Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Miscalculation ❯ Chapter 17
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Asuna pulled her bloomers up, settling them comfortably before fishing in her locker for a sports bra. Pulling a clean one out, she wiggled into it, adjusting her breasts before pulling on the white tee shirt and tucking it into the waistband of her bloomers. Closing her locker, she absently touched her hair bells as she glanced at Konoka, who was finishing up as well. Next to Konoka, Setsuna was already done changing.
With the girls on the field today, they were changing into their track uniforms. Asuna noticed that White Wing girls had formed a group close to each other, much as other groups within the class had. Stretching, Asuna led the others out of the girls' locker room and onto the field. As she arrived at the cinder track where they would be running, she was accosted by a familiar blonde.
“Asuna,” said Ayaka, “I hear that the English Culture Research Club is accepting new members,” she said. Asuna glanced at her rival/friend.
“Accepting is a bit of an over-statement,” shrugged Asuna, enjoying jerking Ayaka's chain. “After all, we don't let just anyone in,” she smirked at the taller blonde.
“But you let in those who can make it through the eligibility test, right?” she demanded aggressively. Asuna nodded. “So, I'm thinking of joining the club, and want to know what the test is,” said the blonde.
“Aren't you already in the horse club?” asked Asuna.
“That's the Equestrian Club, simpleton!” sniffed Ayaka. Horse club indeed! huffed the rich blonde. Asuna waved off the distinction.
“Like I said,” she dismissed it. “Our club is kind of…intensive,” she said obliquely. Ayaka's blue eyes narrowed slightly.
“That's fine,” said Ayaka levelly. “If you can do it, then I am sure I can as well,” sniped the blonde. Asuna smiled back thinly.
“You really think so?” she asked. I'd like to see her try her hand against Setsuna when she's using her wings, or maybe try to ambush Kaede. Kotaro would beat her senseless, and Ku could smack her silly without even looking! the twin-pony-tailed girl thought.
“I know so,” sniffed Ayaka. “So just tell me what the test is already!” demanded the girl. Asuna smiled at Ayaka, patting the other girl's cheek condescendingly.
“Sure,” she said, “if you can beat me on the track today,” she added evilly. Other than Misora, no one was a real match for Asuna. Ayaka was athletic, but not enough when facing off against Asuna. Ayaka fumed.
“Maybe I should just ask Negi directly,” she muttered sourly. Asuna wiggled her finger in front of Ayaka's nose.
“Negi is just our faculty sponsor,” said the girl. “I am the club president, so I have final say in the matter,” taunted Asuna. Ayaka bared her teeth.
“Be nice, Asuna,” murmured Konoka, patting her roommate's shoulder soothingly.
“Konoka-san,” began Ayaka.
“Sorry, class rep,” smiled the girl, “but I'm just the secretary,” explained the girl.
“You could try talking to Haruna; she's the vice president,” offered a helpful Kazumi, grinning at the class rep. Ayaka found talking to the obsessive mangaka to be irritating. It had been that way since one of Haruna's doujinshi had featured a character too much like her in…questionable circumstances. For weeks after the convention she had sold the fan comic at, Ayaka had had people recognizing her on the streets, asking if she was the fictional girl in the comic. Naturally, she had some choice words for Haruna about using her as a fluffer in her hentai works. The insincere promise of the artist not to do so again didn't reassure the blonde any.
Her past disagreement with the library club member didn't stop her from buying multiple copies of the girl's works that featured Negi. Yaoi fangirl that Haruna was, she had yet to actually get her Negi-based character in a relationship with the male lead he was obviously going to end up with. Ayaka wasn't sure what she would do when that happened. Probably buy her off somehow, the blonde thought sourly. I can't let her sully my precious Negi that way!
