Macross Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot) ❯ A Pilot's Worst Nightmare ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot)
: Macross Frontier
Couple: Alto/Ranka
Summary: Ranka's life was as normal as could be on Frontier, until she met Saotome Alto.  Time passes and she falls in love, but will this be a blessing or the end of Frontier altogether?  AU.
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure/Horror/Drama
Rating: R (does NOT apply to ALL chapters)
Warnings: sexual situations, violence, blood, gore, and language.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Macross Frontier, it belongs to Shôji Kawamori. This is purely fanmade for entertainment purposes only.

Music: All songs inserted with the exception of Aimo, the Nyan-Nyan commercial, and Sheryl's songs are written by me.

~...~ = singing


Chapter Six: A Pilot’s Worst Nightmare
(Special “Blu-Ray” release!)
It was almost midnight.  Alto, after dropping off his girlfriend at her house for the evening, was walking home from a long day of training followed by school.  He had decided to take the alleyways as a way to think.  It was pouring outside.  His umbrella helped keep him dry though.  But as he turned a corner, he ran smack into someone.  He hadn’t expected people to be around in this weather.  As his umbrella hit the ground, he stepped back and winced slightly, assuming he’d hit a pole in his concentrated state, then he heard a thud.  His eyes snapped open and he looked at the person, recognizing the pink strands immediately, “Sheryl.”  He dipped to his knees.  “Hey, I’m sorry.”  He shook her shoulder lightly.  “Are you okay?”

She didn’t respond.  Her hair was astray, clothes soaked through, as if she’d been out here for hours, cheeks flushed, and her mouth was open with deep puffs of breath.

He lifted her into his arms and walked out towards the sidewalk, signaling for a cab.  He placed her inside gently and followed.  He gave the cab driver directions to the nearest cheap hotel, since he was paying.  He paid the man and took her inside.  After paying for a room – and spending nearly fifteen minutes yelling that he wasn’t gonna be sleeping with the woman – he opened the door and placed her carefully on the bed.  He moved to find clothes for her to change into when he heard her wake.  “I brought you to a hotel.  You passed out.”

“You slammed into me,” she commented with a dry chuckle.

His mouth fell open with shock.  “You were stumbling around town drunk in the rain?”  He shook his head, removing the rain from his hair.  He pulled out the bathrobe from the nearby closet and threw it to her, turning away.  “Get out of your wet clothes and put that on.”  He heard her move but was stunned when her arms wrapped around his form, her front pressed into his back.  He held in a gasp at the feel of her soft, naked breasts meeting his clothed back.  “Sheryl, I’m… with Ranka…”

She smiled deviously from her place behind him and leaned up, whispering hotly into his ear, “don’t you want me?”

He stiffened at the words, body reacting on its own, causing him to curse it.  He held his ground, following his feelings for Ranka over the sexual urges suddenly eating him alive.  He pushed her away and turned to her, about to give her a mouthful, “Sheryl—“ and then her mouth was on his.  He froze with wide eyes.

She embraced the one and only true kiss she’d finally managed to steal out of him.  She would not allow him to be stubborn now.  Her tongue met his as he found himself responding.

Then the phone rang.

His eyes snapped open at the sound.  His voice mail picked up the message.  As he heard Ranka’s voice, he pushed her away swiftly, panting.  He stared in disbelief with what he had allowed to happen.  He covered his mouth with disgust.  “How could I…?”

She smiled innocently and blushed, realizing she’d lost this round.  “I want my earring.”

He lowered his eyes and nodded, grabbing his umbrella.  “I’ll look for it.”  Then he was out of the room.  In the elevator, he placed the umbrella down and answered his phone.  “Ranka, I’m sorry I didn’t answer before.”

She merely turned over in bed, “that’s okay.”  She held a confused face at the odd beeping noise behind her boyfriend’s voice.  “Where are you?” she asked, curious and concerned.

{Ah, a hotel.}  He blushed thickly and watched the floors lower, the rain beating down on the glass dome elevator shaft.  He could easily tell what would come to her mind upon that mere word.  “It’s not what you think, honest.”  He scratched the back of his head, thinking of an excuse.  “I ran into Sheryl by accident on the streets.  She was drunk and I wanted to make sure she was somewhere safe if she collapses.”

