Macross Fan Fiction ❯ Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot) ❯ Expedition ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Watashi no Kare wa Pilot (My Boyfriend is a Pilot)
: Macross Frontier
Couple: Alto/Ranka
Summary: Ranka's life was as normal as could be on Frontier, until she met Saotome Alto.  Time passes and she falls in love, but will this be a blessing or the end of Frontier altogether?  AU.
Genre: Romance/Action/Adventure/Horror/Drama
Rating: R (does NOT apply to ALL chapters)
Warnings: sexual situations, violence, blood, gore, and language.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Macross Frontier, it belongs to Shôji Kawamori. This is purely fanmade for entertainment purposes only.

Music: All songs inserted with the exception of Aimo, the Nyan-Nyan commercial, and Sheryl's songs are written by me.

~...~ = singing


Chapter Nine: Expedition
(Special “Blu-Ray” release!)
After a four-day fold lag, Ranka Lee woke to the feel of their ship pulling harshly out of the fold.  Her eyes opened as she sat up, looking at their surroundings.  She didn’t dare ask where they were.  They were still in space but the stars were brighter now, as if illuminated by a sun.  She looked down and closed her book.  She had forgotten it was open.  As she looked ahead, she could see planets.  Her eyes widened, the beautiful orbs taking over her sight.  “The blue one is our destination.  That’s Galia 4.”

The Galia system was quite odd.  There were four planets to it.  Galia 2 and 4 looked much like what he’d seen of pictures of Earth: covered mostly in ocean whilst clouds covered the atmosphere.  Galia 3 was red, much like what he’d seen of Mars.  However, Galia 1 was a barren wasteland, most likely uninhabitable.  It was apparently the closest to the sun too.  It was a small solar system in the middle of the Milky Way.

Saotome Alto heard her voice and looked back, acknowledging that his girlfriend had woken.  “Yes.”  His eyes found the planet in question now.  At those high clouds reaching out to space from the atmosphere, he bounced in his seat with joy.  He had anticipated this planet since learning about it a week ago.  “It has an atmosphere!  That’s a real sky!  It’s beautiful!” he shouted, laughing happily.

She was a bit upset that he showed more interest in it than even their dates but she looked over his shoulder and gazed at the planets more closely.  Galia 4 looked so bright as the sun bounced off the clouds.  She was now excited to see that sky.  Her boyfriend had that lively look on his face now.  “I can’t wait!”

He nodded sheepishly then lowered his eyes.  He had failed to feel her hands on his shoulders until then.  The light armor he wore had prevented alert of that but now that he noticed them, he felt steady, as if the ship wasn’t moving anymore.  But that ended as the base contacted him.  “Sit down,” he ordered, which she kindly followed without retaliation.  “Saotome Alto reporting from the Macross Frontier fleet.  I am escorting Ranka Lee for her concert here on Galia 4.”  He received quick confirmation.  He prepared them for the journey through the gravitational field by putting on the heat shields.  “This will be bumpy,” he warned her momentarily before entering the atmosphere, “this is my first time landing on a planet too.”

And, as promised, the ride began to shake.  He tried to compensate their rate of descent to the gravity pulling them down but it did little to nullify the motions.  The outer layer of the ship became inflamed due to the rapid descent.  She finally felt warmth within the shuttle.  Luckily, the speakers were covered by the heat shields too.  When they passed through the gravity field, he removed the shield and breathed out in relief, sweating through his own suit from the heat and exertion.  He moved to land the ship at the base.  Rounding it, he took note of all the rebels gathered around.  In just a few moments, they landed.

The rebels were already at war with the base, for their weapons were firing rapidly.

He lifted his gun into the air and shot four warning blanks into the air, which attracted their undying attention.  He turned the ship into its Gerwalk mode and then looked at her, “this is your cue.”  He handed her a mike and opened the cockpit, watching her stand and remove her helmet.

She stood with inspiration and determination, courage only Alto had given her, and prepared to sing, then she froze upon noticing all guns were pointed at her.

He noticed the lack of song and shot his head up.  He saw they were ready to end her life.  They were hostile.  As they prepared to pull the triggers, he stood, removing his helmet, and waved his hands, “just a moment!”  He pulled her down by the hands, which were shaking, and stared into her eyes, “this is no time for stage fright, Ranka.  Remember what I told you at the shark tank.  Remember what Michael and Sheryl taught you.”

Her eyes closed in fear.  Then she remembered Michael’s words about singing in crowds, Sheryl’s teachings, and then his words came…

“If you have trouble with crowds, just picture me.  A whole bunch of me are waiting to hear your song.”

At the reminder of those words, her eyes opened.  Her mind flashed with the memory of his content face when she sang Aimo to him.  If she could do that to him, why not to these people?  She no longer needed inspiration.  She stood with that courage. ~Baby, what are you waiting for?  I am here.  I am still waiting on you.  (Don’t you) want my heart and want my love?~ she asked both the rebels and her boyfriend shyly. ~No!?  I don’t understand.  Forget it.~

As he heard her sing out, he was stunned.  But upon that lyric, he remembered the speakers and turned on the music to help her.

The rebels stared, shell shocked by her voice.  They’d never been introduced to culture before.  As they listened to the song, they slowly felt reason return to them.

~I said “no” to a false love.  I want a true love that soars!  (You’re) beautiful!~  Part of that admission was for Alto but also those around her. ~(Please) excuse me!~  She brought a hand up in the form of a gun, ~I’m wishing for, lalala,~ that hand became a signature move as she brought it down to her face and turned it out, making a star fly out, ~possibilities!~

Most of the rebels dropped their weapons at this.  They were captivated by her song and cute features.  Only one kept his calm and snarled at the girl.  He aimed his gun at her.

However, he couldn’t outdo Alto, whom had noticed it instantly.  He lifted a metal hand up, “get on.”  When she did as requested, he lowered her to the ground, allowing her to land gracefully on the platform.  He unlatched the speakers from the ship and took to the air, challenging the rebel to dare attack her in his presence.  He changed the plane into fighter mode and stood in front of her carefully, making sure he didn’t step on her, becoming her physical shield.  “You dare, scumbag.”

The rebel known as Tehmzin snarled upon his challenge.

~Point.  I don’t care.  Point.  Are those fake?~ as before, her hand flew over her shoulder as if to dismiss that lyric. ~Point.  Our hearts are one.~  She left Alto to handle the hostile rebel.  It wasn’t her job to worry about such matters.  She was the songstress and he was the pilot.  Their roles were as such. ~And my love soars high now!~  With a hand up, she halted the music on her own with the controller, “everyone, embrace each other to the ends of the galaxy!”  As they cheered, she smiled, “with me now!”  Then she held up both hands in the form of a heart, ~what ‘bout my heart?~ and they joined her in resonating that lyric throughout the base.

Finally, Tehmzin could take no more of the girl’s irritating song.  He would not allow her to ruin his plans.  He shot up into the sky and aimed at her from Alto’s blindside.  However, said boy stood in his line of fire again.  “You foolish human.”

“I told you: you dare, scumbag,” Alto shot back with venom.

He sneered and took off into the distance with the pilot in hot pursuit.  “Can’t you understand that this universe isn’t big enough for both of our races!?” he screamed, firing heavy ammo at the pilot.  “One must kill the other to survive!  That is how the universe works!”  The pilot avoided his shots gracefully.  He snarled in agitation.  “I am a Zentradi!  It is in our blood to fight!”  He pulled up above and fired missiles.

