Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction / XXXHolic Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction ❯ The Four Forges ❯ A Pillar's Request ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The Four Forges
Author: kunoichiyumemi
Fandom: Magic Knight Rayearth
Pairing: LantisxHikaru FerioxFuu UmixClef
Disclaimer: Magic Knight Rayearth belongs to all producers and companies that produces Magic Knight Rayearth, including but not limited to Clamp.
Summary: The world of Cephiro has been saved, and as the years pass, the visits from the one time Magic Knights become less and less common until they stop altogether. One day, when a sudden burst of light appears, Clef, Lantis, and Ferio find themselves caught in another world and are given a heartbreakingly familiar ultimatum which had once been delivered to the former Magic Knights when they first encountered the denizens of Cephiro almost seven years prior: Save a world which they have nothing to do with and return home safely, or fail and die as the world around them crumbles into shadow and void.
Note: Extreme OOCness and very AU along with hints of crossovers from xxxHolic and X/1999. Follows both Manga and anime.
Prophesy of the Four Forges
Four Forges Dire in the sky
Terra's Silent Guardians.
Wind, Water, Fire, and Earthen Forge
Together guard Seven Seals.
When Earthen Forge made her own world,
Terra lost a Forge and gained a Seal.
When Wind, Water, and Fire Forge
Come to seek the Earthen Forge
Earth Forge and her world shall fail.
If Earthen Forge should fall
Then Fire Forge must remain
Gathering the Shards of her heart,
And save the world of Earthen Forge.
Yet when Earthen Forge falls,
So too do the Seven Seals,
And the remaining Forges Dire
Will summon the Three Night Wizards.
Three sorcerers from another world
To the remaining Forges Bound,
Shall destroy Terra's Pillar
And give rise to new Seals.
When this is done, Fire Forge shall depart
And leave Wind And Water to rebuild.
When Terra has been reborn,
Wind and Water shall follow Fire
To their hearts dear love
In the World where Fire is Pillar.
Previously on Magic Knight Rayearth 3: The Four Forges

---"This world!" she called, "Please, save Terra, oh Legendary Night Wizards!"---

---"So you three are the ones the Pillar has summoned to the be Night Wizards?" Miyaka said as the city below came to life. "Welcome to Terra, the First World created by the Creator, the Entity known as Mokona Monotogari. You are here to pay off a debt that your former Pillar, the Princess Emeraude, owes to our Pillar, the Princess Hinoto, for the use of three of our Children whom you call the Legendary Magic Knights. If you wish to return to your home, Sorcerers from another world, Know that you cannot do so unless you become the Legendary Night Wizards and save this world."---

---"Look out over this city and know that this will be your battleground."---

---"We are not impressed by your display, oh, Legendary Night Wizards," the familiar voice said as the fabric of a skirt, so light a green in color that it was almost white, came into veiw along with a green stone that adorned the base of a staff, "We are aware the Master Mage Miyaka informed you of the futility of attepmting to access thine Cephiran Magic while in Terra. It is clear to Us that you are not prepared in the least for the battles which awaits you."---

---"Welcome, Oh, Legendary Night Wizards," a familiar female voice said, "to the Temple of Water."---

---"You think that the Princess Hinoto purposely made Hikaru a Forge before sending her in answer to Princess Emeraude's plea for the Magic Knights to force us into a debt for the use of this world's resources?"---

---"Merely remember, in this world, there are no such things as coincidences, only the inevitable. However, keep in mind that the future has yet to be decided, and follow your heart."---

---"We are sorry we can give you no guides, though you will have no lack for them. However beware! Not all who approach you can be trusted! In Terra, nothing is what it seems, so expect the unexpected!"---

---"Hush!" Hikaru said, "I was worried for you, especially since things in Terra are never what they seem. Listen carefully, Clef! I'm relying on you to make sure that the three of you survive to return to Cephiro!"---

---"Also..." Hikaru's voice became fainter and fainter as her image in the fire vanished, "Remember... The Future has not been decided yet..."---

