Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Miscalculation ❯ Chapter 13
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
“Say,” Kazumi said as most of the party relaxed in the large bath at the Resort, “did you all notice the changes in Asuna's, Konoka's and Setsuna's Pactio cards?”
“You mean the silver lining?” asked Chisame. “Yeah, I noticed that the other night when Negi slept with me,” she confirmed. “What about it?”
“Well, aren't you curious about why their cards suddenly have silver linings?” pressed Kazumi.
“I guess,” admitted Chisame.
“It isn't because they were his first three partners?” wondered Nodoka. I wish mine would turn silver, too! she thought. Kazumi grinned.
“Rumor has it that it happened after their little `experiment',” gossiped the intelligence specialist.
“No way!” gasped Haruna eagerly, sidling closer to Kazumi. The other girls drew in closer as well. Glancing around the area, Kazumi and the other girls huddled closer.
“Oh, indeed!” whispered Kazumi. “Their cards were normal until just after they told us about their little tryst. So, the only logical answer is that when one of us with Pactio cards gets intimate with Negi, our cards get the silver edging!”
“When you say `intimate', you mean…?” blushed Nodoka. Kazumi nodded.
“I mean exactly that, girl!” leered Kazumi. Nodoka blushed beet red to her breasts, and Yue and Chisame weren't that far behind her. “What's with the blushing?” wondered Kazumi, her own cheeks a little red.
“Yeah, really!” agreed Haruna, breathing a bit fast. “It's not like it's a big deal or anything, right?”
“Maybe not to a yaoi `H' mangaka, but to us, yes!” hissed Chisame. Haruna turned up her nose.
“No one is forcing you, you know,” interjected Kazumi.
“I didn't say I wouldn't!” shot back Chisame before she could think better of it. Baring her teeth, she looked away. “Bakas,” she muttered. I wonder how things are going? she idly wondered. Negi, Konoka, Asuna, Kaede and Setsuna were all with Eva. Chisame rubbed her face with her hands. Why did I raise my hand?! she asked herself.
“Worried about the thing with Eva?” asked Kotaro. Chisame blinked. The young wolf boy had stayed behind when the five had departed, saying he didn't need to watch Eva feed. “Don't be,” he assured her calmly. “Negi is there, and besides, Eva wouldn't do anything too drastic; she's been feeding off Negi for a while and nothing bad has happened.”
“I guess,” Chisame allowed. “Kotaro,” Chisame asked, “have you run into vampire much?” she wondered. Kotaro shrugged.
“Seen one destroyed a dozen years ago or so, but Eva's the first one I've seen close-up,” he answered. Chisame hummed.
“Is there really any way to fight them? I've read the books and all, but Eva breaks all those rules. Running water, sunlight, crucifixes, probably the stake thing…is it Eva or the myths that are wrong?” wondered the girl.
“Probably Eva,” Kotaro said, absently flicking his ear to dislodge a few drops of water from the long hairs along the upper edge. “She's a magic-user, and I've heard her called `high daylight walker', which seems to be some sort of superior vampire,” he paused, frowning, “but she also gets colds and fevers, which I've never heard of a vampire getting.”
“Huh,” grunted Chisame.
“I do know she is crazy powerful normally, and even under the curse and barrier, she is dangerously capable,” he continued. “She has that price on her head, and from what I heard before meeting up with you all, she has killed a couple hundred bounty hunters, mundane and other, in the last century or so,” he mused. Chisame digested that.
“Kotaro!” called out Haruna, the girl lunging over to grab his arm, dragging the wolf boy away from Chisame. She wrapped an arm around his neck, holding him against her naked body. “So, you're tight with Negi,” purred the girl evilly, “how far has he gone with Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna?” asked the mangaka.
“What does it matter?” asked Kotaro insolently, grinning. “Feeling left behind?” he taunted her. Haruna tightened her arm a little.
“Kotaro,” she whispered in his ear sweetly, “don't make me have to summon my Bishie Basher Deluxe Super,” threatened the girl. Kotaro frowned.
“The hell is that supposed to be?” he asked. Giggling maniacally, Haruna answered him.
“Remember when you saw that doujinshi I was working on? The one about a month ago?” she asked. Kotaro blinked.