The teacher called them to attention, and in short order, the girls were doing relays. Ayaka found herself saddled with the cheer trio, while Asuna was anchoring for a team that had Kaede and Makie on it. The first round wasn't even close. The second set was a little better, since Asuna ended up on a team with Nodoka and Satsuki. Both were good girls, but neither were known for their speed. Unfortunately, the anchor on her team was Yue. Third match found her on the same team as Asuna. The last cycle of the class found Ayaka was teamed with Misora, Akira and Natsumi, while Asuna was looking at Ako, Zazie and Yuna.
“We can do this,” muttered Ayaka. “Misora! Third leg! Akira! Second leg! Natsumi first!” directed the class rep. Knowing the uselessness of arguing the point, the girls took their places. Ayaka looked over at Asuna. This time, I can beat her! the blonde thought. Looking back, she saw that Asuna had re-arranged her own relay team. Natsumi was looking at Ako, Akira would be going against Yuna, and third leg pitted Misora against Zazie.
Except for Zazie, Ayaka was sure that her own team was stronger than Asuna's team. Misora should give me a big enough lead to beat Asuna, even if the other legs only keep even with Asuna's team, judged Ayaka. Asuna seemed just as confident in her own team. Ayaka wondered if Asuna knew something about the quiet, almost invisible Zazie that she didn't.
“So, accepting the challenge?” asked Asuna casually as the others prepared to start.
“Certainly,” replied Ayaka. Asuna winked at her playfully.
“Good,” she said, sucking in a deep breath and exhaling. The crack of the starter pistol focused their attention on the legs behind them. As expected, Natsumi was just a second faster than Ako, giving Akira a lead against Yuna, who managed to almost hold her own, though Akira's longer legs did cost the basketball player a second or so. Misora tore off with her small lead, sure that Zazie wouldn't be able to close with her. Getting ready, Ayaka saw that there was a good three second lead for her team, with the gap opening as Zazie didn't seem to be getting any closer.
Grabbing the baton from Misora, Ayaka took off, sparing a second to glance back and smirk at Asuna. Blinking, she saw that Asuna was already coming up on her, Zazie seeming to have closed the distance in an impossibly short time. How did she make up so much ground?! the blonde wondered, aghast. Gritting her teeth, she focused on the finish line and ran as hard as she could.
The nearer the line got, the nearer Asuna's footfalls got. Over the roaring of blood in her ears, she could hear the other girl's feet hit the track, gaining on her steadily. She could almost feel Asuna drawing closer to her. Pushing harder, Ayaka struggled toward the finish line. She was convinced that the line was running away from her as fast as she was running toward it, as the distance never seemed to change. In the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Asuna drawing even with her. No! Just a few more steps…! Ayaka told herself, willing herself forward.
“Class rep!” a scream came from the sidelines. Asuna glanced over, expecting to see Ayaka struggling to keep up. Instead, she saw Ayaka heading face-first toward the cinder track. She had seen people knocked out cold enough in her sparring to recognize the fact that Ayaka was out. Shit! Asuna thought. Pivoting on the ball of her right foot in mid stride, she instinctively synthesized Kanka to strengthen her limbs as she used instant movement to scoop Ayaka up before the girl could get a facial road rash. Skidding in the cinders, Asuna juggled the unconscious blonde for a moment before catching her balance.
Konoka and Setsuna were already beside her, Konoka touching Ayaka's neck as she softly activated her Pactio card. Setsuna was eyeing the blonde critically. “What happened?” wondered Asuna, laying Ayaka out on the track.
“She forgot to breathe,” came the voice of Misora. The rest of the class looked at the girl, who was jogging up to them. Quietly, Konoka de-activated her card and tucked it away, giving a slight nod to Asuna. “She was too focused on you to remember to breathe properly, and blacked out from too little air,” Misora said. “I used to do the same thing, actually,” admitted the girl sheepishly.
The teacher came over to check on the downed class rep, arriving just as Ayaka was regaining consciousness. Sitting up, the blonde was panting heavily; almost hyper-ventilating. Asuna watched her critically, recalling all too many times she had felt like Ayaka doubtlessly did right then. After she was sure the blonde had recovered enough to appreciate it, Asuna gave her a friendly, yet superior, smile and said “You are such a drama queen, Ayaka.”
