Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Miscalculation ❯ Chapter 35
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Asuna titled her head, as if listening to something. What was…? she began, only to be reminded that she was fighting with Kotaro at the moment, the wolf-boy slamming a palm into her Kanka-reinforced side. Focusing back on the fight, she shrugged off the hit, grasping at him, but the grinning youth skipped back lightly. “Daydreaming?” he taunted her.
“Maybe,” she replied easily. “It's kind of boring, sparring with a runt like you,” she smiled back. Kotaro mocked her with a bow.
“Thank you, nee-san,” he grinned, shifting to the side. Asuna followed his movement, eyes on the young man. Asuna was fighting without her artifact - Konoka was holding it just now - to give the young man a fair chance. Fighting bare-handed against Kotaro was not easy, and Asuna judged that she and he were about on the same level unarmed, but if she had her artifact, it put him at a disadvantage because of the nature of her artifact.
Could be worse, thought Asuna, eyeing the shirtless young man. Kotaro is a lot like Negi in more than just attitude and fighting style, she thought, smiling a little. She herself was wearing shorts, though she wasn't sure how much longer the tattered cotton would last, given the amount of damage it was taking. Her tee shirt had not made it more than a minute; though Kotaro's own tee shirt had been shredded by a Kanka `bullet' similar to the technique that Takahata used so well. Both combatants were used to such incidents, though, and neither one allowed themselves to be distracted.
Kotaro slowly worked toward Asuna's left side, debating what would be the most likely attack point. She's got a very solid guard on her head and chest, he thought, eyeing the girl, though that's all she has on her chest, he smirked. Shaking the thought aside, he considered his options. I can't get behind her even with instant movement; she's gotten too fast for that lately, so I can't go for an attack on her back. Guess it's a choice of a feint at her waist or legs, with the real attack going for the other target, decided the young man. Now, which will be the feint?
He's going for my legs, Asuna thought, focused on Kotaro. Gotta be; his hands are faster than my feet, so it makes the most sense, reasoned the girl. But, he has to close in before he can do anything. Instant movement? Probably not, since I learned how to counter that in close combat, she considered. He'll probably feint as a diversion and hope I go for his first move. If he does, then I need to wait for him to commit to his second move before I counter. Her different-colored eyes watched him carefully, seeing his toes shift as he lowered his stance a little. Here it comes!
Now! Kotaro thought, jumping toward her as fast as he could, low and fast, arms extending. Asuna didn't move to block him. Why isn't she moving to block?! worried Kotaro. She saw me go, so why isn't she reacting?! She should have moved by now! Kotaro grabbed for her. Either way, it's too late now, he decided, hands closing on her hips as his shoulder turned in for the high-speed tackle.
Shit! He wasn't going for my legs, thought Asuna, seeing the briefest flash of commitment as the wolf-boy locked on to her hips. His mass and speed crushed into her, forcing her balance back, Asuna staggering to keep some measure of control. Turning her heel, she used the momentum to drive her other knee into Kotaro's chest, but didn't have a good angle, the blow slipping off his leanly-muscular abdomen with virtually no effect. Even as she and he went down, her hands grabbed on to him, one hand grabbing an ear, the other gaining a partial grip on his tail.
Damn her, she's going for my ears and tail again! thought Kotaro even as he drove her to the ground on her back, riding her down. Ground work it is, then, he thought grimly. Grappling on the ground was not his favorite thing to do, since it negated most of his best abilities, bringing his weaknesses to the fore. She's bigger and stronger than me, so I have to get her fast, Kotaro knew.
If I can roll us, I can pin him! Asuna thought, using her heels and thigh muscles to try and force the roll. Kotaro was wedging his knee, though, resisting her force with leverage as he worked on getting a solid grip on her to submit her. It was difficult, with her skin slick with sweat and the girl vigorously resisting his attempts. It didn't help that she also had a good grip on his left ear, and a partial grip on his tail. Gotta knock his knee out from under him, Asuna fleetingly thought, turning her leg and using her knee to knock his aside.
She went for it! gloated Kotaro, immediately tucking his hips up and seizing her thigh with his, one ankle locking behind his opposite knee. Driving a hard fist up, he arched his back, pinning the arm that held his ear. His eyes watered at the pain, but he didn't think his ear was damaged - yet. One arm and one leg under control, now for the rest of it, the black-haired wolf-boy thought absently, pressing harder against the writhing girl beneath him.