“That one with the characters that looked like Negi and I?” he asked. Haruna nodded. “What about it?” he asked her.
“The Bishie Basher Deluxe Super was the thing in the last panel,” she whispered in his ear. Kotaro turned a little pale.
“The thing that was…?” he asked her. She giggled. “You're a demon!” he gasped, freeing himself from her grip. He was almost fast enough, but Haruna grabbed his tail tightly, holding on to him.
“So, just tell me what I want to know,” she blackmailed him. Kotaro saw the looks of avid interest on the other girls' faces. Sorry, Negi, he mentally apologized to his friend.
“No need to be scared,” Eva said, leading the group into her private rooms in the Resort hub. Konoka and the other girls were a little on edge, while Negi was more relaxed. “I promise I won't hurt you,” smiled Eva, her fangs flashing in the light from a couple dozen candles.
“Of that you can be sure,” added Setsuna tightly. Her hand gripped her sword. She had no illusions of how powerful and dangerous Eva was, but nothing - not even death - would prevent her from doing everything she could to protect her Ojou-sama. Eva smiled at Setsuna, but declined comment. Taking a deep breath, Konoka offered Eva her arm.
“Here, Eva,” she said, calm and collected as always. Eva shook her head.
“You have given blood before,” noted the vampire, “but I am not a blood bank,” she said. Guiding Konoka over to the large bed made of plush pillows and silk sheets the size of square-rigged sailing ship sails, she settled down, guiding Konoka down next to her. “I prefer to be comfortable when feeding,” Eva explained. “And I certainly don't want you to hurt yourself if you get dizzy or weak from my feeding.”
“This is comfortable,” Konoka admitted, once more offering her arm. Eva shook her head, tucking Konoka's arm behind her back as she tugged the silk robe the girl wore lose, baring Konoka's shoulder and neck to her hungry gaze. All the girls had donned the silk robes when they left the bath to come see Eva. The garments were light and sheer, and came a couple of fingers past their groins. Negi was wearing a pair of boxers, a towel around his shoulders.
With a delicate touch, Eva guided Konoka's head to the side. Licking her lips, the blonde bloodsucker leaned in, sinking her teeth into the junction of Konoka's neck and shoulder. “Ah!” gasped Konoka, flinching.
“Ojou-sama!” exclaimed Setsuna, her sword appearing in her hand.
“I'm ok, Set-chan,” panted Konoka, color touching her cheeks as Eva began to feed on her. “It just feels…weird,” she almost moaned. Eva wrapped her arms around Konoka, squeezing the girl's torso as she hungrily fed on her classmate and teammate.
Eva was breathing hard herself. So rich, she thought, tasting Konoka's blood. I can feel the power in her surging through her! Had I know she was so powerful, I would have drank her dry years ago! the vampiress thought greedily. Forcing the urge to drain Konoka of all her blood down, she compared the taste of Konoka to the taste of Negi. Very similar, but also subtly different. Negi's blood is like a shot of whiskey, while Konoka's blood is like a fine, aged wine. If I were wearing panties, they'd be damp by now, the euphoric feeder thought. Feeling Konoka tremble in her arms, she raised her head, licking up an errant drop of blood as she assessed Konoka's condition.
“Ojou-sama!” Setsuna said, concerned. Konoka was looking a little pale, but color stood out on her cheeks.
“Ok, that's enough Eva,” Asuna said, her hand absently tapping her fan against her opposite palm. Eva was all to aware that Asuna could attack her like her barrier wasn't even there, and that her fan hurt. And then there is the fact that she has changed her fan to her sword in mid-stroke, the blonde assessed.
“Very well,” Eva said, licking the puncture wounds on Konoka's neck. Easing the girl back onto the cushions, she stretched her arms luxuriously. “Kaede,” invited Eva, grinning. Setsuna darted in, checking on Konoka. “She'll be fine, Setsuna,” Eva said dismissively, watching the tallest of the White Wings approach her. “Even the bite marks will be gone by morning,” added the `sponsor' of the group.