{Sheryl-san?} she sounded truly shocked.  {It’s okay.  I’d be worried too.}

He frowned, staring at his reflection in the glass, trying to think of anything but the kiss Sheryl had stolen from him.  He had to do something or Sheryl’s impressions would outlast Ranka’s.  To him, since he’d met her, his words to Luca ran true; Ranka had become the one for him.  He looked in his pocket and found two pieces of paper in there.  “Oh, I have tickets to the light show tomorrow night.  I hear that Sheryl will be the second act and I know how much you love her.”  It was the first time he’d asked her out in almost two months.

She bounced up and down with excitement on her end.  He could tell by the sound of the bedsprings.  {Yes!}

He smiled widely at the answer.  Trust her to be like this about a mere date.  “I’ll see you at Griffith Park at two o’clock?”

{I’ll be there!} she jumped off her bed and landed on the floor with a loud thump.  She felt so happy.  Her heart was racing out of her chest.  The words simply fell out; “I love you, Alto-kun!”

And he stiffened like a rock, taken aback.  She had never verbally stated her affections to him.  He stumbled for a response.  “Um, me too.”  He heard her squeal in excitement as he hung up.  He held it close to his heart and sighed deeply.  Why did his heart flutter when he spoke to her?  He shook his head with a warm smile, “no, Sheryl doesn’t make me feel this way.”  Even though he felt like he was once again imposing on Ranka’s time off, he wanted to remain selfish for now.

When she hung up, so did her head.  He still failed to state his feelings.  He’d only agreed with her.  She was beginning to wonder if he meant it either.  But her head snapped up with defiance.  “He said he did too, so all I have to do is give him more of my love!”  And with that, she shot up to choose her dress for tomorrow evening.


Alto awaited Ranka’s arrival time, as usual.  He didn’t blame her.  She had told him that work might last a bit longer than intended.  It was fine since the show wouldn’t start until six.  He’d wanted to spend time with her beforehand but it was still fine.  He opened a bag of airplane cookies that Ranka had recently given him.  He wanted to know her recipe.  He lifted one plane cookie towards the sky and stared at it.  “This is you, Ranka: a soaring plane.”  He smiled at the plane as it resonated with the light from above.  “A cute soaring plane.”

“I’m glad you like me,” spoke his girlfriend as he lowered the plane, noticing her arrival.  At the reply, they both held blushes.  She winked at him and sent a salute with two fingers.  “I apologize.  Elmo-san had me doing headshots.  He let me go after I requested leave.”

He blushed but nodded with embarrassment.  He popped the plane in his mouth quickly to hide his shame.  After a few chews, he moaned blissfully at the taste.  “These are the best cookies ever!” he complimented her without realizing.

She approached him and dipped to her knees in front of him.  As his eyes landed upon her form, a blush came to his cheeks.  Her puppy eyes made him think the wrong thing about her position on her knees before him.  “What happened last night with Sheryl-san?  You didn’t give much detail to it.”

He frowned at the reminder.  He couldn’t possibly tell her of his kiss with her.  That was an accident, something that she’d take completely out of proportion.  He laughed shakily and responded, “after I dropped you off, I decided to think about training for a while and I took a back alley.  I ran into Sheryl, who was stumbling around town drunk, and knocked her out.  I just carried her to a hotel and left her there.  That was all.”  He hoped she would buy that.  Until he would be able to finalize his feelings for her, he didn’t want her thinking he had Sheryl on the side.  “Nothing happened.  She was unconscious the whole time.”

Her eyes stared into his own at this.  He nearly showed a weakness in his resolve to hide the truth from her, but it was quickly redeemed.  Forcing a smile, Ranka stood and chose to accept his story.  “If you say so, I’ll believe you.”

He stared at her with shock.  He’d expected denial.  But, as usual with Ranka, she chose to trust him.  And she wouldn’t regret it.  ‘That kiss felt different than Ranka’s, yes; but it held no emotional attachment.’  The biggest difference was that it felt dirty and so hot.  A kiss that led to sex without emotions was not what he sought.  ‘She’d freak out if she knew.  She’s already jealous of Sheryl.’  He put on his best innocent smile and stood, “you ready to go?”

