Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Demon of Mahora ❯ Free Day pt3 ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Free Day: At the Temple
I don’t own Negima

Brent followed Setsuna and Konoka along with Kazumi, who wouldn’t stop fussing over him, Yue, and Haruna till they found Negi, Asuna and…

“Nodoka!” Haruna shouted excitedly as she and Yue rushed to their friend.

Both of them started to interrogate the poor girl on what happened when she caught up with Negi as well as what had happened to him as he was rather beat up. Brent had two of his swords hidden in is backpack just in case there was more trouble and was getting nervous looks from Kazumi as they approached the temple. He ignored Asuna as she shouted at Kazumi as he walked slightly behind her, Nodoka, Haruna, and Yue. He even ignored the shouts of warning Asuna gave. They entered the spacious courtyard and were shocked to see ten women in priestess robes standing in two rows on either side of the path, al smiling and bowing to them.

“Welcome home… Konoka-Ojou-sama!” They said as they bowed.

Both Negi and Nodoka gasped as Konoka smiled warmly. Brent laughed loudly at the stunned looks on Negi and Asuna’s face as the women rushed them. Some of the priestesses saw the bloody bandage on his forehead as well as the small blood stain on his shirt and Brent soon found himself surrounded by three of the priestesses. They examined his forehead and lifted up his shirt to reveal the bandage where the arrow pierced him and gasped.

“Oh my! This wound almost hit your heart! Are you sure you shouldn’t be in a hospital?” One of them asked.

“I’m fine… it’ll take a whole lot more than this to kill me!” Brent said confidently.

After the three left him alone he listened to Setsuna explain how the Head Temple of the Kansai Magic Association was also Konoka’s home and laughed when Asuna freaked out asking why she hadn’t told them sooner. They followed Setsuna to a large room made of wood with paper walls that were filled with people dressed similar to the priestesses. At the opposite end of the room was a staircase and a few feet in front of that were some pads meant for seating. Setsuna, Negi, Asuna and Konoka all went to sit on the pads to wait for the elder as Haruna, Yue, Nodoka, and Kazumi admired the room.

“Talk about a grand reception!” Haruna exclaimed.

“What is going on here…?” Yue asked.

“Well… the truth is, along with the school trip, I had a secret mission to fulfill.” Negi said bashfully.

“HOHOH! Oh really?!” Haruna exclaimed.

“A ‘secret mission’ huh?!” Kazumi said excitedly.

“Hey Negi! Ix-nay on the ission-may! Asuna said.

“So that’s why you’ve been so jittery.” Brent mused.

“The Elder will arrive shortly.” A priestess said mid bow “Please wait here.”

“Uh… okay! Th-thanks!” Negi replied.

“It’s so nostalgic! I haven’t lived here since I was little.” Konoka told Asuna happily “and I haven’t been home much after getting into Mahora…”

“For real?” Asuna exclaimed “W-a-ait a sec: if this is you house then… The Elder of the Kansai Magic Association must be-!”

Brent was not sitting as he was instructed but instead was standing at the back of his sitting classmates. He was doing so he could be ready to act should the need arise… and since he wasn’t respectful by nature. He heard footsteps coming down the stairs in front of them and saw a man in white and gray robes.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” He said in a calm but welcoming tone.

He had short black hair, glasses, and a kindly face with a friendly smile.

“Welcome Asuna-kun and each of Konoka’s classmates… and of course their teacher, Negi-sensei.” He said.

The Elder glanced at Brent curiously and after a quick once over returned his attention to everybody.

“Yo, names Brent…” Brent started to say.

“DADDY!” Konoka squealed happily as she glomped onto her father hugging him tightly.

“Control, Konoka, control…!” The Elder replied calmly.

Brent suppressed his laughter and Konoka’s antics.

“So Konoka-san’s father is the Elder of the West” remarked a stunned Negi.

“For a guy who lives in a place like this, he looks kind of plain.” Haruna whispered to Kazumi.

“If anything, he looks a bit pale.” Kazumi replied.

After seeing Konoka’s reaction to seeing her father Brent was trying hard not to laugh.

“I…” Asuna said.

Brent turned to look back at her and noticed she was blushing.

“I think he’s hot!” She exclaimed.

“Your taste in men I DO NOT get! Kazumi shouted as Haruna sputtered.

That was the last straw and Brent finally cracked. He started to laugh loudly at them before being hit on the back of the head by Kazumi.

“Sorry Kazumi-chan but you have to admit that was pretty funny.” He said in between laughs.

Kazumi seemed to think about this for a few seconds before nodding in agreement.

Suddenly his phone rang as listened to the Elder thank Negi.

“Yo, this is Brent.” He answered.

“Hey lil’ bro!” Came the loud response.

“Falco… you’re helping someone seeking to do harm to my Classmates.” Brent said in a hostile tone.

“No I’m not! My client only needs the girl’s strength for a little while and then she’ll be released.” Falco explained angrily.

“Sure…” Brent said unconvinced.

“Brat… I’m calling you out to a meadow two miles from the temple for a confrontation!” Falco declared “Martial Arts only, no magic. If you win I tell you everything, if I win you can’t interfere.”

