Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction ❯ Swords and Fangs ❯ Ferio's Discovery ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Chapter Three

Disclaimer: As I always say, this is my first Rayearth fic, and I've had to do loads of research to make sure that the characters are in character as much as possible having only seen four episodes. So I really would LOVE the feedback. Is this something that needs be continued?

Slowly the sun set over the horizon, and night began to fall. The stars painted an aesthetic mosaic in the raven black sky. The evening breeze was nice and cool and it seemed like those perfect nights that were only possible in fairy tales. Ferio yawned slightly getting up from his coffin. The sleep had been wonderfully refreshing and now he was ready to catch some prey. Slowly, he walked over to his mirror and fixed his dark green hair. Tonight, he wouldn't go hungry, no tonight he would go out hunting. He pulled a black silk cape over his back and smiled maliciously as he left his room.

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"We really should have brought a flashlight!" Fuu sighed, the forest was once again pitch black and their vision was now very limited.

"Yeah," Hikaru agreed.

"At any rate, we should be careful and stick together," suggested Umi quite worried that they might be separated. She pushed back her lovely light blue hair and stumbled along with her two companions.

Fuu shivered slightly and felt herself falling behind. It was so dark, nothing could be seen not even if it was right in front of her emerald eyes. Her foot got caught on a rock and she felt her body fall and hit the ground. Darkness enveloped her as she sank into unconsciousness. Since Fuu was usually rather quiet neither Umi nor Hikaru noticed her absence from the group. And since the darkness hindered them from seeing each other, they would not be able to notice until dawn that one of their dearest friends was missing.

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Ferio stood on the balcony, his large bat wings fully open and spread out.

"Going out to eat?" Ascot asked casually as he walked by. He was wearing his usual fluffed up hat.

Ferio's golden eyes smiled, "Hey, a prince can't go hungry two nights in a row!"

"Yeah, sure, but Clef sure seemed worried about something," Ascot answered. Ferio's heart fell, so he wasn't the only one who sensed that. He had been hoping that his acute senses were growing dull and that he had been wrong, yet that did not seem the case.

"Come on!" Ferio exclaimed, "if I'm not worried, you shouldn't be either."

"Slayers," a resonant voice whispered. The two turned around to face Lantis who was leaning against the wall across from them. They hadn't even noticed that he had entered the room.

"What do you mean about Slayers!?" Ascot asked trying hard to mask his tone of worry.

"I'm sure he just meant that I should be watching out for Slayers since they were able to kill his brother," Ferio said trying to break the tension that was building up.

"I think what Clef is hiding from us that is that we are going to be attacked by Slayers," Lantis replied plainly.

"Nonesense!" Ferio shouted, his tone softened a bit, "first, humans aren't that smart, second they have no idea where are base is all the vampires they've ever slain were on their own turf, third we'd have the home playing field advantage even if they were brave enough to find their way here."

Lantis shrugged, "I suppose you are right." With that he left, and Ascot ensued. Ferio stood upon the balcony railing the moon shining down on him and leapt forward simultaneously he flapped his oversized wings and flew into the night. His nose tickled for he could smell the scent of humans in the air, something rather odd when he was still in Vampire territory. As he glided gracefully over the mountains the scent grew stronger and he began to follow it downwards into the forest. His eyes were well adjusted to the night, so he could see everything as clearly as humans can see in the daytime. Lying unconscious on the forest floor he saw a young lady who looked about his age. He swooped down and lightly landed on the moss-covered floor. He knelt down and gently pushed back her sunshine hair. He didn't recognize her outfit as that of a slayer since he had really never came so close to one before. Somehow, he did not have the heart to drink her blood- yet. He opened his wings and pulled the young lady into his arms and took off. He found himself even more curious about humans now, despite the danger.

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"How long have we been wandering around in darkness?" Umi asked tired of being unable to see anything.

"Don't worry," Hikaru reassured, "the sun will soon rise and we'll be able to see again."

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Ferio entered the castle through the same way he had left. He quickly ran to his room, for fear that one of the other vampires might see the human guest he had brought along with him. There, he laid her carefully down on a black carpet. He pulled off some of the black drapery and put it over her as some sort of shabby blanket. The sun would be rising soon; he could sense it. He walked over to the door and locked it, putting the key into his pocket. Now no one could come in and no one could leave. With that done he lay back into his coffin for a nice cozy nap, when he woke up he could investigate more about this human girl.

Okies! That's it for this chapter. Please R and R and tell me how you like it!