managed to catch it just as it was leaving.  Once they were on the train, Alto took in the time and noticed it was almost noon.  As the stations flew by, they found themselves pressed up against one another as passengers filled the cars.  His one hand was on the rail for support, his other landing on her thigh by accident, his one leg between hers, semi-erection pressing against her inner thigh, and breath on her neck.  She could hear his wild heartbeat.  He could feel her breasts against his chest once again.  This position made him realize that he could become sexually aroused by her.

When they reached their destination, he raced out of the car and panted to calm himself.  He was absolutely flabbergasted.  He could not understand how such little time together had made him feel this strongly about a single girl.  He collected his thoughts and smiled at her, apologizing for his odd behavior.  She just blinked but paid it no heed.

After that, he proceeded to buy two vanilla ice cream cones and walked with her by his side.  She immediately informed him of her desire for chocolate instead of vanilla.  He noted this.  He gracefully introduced her to a town she wasn’t familiar with.  Island 3, the Zentradi tourist site, was quite a large town.  He showed her all the stores he could along the way.  As the days had passed by, his interest in the sky became less important than her.  He showered her with gifts from the nearby stores, an apology for neglecting her whilst at training.  He knew it wasn’t his fault but he wanted to show her she was thought of frequently.  He pointed to a mere store that had model planes in it and she was gone like the wind with determination.  He stared in shock and then attempted to follow.  Then, a crowd came out of nowhere and he lost her.

He took a back alleyway to avoid the crowd.  He figured he could just use his tracker to find her via phone communication.  He just hoped she would remain in one place and wait for him.


Michael Blanc sighed as he walked over to a bench with water in hand.  He had been touring the site with Klan when he found Ranka looking aimlessly in the large town for Alto, and panicking too.  Apparently, she’d lost him in the crowd that came with the major sales.  He handed her that cup of water and sat down next to her as she gulped it down to calm herself.  “I can’t believe you lost him.”  It was a joke.  Ranka was always a handful for everyone, even Ozma.  “Don’t worry,” he tried to reassure her.  “If you remain here, he’s bound to find you.”

She nodded, “I know he’s looking for me.”  She looked down at the small model plane in her hands that was a replica of her boyfriend’s dreamed one – the VF-25F Messiah.  She looked to the mike at her side, the small metal figure reflecting her eyes back at her.  “I wanted to buy him a gift like he did me.”

He stared at her, smiling.  “The best gift you can give him is a song.”

She dared to blink.

“Sing.”  He looked around at the unsuspecting crowd with a small smile.  “You did it before.  In an un-expecting crowd.  To be a professional, you’ll have to sing in all sorts of places, even like this, with no one expecting it.”

She looked down, knowing he was right.  “I’m not sure.”

He stood and looked towards Klan, whom was coming out of the alleyway to signal the package was near.  “Then sing…” he gave her his final encouragement, “…for him… for Alto.”  Then he was gone, leaving her alone.

She stood with the mike in hand and closed her eyes, listening to the people around her.  She could feel them silently waiting.  She knew they wanted to hear her song but that fear returned.  Her eyes opened and she looked to the sky.  A vision of his paper airplane floating on the wind welcomed her eyes.  She closed them and remembered his expression when she first sang to him – content and happy.  That plane vanished as if a ghost but she felt his heart and strength within her.

With this new bravery, she knew their spirits were one.  And it gave her strength.

Ranka Lee stepped forward and pulled that mike to her lips. ~My pure-hearted feelings orbit the star that is your heart rapidly.~  She watched as the crowd halted and looked at her in confusion.  It drew attention from the whole island.  A band started behind her, as if to give her music to follow. ~That door you guard with a useless key, it’s that embarrassing, huh?~

Michael turned sharply, shocked at the sound of her voice, Klan at his side, as he hadn’t expected her to sing before Alto dared to appear.  But looking at how much effort he had put into making her shine, this only showed that it made progress.  He smiled at the sight.

~Even if you don’t think so, love is infinite!~  She could feel the music flowing through her like a cloud drifting on the skyline – so soothing.  The town was now listening to her song.

Alto, who’d followed a shadow of what he had presumed was Klan, for he’d only seen pictures before, came out just as this lyric was played.  When Klan had vanished, he followed the sound of her voice.  He saw the relaxed look on her face and smiled, “she’s beautiful.”

~I want to love.~  She had yet to notice his arrival. ~I need to love.~  She opened her eyes and scanned the crowd, hoping to find her boyfriend in it. ~I want to love only you.~  And then her eyes landed on his form in the crowd, right before her, a smile on his face, and she returned said gesture. ~When our eyes met on that day – it was fate.~

Even though he could hear the lyrics clearly, he was still a bit lost on their meaning.  That connection had yet to begin.  But, somewhere deep inside, they hit home.

Michael looked over at Alto as he saw Ranka become comfortable.  He smirked and led Klan away.

~I want to survive.~  She didn’t even notice her baby-sitter had left. ~I begin to wither from lack of water.~

Alto found himself wrapped up more in her voice than her lyrics now.  He couldn’t get over how familiar her voice sounded yet he couldn’t place it.  Almost as if they’d met once before.  But, he digressed, that was impossible.  After all, Ranka had only been aboard Frontier for eleven years.

~Until I’ve shown my true self to you,~ she felt her knees getting weak now, as it took so much courage to stand there and sing, ~I will not sleep.~  And the song ended.  She took a step forward and slipped, falling back, only to be caught by the familiar warm and strong arms she loved.  Her eyes met his.  “Alto-kun.”