Brent thought about his brother’s proposition for a few seconds before giving his answer.

“Fine… I’ll be there in an hour.” He said before hanging up.

Returning his attention to his surroundings he learned that they were going to have a party. Forty-five minutes later and most of his classmates were drunk.

Haruna had her arm around Nodoka’s shoulder laughing exuberantly, Kazumi was trying to get frisky with him (and having mixed results since Brent was sober), and Konoka was telling Asuna and Yue that it wasn’t alcoholic, while both Negi and Setsuna talked to the elder. Brent excused himself to leave and headed for the door. He was almost there when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulder, force him around, and reveal a drunken Kazumi looking at him.

“Letsh have shome fun Brent-kun.” She slurred.

“Kazumi-hime your drunk. Go back to the others and let Negi-sensei take care of you.” Brent said as she frowned.

She turned around and staggered back to the others. Brent decided that he would let her sober up before taking her up on that offer… if she wanted to. He continued out of the temple, rounded a corner and as soon as he was out of sight he used the shadows to teleport to the field.

“’Bout time you got here little bro.” Falco said.

The meadow was slightly square in shape and seemed to have been a manmade meadow that had become overgrown. It was twenty feet by thirty feet and Brent had appeared at the edge of it ten feet from a large rock that his brother was sitting atop of. His brother was wearing a black button up t-shirt with a fire design rising up from the bottom and a lightning bolt pendant around his neck, visible underneath the unbuttoned shirt was a black shirt with a picture of a stick figure diving away from an explosion with the words ‘Pyromaniac at Work’ written underneath it in red and the word Pyro tattooed in red over his right eye in Chinese. He looked pretty much identical to Brent except that his eyes were bright red in color.

“I’ve gotten a whole lot better since Okinawa Falco.” Brent said confidently as he got into his stance.

“We’ll see about that.” Falco replied smugly.

He put his right hand forward, his left hand back balled up in a fist and his right hand extended forward and opened. The two of them stared each other down for a few minutes before Brent moved. He vanished for less than half a second before reappearing behind Falco, throwing a palm thrust into the middle of his back but was blocked by Falco who retaliated with a vicious spinning kick to the head which Brent ducked under followed by an equally vicious leg sweep which Brent couldn’t avoid. He did however managed to use the downward momentum to his advantage and thrust upward with his foot hitting Falco under the chin knocking him into the air. He flipped backwards till he was at the other side of the meadow and dashed across the field as fast as he could with his fist pulled back to punch Brent. Brent leapt to his feet as soon as his brother started to flip back away and was standing there waiting for his brother to get close enough to him. As soon as Falco’s fist was a foot away from hitting his face he ducked and hit Falco in the chest sending him to the ground in a heap. Brent jumped back to avoid another leg sweep and ducked under another spin kick to the head. He grabbed Falco’s extended leg and threw him up into the air before vanishing and reappearing above his older brother.

“Aerial Pinball.” He said before spinning backwards and kicking Falco across the sky.

Ten feet away Brent appeared again and kicked him in the other direction appearing ahead again to kick him in a different direction. This happened three more times before Brent heel kicked him downwards and when he was ten feet from the ground Brent was crouched down underneath him and leapt in the air thrusting his palm upwards into his falling brothers back. Falco fell to the ground and groaned for a few seconds before struggling to his feet and waving his hand in surrender. He was smiling but Brent couldn’t see it since he had completed his objective. His client had Konoka and things were good.

“You win bro but there’s a problem…I had my fingers crossed.” He said as he threw a smoke bomb and vanished.

Brent sighed at his brothers usual antics and returned to the temple. He remembered where the priestesses had shown them where the girls room was and headed there to see how they were doing.

“HEY HOW ARE My girls doing...?” Brent started to say before he saw them.

His eyes widened… they were all turned to stone. He felt a sharp and mind blowing pain erupt in his chest as his heart burst. He stumbled into the room past a coughing Haruna, Nodoka who looked to be halfway to raising a Pactio card up, and up to the surprised face of Kazumi.

“Ka…zu…mi-hi…me?” He said in shock as tears began to fall down his face.

He reached out a trembling hand and pressed it to her face and sobbed when he felt none of the warmth he was accustomed to. He hadn’t been there to help and it hurt him physically as he collapsed to his knees in sorrow as tears fell thickly down his face… if only he hadn’t left. He would never again hear her voice, see her smile, or feel the warmth of her embrace… and it was all his brothers fault. His eyes became slits and his hands became clawed. The tears in his eyes boiled away as fire erupted from them. Fire escaped from his mouth with each exhaled breath as his hands were consumed with dark fire. The shadows in the room started to bubble and boil before flowing under him and slowly flowed up his body as one thought flowed through his mind. It’s HIS fault they’re gone… Falco will DIE!

A few miles away in a bar Averus clutched his chest and groaned as he felt a blinding flash of pain erupt in his heart as his mind was flooded with his youngest brothers thoughts and feelings.

“Falco you Dumbass!” He muttered as he dashed out of the bar.

He turned to where he sensed his brothers and dashed off in a full out run.

‘Falco you shit head. You’ve been duped again and now little brother is going to kill you in a blind rampage.’ He thought.