The effects were immediate. Ayaka's eyes hardened and she shot to her feet. Winking at the blonde, Asuna took off, toward the finish line, Ayaka in hot pursuit, screaming insults. Konoka stood, smiling. “Asuna really knows how to get under Ayaka's skin,” said the girl. Setsuna nodded.
“Yes, Ojou-sama,” confirmed the half-demon girl.
At the finish line, Asuna was easily dodging and blocking Ayaka's attempts at fighting her, laughing easily. Compared to who she normally sparred with, Ayaka was a joke. The PE teacher, used to this behavior from this class, ignored the two as he told the girls to run four laps then hit the showers to get ready for their next class. It wasn't until they were into their third lap that Asuna and Ayaka settled down.
“Asuna,” panted Ayaka, “are you going to tell me what the test is or not?”
“I'll think about it,” said Asuna. Once we decide, I don't suppose it could hurt to tell her, decided Asuna. She probably won't pass whatever we decide is the test anyway. A growl from beside her told her that Ayaka was not amused. “Are you sure you want to join, Ayaka?” asked Asuna. “This isn't some horse club. You could get hurt - real bad,” murmured Asuna. Yeah, Konoka-chan heals us up, but it still hurts to get beat to a pulp, she thought. Ayaka looked over at Asuna, a miffed expression on her red face.
“I have trained in the martial arts, you know,” spat the blonde. And if my Negi is in danger, who better to protect him than me? Especially if the threat is some violent girl like Asuna!
As they finished their laps and headed in to shower and change for their next class, Asuna deliberately hung back, falling in beside Setsuna, Ku and Kaede. With eyes and a discreet touch, she stopped them in the locker room as the rest of the class hurried to the showers. “You heard?” murmured Asuna to the three most advanced fighters in the Wings. The three nodded. “Do you think she can take it?” asked Asuna.
“If you are asking because you are thinking of letting her join,” said Setsuna slowly, “I would be more concerned about her learning of things she shouldn't,” the girl replied indirectly. Asuna shrugged slightly.
“Class rep shows little promise as a fighter,” Ku said, “but she has a nice house.”
“Ayaka may prove to have some useful resources,” offered Kaede. “However, I am not sure that she can handle what she will learn if she is serious about this,” warned the ninja.
“There is that,” sighed Asuna.
“You…should talk to Negi and Eva about this,” Setsuna said softly. Asuna nodded again, turning for the shower block, the others with her.
Negi finished up his school paperwork and stood up from his desk in the teacher's lounge. Looking at the clock, he grabbed his jacket and made his way toward the exit to the school building. Konoka should be getting ready for supper right about now, he thought, smiling at the thought of the brown-haired healer of his group. And Asuna said she wanted to talk to me about something, recalled the young man, hurrying along.
“Negi,” came a voice from behind him. Turning, he saw the headmaster behind him.
“Oh, headmaster Konoe,” replied Negi, turning toward the old man with the freakishly-shaped head. “Can I help you?” he asked. The old man laughed to himself, beckoning Negi to him.
“I was just looking for you, Negi,” said the man. “We haven't spoken in a while, and I wanted to see how you were doing lately,” the man said. “Magnus and I spoke last week, and he was asking as well. Perhaps you should send your old master a letter sometime, hmm?”
“Uh, I send letters to Nekane, so I had thought she would have told Magnus what is going on over here,” Negi said, slightly embarrassed. The old man chuckled.
“Apparently, Nekane is not given to sharing anything related to you easily,” he said slyly. Negi shrugged. He had grown up with Nekane watching over him, so he couldn't really say what her habits were or weren't. Oh! I haven't told her about the girls yet! he recalled. Almost instantly, he had the strangest feeling that he shouldn't share that with Nekane; at least, right away. His cousin/sister already knew that he was teaching at an all-girls school, and she had more or less met Asuna in a letter or two, but he had been so busy lately with the White Wings that he hadn't mentioned anything more to her about them.