However, Alto used the statues nearby as a means of escape.  He was taken aback by the words though.  Again with that mention of blood.  He sneered deeply at this and shook his head.  “No blood in the universe can make you do or be something!  If you truly believe that, then you’re a slave!”  He sped up, rivaling the rebel’s speed, then he passed him.  “I’ll show you what someone born with acting blood can do as a pilot!”  He shot back immediately, catching the other off-guard, and released seven heavy shots into the armored shuttle.

Tehmzin screamed out in pain at the shots, coughing up blood.  It had pierced his armor.  “You asshole!” he shouted loudly with rage.

As the machine began its descent, Alto pulled out a knife and charged at the armored suit, stabbing Tehmzin right in the stomach.  “No blood stops me from doing what I aspire to be: a pilot.”  He removed the knife and let the rebel fall into the ocean.

{This universe isn’t big enough for races to coexist.}

With his job done, he returned to the concert platform.  He rushed back and stopped short in front of her, changing it back into Gerwalk mode.  He backed up and hovered there, mesmerized, not exactly realizing he was blocking the view.

~Tell me what you desire,~ she spoke as she took notice of his return, ~it’s all yours!~  She held a hand out to him, then pulled back, ~it’s so fantastic to be with you,~ and finally that hand landed upon her heart, ~my love!~ then she looked out, stars flying out just from the glance.  As they cheered, she held up a hand, smiling with a small blush.

He flushed at the sight.  He was fascinated.  But as the crowd cheered, a strange emotion plagued him.  His eyes held sadness at her joyful face.  He landed the plane and stood, removing his helmet so he could hear the rest of her concert.  The danger was gone now.

She gripped her mike hard now and mouthed a track number to him.  He followed the command.  “This song is an early birthday present to my precious person.”  Her hint at him caused his face to flush.  “Please enjoy it as I share it with you all.  And wish that person a Happy Birthday as well.”

He was stunned.  His finger pressed the button without his knowledge.  Then the music began, shocking him out of his trance.  The melody was new.  He hadn’t heard this one before.  Then her projection clothes changed into a green dress with orange straps and high-heels the same bright color, and in her hair was a beautiful red rose.  He watched her dance, acting just like a professional despite the possible danger, and it was all for him.  He was touched.  “That’s it,” he smiled warmly, “Ranka.”

~The stars hide in the silence now, sparkling for you, for your thoughts.~  As a group of projection stars appeared, she began to dance, waving her fingers to control them.  She felt alive.  Her boyfriend was listening to the song she’d written for him on their journey here.  It was embarrassing yet she felt so happy. ~A skyline flight welcomes me.~  She saw him blush at that. ~Your name became a spell that I repeat forever.~  She bounced with each beat, making her dress sway. ~The birds soar beside us.  The clouds are broken through.~

He was flattered.  He hadn’t even taken her into the sky yet she could already imagine what it would be like.  She could already picture the clouds, birds, and feel of the wind in her green locks.  It just proved how much his dream had become one she coveted.  And he embraced it happily.  “Ranka.”

~Sparkle!~ she made that signature pose again, letting a large star fly into the crowd.  At that, they all dropped their weapons, captivated by the cute expression on her face.  She ignored and continued regardless. ~Your whole body is clear.  It’s like a picture.~

He immediately turned red at this.  A flashback of just five days ago at the spa came rushing back to him.  Her arms had been around his middle, their nude bodies pressed against each other, sharing warmth, his back to her; and he blushed, as if they’d done more than merely that.  It was implied in her lyrics.  But then he recalled her words about singing of experiences.  He understood now.  “So that’s what she was doing.”

~Ride that shooting star.  You suddenly lift into that dark blue starlit sky.~  Her hand soon made the motion of an ascent as her body turned towards said movement. ~The fireworks explode.  Our hearts are shot through with arrows of light.~  She brought her hand up in the shape of a gun and made the motion to shoot, creating a projection of sparkles traveling across the crowd.  With that, the music died.  She waved as they cheered happily.  Then she felt weakness finally creep in.  She slumped to her knees.

He immediately jumped out of his ship and rushed to her side.  He nearly hugged her as a reflex when he dipped to his knees before her.  “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.

She nodded.  “It must be from the fright.”  But the beads of sweat on her forehead proved otherwise.

He felt it now too.  They weren’t used to real oxygen nor the gravity.  He was slightly more used to it after all the training he’d gone through.  But she wasn’t.  He helped her up.  “You should rest.”

She shook her head, “no.”  She stood with defiance, placing a hand over her heart as she spoke out, “I have to finish this concert and go find my past.  I can’t afford rest yet.”  As she walked back out, he stared with shock.  He was marveling at her.  Slowly but surely, he helped her blossom into a woman. ~Aimo aimo nedel luuche noina miria en del plotea fotomi we are in a warm ocean.~  She failed to see her stomach begin to glow at the song.

–My dearest, my dearest; may we walk upon this long endless road?  Once more, we are in a warm ocean.–

He blinked and looked around swiftly for anyone else who might’ve heard that translation.  No one seemed able to though.  No one was around to speak it either.  ‘Did I just understand those lyrics?’  His mind had translated that foreign language for him.

–Here, right here, the dancing larks in the sky are waves.–

He gripped his stomach as the glow appeared.  He backed up.  It reacted to her song.  Stumbling forward to his knees, he looked up at her content face with confusion.  Then it faded.  The pain and confusion melted into understanding.  He marveled at her form.  For the first time, he recognized her as a beautiful woman.

–Here, right here, you are a young and gentle child.–

He reached out for her with a shaky hand.  A strange sensation was running through him—like every cell in his body wanted her to hold him.  The world began to fade to black.  “Ranka.”  He fell unconscious as her song ended, the glow thus fading.  And with a thud, he hit the ground.  He failed to hear her cry out in worry.


His eyes snapped open hours later to find a tile ceiling.  A groggy sigh left his lips.  He immediately took notice of the fact he was within the base.  He sat up and looked around for his girlfriend.  He found her asleep at his side, holding his hand.  His memory failed him here.  “What happened?” he asked himself.

–My dearest, my dearest; may we walk upon this long endless road?  Once more, we are in a warm ocean.–

He immediately recalled the reason for his fainting.  “Aimo.”  That alien song he knew nothing about had been translated into his own language within his mind.  She hadn’t said a word.  He frowned and looked down at her sleeping face.  ‘Just what are you, Ranka?’ he asked her inwardly.


Alto only allowed himself three more hours of sleep before he decided it was time to go.  As Ranka signed autographs for those around, he stayed in the shadows, concerned over what that glow was.  When a worker came over to him and informed him that his VF-25F had been delivered, he was shocked, but more so at Michael Blanc’s arrival.  He thanked Ozma inwardly for the present.  He neared his friend with curiosity.  “What are you doing here?” he asked, slightly wondering if Ozma was showing his distrust at last.

Michael slapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder.  “Ozma sent me because a fold fault was detected from here all the way back to Frontier.  Since you arrived with Ranka-chan, communications have been lost.  So I came with the intention of being a backup.”  At this, the other boy’s face paled.  “I brought Sheryl.”

That did it.  He fell down.  He shot up with irritation, “why’d you bring her here!?”

“Orders,” Michael explained simply, “from Ozma.”  He looked at Ranka with disregard to Alto.  “When communications were lost, we became unable to assess the situation and figured it had gone dire.  So Ozma sent Sheryl to calm the rebels in her place.  But upon arriving, Sheryl collapsed.”

