Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ I'll Never Forget ❯ Hikaru's Happiness ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I'll Never Forget

Chapter One


Disclaimer: I don't own MKR. Its is property of Clamp. Please don't copy or steal this idea!

Authors Notes: This is based on the manga, not anime. Yes, there is an original character in this, but she will NOT be the center of the fic. The main characters will be Hikaru and Lantis.

~Chapter One~

"Hikaru!" Umi called to her friend ahead of her. The red head stopped walking and turned around. She saw Umi, as well as Fuu walking her way.

"Hey Umi, Fuu." She smiled brightly.

The three friends began walking together and talked, laughing here and there as the walked further and further away.

Mika Tsubaki watched angrily at the three as the left. 'Stupid Hikaru.' She thought. 'Everyone just loves her. Why!? She's just like a childish little girl. What makes her so special?' She slammed her hand against a locker, not really doing much damage, except for a loud crash.

"Mika…" A cool, devilish voice rustled through the air.

"Who…who's there?" Mika asked and looked all around her in a panic.

"Who I am is not important. All that you need to know is that we share a common goal."

"A common goal?"

"Yes…we want to ride the world of Hikaru…"

"Hikaru…" Mika growled and formed two fists with her hands. "Do you…do you know a way?" She asked the voice.

"Yes, but I need you to do it for me…"

"I'll do it! I'll do anything to get rid of her!"



Mika stood just outside the Shidou dojo, and evil smirk on her face. She stared at the building the only light around, belonging to a street lamp. In her hand she held a small crystal, attached to a silver chain. A chant soon fled her mouth as she continued to stare. As the chant furthered, the crystal began to glow, brighter and bright until at last all was a white light around her. When the light faded she still stood outside the dojo, but now there were a few differences. It was a completely different season; she now stood in what seemed liked spring, when it had just been fall.

She smiled even more. 'Ha! It worked.' She thought. Now she stealthfully crept inside the dojo. She clearly remembered the directions the voice had told her and soon she found herself at Hikaru's bedroom. She snuck inside and glared down at her sleeping form. 'Soon…' She thought. 'Soon, your life we'll be mine.' She then proceeded the turn back her clock by and hour. She then went to every other clock in the house and did the same. 'Perfect.' She smiled to herself and left to finish her job.


Lantis lay on his bed in Cephiro, starring up at the ceiling, while Primera rambled on and on about some mundane topic he could really care less about. He was missing her again. Her smiled, her naivety, the pure joy and happiness that emanated from her. 'Hikaru…' He thought. Suddenly, a cold chill ran through him, his brain becoming fuzzy. Something was wrong. He bolted upright and pressed his right hand against his chest. His heart…it felt like it was being slowly drained. 'What's going on?' She wondered and got off the bed quickly, frightening Primera. He then ran out of his room and went straight to Clef's.

He only had to knock once and Clef immediately opened it. "Clef!" Lantis shouted.

"I know." Clef said, sitting down. "Something's wrong." He rubbed his forehead.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Someone…someone is tampering with time." Clef replied.

"What?" Lantis gasped.

"Someone is at this very moment changing history as we know it. And the one its centered on is…"

"Hikaru.' Lantis finished.


Lantis's heart began to ache once more and darkness was slowly shrouding around him. Just then Clef fell to the floor. "Mage Clef!" Lantis shouted and went to help him up.

"No!" Clef shouted and held out his staff pointing it at Lantis. "You have to go now! Go to the past and make things right! I'm sending you back in time, to the magic knight's world. You must find Hikaru, and do everything possible to get her to Cephiro; my past self will be able to help you. You have to will it though; I can only help so much. Will yourself to earth, three years ago!"

Lantis quickly complied and imagined himself with the past Hikaru, on her own home. 'Bring me to her please…' He begged.


Mika stood at the Tokyo tower, four different schools surrounding her, all on a field trip. She looked to the group in the red and black uniforms, the same, evil smile running across her face when she saw that the spunky red head was nowhere in site. She then spotted the group all in pale yellow uniforms and spotted a slight younger version of her, standing alone. She crept over to her at the correct time, when two other girls, the two closest friends of Hikaru stood near the railing of the tower. Just as a bright light began to flash she pushed her past self towards the two other girls and quickly said another chant, a slightly different light surrounding her self, and all four disappeared.


Mika was now in a place shrouded by pure darkness. "It is done…Debonair."

Author's Notes: Short I know, but I just wanted to get the beginning out. Tell me if you like it!