“I will write him,” said Negi.
“That's good,” nodded the headmaster. Together, the two made their way out of the school building, the headmaster guiding him toward a small café not that far from the campus's main entrance. Sitting down, he flicked a finger, indicating that Negi should join him. Negi did so, two cups arriving at their table moments later. From the smell of things, he suspected that the headmaster was having tea, while his cup contained an iced drink of some sort. “So, how is your training going? Under Eva, I mean?” he asked.
“It's going very well!” Negi said eagerly. “I have gained a lot of experience in a short time, and am learning how to fight as well,” he shared.
“And is Eva urging you to do anything…strange?” wondered the headmaster. Negi shook his head.
“Of course not!” he insisted. “Eva isn't evil!” he said. I was right about Chao and I am right about Eva, he thought stubbornly.
“Yes, yes,” nodded the headmaster. “And how are things going with your partner? Asuna-chan, I mean?”
“Really good!” Negi said, smiling as he recalled how good it had been lately. “We've formed a good team,” he continued, “and with the others, we are all advancing swiftly.”
“From what I saw at the Tournament, you are well on your way to being a powerful fighter; perhaps more powerful than your father, even,” the headmaster said. Negi sobered slightly at that. “And how is my granddaughter doing?” asked the dean.
“She's doing just fine,” Negi promised. “She's in the rear line, and Setsuna and Asuna both keep an eye out for her safety, so she won't get hurt. We all watch each other's backs, and she is our healer, so…!”
The dean chuckled. “I believe you, Negi,” he said, amused. “She seems even happier of late. Perhaps telling her of her power sooner would have been a better choice, but who can predict the future?” Negi nodded. “So,” the headmaster said, changing the subject, “my granddaughter has told me a little of your White Wings. How do you feel about them?” wondered the dean. Negi frowned at the question and the tone.
“How do I feel about them?” he asked slowly. The dean nodded.
“Well, they're my teammates,” said the young man, “and my friends,” he added slowly, “and my students,” he said quietly, frowning. And my partners. “Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” the dean said, waving a hand. “I had heard your class had learned of Pactio cards, and I was wondering if your teammates were also you partners.”
“They are,” said Negi cautiously. The dean hummed.
“Probationary partners, correct?” pressed the dean. Negi nodded.
“Chamo said that probationary contract could be made many times, but a full Pactio could only be made once,” the young mage said, “so of course they are probationary.”
“I see,” the dean replied, rubbing his chin. “Do you favor any of the girls over the others for a full Pactio?” wondered the dean. Negi blinked.
“They are all good partners, and each has their own unique abilities,” answered Negi.
“So, you haven't settled on a girl yet, then?” pressed the dean. Negi nodded. “Well, I'm not one to interfere in private matters,” the old man said, “but my granddaughter is a beautiful girl, and more importantly, available.” Negi blinked.
“Um…” he groped for something to say to that. Konoe-sama has been pushing his granddaughter on me since the first day, Negi thought to himself. Unbidden, his mind recalled certain recent developments. If I had known, I'd have taken him up on that offer sooner, a part of him remarked silently. “Konoka should make up her own mind about who she wants to marry,” he managed at last.
“Of course, yes,” the dean said, sipping his tea, “but it never hurts to have a pool to draw from, you know? I try to help her out,” shrugged the man.
“Please don't set her up on more of those date things,” Negi blurted out before he could stop himself. The dean raised an eyebrow at the young man's outburst. “Uh, I mean…” he wondered what he could say to get out of that hole.
“Well, she has asked the same thing,” the dean said after a moment, “so perhaps she has her eye on someone already,” he suggested. Negi's frown was immediate. “Oh ho!” crowed the dean, “so that is what is going on!”