---"The fire sputtered and went out, leaving only the glowing sillouhette of the wood, which collapsed into a pile of smoking embers a moment later. Clef stood alone in the sitting room which was softly illuminated by warm halogen light from the lamps set in the corners of the room, his eyes fixed on the still warm ashes where the Last Pillar of Cephiro had delivered her message."---
Chapter 4: A Pillar's Request
Morning came with the song of the birds, and the quiet thrumming of the engines of cars as the neighborhood woke and began preparations for the start of a new day. In three different rooms, three men, each with their own unique history, lay in bed soundly asleep. In another part of the city, a young woman with red hair walked down the street, her purse hanging from her shoulder, dressed in the red and white. She paused in front of the entryway set in a black fence leading into a quaint little shop with domed roofs and stained glass windows and spires topped with crescent moons. She could feel the magic emanating from the fence; the spirit barrier here was a powerful one. The woman took a deep breath and stepped away, and continued her trek down the street. She knew well enough that the woman inside the shop had sensed her lingering at the doorway, and would expect her when she returned later.
Evening came slowly, and a red haired girl stood at the entry, her red eyes fixed on that little house that was also the shop known to grant wishes. She could feel the draw of the kekkai, urging her to go through and have her wishes granted. A person who was content with what they had would have never felt the pull, she knew. She took a fortifying breath and stepped through the entryway, feeling a small burst of magic as the kekkai read her magical aura and sent a message to the owner of the shop.
She pushed the door open and was greeted by a tall, slender woman dressed in a black gown with something vaguely resembling the shape of an eye on the skirt and her hair put up under a headdress from which two ribbons of white fabric trailed.
“Greetings, Fire Forge,” the woman said.
Hikaru nodded, “Greetings Witch of Worlds. I come with a request, not as Forge, but as Pillar.”
The Witch of Worlds smiled and nodded. “Come this way, then, Pillar.”
Hikaru shed her shoes at the entrance and followed the Witch. As the two made their way toward the lounge, Hikaru caught sight of a boy with mismatched eyes in the kitchen, and smiled briefly as she caught a snippet of the argument the boy was having with the little black creature that closely resembled Mokona.
The two entered a room that was bare but for a table and two chairs and the Witch took a seat, and Hikaru took the seat that remained. They made small talk for a while as the boy brought out coffee.
“So what is your request?” the Witch asked.
Hikaru picked up the cup and sipped slowly before setting the cup lightly on the saucer and said quietly, “I would like to borrow your assistant.”
Hikaru fought the urge to smile as the boy in question twitched.
“Oh?” the Witch smiled, “And what would I get in return?”
Hikaru paused and said, “One wish from the Pillar I suppose.”
The Witch stiffened and smiled sadly, “Ah, but therein lies the problem isn't there? The wish that could be asked by me would not be within the power of any one Pillar to grant. Not even one as powerful as the Pillar of Cephiro.”
Hikaru shrugged. “Perhaps, but the Witch of Worlds could also take that wish and hold it against a time when she might need the services of a Pillar. It can be payment for services rendered. Or even better, a favor for a favor, depending on how you choose to look at it.”
“I'll hold you to that,” the Witch said, “How long would you need Watanuki?”
“About three hours a day,” Hikaru said, “four on the weekends. More than enough time for him to see to the needs of the three that have come here. He'll mostly be buying necessary groceries and cooking for them. I won't expect him to do any housework outside of showing them how to do the dishes, after all, if at their age, those three can't pick up after themselves, I would be very displeased. I will also provide protection for him if he has to return to the shop late at night or if we need him to come over late at night.”
The Witch nodded. “Very well, it's a deal then. In exchange for Watanuki helping you out, I will have a promise of assistance from the Pillar of Cephiro when I ask for it.”
“Done,” Hikaru said.
The two sat for a while making some more small talk when the Witch said, “You realize that you're almost crossing the line of acceptable interference with this?”
Hikaru smiled. “Yes.”
“They are that precious to you?”