He was shocked at the explanation.  Ranka and Sheryl were in the same situation.  They were both affected by this new, strange atmosphere.  He had been growing concerned since the first sight of the glow.  But now it was growing deeper.  ‘It appeared when she sang.’  His eyes narrowed at her suspiciously.  It wasn’t for her but rather the glow within her stomach.  ‘Before, all I felt was pain and suffering.  But at the end there, I felt a heart surge inside me.  It was as if I wanted to touch her… make her mine.  It was just desire.’  He frowned deeply.  ‘Why did such a primal urge surge into me?’  He lowered his eyes and sighed, “I’m getting worried.”

“So am I.”  At that, the other looked at him with shock.  “You were stated to have fainted during Ranka-chan’s concert since arriving.  What happened to you?”

Alto stared at him for a while, assessing how to state his current situation.  But, thinking about it, there was no simpler way to say it than the truth.  “Michael,” he began with slight hope and wonder, “if I was infected with the V-type infection, what would you do?”

Those purple eyes narrowed, “nothing.”

For a moment, those golden orbs widened.  He was shocked.  “What do you mean?” he asked with wonder.  Even as friends, they still had others to protect.  He’d kill Michael in a heartbeat for any of his other friends, even Ranka.  He had expected the same reaction out of him.  The fear that Klan might become infected should’ve ticked him off too.  “Wouldn’t you turn me in to the government or avoid me, even kill me?” he inquired with a quirked brow.

The blonde shook his head.  “You said ‘if,’ didn’t you?” he questioned back then shrugged his shoulders.  “Infected or not, you’re my friend.  I’ll accept you regardless.”

He was shocked at the answer.  It wasn’t what he’d expected.  Looking down, his eyes held shame, “I think I’m infected.”  Those brown eyes widened, mouth moving to speak, which he stopped immediately with a hand.  “Don’t bother.”  He dropped that hand.  “Both of us have it.  And we react to each other.”  He turned to her, ignoring his friend’s confusion.  “My stomach glows when she sings.  I feel something from it.  Sometimes, it’s painful—like I’m going to die if it doesn’t fade.  Sometimes, it’s pleasurable—like my whole body is on fire and heals itself.  And sometimes, it’s virtually unbearable—like my body wants one thing: to make her mine.  No matter which one, I always feel desire.”  His eyes shut tightly.  “But I always faint.”

“Do you know what it means?” the blonde asked, tearing him out of the thoughts.  But those gold eyes only held confusion.  “To communicate like that, I mean.”

He shook his head.  He looked at his stomach with a frown, one hand touching it gently.  “It isn’t really a connection but more like I sense her emotions.  It makes my body react in such a primal way and I’m getting concerned about why.  She’s completely unaware.”

Michael understood.  He put back on his trademark smirk and patted him on the back reassuringly.  “I’ll be at the base if you need me.”  He looked at him with serious eyes, “be careful and,” he began to walk away, waving, “have fun escorting Ranka-chan back to Frontier.”  With a click in his teeth, he left the boy there.

He frowned at that.  “Ass.”  Despite how he tried to seem serious, when that point broke, he still joked.  It irritated him.

“Everyone,” he heard Ranka’s voice in the microphone, “this is my last number.”  He found her standing on the stage, holding her mike, wearing a beautiful ruby strapless dress.  He smiled at the sight.  With her speech, she was aware they were getting ready to leave. ~I never noticed how painful one-sided love could be.  My beliefs had crashed with your dreams.~

Immediately, he felt a foreboding presence to the song, as the lyrics were sad.

~I looked back at how your kindness would make me tremble and my heart skip.~  As she glanced at him, he held a pained face. ~I always, always awaited your love.  However, however, even now, we are merely friends.~  And now he clenched a fist, understanding her lyrics fully.

He felt a stab in his heart.  His feelings were crystal clear.  He knew what he wanted.  But to convey it was difficult.  And now, it was too late.  She had already entered insecurity.  If he didn’t do something soon, he’d lose her.

~No matter how strong my feelings are,~ her eyes were sorrowful, ~I can’t convey them more.~  She felt how hopeless it all was and fear gripped her heart.  A flash came of his embarrassment at Miss Macross.  Immediately, tears fell at the reminder. ~You don’t understand.  I love you so.~

But he didn’t blow up this time.  As a matter of fact, his eyes held longing at the admission.  He understood her outward confession.

With a forced smile, she ended the song and bowed.  As they asked for one encore, she decided to use one short song.  She met her boyfriend’s eyes with that forced smile.  However, it wasn’t returned this time.  Her attention turned back to the crowd. ~Aimo aimo nedel luuche noina miria en del plotea fotomi we are in a warm ocean.~

His eyes went wide at the song.  Her necklace shimmered in the sunlight.  His mind woke up once more to the song.  His stomach glowed brightly.  Those sensations returned.

–My dearest, my dearest; may we walk upon this long endless road?  Once more, we are in a warm ocean.  Here, right here, the dancing larks in the sky are waves.  Here, right here, you are a young and gentle child.–

He gripped his head and stared at her back.  His stomach was pulsing with the lyrics.  The song became a mantra in his mind.  His body felt hot and bothered.  Then he could feel the universe open up to him, as if he had entered a fold, and he saw atoms vanish along DNA strands—then he saw Ranka standing there, singing, alone.  He gripped his stomach and reached out, understanding the desire at last.  He tripped over his own two feet as he moved forward, suddenly dizzy.  With one more step, he slumped to his knees and panted, the sensations intensifying.  ‘Wh—What is this feeling?  It’s hot as hell!’  He gripped his mouth and coughed harshly.  When he looked at the hand, it was covered in blood.  He began to understand.  “I…” his eyes lifted to her.  She continued the melody he now longed for.  Her stomach was glowing too.  The green color bounced off his face and reacted with his blue one.  “I don’t understand.”  He was almost there.  Just a few more inches.  His hand reached for her.  “Ranka.”  Then he lost consciousness, the glow fading along with the song.

She turned swiftly as a hand tugged at the hem of her dress, nearly pulling it down.  Her eyes took notice of her boyfriend’s condition at last.  Then panic settled in.  “Alto-kun!?”


It was only an hour until he was mobile again.  He waited for Ranka once more as rebels had taken his sleep time to ask for more autographs.  He felt concern enter his heart upon remembering earlier.  She wasn’t just unaware of the connection but also lacked trust in his feelings.  Now he had to not only worry about her heart but the possible virus rushing through him.  His worries were centered around one mere question: ‘will I live?’  He had already coughed up blood once.  And then his mind landed on the odd feelings each one sent to him.  ‘Is it possible… that Aimo is connected to it?’

Ranka finally raced over.  “I’m done with the autographs.”  She blushed and bowed, “sorry for the wait.”

He waved a hand to dismiss it.  “Don’t fret about it.”  He dropped that hand then lifted it to rub the back of his head.  “I’m sorry for scaring you before.  I’ve done that twice since we arrived.”  He frowned deeply at the reminder of his worries.  He had to wonder if she had noticed it.  Because she hadn’t asked, he had figured she didn’t.  “Ranka,” he attracted her attention, “before, did you sense anything odd when you sang Aimo?”

She blinked at that.  In truth, she had felt something enter her mind but had dismissed it as fear towards the large crowd.  And, at this point, that was the only explanation.  “No.”

He stared with shock.  It had seemed for a moment like she would give him an honest reply but it became obvious that she had no honest answer.  “I see.”  He faked a smile at that.  “I guess I had a little déjà vu.”

She nodded with agreement at this.