Shit, was all Asuna thought as she realized her mistake an instant too late. Now he's managed to wrap up an arm and a leg, and I can't peel him off me now! I can't believe I fell for that, she thought sourly, irritated at herself. Ok, let's see if I can get a grip on the base of his tail, then. He seems to be sensitive there, after all, her next course of action was decided.
Asuna wasn't the only one going for a better grip. Kotaro was searching for a way to exert sideways rotation on the girl. He couldn't do with an arm because one of his was locked up keeping her arm pinned, and he couldn't twist with his hips because her leg was being held in check by his thighs. In front of his face, he saw her breasts. I could, but it would just make things worse, he decided regretfully, deciding against going for a nipple. If she weren't a teammate, and if this were life-or-death, though…! His hand found a bit of cloth. Her shorts! realized the boy, grinning against her lower stomach as his hand gripped the waist of her shorts.
Asuna had the same general idea, her hand unable to reach the base of his tail, though she could reach the hip of his shorts. Seizing the waist, she tucked her shoulder to give her the most leverage, and pulled as hard as she could. Feeling him begin to slide against her, she smiled. It's working! cheered the girl silently. Kotaro slipped a little more to the side. Just a bit more and…! A loud ripping sound filled the air, and she felt her arm jerk free. “Damn it,” she growled, desperately going for another hand-full of his shorts. Her move was both good and bad.
Good in that Kotaro was knocked out of position by the sudden lurch caused by his shorts tearing in half. Also good in that it jarred her trapped leg partially free of his grip as well. And good as well in that it brought his tail within her reach.
But it was bad because it exposed her chest and waist to him, her guard being forced high. Kotaro seized the change, twisting and throwing his knee up, catching her under her arm. Immediately, he slapped his hand on her wrist, reversing the turn and bringing his other leg around as Asuna was pulled between his knees, falling into the beginning of a triangle choke. Got her, he thought, grinning as he felt his other leg lock into position. Now all I have to do is hold on to her arm to keep her from slipping free, and I have won.
Damn it, gritted Asuna, finding herself caught unprepared again. He's pretty much got me, realized the girl as his second leg locked behind her, securing her. She had a free hand, her knees under her, but there was nothing she could really do with that, since her other arm was securely under his control, and his legs were choking her down. Glaring at him, she realized she couldn't see him clearly past his hard-on, which was pressed against her cheek, the length partially covering an eye. Wait a damn minute! Asuna thought.
Reaching down with her free hand, she grabbed his tail at the base. Seeing him twitch, she smiled. Instead of squeezing as hard as she could or twisting, Asuna gently, teasingly stroked the base of his tail. As she did this, she extended her tongue and licked the side of his dick. Kotaro did more than twitch this time, his grip slipping a little. Grinning to herself, Asuna strained with her neck muscles, managing to get her mouth close enough to his tip to lick along the underside of his glans. “Ugh,” panted Kotaro. Asuna used her tongue to draw his tip into her mouth, sucking on it aggressively as her fingers tickled the very base of his tail. She smiled around her mouthful as she felt his hold crumble. Take that! she silently gloated.
Grunting, Kotaro tried to focus, but couldn't. Gasping for air as if he were the one being choked, he tried to get his dick out of her mouth before it was too late. Asuna was having none of that, though, sucking harder as he tried to shift without freeing her from his lock. That was the last straw, Kotaro growling in his throat as he blew his load in her mouth, his control of Asuna snapping like a twig as he came. Asuna instinctively swallowed as she shook her shoulder, knocking his legs off her shoulders so she could stand. Standing, she sucked the last of his cum from his softening dick as it slipped free of her mouth. Smirking, she licked her lips instinctively, looking at the dazed young wolf-boy. Not as good as Negi's, but not bad, a small part of her thought.
Kotaro tried his hardest to gather his scattered wits as he felt Asuna slip free. If I don't get it together fast, she'll win, he told himself. Forcing some form of control on his body, he staggered toward his feet. Managing to force his hormones aside, he focused on the girl before him. He was just in time to see a Kanka-encased fist fill his vision before everything went dark.
“I win,” panted Asuna, bracing herself on her elbows as Kotaro hit the grass again, knocked out cold from a perfectly placed shot to the chin.
“Well done,” came the voice of Kaede, the tall ninja smiling at the panting, exhausted Asuna.
“Unorthodox, but effective,” agreed Setsuna.
“Doesn't matter how you win, only that you do,” Ku Fei offered her opinion. The three of them had been sparring three-way, and all of them showed the effects of their sparring.