“I might have been Fire Forge long before I was Pillar of Cephiro, but I am, nevertheless, Pillar of Cephiro and it is the Children of Cephiro that were brought into this. I could not possibly live with myself if I allowed these people who helped me and my friends so much when we were Magic Knights.”
The Witch nodded, “I see.” She tilted her head to look up at the chandelier and said, “I am also in a similar position. There are several children that I want to help but cannot because of that line, and I know that I would never cross it, no matter how I push it.”
“The limits of acceptable interference are a terrible thing isn't it?”
Silence fell, and Hikaru finished off the coffee and stood up. “Thank you for the assistance, Witch of Worlds,” she said and then fished a slip of paper out of her pocket along with an envelope. “Here, Watanuki-san, is the place you are to go to and the times you'll be expected there. Also, please do not tell those people who it was who sent you. You will need to go shopping before you can make any meals for them, and so there is money in that envelope. My phone number is inside the envelope if you need to contact me.”
“Watanuki,” the Witch said, “don't just stand there. Take the paper and the envelope.”
The boy twitched and said, “Hai,” and stepped forward to take the papers.
Hikaru smiled brightly and nodded at the Witch and left.
Yuuko watched the retreating back of the Pillar and smiled a secret smile. “She's a sweet little girl isn't she, Watanuki?”
“Why the hell did you just do that?!” Watanuki whirled on Yuuko, “I'm not an object to be bartered about!”
“Ah,” Yuuko chuckled, “But you are, until you've paid the price for your wish, your entire body is mine. Besides, at the very least, she gave you instructions. Not many others who borrow people from me do that.”
Hikaru chuckled as she closed the door, shutting out the sound of the ranting boy. Things certainly would liven up at the house now, she thought. Those three needed more interaction than just themselves or the people that would be helping or fighting them, and she would give them what she needed as best she could. It would only be a matter of time before those three gathered the proof needed to support their suspicions, and once they did, the line of acceptable interference would shift, and how much she could help them would change from almost spoon-feeding them the aid, to almost non-existent. Until that happened however, she would help them as much as was possible.
Watanuki trudged down the road heavily, his thoughts flying about in maddening circles. Ok, so first there was that girl who came in and held small talk with Yuuko, small talk that just totally flew over his head and went flying past skyscrapers and into outer space. Then there was the totally random request for him to go out and play the part of cook to a group of people and the even more random request not to tell the people he had just been rented out to as to who had arranged for his services.
Granted that in comparison to what he was normally subjugated to, this was relatively low on his “what-the-hell!” scale, and was more of an “Omigosh-that-was-so-totally-random!” which was something he more or less expected to come from Yuuko. What confused him was why Yuuko saw the need for her formal robes with what seemed to him to be an ordinary girl. At least until the two had spoken about the girl's request, by which point, Watanuki had spent enough time with Yuuko to pick up from the conversation that the girl was fairly high up on the social ladder of the supernatural and magical community.
Watanuki paused and glanced at the houses and realized that he was in a fairly well off neighborhood. He fished out the slip of paper and blinked at it, and then back to the number on the gate. Yep, he had the right place.
He turned and blinked. Leaning against the wall just inside the gate, hidden from both the street and the house behind a majestic oak was the red haired girl.
“Don't ring the doorbell,” she said, “I've put the key in a certain spot. You just go in and cook for them, then leave. Don't stick around. I have no doubt that some of my charges are already awake, but don't talk more than is necessary. Follow me, I'll show you where the key is.”
Watanuki frowned and followed her. Hikaru carefully shifted the small plaque on the wall that was emblazoned with a unique symbol. Under the plaque was a small indentation in which a key was placed.
“This is the key to the house,” Hikaru said gently, “There is another key inside the house in the kitchen. It's the key for the pantry, and it's under a plaque like this one.”
