Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Here I Am ❯ Fuu’s Return ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here I Am

Chapter Seven - Fuu's Return

By Crow Skywalker


Disclaimer - Don't own MKR or its characters. No profit is being made, only borrowing them for my own amusement.

Author's Notes - Well, this chapter sucks…but meh. I was having major writer's block when I wrote this, and I was actually thinking about taking a break from writing. The I'm going to be pretty busy for the next few weeks (My 17th birthday is on August 2nd, and I'm going away for five days starting on the 6th) but then I started writing chapter eight last night and I finished it. So I plan on taking my break after I post chapter eight, which will most likely be tomorrow. Anyway, R&R and I hope you enjoy!

Warnings/Pairings - Rated PG, though I may up the rating later on. Pairings of Umi/Clef, Fuu/Ferio, and Hikaru/Lantis.

Summary - Umi wishes to return to Cephiro, and on a cold lonely night she gets sent back. However, things aren't what they seem, for a new evil is lurking not far away, and it has plans for Umi.


It was dark out, and a chilling breeze made its way through a window and into the darkened room. The curtains fluttered with the wind, exposing the full moon that hung in the sky outside. No stars could be seen, only the few soft snowflakes that fell. Across the room, a form shivered in her sleep and unconsciously pulled the blankets closer to her. However, it wasn't because of the cold.

She was alone, gazing around the familiar palace she had grown to know and love in Cephiro. Although something was different, something she couldn't quite point out."Hello?" Is there anyone here?" She called, glancing around. There was only silence, and she suddenly realized what was wrong.

The silence. With all the people in the palace, there should be talking and laughter!

She was running now, her bare feet slapping the cold floor as she searched everywhere for another human being. She found none.

Leaning against a wall, she fell to her knees. Where is everyone?Tears came to her eyes, and she buried her head in her arms.

She was alone.

Hikaru woke up with a start, breathing heavily in the chilled air almost if she actually had been running down those empty halls. Bringing a hand up to her face, she gently touched it. Tears. She wiped them away furiously.

It was a dream, she tried to convince herself. I'm not alone! I have Fuu and Umi and they'd never leave me!

She lay back down, shutting her eyes against the pain she felt inside. I'll phone Fuu tomorrow…tell her about my dream. Maybe it means something.

Sleep didn't come to her for a long time after that, and she found herself staring up at her ceiling until early hours of the morning.

I'm not alone. She told herself, pulling the blankets closer to her, As long as I have my memories and my friends, I'll never be alone.


Fuu blinked, opening her eyes before bringing a hand up to shield them from the sun. Where was she? Hadn't it just been night? Why was the sun out then? And hadn't see been lying on her bed, safe at home?

Her eyes finally adjusting to the new light, Fuu finally noticed she was standing in front of a something very familiar. cant't be! She squinted her eyes behind her glasses, studying what stood in front of her. I must be dreaming again…there's no way I'm standing in front of Cephiro's palace!

But stepping up on the first step, she found it to be very solid and very real.

If this is a dream, it's very realistic! She thought, making her way up the rest of the stairs.

The entranceway was empty, so she turned to go down one of the many halls. It was empty too, except for the few pictures on the wall. All the doors were closed, and there was a strange silence in the air.

If this isn't a dream, then where is everyone? She hesitated, looking at the door in front of her. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt to open one and see if anyone was around? She shook her head, she wasn't one to invade someone's privacy.

She continued down the hall, stopping when she finally came to the library doors. They were opened slightly, and her heart soared. There's usually always someone in the library! She pushed the doors open, careful not to make a sound.

The library was as she remembered it, shelves upon shelves of books on magic and everything else you could think of. There were two tables set out in the middle of the room, and behind them was a small staircase that lead up to even more bookshelves that faced in different directions. She walked in, her feet making no noise on the elegant red carpeting.

She sighed. There's no one here either..

She turned to leave, but was stopped by a soft voice, so quiet she almost thought she had imagined it.


She turned back, and gasped.


He had been up looking in the smaller bookshelves that were behind the tables he had been earlier working hard at when he thought he had heard the door open. He had shrugged it off and hadn't bothered to look and see who it was; if they wanted him, they would have called out to him by now.

Going back to what he was doing, he sighed. He had so much on his mind now, with Umi showing up and all. What was going on in Cephiro that was strong enough to summon the Magic Knights back? And why was Umi here and the others not?

He shook his head, grabbing a book from the bookcase and heading back through the maze of shelves. He was at the stairs when he finally looked up, and his breath caught.

She stood back on, but he could tell who she was. She still had that wavy dark blonde hair, although it was slightly longer now, and she wore a green skirt and a white blouse, although she had a matching green sweater over it. It was his angel…she was back…

She made to leave, and Ferio choked, finally finding his voice. "Fuu?"

She spun around, her green eyes twinkling almost magically in the morning light. "Ferio?"

He made his way down the steps quickly, and she ran to him, burying her face in his shoulder. He put his arms around her, holding her close, and wanted to never let go of her again.

"I thought I'd never see you again," She sobbed, her voice muffled by his clothes and armor.

He pulled her closer, breathing in the scent of her hair. Oh god, how he'd missed her!

"If this is a dream, then I never want to wake up." He heard her say, and he smiled.

"You're not dreaming." He told her.

She pulled away slightly, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. "H-how is this possible…the pillar.."

"The pillar system is gone," He finished for her, and he smiled down at her. "I don't know, we've been trying to find out what's going on ever since Umi.."

"Umi?" She interrupted him, her eyes wide, "What about Umi? Is she here too?"

He nodded. "Larfarga found her in the forest this morning…she was in pretty bad shape."

"Where is she now?" Asked Fuu, relieved that Umi was alive and in Cephiro, although by the sounds of it, she was hurt.

"She's in her room, but-"

"I have to see her." Fuu pulled away quickly leaving, heading down the hall to where she knew Umi would be.

"Fuu!" Ferio caught up to her, "You can't go in there -"

But she had already opened the door, and was staring at the beaten girl who lay in Umi's bed.

"Fuu?" Clef, Ascot and Primera looked up as she entered, and watched as she made her way across the room to sit by Umi's side.

"I'm sorry we barged in-" Ferio began, but Clef brushed it off.

"We haven't started yet, so there's no harm done." He told him, watching as Fuu took Umi's hand. "That's two in one day. If they keep showing up at this rate, we'll have all our Magic Knights back by the end of the day."

Ferio nodded. "I still haven't found out what's going on. But whatever it is, it's powerful enough to summon them to Cephiro…"

There was a clatter and they turned to look at Primera, who was fuming. "I don't see why I have to help heal her!"

Ascot bent down, picking up the bowl of water Primera had dropped and cleaning up the spill with magic. "Because Lantis asked you to?"

Primera crossed her arms and mumbled. "Fine, I'm ready whenever you are."

Clef looked back at Ferio, who was busily watching Fuu. She had tears in her eyes now, and was whispering words of comfort to Umi.

"Fuu?" He put a hand on her shoulder, "If you want Umi to get better, we have to go so they can work their magic."

She nodded, reluctantly letting go of Umi's hand.

"She'll be better in no time," Ascot assured her softly as Ferio lead her out of the room.

She forced a smile, and with another glance back at Umi, left the room.

To Be Continued…