“It's not like that!” insisted Negi desperately.
“You best hurry, my boy, before another steals her from you!” the old man cackled. Negi blushed. I think I already claimed her, he thought, dazed.
“Negi, there you are,” came a welcome voice. Looking over, he saw Asuna standing a few feet from the table. “Headmaster,” she said, nodding to the old man.
“Asuna-chan,” he smiled at her fondly.
“Um, I have to be going now,” Negi said eagerly, nearly running to Asuna, whose arm circled his shoulders unconsciously. “Thank you for the drink, headmaster!” he called out, the two moving toward the dorms. Headmaster Konoe watched the two leave, thoughtfully draining his tea.
“Yes, I think my granddaughters are in good hands,” he said to himself. Dropping some money on the table, he stood and made his way toward the church, to see if there was any new developments in the ward issue.
“Hey, little girl,” said the man, approaching the small girl, “what are you doing out alone this time of night?” The girl turned, her blonde hair shining in the light of the full moon and the neon of Tokyo. She surveyed the man.
Salary man, drunk, probably with a Lolita complex, decided the girl, her lips curving in a sneer. “Enjoying the night, of course,” she said, her voice a low, soft caress. “And you?” she reversed the question.
“Just out for a stroll,” the man said, smiling stupidly at her. “You a real blonde?” he asked. The girl's lips drew back slightly.
“Of course,” she said. “Want to see for yourself?” she asked.
Licking his lips, the man nodded, grabbing her small hand in his own and nearly dragging her toward the nearest love hotel. The girl made no protests, allowing the man to pull her along. Once the excited man had secured a room for them, however, things were different.
Tossing the man onto the bed, Eva smiled, her lips peeling back from her fangs, her pupils slitting as the irises turned blood red, and the sclera black. Staring at the girl, the man began to tremble. “Wha…what are you?!” he wailed, terrified.
“Just a girl in the mood for a bite to eat,” Eva said, snaring him with her strings and securing him. “It has been a long time since I could feed to my heart's content,” she noted. Finally, I am free of Nagi's curse! exalted the blood sucker. And I didn't even have to drain Negi's blood, either, the vampiress thought in satisfaction. Not that I care about him or anything, she reminded herself.
Grabbing the salary man's shirt collar, she tore it away, baring his neck. The scent of fear from him was intoxicating to her. Yes, this is how it used to be, she recalled, leaning in slowly, giving him a good long look at her sharp fangs. Hearing the man begin to sob in terror, she laughed in her throat as she bit his neck.
Taking her first gulp, she frowned around her bite. Kind of like flat, warm beer, the blood-sucking magi thought. Compared to what she had had for years now, it was like going from a hand-prepared porterhouse steak to a warmed-over, day-old fast food hamburger. Ugh, this is certainly not as I recall, she thought, giving up after a few sips. Scowling at the man, she pushed back from him. A moment later, she had cast a spell that would erase the last day from his memory and exited the room.
Instead of heading back to the street, she went up to the roof. Taking flight, she enjoyed the feeling of being free to use her full power again. Flying though the air, she selected a fancy apartment high-rise, and settled on the roof. Smiling in anticipation, she transformed into her `adult' form as she ripped the door open and began to descend into the building. There should be something tasty in this place, she thought to herself.
It didn't take long for her to gain the attention of a wealthy management type, and even less time for him to invite her into his apartment. Bare minutes passed before she was sitting astride him, fangs in his neck. But, she once more found the fare to be sub-standard to what she had come to expect on the campus of Mahora; and certainly it failed to live up to the blood of Negi and the White Wing girls.
“Weak, anemic blood,” sneered Eva, wiping her mouth with her hand before spitting on the man. What is it with people these days? Used to be, the blood of normal people was tastier, she thought, irritated. “What have you stupid, slovenly idiots been doing while I was away?!” she snapped at the man, angered. Growling to herself, she stomped toward the door to the man's apartment, not even bothering with erasing the man's memory. Even if the authorities believed him, what would they do? she reasoned.