Watanuki nodded. Hikaru turned and Watanuki backed away hastily as burning red eyes bore into him. “My charges are precious to me, if they are harmed, I will be very displeased. Take good care of them, Watanuki Kimihiro, the fate of this world and many others depend on their well being.”
“Ah… Yuuko-san said the same,” Watanuki said, “But she wouldn't say much more than that.”
Hikaru's eyes softened and she nodded. “Yes. I'm not surprised. Not many people are willing to speak of this. Most of the more powerful people in this world have been bound by restrictions as too how much we can interfere, and those of us here in this world with a bond to these three have been put into positions where we cannot interfere unless they ask us to specifically, and even then, only to a certain extent. Many of us, such as myself and Yuuko are not at all pleased. The last time something like this happened an entire world was destroyed and the dimensional distortation destroyed five worlds and damaged thirty others beyond.”
“That bad?!” Watanuki said, shocked.
“Watanuki Kimihiro,” Hikaru said, “I don't expect you to spend anymore time with these people than you are required, but these three wards of mine won't have any friends or companions here but for myself, Umi, and Fuu and even so, we cannot assist them without breaking the boundries of acceptable interference. I remember what it was like to be stranded in a world that you know nothing about with no one as your friend. It was hard and painful, and the other two girls and I had only each other because we all came from Tokyo, so as we fought to come back to Tokyo, we felt as if we could only truly rely on each other. I have no doubt that those three feel the same right now. So please, if you can keep them company for a while, and be their confidant while they are here, I would really appreciate it.”
Watanuki's eyes hardened with determination and he nodded. Hikaru smiled.
“You have good eyes, Watanuki Kimihiro. Strength of heart, determination, and resolve, these are all very good qualities. Perhaps you will be able to help my wards where I cannot.”
Watanuki blinked. “Yuuko-san told me that also.”
Hikaru chuckled, “Well let me tell you it this time.” She plucked the key out of its little niche and slipped it into the keyhole and turned it and opened the door, motioning for Watanuki to follow her as she entered the house. “In the world of Cephiro where I am Pillar and from whence these three came, strength of heart, determination, and resolve becomes power. That power is what holds Cephiro together, the very source of power with which Cephirans cast their spells. Your heart is very strong, Watanuki, and in Cephiro, I have no doubt that you would be a most powerful sorcerer.”
Watanuki blinked and looked away, one hand coming up to rub the back of his head in embarrassment. “Er… Thank you,” he said as he trailed her into the house.
“Obviously, this is the kitchen,” Hikaru said, waving a dismissive hand, “and that door over there, is the door to the pantry. Search the cupboards for the necessities, and start up breakfast. My charges will be down here soon to investigate the unknown presences that have entered their temporary home.”
“They can tell that we're here without actually seeing or hearing us come in?”
Hikaru glanced at him and said gently, “If you train long enough in the art of magic you eventually find that you have developed a sense of the magic around you, and that includes magical auras.” She turned her head slightly before turning back to Watanuki. “They're coming down now. Remember what I told you, and no matter how they ask, don't tell them who hired you on their behalf alright?”
“Ah… Alright…”
Hikaru smiled. “Now then, I have to go before someone finds out that I'm here instead of in the Temple. Good luck.” A pale rose light glowed on the floor, swiftly spreading out in a magical array. There was a brief burst of magic and light, and Hikaru vanished.
Lantis skidded to a halt in front of Watanuki who set a pot in the sink and raised an eyebrow at him.
“Who are you?” Lantis demanded. “How did you get in here?”
“It is polite that you give your name first before demanding someone else's name,” Watanuki retorted. “And I was told by my employer to use the door.”
“What?” Clef asked, stepping into the kitchen. “Who is your employer?”
Watanuki frowned. “I cannot say. I was sent by a request that was made by a client to my primary employer.”
“What are you doing here then?” Clef asked.
“I was hired to make sure the three of you eat properly while you are here.”
Lantis and Clef exchanged confused looks. Was this the doing of one of the Forges or was it their mysterious benefactor at work again? In the meantime, Watanuki was back to work at making breakfast

Magic Knight Rayearth 3 The Four Forges Cephiro will repay her debt to Terra