With a confused stare, Ranka nodded.

When they arrived at the show finally, he let her find their seats whilst he collected popcorn and drinks.  He was wallowing in guilt.  Though he’d lied to Ranka to protect her of an unimportant truth, he still felt bad about it.  He’d never lied to her before.  ‘It sounds crazy just thinking about it: Ranka as my girlfriend and Sheryl on the side.’  He wasn’t a playboy like Michael.  The last thing on his mind was to date both girls.  After all, the war with the Vajra came way before either girl in his mind.  He grabbed the food and joined his girlfriend.  He found her mystified with the stage and his heart beat rapidly upon her face.  He handed her the popcorn with a deep blush.  “You look cute.”

She smiled widely at him.  “Thank you.”  She gripped the bag and laughed.  “I’m happy to be here!  More so with Alto-kun!”

He smiled in response and nodded with flushed cheeks.  Then the show began.  And the worst thing happened: his phone rang.  At first, he didn’t hear it, then it rang during a short break in the music.  He pulled it out of his pocket and prepared to silence it when he saw the number.  He turned to her with slight sadness, “excuse me, I have to take this.”  He stood and moved away, “I’ll be right back.”

She didn’t even notice when Sheryl came out, merely nodded and kept her eyes on the performance.

“Listen to my song!” Sheryl’s voice rang through the whole stadium.  She stood and flipped her microphone around with a smirk.  Her eyes landed upon the person she’d hoped would show up: the growing idol, Ranka Lee. ~Baby, what do you want to do?  I’m driving.~  Her hand reached out gently towards the crowd, ~my hands are on the handle bars and I’m standing by.~

He made it into the hallway in record timing before the ringing dared to stop and picked it up.  He breathed in to calm himself first then spoke, “yes?”  He didn’t even bother to ask who was calling him.  “I’m on a date right now.  Can’t I take a leave for today?”

{It’s test time, Hime,} the sound of Michael’s voice played back to him in a teasing tone.

He scowled and hung up.  “Michael.”  Torn with indecision, he looked out to the stage, noticing Sheryl was dancing.  His mind slipped to when he first scanned the crowds with a camera for Ranka’s form.  He clenched his phone with inspiration.  Had they not met that day, he wouldn’t have come this far.  This last test would prove that he could protect her.  If he could ace it in time, perhaps he could return to her in time as well.  Then his eyes took in the sight of a familiar man entering the show.  His eyes held horror as the man’s eyes slipped to him.

A flash came of his final moments in the spotlight as Princess Sakura.

Instantly, sweat began to drip from his forehead, “father.”  He shook from the fright that had just run through him.  Then the reminder of his scene with Ranka in Birdman came back to him.  He had enjoyed that acting.  A small smile crossed his face at the reminder, as it helped him remember his purpose here.  He approached the man, attracting his attention, and frowned.  “Watch me.”

Upon the words, the man, known as Alto’s father, narrowed his eyes at him.  Those words insinuated that he would be performing on stage.  But that wasn’t possible.  He turned his attention away, “I don’t know you.”

“Watch me,” he once again stated with a strong tone.  “If you’ve heard of the movie Birdman, watch it.  And notice that this is my dream.”  He didn’t let his father walk away this time, he did.  He gripped the small model plane keychain necklace around his neck that Ranka had given him just weeks ago, “give me strength,” he whispered to her.  He raced out the door after that, ready to fulfill the promises he’d made.

That was his choice.


By the time he reached the S.M.S. base, he nearly dropped to the floor as he panted with exertion.  He had managed to make it in record timing.  Michael handed him a jumpsuit and light armor like usual right away.  He pulled off his clothes and changed into said suit right before the man, then followed him onto the main dock.  He looked up at the plane covered by a large cloth.  He could tell that he was here for a major test.  They’d never taken him near a Valkyrie before.  This was important.  “What is the test?  I’m on a date.”

Michael burst out laughing, “you?”  He held his stomach and turned away, still laughing.  “Finally?”

He held a calm face.  He was serious and he wouldn’t let the other break him.  It was the solid truth.