His concern now revolved around her emotions.  That song had proven they’d fallen.  She didn’t know his feelings at all.  He had sensed her wavering emotions but now it was clarified.  He had to convey or risk losing her.  But how to go about doing so?  ‘I can’t even speak the words.’  He frowned, ashamed at his own weakness, as it was holding him back now.  It wasn’t enough that he failed at training often, now he couldn’t even tell his girlfriend of his feelings for her.  ‘I’m pitiful.’

“Are you okay?” she asked, snapping him out of that trance.  “You look pale.”  She moved closer, making him back up with a thick blush.  “Your face looked pained too.  You weren’t hurt by that rebel, were you?”

He shook his head swiftly and put distance between them.  “I’m not injured.”  He sighed, slowing down his rapid heartbeat, then he recalled what today was.  He paled once more.  He hated this day.  “I guess, as usual, July 27th is gonna be a long day.”

She stared at him at the mention of the date.  Then she recalled it being spoken before.  Quickly, she blushed, “I forgot your birthday with everything going on.”  Rushing over to the plane, she reached into the storage space and pulled out a small bag, thrusting it at him with a bright smile.  “Happy Birthday, Alto-kun.”

At her smile, he blushed, heart skipping a beat.  Then he took the bag with shock.  A present.  He opened it and pulled out a model replica of the very plane behind him except with the Tornado pack attached.  He was shocked.  As he looked at her, he found her fiddling with her fingers, embarrassed.  ‘She always knows just what I want.’  He smiled and held it up, as if pretending to fly it, “I love it.”

Her eyes shot up with shock, “really?”

He brought the plane down and curved it, then touched the nose against her forehead, making her jump slightly.  He smiled warmly at her shocked reaction, “yeah.”

Her worry died with his reply.  He had liked her gift.  She was happy to know that she’d learned enough about him to buy a gift he’d love.  It was also obvious now that his affections for her were deeper.  He was interested and desired to be with her.  Her eyes rose to his face.  “Alto-kun,” she attracted his attention.

He looked at her with concern upon the tone of her voice, “yes?”

“Do you love Sheryl-san?” she asked suddenly, head shooting up, those eyes holding fear and hope at the same time.  The fear was towards his possible feelings for said idol.  The hope was towards the possibility he held none.  She needed him to clarify that one question for her heart’s sake.

He was shell shocked at the question.  It had stunned him.  “Why would you ask me that?” he responded slowly, trying to find anything to say.  He couldn’t believe this subject had come up.  Had she seen him with Sheryl that night?  He blushed and turned away, whispering, “it was just a freaking kiss.  It meant nothing.”

Her eyes went wide at his low words, “a kiss?”

He blinked and turned his attention to her once more.  He was shocked she’d heard the words.  But, apparently, she was also unaware of what had happened between him and Sheryl but what she’d seen thus far, which is why the first question was asked.  And he’d released his deep, dark secret that he’d sworn didn’t exist to begin with.  He waved his hands quickly, “it was a mistake!”

Her eyes held unshed tears now.  “Why didn’t you tell me if it was a mistake?” she asked, confused, the feeling of being destroyed inside overtaking her.  He’d held that this whole time?  He had lied.

He cringed at that.  His eyes lowered with shame.  How could he have held that aside this long?  At the time, it seemed meaningless to mention it because they were fine, but now it was back to haunt him.  “I didn’t start it.”  As her eyes rose to his, his held honesty.  “You see, she tricked me.”  At her blink, he smiled slightly, hopeful.  “You remember that night you called and I was at the hotel?”  At her nod, he sighed.  “She kissed me out of nowhere.  I was shocked.  Until your phone call, I didn’t push her away.”

She seemed to understand the situation when he mentioned that she had kissed him.  He hadn’t initiated it and therefore wasn’t at fault.

He bowed slightly, “I’m sorry.”

Despite knowing he hadn’t torn away directly until her phone call on said night, she forced a smile and wiped the tears away.  He was being honest with her now, holding nothing back, and that showed just how much he cared.  It had been a meaningless kiss to him, so there had been no reason to bring it up.  “If you weren’t at fault, you should’ve just told me.  I would’ve understood.”

He shot his head up and stammered, “but you… reactions to your family and past, even my training… I feared how you’d react.”  He took a step towards her.  “You’ve looked so sad lately.  Even on our vacation, you held such lonely eyes.  I’m concerned.”

She understood.  “I’m just worried what will happen if I remember my past.”  She looked at him with concern.  “Canaria-san filled you in about my amnesia, didn’t she?”  A nod was her answer.  “I’m afraid to lose my memories of you.  I love you so much that the mere thought scares me.”

He stared at that admission.  He had been thoroughly informed of Ranka’s amnesia before coming here.  At her admission of love, he hit on that reassurance that had failed to be conveyed countless times.  She kept admitting her feelings and he couldn’t do the same.  “Ranka, I…” he began with a stutter.

Her eyes lifted to his, “hm?”

He froze at her curious rubies.  That fear returned.  He looked down.  “I… about that…” he began, once again trying to find a way to express himself.  There had to be something he could say.  He had to clarify their relationship was deepening.  Even a ‘wait for me’ or ‘give me time’ would suffice.  He gulped and found the courage he needed.  “I like you.”

She blinked at this.

He was shocked that he’d managed to say ‘suki’ through his petrified lips but then he calmed and looked at the sky.  “I’m not good with romance or love.”  He smiled and lowered his eyes to hers.  “So give me time, please.  I’m not playing with your heart, I promise you that.”

Her eyes widened.  Upon realizing that ‘suki’ was for her, she realized that was his admission.  She smiled brightly and nodded.  “I will.”

He stared at her.  He already knew how he felt.  But when he attempted to convey it, that fear always stalled him.  A part of him began to believe it was connected to her.  But if it kept up, he’d lose Ranka.  She was too insecure and Sheryl was too brave.  The more times he failed to convey, the more he questioned his feelings too.  ‘I need more courage.’  His eyes narrowed at her sadly.  He wanted her closer than ever before.  Taking a step forward, he pulled her into an embrace, ignoring her shock.  This act of bravery proved that there was a chance he’d eventually overcome his pitiful fears.  “I like you,” he repeated once more with strength.

She snuggled into his chest, enjoying his embrace despite the lack of warmth from his armor, “I love you,” she smiled brightly up at him.

He blushed slightly at the admission.  He wondered how she could so easily confess such feelings without fear of the future.  Leaning down, his lips met hers in a soft kiss.  The plane loomed over their forms, casting a shadow on the ground below, the sun tracing their forms with light as they stood on that cliff.  As he pulled away, he held a soft smile.  “I seal my promise with that.  I will tell you the moment I can of my feelings.”

She nodded, touched.


In the clouds high above, the VF-25F Messiah flew.  Now that Alto was traveling through the clouds of his free sky with his girlfriend, he was content.  There was nothing in the world to worry about.  He was free, happy, content, and at home all at once.  His eyes closed momentarily before he looked back at her, noticing she was watching the clouds passing by, and a warm smile touched his lips.

She was slightly bored.  She couldn’t fly beside or assist him.  Therefore, she couldn’t enjoy it the same way.  But as she noticed him, her cheeks lit.  She recalled a subject that had been mentioned during their vacation.  “Do the clouds taste like candy?” she asked suddenly.

Dipping the shuttle into the clouds, he slowed down slightly and opened the window, “go ahead and find out!” he yelled to her.