She emerged onto the roof, ready to take off again, only to find a pair of people blocking her path. She stopped, blinking at them in mild surprise. “What the hell do you idiots want?” she growled, eyes narrowing. Maybe I should just knock them off the roof, she thought idly. The one closest to her moved forward, pulling a card from the pocket of a pair of hastily-donned pants. Behind the man, the woman raised an intricately-carved staff. Eva began to smile.
“Foul creature,” intoned the woman, “your hunt ends here!”
Eva began to snicker, her smile from ear to ear. The moonlight clearly glinted off her fangs. “Oh, this is more like it!” purred the blonde, raising her hands, her nails black and pointed. “A fight with a pair of magic-users where I don't have most of my power sealed away. I am going to enjoy this,” she said, her voice rough with anticipation.
“We do not fear you, vampire!” pronounced the man, a sword flashing into existence as he activated his Pactio card. Eva sneered at him.
“You should,” warned the blonde. “You are facing Dark Evangeline, the Queen of the Night,” she said. The pair blinked.
“The Maga Nosferatu?” breathed the woman, nervously gulping. Her partner shifted back a little as well. Eva laughed.
“So you have heard of me, then,” she said conversationally. “So you know what I am about to do to you pathetic mortals,” purred the woman, raising her hand.
“I…it can't be the real Doll Master,” the man said, his voice wavering. “She was sealed away by the Thousand Master a decade or more ago!”
“Thanks for reminding me,” snarled Eva, her raised palm suddenly igniting in a ball of fey energy. “Now that I'm free again, it's time to make up for the forced `vacation',” spat the high daylight walker.
Less than a minute later, the roof was silent. Eva was more furious than before. “Couldn't you incompetent morons even put up a token resistance?!” she screamed the two. “The weakest girl in the Wings can fight harder than that!” she ranted on. Releasing her transformed form so she reverted back to her true form, she stomped over to the Ministra Magi's incapacitated body.
Jerking the man to his feet, she muttered a spell before grabbing the artifact. “If you can't even use something so basic as this, you don't deserve it!” she screamed in his face, igniting the Pactio card and burning it to ash. Weakly, she heard the mage moan in terror. “How dare you silly little children think to challenge me?!” yelled the small undead, shaking the man harshly. “Do you have the slightest notion of who I am?! Didn't you hear about the list of mages and their Ministra I have slain over the centuries?! Can neither of you grasp how it was that I warranted a six million gold bounty on my head?! Morons!” she thundered, slamming the man back down on the roof.
“Leave…him…” began the woman, only to fall silent as Eva turned her furious gaze on her.
“Or what?” bit out the vampire. Kicking the man over toward her, she walked over to the mage. “You'll bleed on me?” she guessed, her voice thick with poisonous contempt. “Want to try waving your little wand around again?” she asked, deliberately grinding the snapped wood under her heel. Grabbing the woman by the hair, she lifted her up enough to stare into the mage's eyes. “You two are so weak, it sickens me,” she hissed into the woman's face.
Grabbing the shirt the crippled mage wore, Eva tore it off her, turning so the woman's Ministra could watch. “Hopefully, your blood won't be as weak as your skills,” she said derisively before sinking her teeth into the woman's neck, deep and hard. Sucking, she sampled the mage's blood while the immobile form of the woman's Ministra watched helplessly. Drinking deeply, she found that though the blood was improved, it was like drinking cool-aid when you were used to fresh tropical drinks.
Sighing, she pulled her teeth out of the woman's neck, spitting the blood in her mouth onto the roof. “Not even worth feeding off of,” the vampiress pronounced, casually tossing the woman aside. “Probably shouldn't even bother with this one,” she said to herself, grabbing the man's arm and biting right in. Moments later, she released him. “Might as well drink stump water,” she muttered, flinging him aside as well, the man landing partially on his partner.