Kaede sank down on the other side of Eva from Konoka, pulling her robe off and offering her neck. “Ready when you are,” the ninja said, her eyes almost closed. Eva noticed that the girl was watching her out of the corner of her eye though. She's not nearly as complacent as she seems, Eva realized. Trick? Shadow clone? Chi manipulation? wondered Eva. Doesn't matter right now, I guess, she decided, leaning into Kaede and selecting a comfortable bite place.
Kaede didn't react at all as Eva's fangs pierced her skin. As the smaller girl's lips sealed to her skin and she began to suck, Kaede felt a tingle race through her. So, the legends are somewhat true, then, the ninja thought, feeling herself grow warm in the groin. It would explain how the girls who she attacked over the time before Negi got here were never that concerned about it, nor did they seem to have any emotional issues from it, the Koga ninja mentally noted. “Mm,” hummed the girl.
Eva wasn't sure what she was expecting from the girl's blood. It doesn't taste like Negi's or Konoka's, but it isn't normal blood, either, she thought, sucking steadily. Ku's didn't taste like this either, so is it a chi trick I haven't seen before? Or something else? I wonder if Setsuna's will taste like Kaede's or not, she wondered. Her arms snaked around Kaede's chest, just below the sizable breasts of the other girl. A split second jolt of irked jealously shot through her as she secured her grip below the flesh pumpkins. Damned heifer, the smaller girl thought, squeezing as she sucked.
“Hey,” came a voice, accompanied by a pair of hands working her head away from Kaede's neck. “Enough already!” Eva glared at the owner of the hands, her blood-red, cat-slit pupils finding one green eye and one blue eye looking at her. A growl came from Eva's throat as her hands - her nails black and extended to sharp claws - clenched spasmodically. “Get a grip, Eva!” yelled Asuna, shaking the smaller girl sharply.
“Careful, Asuna,” said Setsuna, standing a short distance away, sword in hand. The Shinmei-ryu swordswoman was clearly ready if something happened.
Closing her eyes for a moment, Eva sucked in a breath, held it for a moment, then released it. When she opened her eyes again, her pupils were back to their normal color, and no longer vertically-slitted. Also, her nails were back to normal. The sharp, bright fangs remained, however. “I suppose that is good for tonight,” said the blonde, negligently twitching herself free of Asuna's grip. Barrier is totally useless against her, the chibi mage noted. “So, tomorrow night it's your turns, then?” she smiled at Asuna.
After a long heartbeat staring into Eva's eyes, Asuna nodded. Negi sighed in relief as Eva yawned and laid back on her bed. “Stay or go, your call,” she said, flipping a hand at the group. Asuna helped Kaede up, while Setsuna collected Konoka's sleeping form. Moving away, the group went to the common bedroom they shared with the group, settling down to sleep with the other members. Negi settled in with Asuna, Konoka and Setsuna next to their futon, while Kaede slipped into Ku's futon, since Kotaro had somehow ended up with Haruna.
In her bedroom, Eva waited a couple hours, then rose. Chachamaru bowed as the mistress of the Resort moved to a transport circle in her bedroom, vanishing to reappear in a different dome. Once there, she gathered her energy and incanted a length spell. Her partner watched silently. After nearly an hour, Eva dispelled the incantation. “Almost there, Chachamaru,” she said. I should be ready to try this once I get the last two, she thought, feeling a surge in her that she hadn't felt since Nagi tricked her and cursed her.
The second day in the resort had started off pretty normally, with a hearty breakfast before the groups split up for the day, the fighters pairing up to spar, and the second line members developing their own skills in small groups. Eva was no where to be found as the party automatically broke up into groups; that was nothing unusual. Chachamaru and her `sisters' were in evidence, but declined any comment on Eva. The party shrugged it off and went about their business.
There was a conspicuous new member, though. Sayo had been floating next to the futon Kazumi was in, looking a bit more substantial than she had before. As the ghost girl was happy to demonstrate, she could also act upon physical items, as well: she picked up Kazumi's (normal) camera as a demonstration. Apparently, Eva had worked on a spell for her that had materialized as a nearly-perfect copy of the badges that the others wore, though hers was magically fused to her insubstantial form like a hair clip, above and behind her right eye.