She pulled off her helmet and stood slightly, closing her eyes to the wind and opening her mouth to welcome the clouds.  However, all she could taste was air and liquid.  With a sad face, she sat down and put her helmet back on as he closed the cockpit.  She shook her head.  “No.  They taste like water.”  With a pout, she looked out at the distance sadly as he ascended once more.  She felt his gaze on her again and smiled, ~that’s right.  Your words are always treasures.  I hope to reach you with light and energy and wake you up.~

Looking over his shoulder at her, he smiled, a rosy blush coating his cheeks.  It was obvious now that she enjoyed his company.  He still couldn’t form words to express his feelings.  But, looking at the serene sky, he figured that now was a time to bond.  “Would you like to do tricks?”

She looked at him oddly, “how?”

He let out a chuckle at the question.  “With the plane, silly.”  He met her curious eyes.  This would be the first time he’d performed tricks in a Valkyrie.  “How about some loops?” he asked with wonder.

She understood his concept now and it excited her.  The danger of flying through the clouds in loops for fun made her feel alive again.  It sounded just like the roller coaster.  She held up a determined fist and rose it as high as she could in the cockpit, “let’s fly!”

He laughed at that.  ‘Yes,’ he thought happily, ‘she wants to fly with me!’  He quickly accelerated, throwing them both back, then ascending high only to turn the plane completely upside down and nosedive towards the mountains, then he pulled them up rapidly.  He performed another nosedive, twirling the wings as well, then pulled up quickly once more.  This moment returned him to his childhood again.  Instead of his mother smiling, he was laughing with Ranka.  As they ascended once more, he felt her arms around his shoulders, bracing him, and they smiled happily.  ‘Yes,’ he thought with confirmation, ‘truly, my feelings for her are—‘

Then a red emergency sign popped up on the control panel.

His attention was drawn to it instantly, mind returning to its normal state, and he noticed the fold signature at last.  He instantly remembered Michael mentioning a fold fault to him.  And then, like Hell had come to consume him for his sinful nature, the controls died.  “Damn!” he alerted her before the plane began to shake.

She fell back into her chair and fixed her seatbelt, “what’s happening?”

“The navigation died so the controls are dead too!” he yelled as he looked for an emergency landing area.  Then the engines gave out.  The plane began to spiral towards the ground.  He could hear her screaming over the sound of the malfunctioning controls beeping at him.  And then his stomach glowed once more.  But this sensation was different than the past ones—instinct to protect.  He gripped the controls with lightning quick speed and pulled up.  “Prepare yourself!” he warned her.

She closed her eyes and braced for impact.

The plane crashed into the nearby forest, tearing down multiple trees until the tip smashed into a mountainside, causing them both to burst forward abruptly, knocking the breath out of them.  Then the tip fell into the dirt.  As the dust cleared, the shuttle still stood even as dirt covered it.

He let loose a sigh of relief.  That could’ve been their end.  He pulled himself together and looked at his stomach just in time to see the glow fade.  He blinked in surprise.  ‘It came back when she was in danger this time.’  It had all happened so fast.  He looked to her, “you okay?”

She sat up and unbuckled, breathing heavily from the fright and harsh landing, but she nodded, “I think so.”

He nodded and looked at the control panel.  “Damn.”  They were still jammed.  He tried to override the automatic but it refused his commands.  He slammed a fist on it but that did nothing.  “The controls are still shot.  Without them, the ship won’t fly.”  He sighed and sat back in the chair.

She removed her helmet and looked around.  ‘I feel like I’ve seen this place before.’  She jumped out of the aircraft and walked onto the cliff.  From the lush grass rose small lights into the air like dandelions.  The scenery looked so familiar yet she couldn’t place it.  “This place…” she looked for a landmark to help her recall.

“We’re safe at least.”  He failed to notice she’d left the safety of the ship.  He removed his helmet, letting his long hair sway as he shook his head to free it.  “We should make camp and wait for rescue.”  He turned to speak but she was gone.  He held a frown.  Without communication, they were utterly helpless.  But that meant the base was affected too.  Grabbing his automatic gun, he jumped down and walked over to her.  “We should camp away from the ship in case of danger.”

She turned upon noticing his appearance and nodded before helping him remove their emergency supplies from the ship.  As they began their descent from the cliff, she saw something in the distance that attracted her attention.  She left his side and approached the edge.  Her eyes widened, helmet falling with a loud thud, which attracted his attention.  “Alto-kun…” she spoke, horrified, “…look at that.”

He stood next to her on the cliff.  He hadn’t spotted anything suspicious upon passing but as his eyes followed hers, they widened.

There, in the middle of the forest, was an old and beat up Macross.

He was in disbelief.  “A Macross… here?”  What was it doing here?  He pulled out his binoculars and zoomed in on the tag.  “Macross Global.”  He lowered it and frowned.  He pulled out the paperwork he’d gathered and looked for the tag.  “Macross Global was launched with the 117th Research fleet from Earth as a means of protection fifteen years ago.”  He froze suddenly and looked at Ranka, whom was terrified, at last understanding why.  ‘It’s here!  Her past is here!’

She stared at the part of her heritage she’d forgotten with horror.  Those memories of the Vajra destroying that ship came back to her but this time it was filled with memories of her parents as well.  She wrapped her arms around her stomach as it glowed bright green, slumping with a loud scream.  Her voice reached the heavens.

“Ranka!” he yelled out in concern, catching her as she fell back.  He looked down at the fainted girl with worry.  His eyes lifted to the ship in the distance.  He grit his teeth.  “Just what happened to her here?”


She woke to the sound of a crackling fire nearby.  Her eyes opened and landed upon the fire.  Sitting up, she noticed an animal was cooking over it, the smell hitting her nose now.  “What happened?” she addressed him as he knelt by it.

He looked up with shock.  “You’re awake.”  He rubbed the back of his head with a small smile.  “I’m cooking dinner.”  He lifted his eyes to find her still lost.  Then her question sunk in.  “You fainted.  I don’t really know what happened.”  He poked the animal with a stick then turned it over.  He sighed and sat down.  “It seemed like you had a flashback.  Then you just screamed out and fainted.”

She looked around and noticed their camp area had been set up.  A blanket had been draped over her form.  She kicked it off and joined him by the fire, reaching her hands out to the flames for warmth.  It was cold now that the evening had faded into night.  “How long have I been out?” she addressed the late hour.

“About three to four hours,” he responded, looking at his distant ship with a frown.  “The plane can still fly but without the navigation, the controls won’t respond.  The fold fault is too large.”  He sighed outwardly with irritation.  “Now I wish I’d kept that VF-171EX because most of the twenty-fifth series are on automatic navigation.”  He rubbed his brows with agitation at their current situation.

Her eyes lowered sadly.  When he spoke like that at times, she felt that he was upset with being alone with her.  Then again, if they didn’t have a mission, she’d think long and hard on that.  As he served her food, she took a small tray.  “I don’t mind.  I’d prefer that ship over any other if it meant you being happy.  Plus,” she nibbled on the food, missing his shocked face, “it only means we get to spend more time together.”  Swallowing the piece of food, she smiled.  “And thanks to your good piloting skills, we’re alive.”

He nodded with rosy cheeks.  For a while now, he’d pushed himself forward blindly, forgetting his reasons for fighting and defending Frontier.  Then she’d say those random, happy words, praising his efforts, and he felt the courage to stand and do those things again.  He loved it.  And he knew inwardly that he fought for her, just to hear those praises.  With a warm smile, he gripped his blue blanket and wrapped it around his slender form.  Their spacesuits were not warm.  He scooted closer to her and pulled her close, wrapping a part of his blanket over her shoulder.  “It’s been a while since we’ve been this close, huh?” he reminded her of that one night a month ago.

She looked at him oddly, “ke?”