Michael straightened.  “You and Ranka-chan are getting serious, huh?”  He fixed his glasses at the chipped nod that came and smiled.  It was about time his friend had selected a girl to commit to.  He turned to the machine he’d prepared.  He pulled off the cloth and revealed the silver-coated plane.  “This is a VF-171EX,” he said as the light came on.  “It’s easy to handle but it is merely a trial type.”  He met those determined gold eyes.  “Your test is to avoid at most five of the attacks in the simulation outside and prove you are as good a pilot as you showed us that night, then you’ll pass.”

Immediately, he was thrown a helmet.  He nodded and moved towards the ladder.  “Just you watch!” he yelled as he climbed said ladder and jumped into the cockpit, looking at the controls.  This wasn’t his dream plane, and so, the controls were foreign.  He placed his hands on the controls and prepared himself.  “Skull-4 ready for launch!”

Michael stood in the control room with Luca by his side.  “Roger that.  You’re clear.”

The take-off lights appeared as the plane rose to a platform.  He could see the yellow lights leading him off the ship clearly.  He gripped the thrust control harshly and remembered Ranka momentarily before he pushed the plane out into space.  At first, the push knocked the wind out of him.  It was nothing like the simulation.  He panted and looked at his two controls hard.  “All right.”  The warning signs appeared to warn him of the approaching ships.  He turned his head to see a Zentradi aircraft approaching.  “They’re my opponents?” he spoke out with shock.

{I am Klan Klang,} the woman, as he deemed it, spoke loudly into his earpiece.  {This is your final test.  Don’t go easy on me.}

He grit his teeth at the remark.  “Of course not!”  He avoided the many strikes that attempted to halt him.  They shot blanks at him that contained paint.  The Valkyrie was stained by green and pink paint.  This was their way of testing.  He dove and ascended but still failed to shake them.  At last, he decided to take a different route.  In such a closed course, he couldn’t use the ship’s full potential.  It was too big.  He quickly pulled up to avoid one last hit before turning on the offensive.  They’d run out of ammo.  “Now it’s my turn!”

Michael watched as Alto tried to take out Nene by any means necessary.  He shot rapidly and spun around, creating vapor trails.  As a heart appeared in the center of the asteroid field, Michael sighed.  “That brat is too idealistic.”  He didn’t see Luca look at him with slight concern.  “He’s still running away from his past.”

“What about Ranka-chan?” Luca mentioned.

Michael soon added that theory as well.  Perhaps Alto desired to protect her.  He could still remember how he’d stepped up to Sheryl.  He’d thrown down that girl to protect Ranka.  He’d jumped into a vacuum of space to save her.  Despite his doubts of Alto joining the S.M.S. and putting himself in yet another chain he’d never be freed from; he could see the determination in those eyes.  Ranka had woken that part of him up.  He wanted to prove he could fight and protect.  ‘Perhaps, to Alto, protecting her is the same as becoming a man.’

At last, Alto had taken down Nene fully.  He neared her form and checked where he’d hit to make sure she could still see through her cockpit to reach the base.  With a smirk, he turned towards the base and posed with his gun on his shoulder, “victory!”  The pose was all too familiar to him and he couldn’t help reassembling it.  But as a shot passed by his face, he shot away as Klan followed in hot pursuit.

Michael slammed a fist on the windowsill.  “Damn that idiot!” he screamed in anger.  “I told him not to be a careless fool!”  He had successfully alerted Luca, who was playing a video game due to the boring shuffle outside.  “Posing like that on a battlefield… doing a reckless thing like that will get him killed.”

Finally, both ended on a draw.  He headed towards the base with a sigh.  He had proved his strength at least, and his endurance had shocked Klan as well, earning him plus points.  At this time, his head snapped up with shock.  A de-fold signal appeared on his monitor as a red warning sign.

Michael scowled as he looked at the radar.  He picked up his helmet and prepared to move out, “a vector now!?”

Alto looked towards the location outside and saw a familiar red beast heading towards them as it broke out of the fold.  This was the first time he’d seen it since that day.  “A… Vajra…” he panicked, staring with disbelief.

Said beast made a strange screeching sound as it noticed the plane in its path.

He drowned out the sound of Michael telling him to retreat or Klan rushing to his aid.  There was an invisible nudge at his mind and then memories flooded inside.