Negi had been impressed by the display of magical prowess by his `mistress', and had checked out the strange bit of spell mongering carefully. When asked about his interest, he had explained how unusual it was to see such a use of magic and technology. The spell had transmogrified the bit of technology that served as the base of the badges into an insubstantial form, allowing it to be bound to Sayo without limiting her like a standard binding spell.
Yue had dug into her Artifact for any information on it, and Kazumi had tagged along with her as well, having more questions about her artifact's secondary form. The three of them had chosen to transfer to the alpine meadow dome, which was more secluded and calmer than the central hub. In short order, the group had split up, scattering across the domes via the transport circles. Negi and Kotaro had - as usual - thrown down right off, and after a narrow and contested victory by Negi, had split up with different partners, Kotaro challenging Asuna, and Negi looking to try a technique against Kaede's multiple shadow clones.
Instead of the ninja girl, he ran into Chisame, who had been lurking unusually close to the group. She had waylaid him as he looked for Kaede, telling him she wanted to talk to him about something. He had agreed, and before he knew it, he was standing in the `bamboo maze' dome. The entire dome was filled with bamboo shoots that were nearly thirty feet tall, mostly comprised of giant cell bamboo, but with some other Asiatic types mixed in for that truly `enclosed by nature' feel. Narrow, twisty paths wound here and there, visibility impossible beyond the section of path immediately ahead or behind the person.
Negi had been in this dome a time or two, sparring with Kaede and or Ku Fei, but Chisame had never been to the dome before, since it was primarily a fighter's practice dome. All around them, the rustle of the bamboo leaves and the faint wind from unknown areas surrounded them. Occasionally a bird call could be heard, but Negi had never found out if the bird was real or just a call without a source bird. “So, what did you want to talk to me about, Chisame-chan?” wondered Negi.
“Um,” Chisame hesitated, “Eva's sucked your blood before, right?” she chickened out.
“Yeah,” Negi said. “What does…?”
“Does it hurt?” asked Chisame, looking away from him. Negi shrugged.
“Maybe a little, right the beginning,” he shared. “But, um, it starts feeling better really quickly,” he added hurriedly. He tried not to think about the reaction it gave him. “You might…enjoy it,” he tacked on carefully. Chisame glanced at him. “Is that what you wanted to talk about?” he wondered.
“So, what then?” wondered the young man. Chisame looked away again. “Chisame?” he prompted.
“The silver edges on Asuna's card, Setsuna's card and Konoka's card,” blurted out the girl. “What made them do that?” Negi blinked.
“Well, we're not really sure,” he said slowly.
“It has to be something that links the three of them to you, right?” Chisame said aggressively. “Is it because they have…you know!”
“Because they have what?” wondered Negi. You know, she could be right about it being something all three of us have in common, mused the young man.
“Is it because they su…I mean, gave you head?” Chisame could barely choke out the words. “I know they did,” she added, pre-empting any excuse or denial by Negi. Far from denying it, Negi was thinking this way through it.
“But, they didn't change until after…” he stopped, blinking. Chisame frowned at him.
“Until after what, Negi?!” she demanded, catching his lapse. “What did you do?” she wanted to know.
“Um, well, the cards were normal, even after they, well, what you said,” Negi answered, blushing as well. “It wasn't until after that they changed to silver, that's all.”
“After what?” pressed Chisame, stepping into him slightly.
“Um, well, shortly after they did that…” Negi stopped again. Chisame's brow wrinkled. After they gave him head, what would…?...!!!
“You had sex with them!” screamed the girl, shocked, surprised and not a little jealous. Negi cringed slightly.
“I…I'm sorry!” he apologized. “It just sort of happened!” protested the young man. Chisame was frowning at him.
“Sure it did,” muttered the girl. “Of course Asuna'd move from giving head to sex,” mumbled the girl, pacing back and forth, waving her hands. “But Setsuna and Konoka, too? What were they thinking?!” Spinning, she pointed at Negi. “You used a condom, right?!” the girl shrieked. Slowly, Negi shook his head. “Of course not!” Chisame said to herself. “Where would they have gotten them on such short notice, anyway?” More pacing. “How long was it between them?” she wondered, though she wasn't sure why it mattered to her.