He let loose a chuckle at the reply.  “Damn, that always makes me laugh.”  He stared at the fire and let its heat embrace him.  He could feel that her eyes had left him.  He felt serene by her side.  Then he dared a glance at her, just to clarify she felt the same, and he found his eyes widening.  Her eyes held sadness, a small frown on those lips, eyebrows furrowed, as if in pain.  It tore into the very depths of his soul.  ‘Why does she look so lonely?’  He held sorrow when he looked away.  He forced a smile; “the concert was amazing.”

She looked up at him; “you really think so?”

“Yeah,” he agreed.  He recalled how she had improvised when he took off to take care of Tehmzin.  Her composure hadn’t dropped a bit, letting him fight with all his power to defeat the party crasher.  “The way you handled the crowd and that rogue rebel, I thought you were a professional.”  He turned to her, curious, “did you picture me like I recommended?”

She smiled but shook her head.  “No.”  Her eyes stared at the fire.  “I knew you were there.”  Even so, her orbs shimmered with the flames.  “Instead, I saw the crowd and thought to myself ‘if I don’t convey these feelings, how will they understand?’  So I sang for the people who wanted to hear my voice.”

His eyes were sparkling at her as she looked up, a bright smile on his face.  “Thank you for the most captivating birthday present I’ve ever received.”  He felt content with admitting that.

She blushed thickly and nodded swiftly.

“Did,” he thought heavily, concerned, “that make you happy?”

Her eyes met his momentarily.  At that one moment, he could see the dried tears on her cheeks due to the firelight.  She turned away swiftly now.  She understood his question easily.  It was aimed at her profession in general.  “I’m not sure anymore.”

“Ranka?” he questioned quietly with a frown.  ‘She’s sending me all these mixed signals.’  He forced an understanding face despite this and shoved the questions away.  That was obviously a shaky subject right now.  They weren’t that close yet.  “Just give it more time.  It takes a while to get used to the job.  It takes hard work to accomplish a dream.”  He knew that all too well.  “It was utter hell to become a pilot,” he finally told her the piece of his messages he’d never sent.  “The training was painful.  I thought I would quit from the strain on my muscles.  Then I would get your dear messages and I’d become inspired again.”  He chuckled slightly, “you kept me going.”

For a moment, she didn’t respond, totally blown away by his admission, then smiled.  “Thank you, Alto-kun.”  She crawled back over to her spot and gripped her blanket.  In the back of her mind, she felt enlightened by his words but also slightly stabbed.  She folded his jacket – which he had insisted upon bringing – and laid her head upon it for comfort.  She pulled the blanket up to her chin, huddling into a little ball to keep in the warmth.

He nodded to himself.  He scooted over by the rock nearby and pulled his gun up, resting it on his chest.  He laid his head back against the rock and breathed in with eyes staring at the stars.  “You sleep.  I’ll stand guard half the night, okay?”

She agreed with a small smile, then snuggled into his jacket, embracing his scent.  “I love you, Alto-kun.”

There was no response from him.

Her eyes shot open wide and she shot up, “Alto-kun—“ then she blushed.

He was breathing evenly, eyes closed, fast asleep.  He hadn’t even heard her admission that time.  He held the gun in his arms, though they were slightly slumped to show the numbness in his muscles.  The whole day had caught up to him finally.  After all, he had trekked on when she’d passed out.  As she laid back down and fell asleep, his one eye popped open.  He looked at her with shame.  He hated avoiding that admission, as he wasn’t one to pretend or lie to a person he cared for, but responding never seemed to work and brushing past it was impossible.  He could never get the words out even as he felt them.  ‘I’m the lowest of the low.’  He slumped his head and felt like screaming at himself.  He settled for staring at the starry sky sadly.  ‘I want to tell her.’


Saotome Alto’s eyes opened as dawn cracked over the horizon.  He could see the sunlight touching the trees above.  He found himself on his back.  The ship in the distance had created a shadow over them.  He tried to get up with a groan when he felt something holding down his right side.  He reached for his gun, ready to kill the being responsible, but his eyes landed upon Ranka’s sleeping form with shock.  She had joined him again.  She was sleeping peacefully on his chest.  He laid back against the ground and smiled warmly, pulling her closer, gun at the ready to protect her.  For once, he felt content despite the situation, as it felt right.

Her eyes fluttered open and a yawn came before she returned to lying upon his warm chest again.  Opening her eyes, she felt the strangely warm surface that was missing its light armor, and the strong scent of his musk, and she looked up, slowly rising, until their eyes met.  His were content whilst hers seemed shocked, as if caught in the act.  She quickly flushed and attempted to pull away, except his arm around her waist caused her to fall back on him, knocking the breath out of him.  “I—I’m sorry!” she tried to apologize.

He didn’t mind that she was sleeping with him.  But, after two nights of it, he did wonder why.  He had joined her last time.  Now it was reversed.  With a confused look in his eyes, he asked that million-dollar question: “why were you sleeping with me?”

“I,” she sat up, finally freed of his grip, and looked around the forest with concern, “heard something moving out there.  And you had the gun, so I felt safer with you.”  She smiled sheepishly and pressed her two fingertips together in embarrassment.  “Once I laid on your chest, I fell asleep instantly.  I felt safe in your arms.  Plus, you held me so tightly once I laid down so escape was impossible.”

Upon her explanation, he stared at her blushing face.  It explained why his dreams had changed towards a more erotic state.  Last time, the stuffed animal had been between them.  This time, only their clothes had separated them.  At her admission of feeling safe with him, however, he felt his heart come alive.  “I see.”

She flushed slightly, hair risen with embarrassment.  “I don’t usually do that.”

“I know,” he responded with a bright smile, “that’s why I’m shocked.”

Suddenly, there was a rustling in the nearby bushes, making both of them become alert to possible danger.

He reacted automatically, pulling her to his form via the waist and raising his gun to the source of the sound, daring it to attack them.  A small green animal jumped out and yelped with fright at his weapon.  He stared at it with shock, then lowered his gun, looking up at her.  For a moment, he recognized her blushing face and risen hair as part of his erotic dream, except when he took notice of the similar situation of nearly being against her breasts, he tore away with flustered cheeks, “I’m sorry!”

She collected herself, sitting a few inches away and holding her cheeks with both hands.  That was the bravest move he’d ever made on her.

He stood and neared the frightened creature.  He knelt down and looked at it, placing his gun down.  ‘It seems so harmless.’  He held out a hand, attempting to be friendly, and the being let him rub its chin until it made a soft purr of happiness.  He smiled, looking momentarily towards Ranka before returning his attention to the being; “do you have a home, little guy?”

It made a strange noise that he assumed meant ‘no.’

“Do you want a home?” he asked with a smile.

The being jumped up and made a loud squeak, as if saying ‘yes.’

He picked it up softly and held it close to his chest, petting its head with a gentle finger, “I have a home for you.”  He walked over to Ranka’s sitting form and knelt beside her.  She’d calmed down from the embarrassment.  He held out the animal to her.  “He needs a home and I think you would be better than me.”  After observing her caring nature during his sickness, he felt she’d be a perfect mother for the little animal.”

She gazed down at the strange creature.  ‘Is it a gift?’  She blushed at the thought and sheepishly took the confused animal from her boyfriend’s arms, holding it close.  He’d already given her so much, even a fold quartz necklace, and now came a pet.  She smiled at him with pure joy, “thank you, Alto-kun.”

He nodded with a warm smile on his lips whilst standing once more.

“I shall name you Ai-kun!” she yelped as she held the animal up, whom seemed happy.  “After all, ai means love.”