Ranka’s eyes as she looked up at him, praying for protection.  Then her covering her mouth and preparing for death in that vacuum of space.  Her bright smile as she thanked him and those beautiful ruby orbs.  And finally: what would’ve happened had he failed to save her?


He no longer knew right from wrong, good from bad, or sanity from insanity; he pulled out a knife, forgetting his gun, and charged at the monster with pure hatred.  He failed to even notice that Michael had turned up the weight on his controls to stop him.  They did nothing to halt him now.  He slashed at the beast but it avoided the knife.  His eyes saw no more life; the gold orbs that of a dangerous yellow.  He felt pure protection in his being.  A heat pooled in his stomach as he turned harshly to take another slash at the beast, yelling in anger.

Michael raced into the loading dock and got into his fighter, rushing out without clearance.  “That reckless idiot is going to get himself killed!”

He quickly out maneuvered the beast and gripped its tail with his hands.  He yelled loudly and swung it around until it slipped from his hands and into the vast stars.  A shot ran through it and an explosion shook his ship.  His eyes found their life again and he panted with fright.  Had he just attacked that Vajra head-on?  He looked to his savior to find that familiar blue fighter lowering its weapon.  He snarled, ‘saved by him again.’  He shifted his ship towards the base.  He landed and removed himself from the ship, jumping to the ground without waiting for the ladder.  He didn’t want to touch that ship again.

“Alto-hime,” Michael walked in with a forced smile, “congratulations.”  He wrapped an arm around his underdog’s neck.  “You survived your first head-to-head combat experience and enemy attack.”  He smirked and pulled away to gaze at the seething boy with delight.  “Just what caused you to snap like that, Hime?”

He immediately stiffened, “shut up!”

Luca entered holding the basket containing Alto’s clothes and he met his friend’s eyes.  He handed him the basket then pulled up his phone, “Ranka-chan called.”  He watched the boy’s face become almost frightened.  “She seemed very upset that you abandoned her at the show.”

He dropped the helmet and basket harshly with shock.  He’d lost track of time when he’d seen that monster.  “Ranka!” he yelled with realization as he raced out the door.

Michael’s eyes dropped to the basket of clothes with a deep frown, slapping a hand to his face.  “That idiot forgot to change.”

“He left before I could tell him that she went home already.”

Michael sighed and turned away with exhaust.  “He’ll be the death of us.”


He traveled to the stadium first.  But by the looks of the outside, he could tell the show had ended.  So he traveled to Griffith Park at top speed, using his slender clothing as an advantage to gain speed.  He rounded the statue quickly, “Ranka!” but it was bare.  He took notice of the night sky with a sigh.  He knelt down and placed a hand on her favorite spot only to find it cold.  “She never came.”  This made him realize she was too upset to see him.  He snarled, “damn it!” and slammed his forehead into the wall then a fist next to it.  “I’m a fucking horrible boyfriend.”


Ozma Lee descended the stairs with irritation, a bat in his hands to hit the bastard who dared to ring his doorbell this late at night.  He swung the door open and nearly hit the fool if he hadn’t noticed it was Alto.  He stared at the combat gear with a frown, “you didn’t change,” he noted before he attempted to close the door.

His hand gripped the handle.  He stared at the confused eyes with hope.  “I came to apologize to Ranka.”  He released the door as his commander opened it.  He bowed slightly.  “I left her at the show because a test came up this afternoon.  She’s upset… I know she is.”

The elder man slightly recalled requesting said test.  He frowned, realizing that her pain had been brought on by him.  He stepped aside.  “Remember that duty comes first.  Protect the ones you love.  Don’t get caught up.”  He held hard eyes at the shocked boy.  “If you hurt her or make her cry again, I will crack your head open like a coconut.”

He gulped but nodded.  Then he entered the house and climbed the stairs.  He looked at the doors until he found the one with a green sign that held her name.  He breathed in to calm himself and knocked, “Ranka,” he spoke softly.

No response.

