Mahou Sensei Negima! Fan Fiction ❯ Negima: Ninja Magi Sensei ❯ Good Girls, Bad Girls, and Downright Nasty Girls ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Negima: Ninja Magi Sensei
A Negima Alternate Universe fanfic by Robster80
Chapter 9: Good Girls, Bad Girls, and Downright Nasty Girls
Disclaimer: I do NOT own Negima or its characters, Ken Akamatsu does! I write fanfiction for fun, not profit.
Opening notes: This is a Negi/Kaede pairing story. If you do not like this pairing, or not like Kaede, then please stop reading, and no flames! Otherwise, please enjoy!
Sister Shakti walked into the campus church to find Misora and Cocone praying before the altar. Without a word, she walked up and knelt beside Misora, cupped her hands, and began to pray herself.
“You seem troubled, Misora,” she remarked softly after a moment of silent prayer. Yet she didn't move at all, nor did she open her eyes.
“…Ako Izumi and Makie Sasaki were attacked last night, Sister Shakti.”
“Yes, I heard. …Have you told Negi-sensei?”
Misora half-opened her eyes, looking downcast. “No, Sister Shakti… however…”
“I am sorry, Misora, but you took a vow of silence regarding Evangeline's true nature. You must not tell Negi Springfield about her connection to his father-.”

“But she must be gathering her strength to face him,” Misora remarked, turning from the altar to look at Sister Shakti. “Being a blood-relative of the Thousand Master, he'll be-.”

With the sound of her name from Sister Shakti's lips, Misora fell silent. She turned away from her superior, eyes cast down to the carpeted floor.
“…Forego your chores for this afternoon,” Shakti then said, “And Cocone is free as well. But be careful; tonight is the full moon, after all. Little girls and little boys won't be safe by themselves on such a night.”
Cocone nodded in mid prayer. However, Misroa jumped from her kneeling position to latch onto Shakti in a hug. “THANK YOU, SISTER SHAKTI!”
“M-Misora, control yourself before the altar!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Walking along the darkened walkway of Cherry Blossom Path, Nodoka silently wished she hadn't stayed so late at the library. She had been there since classes ended to look up books on girls dealing with boys, an idea Yue and Haruna had pushed upon her to try and gain more courage in dealing with Negi in and out of classes. She had searched and searched but only found two books on the subject, and by the time she checked them out of the library, the sun had set.
The full moon shining down upon her and the path didn't provide any warmth to Nodoka whatsoever and she walked slowly down the marble walkway. The Cherry Blossoms were just beginning to bud, she noticed, which was odd given how Spring was still a ways off. Then again, she knew that Mahora's campus was always a bit strange, especially regarding the gigantic World Tree at the center of the school.
Nodoka ganced about as she walked, carrying her books I her arms as if she feared for their safety as well as her own. Fumika's words rang in her head about the vampire, and she recalled Ako and Makie, who were still in the nurse's office, sleeping strangely.
Oh, why didn't I ask Yue or Haruna to come with me?
“What's the matter?”