“Asuna and I,” Negi gulped, “and when we caught our breath, Konoka was there, but Setsuna came in, and Konoka told her she could go next, so…”
“Why should I be surprised?” Chisame cut him off, pacing again and waving her hands. “I mean, you room together, so why not have a roman orgy right off the bat, right?” she muttered, pacing. Stopping, she turned on Negi again. “And Konoka went after Setsuna, is that it?” she accused.
“No,” Negi defended himself, “Konoka and I weren't able to do it until we got to the resort that evening!”
“Poor you!” Chisame was ranting again, pacing and still waving her arms. “Had to wait almost a day to be with Konoka! Heaven forbid!” Negi wasn't sure what to say, so he waited. “And now their cards have silver edges! What is that supposed to mean?”
“Uh, the Pactio spell has changed a little since then,” Negi offered timidly. Chisame whirled to face him. “The power transfer is stronger, and we don't have to use the cards for telepathy any more, and…”
“So, that's what happens,” Chisame mused, finger to chin. “Makes sense, I suppose,” she nodded to herself slowly. “But will it work with all of us or just them?” she posed the question to herself. Nodding once more to herself, she turned to Negi. “Negi,” she said firmly, “We're going to do it, too!”
Negi blinked. “You mean, you and I? Or…?”
“Us to start with,” Chisame said, “but if this boosts the power of the artifacts and the overall strength of the group, then we better all do it!” she decreed. I have to tell the others, so they can power up as well, she made a mental note. Looking at Negi, she saw his wide-eyed expression. “What?” she wondered.
“N…nothing!” he protested, frantically waving his hands. Chisame frowned, a sudden concern gripping her.
“It's…it's not that you don't want to…with me, is it?” she worried.
“Of course not!” protested Negi. “It's just…well…”
“Well what?” wondered Chisame.
“It kind of hurt Konoka, and I don't want to hurt you all,” he said. Chisame blinked.
“It always hurts the first time or five for the girl,” she said. “Did Konoka like it?” wondered Chisame.
“She seemed happy,” was the best Negi could offer her. Chisame mulled this bit of information over.
“Well, that's good news,” Chisame said, mostly to herself. Looking at Negi again, her lips tightened in determination. “So, let's do it,” she said firmly. Negi blinked.
“Here?” he wondered. Chisame nodded, plucking her glasses off.
“Sure, why not?” she said, starting to peel off her clothes. Negi sucked in a quick breath. Chisame is really pretty, recalled the young man. “I don't have a condom with me,” she continued, blushing, “but it's a safe day, so it should be just fine,” she explained.
“S…safe day?” Negi wondered. Chisame debated explaining, but discarded the idea; along with her panties.
“Doesn't matter,” she dismissed the topic. “So, um, what do we do next?” wondered the girl. The magazines were all well and good, but none of them covered how to start the entire process; just what to do once it was going, she mused. Kind of like a recipe list, but no cooking instructions.
“Um, Asuna pretty much led,” Negi admitted.
“I see,” Chisame said, folding her arms over her chest, thought not because she was cold. “Well, I don't know what to do,” the girl said quietly. I can't even imagine how I would do this with anyone but Negi, she thought. “That Pactio kiss? It was my first,” she confided, fidgeting. Negi gulped.
“O…ok,” he said, steeling his nerves. Ok, I'll just start off with a little kissing, then go from there, Negi decided, stepping toward Chisame. I don't like seeing her like this; it isn't like the Chisame I know, he thought, taking her upper arms in his hands and easing her to him, his lips meeting her lips.
Chisame was jittery at first, but when she felt Negi kiss her, she calmed down a little. It's no big deal, she told herself, I kissed him before when we made our Pactio, and this isn't that different. Her eyes, which had drifted closed, shot open when she felt something slip between her lips. Is…is he French kissing me?! the girl thought, surprised. He is!
Negi, sensing something might be bothering the girl in his arms due to her flinch, eased back. “Something wrong, Chisame-chan?” he asked, looking at her.
“You were…” began Chisame, only to stop, frowning ever so slightly. If he is kissing me like that, then it must be something that Asuna, Konoka or Setsuna taught him, because god knows he didn't do that before, considered Chisame. And if that's the case… Chisame met his gaze, smiling slightly. “Never mind,” she said, leaning back into him. There was no way that Chisame would back down when the other girls were kissing him like that.
