Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Lurker of the Universe! ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

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Lurkers of the Universe!

A Fanfic by Adyen (

Chapter 4

Thoughts are in italics while speech is in normal fonts. Spoke thoughts between people is in " ". Any speech between Usagi/Adyen is always done in thought, and any actions that says Adyen did only means that he was in control of the body, so I will still be using she instead of he.

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To say that Adyen was shocked would be an understatement as to saying that an atom bomb blows things up. Elios, or Ranma as he knew him to be, was NOT supposed to be there, much less with the Future Princess Usagi. Of course, Adyen kept these thoughts to himself while Usagi was busy staring at Usa, through not completely impolitely because she IS a six years old.

The pair of married couple was talking to Ikuko, but seemingly giving very little interest in Usagi. However, the little girl could feel the pair trying to figure her out, and not succeeding at all. However, Usagi decided to distract them further.

"What are those round things on your head, Auntie Usa?" she asks, her face completely innocent but she was hearing Adyen chuckled inside.

Usa looked at her and lifted an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Usagi got up from her seat and went towards Usa. Standing on her toes, she pointed towards Usa's pair of odangos. "Those cone shaped thingies. How do you make them? I can make ball shaped ones, but not cone shaped." she asks innocently, eyes slightly wider than usual, breathing more shallow than usual, and her finger trembling slightly.

Usa and Elios glanced at each other before looking at Ikuko with a question in their eyes. The mother shrugged and said, "Usagi didn't really like the odango look around a year ago, so she changed it."

"Ah…" Usa said, while glancing rather nervously at Usagi. Looking at her husband, she found that he too was looking at Usagi strangely. Ever since they saw the girl after the initial surprise, they had felt something 'different' about her. Mainly, the lack of life energy they found in her. While not everyone can consciously use ki, everyone subconsciously used chi, and the lack of that within a person means something.

Usagi took this time to shrug as Adyen suddenly told her that she should sit down.

"What is it, sensei?" Usagi asked.

"I think I'm going to have to unlock something that would have been unlocked eventually… through I think it's too early." Adyen replied, looking through Usagi's eyes.

"Huh?" Usagi intelligently replied.

"You'll see. First, close your eyes and look away from the others. I don't want them to see your face." Adyen instructed, in which Usagi did without hesitating.

"Now, relax your mental shields." Which Usagi quickly did. "Remember that block you found inside your head but couldn't unlock yet?"

Usagi remembered it. Even now, she was slowly eroding the block so that she could know what is behind it. Adyen had declined to help her, saying that it was good exercise for her mental capabilities.

"I think I'm going to have to unblock it, because there's something going around here, and I think those memories of yours is the key."

Usagi nearly gasped as she found out what was behind those blocks. Memories. Knowledge that was kept from her by someone who had a firm grasp of magic.

"Now, get ready. This might actually sting." Adyen said as he prepared to unlock all her knowledge. Usagi took the warning seriously, especially since she knew that her sensei knew her limits. She gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tight, ignoring the somewhat continuous chatter besides her.

Suddenly, her forehead seemed to burn in a crescent shape as memories started to flood her consciousness. Biting off a moan, she directly controlled the stream of memories into areas of her mind that will slowly process the knowledge as to not overload her mind at one time.

Even through it felt like years, Usagi knew it only took moments. She could almost hear Adyen 'panting' from the effort he had to exert in breaking through the block. "You knew, didn't you?" Usagi asked, almost feeling betrayed for some reason.

"Yes I did." He answered honestly.

"Why, and how?" Usagi asked, regaining her trust about her sensei.

"You are what some people have called a 'Nexus.'" Adyen answered. "Whatever you do, will affect the world and even the universe. Think of yourself as a story's main character. Your actions will determine what others do, not to mention everyone will look up to you for guidance… through it seems as through your old sensei may do more than you…"

"Ranma!" She thought as she whipped her head around to see Ranma leading Ikuko towards the door while saying, "My friend will be arriving about now… I'll introduce her to you."

"Uh oh." Adyen thought to Usagi.

"Umm… Pluto would find out about you, wouldn't she?" Usagi guessed.

"Not if I cast a few spells and mask my presence, but I can't do that in front of everyone!" Adyen franticly shouted.

"Why wouldn't you want my old sensei's to find out about you?" She asked, curious.

"Because she might misunderstand and blast you and me, well, mostly me, out of existence?"

"Good enough for me." Usagi replied, through she was imagining about keeping the secret from Ranma just so that when they found out about Adyen, she could see what his face would look like.

Usagi quickly got up and tried to walk casually towards the stairs under the curious eyes of Usa when the doorbell rang. She had just got up a few steps when she heard the door behind her open, and seconds later Pluto's gasp in amazement.

To the credit of Usagi's training since she was two, her senses picked up on Ranma and Usa dashing towards her with near sonic speeds, through Ranma had to enter the stairway alone because of the size of it. To everyone's amazement, though, Usagi suddenly disappeared from the staircase and reappeared at the top of the hallway, looking down at everyone in amusement.

Usagi sighed silently as the five hundred times gravity was dropped from her young body. Though she did not know it at the time, Adyen had slowly increased the gravity she was under until the five hundred point a week ago. While she is now grateful for his training, she mentally scolded him for not telling her.

"The best kind of training is those that you don't know yourself to be training for." Adyen cryptically remarked.

By then, Setsuna and Ikuko are both standing besides Ranma and Usa, whom were now positioned on the bottom of the stairs. "Who are you, and what have you done with Usagi?" Ranma demanded, glaring at her while Usa had a mild look of shock on her face.

Usagi pouted with a frown and a small stomp onto the floor. "Who said I'm not me?"

Setsuna took this chance and transformed into Sailor Pluto while Usa transformed into Sailor Moon. However, it was not Eternal Sailor Moon that she transformed into, but rather a new form that did not have a tiara, the crescent moon showing brightly, silver body suit with red-laced gloves and thin shoulder 'wings'. Her boots were connected all the way up to her skirt, which was a rippling pattern from the rainbow, changing every time Usagi looked at it. At the center of the uniform was a short pink bow with an eight-pointed star shaped locket on it. Each of the eight points had a different colored gem on it: blue, red, green, orange, teal, yellow, purple, and a near black. In the center was a white gem that seemed to be embedded into the locket itself, radiating massive amounts of mana.

Pluto stepped up and pointed her staff at Usagi. "Do not lie, whoever you are. First of all, Usagi wouldn't be able to avoid that, and secondly, I could feel the difference coming from you. Now tell me, what have you done with Usagi?"

Usagi chuckled and asked, "Is there anyway I can convince you all that I AM Tsukino Usagi?"

The four adults glanced at each other then looked at Usagi again, through silent.

This time, Usagi giggled. "How about this?" She asked, feeling the approval of her sensei. She held her right arm out, palm towards Ikuko and concentrated.

Ranma quickly got in front of Ikuko to protect her in case the girl on the top of the stairs was about to shoot something at her, but glanced around when he heard a sharp inhale from Ikuko, who was grabbing at her chest as if she was having a heart attack.

As suddenly as she seemed to feel pain, Ikuko quickly glanced up at her daughter, and her eyes widened along with the three other who were watching. Ranma quickly turned his head towards Usagi and nearly gasped.

There, on top of the stairs, was Tsukino Usagi, holding the floating Ginzuishou in her right hand, a blazing crescent moon on her forehead, and still wearing her comfortable school uniform.

Usagi let the adults gawk for a moment before stating, matter-of-factly, "You know… It's already an hour since school started. Don't you think you should phone the school saying that I'm not going, mother?"