He stole himself and opened the door.  As he walked into the room, he met her watery ruby eyes as they rose to meet his strong gold ones.  He could tell by that sight alone that she was upset.  But even worse, he saw dried tears on her cheeks too.  He noticed his uniform as she scanned him over.  He’d failed to realize it before.  “This… I had a test come up.  I didn’t want to tell you.”  His eyes lowered with shame.  “You looked so happy and content at the show.  I didn’t want to distract you by making you worry.”

She held her pillow to her face and refused to look at him.

‘Is she ashamed to be crying in front of me?’  He decided that if she wouldn’t talk to him, he would take in the scenery.  He looked around the room to embrace his surroundings.  From one end of the room to the other were stuffed animals, long green wallpaper that held small pink hearts, and various books.  He smiled, ‘she’s still a child inside.’  He adored that about her.  He approached the bed and sat down beside her.

She pulled the pillow away and looked at him with pained eyes.

“I’m sorry that I left early and didn’t call.”  He pulled her to him gently, letting her head rest on his shoulder.  He smiled lightly, “can you forgive me, please?”

By the plead in his voice, she couldn’t resist.  “Forgiven.”  She snuggled into his armored shoulder, ignoring the hardness, for she felt safe and warm.  “Alto-kun.”

He looked down at her curiously.  After facing that Vajra this afternoon and seeing those horrid visions, he felt bolder.  He wanted to further their relationship.  He had seen firsthand of a future where he denied her all of himself.  If all he could give now was a mere promise or kiss, it was enough.  He turned to her and gripped her shoulders, “Ranka, I—“ and then the pain kicked in.  He cringed and moved away, hands twitching.  ‘I was so angered upon seeing that beast that I didn’t notice Michael had increased the weight on the controls!’  He lowered his hands with a frown.  “Damn that hurts.”

“Are you injured?” she asked with concern.

He met her worried eyes and smiled, “no.”  He turned away and attempted to calm his aching muscles.  “I just pulled a muscle.”

That worry died, as he seemed fine by the way he was acting.  She met his slightly shocked eyes, “what were you going to say?”

Despite his failure for courage, he would not deny her of a future.  He leaned down, fingers on her chin, and kissed her lips softly.  He pulled her close as that courage returned.  Their lips blended together as he continued to hold her.  He didn’t want to let her go, no matter what.  Then, she pulled away with a yelp, eyes wide with shock.  He pulled back, “Ranka?”

She ran her fingers over her lips and then noticed the foreign object that had invaded her mouth.  As he was about to speak again, she slammed her lips onto his.

He felt her tongue join his.  His eyes snapped wide before he gave in.  He closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss.  A few minutes later, he pulled away, both of them panting for air.

“Next time,” she spoke, still panting lightly, “please call me first before you leave abruptly?”

He looked at her and then embraced her gently.  “I promise.”  One day, he longed for the moment he could state his growing feelings out loud.  He wanted to fly without fear.  She was his one ticket to that free sky.  But also, she was the only one who made him feel like a man, like he was home.  For now, he embraced his irresponsibility.  Sheryl wasn’t important enough to even mention right now.


Saotome Alto was annoyed.  He’d been dragged here by none other than Michael and Luca.  And since they were of age, Michael had introduced them to beer.  But he was more curious about his location.  He was now sitting in the Nyan-Nyan café – the place that Ranka had once said was her job.  But since her debut, he’d heard nothing of such job.  He wasn’t interested in drinking or celebrating his joining the S.M.S., instead, he searched through the waitresses and customers for his girlfriend.  “I hope you contacted Ranka.”

Michael lowered his glass in confusion, “I was supposed to?”

At this, the blue-haired boy turned to him with anger, “you drag me all the way here and she won’t even show?  How am I supposed to tell her?”  With a frown, he turned his head away, “never mind.”  It was fine.  She’d be upset if she knew.  He was now officially a pilot, the one thing she’d shown fear towards.  He understood why she feared it.  His encounter with that Vajra had opened his eyes: he needed her and didn’t want to lose her.  She felt the same way towards him.  They shared that similar feeling.  As he thought about her, his eyes closed, face taking on a smile, “Ranka.”

“May I help our quest?” a familiar voice called out to him.