“Honestly, though, what a surprise tactic,” Konoka offered.
“Well, I had to…!” Asuna stammered, blushing a little.
“No, it was a brilliant move,” Konoka waved off the attempted defense. “He never expected that, that much is for certain,” snickered Konoka, moving over to the two, her healing power already gathered. “Did he taste good?” she asked Asuna curiously. Asuna frowned.
“Not bad,” she said quietly, looking at the unconscious young man. “Not as good as Negi, but not bad,” she said, feeling Konoka heal her superficial - and not so superficial - injuries before turning to deal with Kotaro. Feeling a hand land on her shoulder, she turned to see Kaede smiling at her.
“So, ready for me? I'm your next opponent,” grinned the ninja. Asuna groaned.
“Master Ku?” Negi said as the group broke up after a huge lunch. Usually, the group was lethargic after the high-calorie lunches they had, and today was no exception, the fighters relaxing and the support members napping for a couple of hours after leaving the table. Negi had caught his master as she left the dining room, the last one to leave.
“Yes?” she asked him, smiling at him.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” he asked her. “Or, are you sleepy?” he wondered. Ku grinned at him.
“I'll always have time and energy for you, Negi,” she assured him, touching him fondly. “What do you need?” she asked him. Negi glanced at the rest of the girls, who were already breaking up into their groups and relaxing. His eyes caught Asuna's as his primary glanced back at him and Ku. Smiling, she gave him a small nod as she settled down next to Konoka. A split second later, Konoka's warm brown eyes met his, a smile gracing the lips of the healer of the group.
Looking away from the two, he focused back on Ku. “Let's go somewhere else,” he said, leading her off into the Hub. Several turns and passages later, and he was in the room Eva had offered him. Closing the door behind them, he turned to look at Ku, who was absently rubbing an eye. “Ku-chan, do you know about the silver edges on the Pactio cards?” he asked her. She nodded.
“Yes. They are power boosters, right?” she asked him. Negi tilted his head.
“I guess you can call them that,” he mused aloud. Ku grinned at him. “I think it would be good for us to boost our power as much as possible, so…”
“I agree,” nodded Ku sagely. “We have powerful enemies, and when next we see the white-haired boy, we will need to beat him up,” pronounced the martial artist. Negi sighed in relief.
“Then you know about it,” he said, relieved. Ku nodded. “Um, if you are ready…”
“One thing,” Ku said, her face serious. Stepping closer to him, she looked him in the eyes. Negi waited. “I'm a good Chinese girl,” she explained, “so to take my flower means that I will be your woman.” Negi wasn't sure what she was getting at.
“If I am your woman, I cannot be your master any more,” she clarified.
“But…!” protested Negi. Ku had taught him so much about martial arts, but he knew that he had much more to learn. Ku touched his lips.
“It's not a big deal, really,” she murmured. “There is little else I can teach you; you need experience now, not instruction. Also, I know only my own styles, and you have grown beyond them with the others. So, I will stop being your master, and be your woman,” smiled Ku.
“Ku, I…need you as my partner,” Negi said, looking into the smiling face of the girl who had started him down the path of being a combat mage. Ku Fei touched his cheek.
“No problem,” she assured him. “I can be both your partner and woman, but not your master and woman.” Negi wasn't sure why she couldn't be his master any more, but he was willing to accept her word for it. Must be a cultural thing, he dismissed the issue. Ku might not be a particularly smart girl, but she was honest, so he accepted her word on the matter as the truth. And as long as she is my partner, it will work out, he thought, smiling back at her.
“Ok, Ku,” he capitulated. Ku's smile turned to a grin.
“Now that that is settled,” she breathed, pulling him into a kiss with her. Negi wrapped his arms around her silk-clad waist, relaxing into the kiss. A soft moan from Ku accompanied her tongue slipping into his mouth. Against her thighs, his dick hardened, her short silk dress leaving plenty of soft thigh skin to cradle his hardening member. Pulling her closet to him, he could feel her nipples pressing against his chest.
Breaking the kiss, Ku leaned back, smiling at the expression on Negi's face. With one hand, she flicked open the loops that secured her dress, the yellow silk slipping off her bronzed skin with a soft sigh. Looking at her, Negi gulped in appreciation. Save for a pair of soft white cotton panties, Ku was naked. Licking his lips, he saw that her dark brown nipples were swollen and standing straight up atop her modest, shapely breasts.