He helped her back to the bench and let her sit down.  He bought her a cup of water and then rubbed the back of his head nonchalantly.  “I thought I lost you back there.”  He smiled slightly.  He had been more concerned when guards couldn’t inform him of her location.  Knowing that she’d been with Michael the whole time made him feel embarrassed.  “You soared, Ranka.”

She blushed and smiled.  Suddenly, she flushed, picking up the plane in her hands, then thrust it at him.

“For me?” he received a nod.  He picked up the object and looked at it.  His eyes went wide.  Then a smile lit his face.  “I’ll cherish it always.”

She looked up suddenly at the word.  “Really?”

He nodded with a warm smile and held up the replica VF-25F Messiah he’d flown once.  He’d adored this model since he first noticed its arrival, as it was more plane than armored fighter.  It was built to be slick and fast.  It was the smallest of the twenty-fifth series next to the RVF-25G.  Now it was in his possession, even if not how he desired.  He had to hand it to her that she was a good observer, as he’d yet to mention his desire for this plane.  “Why’d you buy this model?” he asked, curious.

“I thought it would serve as a memento of our first meeting.”  She held a bright smile whilst he held shock.

He blinked a few times before laughing.  “This is my favorite model.”

Her eyes were wide.  “I didn’t know that!”  She jumped up and down in excitement.  “That makes it even more special!”

For a while, he stared, fascinated by her entire being.  She was so strong yet fragile as glass.  He adored her qualities.  He felt like he belonged and he hadn’t felt that in years.  “Thank you, Ranka.”  He met her eyes as they stared into his.  ‘For everything.’

She nodded, “yep!”


As they passed by a hot dog vendor, Alto quickly pulled out his wallet and paid for two jumbo hot dogs with chili and relish as well as two large sodas, then two small cake slices.  They sat down in the nearby park and began to eat their food.  Each laughed at the other’s eating habits.

Then Alto took too much in his mouth and shed tears at how spicy the hot dog was.  He shook his head until he felt a straw enter his open mouth.  His eyes shot open at the realization that it was her straw in his mouth.  She was sharing her drink with him to help him.  He sipped from it and then smiled, wiping a trace of relish off the side of her mouth.  “You’re dirty,” he commented jokingly.

“You’re clumsy,” she returned as she sipped from her soda, ignoring the strange realization he’d just drank from it.

Both shared a heavy laugh as her face turned red, remembering that.  Then it was quiet, both of them staring at the sky.

He held a hand up and made the shape of a plane, pushing it into the corner of the sunlight, as if signaling a flight pattern.  As hers joined his in the same shape, flying towards his, his hand flowed down her arm and soon intertwined with her fingers.  Then their eyes met.

“Alto-kun?” she questioned quietly.  He seemed lost in space with the way he was staring at her with those longing eyes.  His orbs held sparkles of bright white.  It was just like his dilated pupils from that time.  It was almost as if he was about to call her ‘anata’ again.  Then he slowly closed in, seeming to want to kiss her, and – the moment their lips nearly touched – he shot back with wide eyes as he heard her phone beep.  She opened her eyes, shocked.  “Huh?”

He removed his hand from hers and turned away swiftly, attempting to answer it.  When he saw it was only Luca, he ignored the call.  He held his mouth in shock, realizing what he’d nearly done.  ‘Why did I just do that!?’ he screamed at himself.  He collected himself and looked at her, noticing her eyes were filled with concern.  “Sorry,” he apologized, “I had a flashback.  I shouldn’t have done that.”

She blushed at those words.  Up until that moment, she had only assumed he meant to kiss her again, but a smile touched her lips reassuringly, “whenever you want to talk about what troubles you, I’m here.”

He stared at her and smiled.  She was so open with him, telling him everything when something was wrong.  It was embarrassing that she was so carefree.  But he needed to remain closed off.  He knew that if he spoke of his demons, in time, they would consume her too.  “Anything I feel you should know, I will tell you.”  He looked away, “I’d rather keep my darkness to myself.”

She blinked, “Alto-kun?”

He shook his head quickly, “it’s nothing.”  And only he knew it wasn’t.


Afterward, he walked her home at around five that afternoon.  It had been quite a long day and a lovely first date.

As they approached her door, he felt that fear come back.  He wasn’t quite sure what he should do next.  ‘Am I supposed to kiss her?  Do I ask her out again?  Am I to let her decide?’  Then they were at the stairs.  Now he wanted to express his desire to be with her again.  His mouth opened, “I—“

“This was so much fun, Alto-kun,” she smiled widely, cutting him off without even noticing.  After all, his voice had started out so low.  Either way, she adored him.  A mere seventeen-year-old boy, a senior in high school, was now her fascination – her crush.  “Will I see you again?” she asked out of the blue.

He smiled and nodded sheepishly.  She’d read his mind.  “Just call me or ask me at school.  I’m all yours,” he commented without thinking.  Then he flushed as he realized.  “I mean, I’m all ears.”  He turned around and furrowed his hair with fright.  ‘Stupid, stupid Alto!’

She giggled, “you’re so funny.”

He turned to her, stunned.  “I’m… new at dating.  You’re the first real girlfriend I’ve had.”  He got a blink of surprise from her.  He smiled and lifted a hand to her cheek, then kissed her lips gently, just to show his affection.  Their bond had grown.  He pulled away and held a small blush.  “I’ve been accepted into the S.M.S., as you know.  Your career has also taken flight.  Things are going to get more difficult but I’m not giving up.  I want to know everything about you, Ranka.  So whenever you need help regaining your memory, call me.  I’ll be there in a heartbeat.”

She nodded, shocked.  She’d never been given such a promise before.

He gave her a hug before she climbed the stairs and entered her house.  Then he walked to his own house without a word.  That night, both of them barely got any sleep while thinking about the other.

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