Eva sighed, rubbing her temples. “This is not what I expected,” she said to herself, moving over to stand on the very edge of the roof, looking out over the city below her. All that time, I was desperate to escape Nagi's curse, and be free of the torment of being trapped in Mahora. I remember a different world than this one. Pausing she frowned, re-thinking that last statement. Did I? Or did I just recall the world I wish was here before? Thinking carefully about that, she found she wasn't sure.
“Ironic,” she murmured to herself. Here I am, finally free of the curse - and I even managed it without killing Negi, no less! - and this is what I find? This world, this…place, isn't worth the effort, concluded the vampiress. “Can't get anything good to eat out here; hell, can't even find a fight worth the effort in this pathetic world,” she told herself. I'd have had a better fight from Nodoka! At least she doesn't lock up with fear when I bully her. And as for feeding, even Makie tastes better than these sheep! This city isn't fit to feed a high-born vampiress like me!
Turning her head to look at the thoroughly-thrashed pair, she found herself wondering why she hadn't already killed them. She was not in the habit of letting mages or their partners survive her; it was bad policy. And yet, she had hardly even roughed them up - much. A few spells and a week in bed, and they're good as new, mused the blonde. I should kill them, she thought, slowly moving back over to the two. Staring down at the pair, she found herself wondering why she didn't feel like killing them.
The two were unable to look away as the nightmare made flesh stared at them dispassionately. Never had they wanted to be able to faint, or pass out, or even just die as they did now. But, there was no mercy for them in the girl staring at the two. This powerful figure, who they had been sure was just an urban legend or some over-blown boogieman, had crushed the two of them like they weren't even there. She had destroyed the artifact that bound them with such ease that the two began to wonder if they were delusional or not. And there was no doubt in either of their minds that she was definitely a super-grade villain with a taste for blood.
Eva watched the terror, despair and pain dance across their faces, wondering why she felt no real urge to kill them, though she felt she should. Finally, she sighed, squatting down next to their tangled bodies. Grabbing a handful of hair with each hand, she pulled their faces up to look into her own pale face. “Do you know why you two will live to see dawn?” she asked them calmly, as if it were no more important a question than if they had the time. Not getting an answer - nor expecting one - Eva continued. “You two will survive this night because you are simply too pathetic to be worth me killing,” she sneered at them, releasing their heads.
Rising into the sky, she made her way back toward Mahora. Her freedom was very nice. And she certainly loved the rush of having all her power restored to her. But it was clear to her now that what she wanted wasn't out here, in this pathetic city. I have an itch, and the means to scratch it isn't out here, the girl nodded to herself. By the time that she arrived back at the barrier around Mahora, she was smiling to herself. Slipping back through the barrier, she found Chachamaru waiting for her.
“Mistress,” the gynoid bowed to her. Eva nodded, heading straight for her cabin.
“Anything happen?” asked the blonde.
“The faculty noticed the wards were down,” said Chachamaru. “First, they sent two members to investigate. Neither were able to detect your tampering. Earlier this evening, the headmaster came to visit.”
Eva's eyes shifted over to Chachamaru. “And?” she asked directly.
“I believe he suspects that you are involved, though I got no indication that is aware you have broken the curse,” Chachamaru replied.
“Be careful of that saggy goat,” Eva warned her gynoid. “He plays a fool, but he is not dean here for no reason.”
“Understood, mistress,” Chachamaru bowed to her. The two were almost to their cabin when Eva stopped, Chachamaru stopping as well. Slowly, Eva began to smile. “Mistress?” she asked softly.
“Use your light filters, and look over there,” murmured Eva, pointing toward a small, dark row of shrubs. Chachamaru did as instructed.
“I see,” Chachamaru said. “Shall I…?”
“No,” said Eva. “I will take care of this myself,” the small blonde said, licking her lips. After all, I didn't get anything to eat while I was out, she thought.