Negi had seen her naked many, many times of course, but this time was a little different. She stood still, posing a little for him. Watching him carefully, Ku found herself smiling fondly at him. “You approve?” she asked him. Mutely, he nodded. “That's good,” she breathed, as if she had been worried he might not. His hungry tool was pointed at her like a spear.
Hooking her thumbs into her simple, low-rise panties, Ku skinned them down her thighs, past her knees, to let them fall as she stepped out of them and closer to Negi. Guiding him back onto the cushion bed, she followed him down, kneeling over his thighs so his length was standing up right in front of her small, neat patch of blonde hair. “Ku?” wondered Negi, gulping as he felt how warm she was.
“I'm nervous,” Ku said, watching his face, “so I want to be on top.”
“Ok,” he agreed. He could feel his dick throbbing at the proximity of the girl. “Um, are you…ready?” he asked her. She gave him her best stupid look.
“Ready?” she wondered. Negi nodded.
“Um, when you are ready, you'll get wet…down there,” he explained. Reaching down, he worked a hand between his thigh and her thigh so his fingertips could reach her pussy. When he felt her lower lips, he discovered that she was already wet. As he traced her entrance, he could feel her getting wetter and wetter at a rapid rate. Ku giggled as he explored her sex.
“That tickles,” she giggled, wiggling atop him. “Am I ready?” she wondered. Negi nodded.
“Y…yeah,” he gulped. Ku hummed, rising up and shuffling forward a little on her knees, so her swollen entrance brushed the head of Negi's waiting cock. Giving him a soft smile, Ku reached out and took his hands in her hands, interlacing her fingers with his. Squeezing his hands, Ku lowered herself onto his shaft, closing her eyes as his wide crown parted her lips on its way to her womb.
Negi was nearly panting as he felt his tip begin to force its way into her passage, struggling with her tight pussy and strong muscles. Ku relaxed her thighs even more, putting more of her weight on his dick, the better to help Negi make her his woman. Wiggling her hips a little, she gasped as his tip worked its way into her inner passage, the wiggling doing the trick. For just a moment, she paused, using her strong thighs to keep herself still as she adjusted to the intrusion of Negi's hard tool into her untouched sheath.
“Ku-chan,” breathed Negi, causing Ku to open her eyes and focus on his face. Seeing his look, she smiled at him.
“I'm fine,” she assured him. “Just a moment, please,” she added, closing her eyes again. Negi instinctively knew that she was thinking about something, but he wasn't sure what it might be. I hope she isn't having seconds thoughts about this, worried a tiny part of his mind. The greater part of his mind was focused on how tight she was, and how good it felt to join with her like he had with the other girls. Further thought was disrupted as Ku gradually resumed her movement, carefully working herself all the way down on his dick, until her pubic bone met his, his tip tightly jammed against the entrance to her womb.
Ku opened her eyes, smiling at him as she leaned forward to kiss him. For a split second, he thought he saw tears in the corner of her eyes, but he couldn't be sure, as her kiss blocked his view. When she finally broke the kiss, there was no signs of any tears in her eyes. Negi guided his hands - still joined with her hands - to her slim, toned waist, getting a comfortable grip on her before beginning to pump up into her, Ku swiftly falling into rhythm with him, gasping, moaning and panting. Bringing up his head, he managed to catch a nipple with his mouth, sucking greedily on it.
“Negi!” shrieked the girl happily. Freeing her hands, she wrapped one around his head, holding him securely to her chest, while using the other to brace herself and him against he cushions. Her half-leaning posture allowed for a bit more travel in their union, and before he knew it, he was stroking in and out of her grasping pussy from entrance to cervix. Switching nipples, he used his lips to toy with the hard nipple, one of his hands moving down and around her hip to seize one of her strong ass cheeks, squeezing it firmly.
Ku bucked hard as he grabbed her ass, an orgasm exploding through her slim body like a tsunami. Nearly crushing Negi's head against her chest, she trembled and made inarticulate sounds, cumming hard and deep. Familiar with the signs from his other lovers, Negi buried himself in her and blew his load tight to her cervix, accidentally giving her nipple a weak bite. The nip to her nipple detonated a second, smaller orgasm in the girl, spots forming behind her eyelids. “Ku!” grunted Negi as the last of his load spurted into her uterus. Holding her steady, he guided her back, her supporting arm having gone limp. Feeling her settle on top of him, Negi got a comfortable hold on her.
Just a moment to catch my breath… he thought to himself. Within moments, he and Ku were asleep, his softened dick still lodged in her pussy.