He once again stiffened.  He shakily nodded with understanding.  “Yeah.”  He walked away a bit and gripped his chest with pained eyes.  ‘These feelings I have are killing me.  I want to convey.’  He failed to see her sad eyes at his lack of reply once more.  He looked to the Macross in the distance.  He cleared his throat, “we should check out that old ship.  Maybe you’ll recover your memory there.”

She blinked and looked at the ship.  “Yeah.”  She stood and joined him, staring at the ship with the pet in her arms.  “I hope so.”


Alto entered the ship with his ex-gear on for protection.  She held onto his shoulders carefully and rode on the back.  He held his gun at the ready.  The small jetpack helped them move along inside the ship.  He looked around as they moved.  It looked remodeled, as if it had been repaired recently.  His eyes narrowed at that.  The ship was over eleven years old and abandoned.  “It doesn’t look like it crashed,” he regarded lightly.  He stopped as they reached the control room.  He set her down and plugged into the computer.  He scanned the recent files.  “And it’s been erased recently too.”

“Alto-kun,” he heard her shaky voice.

Turning in her direction and pointing the gun towards her, the light bounced off a picture in the distance.  His eyes went wide at the people in the photograph.  “That’s you.”

A picture of an older green-haired woman with a flatter toned face sitting on the grass holding a younger version of his girlfriend standing next to a blonde boy whom held a harmonica which made the large blonde man looming over them smile welcomed his sight.

He stared at the picture when a flash from his memory came to him.

“Will you listen to my song?” a young girl spoke to him, though the tears in her ruby orbs made her smile seem forced.

He gripped his head in pain at that.  His stomach began to glow again.  He watched hers glow too, though she seemed lost.  He could feel their minds joining.  He could see the memories flooding her mind.  He gripped his head with both hands as the memories jumped into his mind from her own.

Two women were standing in a lab, a large second-stage Vajra behind them in a container as a specimen, the green glow from it lighting their faces.  The elder green-haired woman from the photograph stood there with a defiant look on her face.  In the background, two children sat in their mother’s usual work chair, watching the grown women.  When the little girl looked at her drink, he caught the glimpse that it was Ranka whom was viewing the current situation.  She looked at her companion to find that familiar pink hair, though the vision was blurry.  Then her attention was on the adults again.

“You would use her as a sacrifice!?” the elder woman he knew as her mother shouted, upset at the mere thought.  Her mind was on her daughter rather than the other girl present.  “She is but a child!”

The other woman in the room had slightly long purple hair and was dressed rather formal for a laboratory rat.  She fixed her glasses, speaking out, “but she has the blood of the Vajra flowing within her thanks to you.”  At that, Alto felt shock and horror take hold of him.  She stood tall with paperwork in hand.  “Her best use is as a sacrifice for the sake of experimentation.  She is the link between humanity and Vajra.  You already know this.”

Ranka turned her chair towards her mother, looking at said woman with worry.  Her eyes darted towards the other woman, whom seemed familiar.  “Mommy is yelling again.”  However, the girl at her side didn’t respond.  She looked at the pink-haired girl to find familiar sapphire orbs look back through the haze.

Her mother took a step forward to speak out, attracting her attention once more, then she fell to her knees, coughing harshly.  She looked up at the other woman with pained eyes.  “I refuse.”  And in an instant, blood came from her lips.  In his mind, fear began to settle in, as he’d done so himself.

“You are too weak to stop what fate has brought about,” the other woman spat with anger in her orbs.  “Don’t hold yourself so mighty.”

Her mother held her ground but failed to stop what had begun.  She was indeed very ill.  Her pale face turned towards Ranka in the distance with fear.  “I’m very aware the V-type infection has spread and that through childbirth, I have passed it to Ranka.  But that doesn’t mean she should be an experiment.”  She grit her teeth and clenched the railing harshly.  “She doesn’t have to suffer the same fate as me.  I don’t want that for my own daughter!”

As the memory faded to black, the glow in their stomachs faded too.  His eyes slowly found focus again and they lowered to her unconscious form.  ‘Did I really see all of that?’ he questioned inwardly.  He had seen her past as if it were his own.  But at the remembrance of said thing, he began to understand.  What he was facing now – the illness and blood he’d coughed up – was likely the V-type infection, as he’d originally assumed.  He looked at her with shock as her eyes fluttered open.  He remembered the important part.  She’d been born with it.  “You’re part Vajra?” he spoke with horror.

She stood and looked at her hands.  She failed to hear his words.  Those hands shook in fear.  “Mom… I could see her.  She was ill.”  His eyes held pain at remembering his own mother in said state.  “She wanted to save me from that other woman that attempted to sacrifice me in their experiment.”  Her hands cupped over her heart with sorrow, “but she was powerless… too weak.  And I’m no different!”  Finally, sobs tore from her throat.

A large hand cupped hers.

Her eyes snapped open in shock and she found his metal hands over hers, eyes staring at her with concern.  “Alto-kun?” she questioned his presence, at last recalling her location.

“I don’t care if you’re part Vajra or not,” he spoke with confidence in his voice.  He liked her for who she was rather than what she was.  “I still want to be with you.”  He removed his hand from the armor and gripped the picture carefully.  He held it close.  “I’ll take over what your mother started.  I’m going to protect you.  I vow that with my very existence.  And I’ll take care of you.”  He met her eyes with serious gold orbs, catching her rosy cheeks.  He smiled warmly, “don’t lose faith in me.”

Her eyes were watery but they soon widened.  She felt his sincerity.  With a warm smile, she nodded and embraced him, snuggling into his comfort.  “Thank you, Alto-kun.”

He nodded and returned the embrace with his bare arms.  Ai-kun jumped onto her shoulder and snuggled into them both, as if seeking protection as well.  His mind was jumbled at both desiring his help.  It was as if this was his wife and child.  “This planet is obviously part of who you are.  All of this is a part of Ranka Lee.”

Now she understood his words.  Her ‘personal identity’ being erased meant her losing all of her memories and having to start over, which is what she’d been doing unconsciously.  But if she hadn’t met him, she would still be trapped on Frontier without a past, stumbling through life with no purpose.  She had not only found a person to love but her past and a future as well.  If the Vajra had not destroyed all the things she’d once loved, she would’ve never found him.  For that, she was grateful, and so, she accepted his embrace.  “Because of the Vajra, I met you.  I’m grateful for that.  If my fate hadn’t turned out like this, we wouldn’t know each other.”

He blushed at this.  Her desire to meet him regardless of the consequences made him feel special.  She loved him for who he was just as he to her.  Just because he’d extended his hand to help her that day, they’d become like this.  He smiled lightly and nodded.  “I’m grateful to have met you too.”

Then her eyes widened as another memory surge came to her.  She failed to see his mind splitting as it joined with hers once again.

Ranka’s eyes opened to a field of flowers.  The glowing orbs that rose to the sky made the whole planet look beautiful.  She smiled at the scenery, enjoying the view.  As she turned, she saw her mother, father, brother, and that girl from before standing there with hopeful eyes.  She stood and dusted off her dress, clapping her hands together, closing her eyes, and she sang out, ~aimo aimo nedel luuche noina miria en del plotea fotomi credo vea produshka fetra produshka.~

He was shocked at the new version of the song.  It appeared that her current mind did not know this version.

Then fold patterns bathed the sky in purple, large red beasts appearing from them, overshadowing their forms.

She stopped in mid-song at the sight and panicked.  He recognized this situation as similar to that of when they’d first appeared on Frontier.  “Mama!?” she cried out for said woman.