Dismissing whatever had made Chisame flinch, Negi got back to work, finding that Chisame was more relaxed in his arms, her tongue meeting his half way. As the girl pulled him closer to her, he could feel the warmth of her body through the soft, supple swell of her breasts. Smaller than many in the class, they were nevertheless perfectly shaped to her build, the hard nipples rubbing against him as she wrapped her arms around his chest. He could feel his dick harden as he rubbed her sides with his palms.
Chisame moaned as she felt his slightly-rough palms on her waist. This is pretty nice, the girl thought. Against her thigh, she felt something poke her. Logically, it could only be one thing. It feels too big to be his dick, though, she argued with herself. She had seen him naked before, thanks to many circumstances, and it had never looked as big as it felt. Curious, she broke the kiss, easing back so she could see what was going on.
“Wow,” breathed the girl, eyeing the swollen length of Negi's tool. It looks like that when he's aroused?! Chisame wondered, dazed and enchanted by the sight of his length. Unconsciously, she rubbed her thighs together, a warm, damp itch growing between them. Reaching down, she touched her first dick. Negi sucked in a breath when the girl's soft, warm hand touched his hard tool. Hard, but so soft, Chisame thought happily, smiling hungrily. Health class didn't say anything about this!
She knew, of course, the basics of sex, thanks to health class, but the facts were one thing, and this was another. Her attention was on the proud organ before her, while the itch between her thighs had grown into a fire, the heat radiating out from her belly while the dampness had turned to wetness. Carefully rubbing the tip of Negi's tool, Chisame licked her lips. So, the tip is kind of spongy while the shaft is hard. That means that it can compress to get inside me, while still completely filling my pussy. Brilliant, the girl thought reverently.
“C…Chisame,” Negi gulped. The girl's eyes met his. Smiling lewdly at him, she pulled him down to the narrow path that they were on, which was covered in fallen bamboo blades, nearly like a soft mat. Swiftly, sloppily spreading out her clothes under her, she lay down. Negi, being the fast learner that he was, could tell what she wanted next. Kneeling, he eased her legs apart, seeing her bare sex in a new light. He knew that she kept herself totally bare down there, and he had seen it many, many times, but never like this. It was swollen, shiny with her juice and such a delicate shade of pale pink that it made him absolutely certain that if he didn't have her, he would die.
Chisame saw him staring fixedly at her exposed sex, and felt a tingle race through her body at the expression on his face. He is totally enthralled by my pussy! gloated the girl happily. I have always used my sex appeal as Chiu, but this is me, Chisame, that he is looking at! The unnoticed, average school girl. Not the net idol, not the cosplayer, just me! And he can't take his eyes off me. Given her particular issues, that was a powerful aphrodisiac to the already-aroused girl. “Negi,” murmured Chisame, opening her arms.
The sound of her voice seemed to free him of the spell her slippery sex cast on him, and he moved forward, between her legs. Leaning forward, he felt her close her legs around him, his leaking tip nudging her virgin sex. “Chisame, it might hurt, the first time,” he panted out. Chisame hummed, lazily looping her arms around his neck.
“I know, and it's fine,” she said carelessly. “Go ahead,” she urged him, feeling his dick settle at her entrance. Swallowing with a bit of effort, he did as she asked, pushing forward with his hips, his tip splitting her lower lips before forcing itself into her passage. A hot flood of Chisame juice met his initial penetration of her passage, which mixed with the pre-cum leaking from his own dick to ease their union. Chisame memorized the feeling of being stretched by her very first penis as she stared into Negi's eyes.
On the third thrust, Negi succeeded in forcing his entire tip into her passage. Chisame didn't even blink. When she didn't react, he continued to push deeper into her, waiting to encounter her barrier. As more of his length slid into her, he began to wonder where her hymen was. Vaguely, he recalled hearing that girls differed in that area, some not having any at all, while others tore their hymens while doing sports. Chisame wasn't a sports player, but she did cosplay, and her physical education scores were good, so he didn't think it unlikely that maybe she had torn hers earlier. It wasn't until he rammed his tip into her cervix that he realized that it was a moot point.
