Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Mechanical Wings ❯ Interlude ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Seven: Interlude
(Author's Notes: In the first draft-that is to say my postings so far have been…wonky to say the least. No, I'm not talking about the fact that Lantis is seducing Geo and being incredibly OC-that will all be made clear soon… or maybe not in light of my recent update record, everything MIGHT come together by the end on 2010. Lets all hope that I get up off my ass and get down to some writing ne? If I update somewhat frequently it most likely won't take that long-hm. Let's do this by word count. Okay right now we're around 10,000 some odd words. I'm thinking it'll probably be any wares between 20, 000 to 40, 000 words long but don't quote me on those estimates K'?
I've tweaked and edited the chapters that have been posted thus far. Changed the tenses re worked some lines, so if you haven't read MW in a while or you're just curious to see what revisions have been made click the previous button. Go on click it, click it now!
And now onto the four lines of fic. (Don't worry the next chapter's coming up in less than a day it it's a great deal longer than the amount of actual story in this MW installment.)
It was hot, very hot. I wondered if I would die when it was over. There was a part of me that wanted to die. Lantis, why am I here?