He blinked rapidly and then turned to find Ranka standing there in her waitress outfit.  A blush lit his cheeks at her state of dress.  “You’re here,” he nearly shouted out, but a smile came to his lips.  “Then I won’t have to call.”  He gripped her arm and sat her down beside him, waving to her boss, whom became irritated.  His eyes met hers with a serious expression.  “Things are about to get more complicated.  I passed my final test.  I’m now a pilot in the S.M.S.”

Unlike before, Ranka was impressed with his accomplishments.  Like herself, he’d set out to chase his dream, and now he was one step closer.  But if he accomplished that dream, would he have no more use for her?  Her smile came out forced at the thought.  “That’s great.”

He stared at her with a frown, “you don’t sound happy.”

“Will it be all right if I stay with you even when you reach your dream of flying?” she asked, her eyes slightly pleading.  Her hands squeezed the tray in her arms hard, eyes hidden by bangs now.  She completely ignored her fuming boss.  “Or would you have no use for me?”

Alto was shocked at her two questions.  She wanted to stay with him forever?  She had seen that far into their future already.  A blush lit his cheeks as he looked down at his sweaty palms.  As usual, a fear gripped his heart, but this was minor.  He felt sheepishly happy.  “You want to stay with me that far in the future?  You won’t change your mind?” he asked, hopeful.


He looked up and smiled warmly, “then don’t worry.”  He lifted a hand and bravely cupped her cheek, wiping away the small tears that had collected.  “You can fly with me.  But for now, let us give the other strength until we both don wings, okay?”  He received a nod at that.  “I’m a pilot now.  I will protect you no matter what.”

Michael burped as he finished a beer, “yeah.  Why don’t you tell her how you were almost killed too?”  At this, their faces turned to him.  Alto’s face was pale as if he were asking for the blonde to cover up his words with a story.  Ranka’s face was horrified as if she were unaware of her boyfriend’s fumble.  The blonde immediately found that he’d crossed a boundary.  He cleared his throat, “Hime thought he’d have some fun in his plane and did a few tricks on the concourse.  Nothing to fully worry about.”

She calmed at his words.  “I’ll try.”

Alto looked at her with confusion at the words.  He saw the sorrow in her ruby orbs before it forced happiness through.  One thing he hated most was thinking with the mind of a girl, but for this time, he did.  It helped him understand her direct emotion towards his joining.  “Do not fret.”  He smiled and gripped her one hand gently, supporting her as best he could, “whatever happens, if you just believe in me, then I’m sure I can do anything.  So don’t lose faith.”

Her eyes were glassy at this.  Had he just used a line from a classic Earth romance film to calm her?  A thick blush came to her cheeks.  “I won’t then.”

He was shocked at her understanding reply but he nodded.  “I’ll prove it to you.  Give me time.”

“How pitiful,” a new voice spoke out.  All eyes landed on a small child in the center of the room with a soldier’s uniform on, her double blue-haired locks bouncing as she approached them with strong eyes.  She pointed at Alto as she stopped and sneered, “you’re lucky that I didn’t thrust you into that Vajra myself!”  At the mention of this, Ranka’s eyes became wide.  “You should’ve been killed by that thing!  Using a blade without a gun and no ammo, you foolish idiot!”

He paled and looked at Ranka, whom was looking at him with fear, to which he turned his head away and nodded sadly.  He hadn’t wanted her to find out.  “It appeared before I could dock.”

Ranka frowned, “why didn’t you tell me?”

He clenched a hand at the sorrow in her voice.  “I didn’t want you to be upset when there was no reason to be.”  He met her eyes now.  “I’m alive.  There’s no need to worry about it.”

The strange girl dropped her hand, noticing his connection with the green-haired girl at last.  She turned her attention to the very drunk Michael Blanc who’d fallen on the floor.  She stomped her feet upon the wood as she approached him.  “And what were you doing, Michael!?” she yelled at him.

He lifted a hand and pointed to her with a smirk, as if challenging her.  “Don’t be like that, Klan.”

Alto finally recognized the girl’s remark a moment ago and read the name again.  “Klan… as in Klan Klang?”  That was the name of his opponent yesterday.  He shot up as the girl turned on him to yelp once more.  “Wait.”  He looked her up and down, sizing her up to that Zentradi war craft he’d faced.  “They let a child fight?”  Then he slumped in his chair with utter shame.  “I was beaten by a girl and a child.”