Chisame moaned happily as his tip drove home against the entrance to her womb. She had waited for the pain she expected when he broke her maidenhood, but it never came. In fact, it didn't hurt at all, she shrugged mentally. Better for me, I guess, the girl discarded the missing pain. Bending her back, she kissed Negi as he began to stroke in her passage, the strange new sensations stimulating her like she had never believed possible. Never going to be happy with my fingers again after this! gloated the girl, feeling her G-spot make itself known. Her clit was also being rubbed viciously, two factors combining to give her a truly deep orgasm.
Negi sucked in a breath as Chisame's arms and legs contracted on him, her legs driving him deep into her sex, her arms trying to crush him. He barely had time to be glad it was Chisame doing this and not one of his more powerful girls before her pussy clamped down hard on his invading member, the feeling triggering his release, shot after shot forcing its way into her womb. “Chisame!” he groaned into her kiss, feeling her body tremble. The girl's trembling began to subside, her arms and legs relaxing slowly.
“Negi,” breathed the girl, her body limp and relaxed. Negi eased down to rest on her chest, taking comfort in the feeling of her sweat-slick skin warm and soft under him. Minutes passed as the pair recovered. “I can see now why they do it,” Chisame said carelessly. Negi mutely nodded. “How was I?” asked the girl, a bit more alert. “Compared to the others, I mean?”
“Why do you want to know?” replied Negi, confused.
“Just curious,” Chisame said innocently. “Was I good, bad or maybe average?”
“Um, well, you were good,” Negi began.
“That's good,” Chisame said, hugging him gently. “You know,” she added, “I have been thinking about Chiu needing something to keep her popularity up, and besides the age pill things, I think that giving her a love interest would work,” she shared.
“Age pills?” wondered Negi. Chisame nodded.
“After the Festival, I thought about it, and debuted my altered form as Chiu's little sister. Lots of Lolita fans mobbed the site, the more so for pictures of us together,” she grinned. Her online rankings were important to her, after all.
“But, if you used the pills, then how did you get pictures of you in both forms in one frame?” wondered Negi. Chisame giggled softly, stroking his face with her fingers.
“Photoshop pro, remember?” she reminded him. “A green background, some careful poses, and it's nothing to make a composite photo that no one will ever be able to catch,” boasted the girl. “I have even been using background shots of the group in some of them,” she recalled.
“Oh. So, is it working?” Negi wondered. He checked her blog daily, after all, seeing as how he was a fan of her alter ego as much as he was a fan of her actual self.
“Of course,” she grinned. “But, the number of creepy stalker-type trolls has been rising, too, so I think I need to establish a love interest to keep them in check,” she related.
“I see,” he mused. “So, who are you going to use?” he asked. Chisame leered at him in a way far too much like Asuna leered at him.
“You, of course,” she said, drawing his face to hers for a kiss. “You took my virginity, after all, so it is only right that I use you as a love-interest for Chiu.”
“Virginity,” Negi breathed. “Oh!” he gasped, scrambling off her, much to her disappointment. When he carefully spread her legs, she frowned slightly.
“What are you doing?” she asked. “I told you today was a safe day,” she reminded him. He was studying her still-swollen but now deeper-red sex. Sitting up, she looked at herself as well as she could. Doesn't look like anything is wrong, she mused, carefully touching herself. Ouch! Sensitive, though, discovered the girl.
“I was worried you might be bleeding,” Negi said. “Konoka bled enough to worry me the first time we had sex,” he related. Chisame frowned, carefully easing her sex open. A small pinkish glob of mixed cum seeped from her stretched passage.
“Well, I am bleeding, I guess,” she offered, “but it's nothing to get worked up over,” she dismissed it. Negi heaved a sigh of relief.
“That's good,” he sounded relieved. Chisame hummed, catching him with her arms and pulling him to her as she shifted to lean against the thick bamboo wall that all but engulfed them.
“And since it is all good, let's just sit here for a bit and relax together,” she said, settling him comfortably by her. “We can get dressed and go back later,” she murmured, covering her mouth as she yawned. Negi nodded, also yawning. On top of her skirt, under her glasses, her Pactio card's border turned silver.