Her mother turned to her with worry, “Ranka, it is as I feared, they are drawn to you.”  Those rubies widened.  He became horrified.  “It’s your singing that drew them near.  Don’t tell anyone about this and follow…” he listened carefully but couldn’t hear the name of the girl correctly, “…to safety.”  She let go of her daughter to said girl.  With a broken heart, her mother waved, “goodbye, darling.”

She panicked as her mother got further away.  “No, I don’t wanna go, mama!”  She reached out with a hand for her.  He had a flashback of himself doing the same thing.  But it was too late for both parents.

The flames engulfed the whole planet.

The memory faded into black once again.  He blinked out of the shock and looked around, absorbing their location once again.  His eyes lowered to her to find her eyes wide and unseeing.  He shook her gently until a scream tore from her throat.  A loud clank from his armor slamming onto the floor as he caught her falling form woke her from the past.  He held a smile.

She looked up at him, recognizing those worried eyes, “Alto-kun.”  It only received a nod.  Then she jumped into his arms.  “It’s all my fault!  I called them here!  I killed them all!”  His hand lifted and pet her hair reassuringly, understanding her trauma.  “And mama,” she whimpered, “she made me leave with that pink-haired girl!  They all died!”
He blinked, remembering said girl.  He hadn’t been able to make out the girl’s name when her mother had spoken it.  But the fuzzy memory of pink hair and sapphire eyes played back to him.  His eyes went slightly wide, “could it be possible…?”

“My…” a voice spoke out of nowhere, “…daughter.”

Alto turned swiftly towards the source.  His eyes widened at the sight of the elder woman from the flashback standing there weakly.  He moved to help the woman, “miss?” he questioned her pale complexion.  This was his girlfriend’s mother.  He knew by the picture and the flashback.  “You’re her mother, right?”

A nod was his reply.  Said woman limped past him and towards her.  “Ranka.”

Ranka’s eyes were wide and unseeing, believing she’d entered another memory, but the touch against her hand was warm.  This was reality.  This was the present.  “Mama.”  Her eyes watered at the nod of confirmation and she wrapped her arms around the woman.  “Mama!” she shouted happily.

“I’m glad you’re alive,” she spoke weakly.  The woman slumped to her knees before the two.  “Thanks to my research, I was able to freeze myself to awake this year.  I had hoped that I would meet you again.  And my prayers have been answered.”

Alto moved around the woman and knelt before her with a weak smile.  “The fold fault woke you up.”  The woman was shocked at the observation.  “I’m Saotome Alto.”

“I am Ranshe Mei,” the woman held out her hand, which was shaken gently.  She smiled slightly as she noticed the bond between the two before her.  It was invisible right now but she felt as if she’d seen such before in herself.  “You must be my daughter’s lover.”

Boyfriend,” he emphasized, a bit embarrassed by the deeper relationship she gave them.  As her name hit, so did the memory of the information he’d gathered.  Ranshe Mei was one of the helpers along with the project Mao Nome had started.  And as that hit, so did Sheryl’s last name.  It was all piecing together.  It was because of Mao that Ranka ended up on Frontier and because of Sheryl’s concert that they met.  It was as if fate had brought them together via the Nome family.  He laughed a bit at that.  “It’s like destiny.”

Ranka’s eyes snapped to him, “ke?”

“Mao Nome,” he looked to her, then to Ranka, “the movie.”  He received a flush from the younger girl at the recollection.  He looked at her mother with a dry chuckle.  “Ranka played Mao’s younger self in the movie, Birdman.”

Ranshe smiled at the update.  “She has become a strong and independent woman.”  She cupped her daughter’s cheek and stroked it.  “I’m so glad.”

The ship began to tremble as if it were moving.

Alto left the room in search of the source.  He left Ai-kun, Ranka, and Ranshe behind in the room and walked a few feet down.  Upon another tremor, he began to scan the walls.  Then his stomach glowed.  As it faded, he felt something in the back of his throat.  He held a hand to his mouth and coughed.  As he lowered said hand, he noticed blood there instead.  His eyes went wide at the memory.  ‘I’m infected.’

“I cannot follow you, dear,” Ranshe looked at her daughter with sadness.  “I can do nothing to help you.  The power and antibodies that I gave you…” then she hacked up another batch of blood, falling to her hands as the tremors became worse.  She looked up at Ranka once more, staring into her daughter’s horrified eyes, “the meaning of… the song… realize… it will help you and your lover.”  With one last breath, she fell unconscious, body hitting the floor, unmoving.

Ranka’s eyes were wide, horrified, unseeing even, as they lowered to the woman, “mama?” came her whisper.

Alto rushed into the room to collect them and escape from the ship when he saw Ranshe on the floor.  “Mei-san!” he yelled in worry, rushing to her side.  He gripped her form and turned her over then attempted to find a pulse.  However, there was none.  He immediately understood.  Looking up at Ranka’s horrified eyes; he felt pain in his heart.  He was helpless.  In an instant, he did the only thing he could: wrapped his arms around her to shield her from the sight.  “Don’t look.”  He didn’t want to either, as it would remind him of his own mother.

She knew without looking, just based on his face, that her mother was dead.  “It’s all my fault.”

He shook his head.  “She wanted you to live!”  He pulled away and gripped her shoulders harshly.  He shook her until he felt her calm.  “She sacrificed herself to save you from the horror she’d unleashed.  That’s a mother who loves you.”

She was touched by his words.

“My mother was the same,” he admitted with sad eyes.  “You say you brought the Vajra here.  Maybe you wanted to protect her too.”  He looked at the dead woman.  “You were just a child.  You couldn’t have known any better.”

She nodded lightly in slight agreement.  Accepting his comforting embrace, she sobbed into his chest.

A quake began to run through the whole Macross.

Alto looked up in shock, wrapping his arms around her form tightly.  As the quake vanished, he heard a strange sound.  He immediately began to understand.  “Vajra,” he sneered with malice.  He didn’t see her frightened eyes.  “We should return to the plane—“ he started but a second-stage Vajra approached him at top speed, determined to kill him, it seemed.  It managed to out maneuver him as he reached for his gun.

The beast tore into his side with its claw.

He heard Ranka screaming as everything went dark.

She watched helplessly as her boyfriend hit the ground.  As she screamed loudly in panic, her stomach glowed bright green.

In that moment, his blue one followed.  His eyes snapped open.  A new sensation ran through him unlike ever before—as if every cell in his body was alive.  He was on fire.  He sat up quickly and took notice of her glow as well.  Grabbing his gun, he aimed at the Vajra only to watch it leave without attacking.  He blinked; stunned at the action, as it had been hostile a moment ago, then he looked to the glow in his stomach that had mirrored the Vajra’s just a moment.  ‘Don’t tell me…’ he thought desperately to himself.

When her scream died, so did the glows.  She whimpered and slumped to her knees by his side, not noticing he was alive.  She jumped when she felt his hand wipe away the tears that had gathered with gentle fingers.  “Alto-kun.”

He stared at her with confusion in his eyes.  But he said nothing about what had transpired.  All he said was: “help me up?”

She nodded and wiped the rest of her tears away.  She helped him to his feet and in a matter of moments, they were leaving the ship, Ai-kun on her shoulder.  He was limping due to the blood loss but he refused to lose consciousness and leave all the burden on her.  She was still panicking but kept going, not willing to let Alto die.  When they escaped the ship, a loud explosion followed, knocking them into the nearby forest.  She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she looked up at the ashes falling down.  “Mama.”  With pain in her heart, she turned towards the Valkyrie in the distance.  For now, she fought to keep the future alive.  And so, she gripped his form tightly and kept going, refusing to give up.  The past was gone but the future was still bright.

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