She dared to give him the middle finger at this, disgusted by the remark.

Michael actually laughed loudly at this, turning over and scraping at the floor.  He got to his feet and held onto the table for support, amused.  “Klan is a Zentradi.  This is her micron form.  See, she’s a bit screwed up in her molecules, if you will.”

He looked at her once more and blushed, embarrassed, and then bowed.  “I’m sorry.”

Klan merely waved it off, not offended, “it’s fine.”  She even dropped her hand.  Her eyes shifted to Ranka.  Said girl was staring at her own boyfriend with longing eyes, as if they were not dating.  If the boy truly cared for her, then why did those eyes seem so hopeful yet sad?  Someone who had closed the distance would not hold such eyes.  She approached him with strong eyes and pulled him down by his collar so they could meet eye-to-eye.  Luckily, Ranka had moved to help others.  “Do you like her?” she asked as her eyes landed on Ranka.

He blushed thickly but nodded.  “Wh—Why do you ask?” he questioned shakily.

“Have you told her?” she asked, sending a glance to the girl once more.  At a shake of the head, she slapped his cheek harshly.  “If you truly care for her, tell her.  She needs to know.”  She released him and turned away, crossing her arms, “trust me; she has already started to worry about your commitment to her.”

He blinked at this.  But she merely walked towards the bar, leaving him to question her words.  He sat back in his chair and looked towards Ranka.  She was now playing with the drunken Michael and Luca, and it seemed as if they were playing tag, as they rounded the tables and disrupted the customers’ happiness.  Her boss nearly fumed at him until he paid for the whole meal on their end, in which said man didn’t make another fuss upon realizing who he was.  As she approached him for a safety zone, he recalled Ranka’s sadness last night.  He shot up, shocking her, “Ranka!” he exclaimed as she came towards him too fast to stop.

Michael noticed this and gave one final shove to her back.

In an instant, she fell upon him.  She yelped as her breasts ran right into his face as he tried once more to sit.  A blush coated his cheeks until he felt the chair tilt.  His arms wrapped around her to give her support but it ended up taking her with him.  He groaned with pain but looked into her cleavage with a smile.  Soon, her face took its place.  Despite what had transpired yesterday, he didn’t feel afraid.  And, more than ever, he wanted to hold her forever.  But, for now, he helped her back to her feet and yelled at Michael.  Finally, his happiness came about.


It was midnight when he walked her home.  He could already tell that Ozma would have his head for keeping her out so late on a school night.  But the S.M.S. members had celebrated with her.  She had earned quite a bit of overtime at Nyan-Nyan, which was a large paycheck that would help her in the future.  He figured it was due to her boss discovering he was her boyfriend.  Once they reached the door, he turned to her with a sad smile, as they would have to part yet again.  It seemed to get lonelier every time he left her here.  “I’ll call you, okay?”  He received a nod but that wasn’t enough of an answer for him.  He leant down and kissed her cheek.  When he pulled away, she was blushing sweetly.

At the action, Ranka gained her own courage.  He’d always led the intimate actions.  Just once, she wanted to show her affection for him too.  Quickly, she jumped up and kissed him on the right cheek.

His eyes went wide at the movement, as he’d not expected such a brave move.  He couldn’t respond, just stare at her closed lids with amazement.

Sheryl Nome stopped cold.  She’d been walking through the streets of Frontier in hopes of running into Alto to question her missing earring.  She was now left shocked as her eyes landed upon this very scene with horror.

Ranka pulled away from the action and raced up the steps, waving to him.  “I’ll see you.”

He held a warm smile as he lifted a hand and returned her movement.  Once she was gone, he lowered that hand to his cheek, touching the area with a gentle expression on his face.  His girlfriend’s brave moves had shocked him.  Perhaps Michael was right: he had made her more confident with each push he gave to her self-esteem.  “She kissed me again.”

Sheryl stared with her heart torn out of her chest.  She had failed to even make him smile.  Yet, Ranka could do so with ease.  Her eyes held agony as she turned and raced away, unable to form the courage to speak with him.

But Alto failed to notice said idol’s appearance.  He merely turned and began his walk home with a bright smile.  He felt happy.

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