Gasping lightly, Nodoka turned to see a tall girl with long blonde hair and a black Mahora Academy uniform walking towards her. “G-gomen! I… I'm just… t-two of my classmates were… you see…”
The girl smiled. “AH, you're concerned about the attacks last night, yes?”
“H-hai. …Do I… know you?”
“Not really, since I'm two years your senior. I'm Takane D. Goodman, first year senior high. Nice to meet you, Nodoka Miyazaki, seat 27 of Class 2-A.”
Nodoka blushed. “H-how… how do you know my name? And my seat number?”
“Oh, I make it my business to know more… about my prey.”
Takane smiled darkly. “Well, actually, more like her prey.” She pointed up and behind Nodoka. “I'm just her partner.”
Turning, Nodoka looked up to see, standing atop one of the lampposts of Cherry Blossom Path, a shadowy figure cloaked in black and with pale eyes. Nodoka couldn't determine the figure's identity due to her standing with the full moon behind her, darkening her features.
“Fufufufufufufufufufu! Welcome, Nodoka Miyazaki… you're just in time… for a late snack.”
Nodoka turned to run, but suddenly found herself surrounded by three giant, shapeless shadow creatures. And they were connected to Takane's shadow.
“So sorry,” Takane said, still smiling evilly with an arm stretched out. Her uniform was now a black vest and skirt, with a cap on her head and black knee-high boots. “But you can't leave now. You should have kept on walking on, instead of talking to a stranger like me.”
The other figure jumped down, landing on her feet near Nodoka. “Now don't worry… it'll be all over soon… I'm just going to sample some of you succulent blood.”
Suddenly a strong gust of wind kicked up, blowing hard against the three. When Takane and Evangeline opened their eyes, Nodoka was gone.
“Looks like the boya took the bait,” Takane said, still smiling, to Evangeline.
Evangeline, too, smiled darkly. “Perfect. Let's follow the wind.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“Rest here, Nodoka-san,” Negi whispered, laying an unconscious Nodoka on a bench, the same bench he had laid her down on when he first rescued her over a week prior. He had used a spell to make her sleep, so that when she woke up, she would, Negi hoped, dismiss her attack as nothing more than a nightmare.
Once she was laid down, Negi grabbed his staff and turned. He knew the attackers would follow him, and he had to go back and face them before they caught up to him and, more importantly, Nodoka. He hopped onto his staff and took to the air, flying back towards Cherry Blossom Path.
Negi didn't go very far, however when he saw two shadowy figures leaping towards him. I thought so; those two assailants are mages, or apprentices at the least. I'll have to be careful; I'm outnumbered two to one. He quickly chanted a spell, and eight arrows of light shot out from his extended left hand. Four each flew towards the two approaching figures.
The taller of the two quickly summoned four shadow creatures, each one taking the hit for her and dissipating after the hits. The other figure tossed two small vials of liquid and chanted a spell. The vials shattered when the four light streaks neared them, and the arrows harmlessly dissipated before they could reach their target. Once the arrows were gone, the two continued their advancement towards a surprised Negi.
He dove, flying fast towards the ground and then flew at a height of two feet. Negi knew he could fly higher to stay out of reach, but then the attackers would have gone after Nodoka; he had to keep their focus on him for the moment. But who exactly were these two persons, and why were they attacking his students and him?
Suddenly, Negi came to a complete stop, as if something grabbed his staff and held it firmly. He flew forward, losing his grip, but was caught by someone using just one hand.
“Are you harmed, Negi-sensei?”
Blinking, Negi looked up at his captor/savior; she was a tall girl with long lime-green hair, cold blue eyes, and wore a Mahora Academy uniform. The most notable feature of this person was that she had no ears but white robotic antennae instead. Negi recognized her right away.
“C-Chachamaru Karakuri, seat number 10?!”
Chachamaru nodded, her facial expression frozen, like stone.
“Uh, you can… let go of me now…”
But Chachamaru held Negi tightly, hefting him up by his suit with one hand, and his staff in the other. “…No, I cannot.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, boya, but Chachamaru only takes orders from two people; her creator Hakase Satomi, and me.”
Negi turned to see the two girls land several feet from him and Chachamaru. “And we're also outside of the classroom,” the smaller girl added, “so your status as a teacher can't help you now.”
Chachamaru nodded her head towards the girl. “Master Evangeline.”
“E… Evangeline?!” Negi took a good look at the girl. “Evangeline A.K. McDowell?!”
Evangeline clapped her hands four times. “You're memorizing your students' names more and more, boya. I'm impressed. Allow me to wrap up introductions. You know myself and Chachamaru, but I believe you don't know my other partner. This is Takane D. Goodman, a first year senior high student here at Mahora. She's also a shadow mage.”
“You gave us quite a run for our money, Negi Springfield,” Takane remarked as two shadow golems appeared on either side of her. “Then again, we'd expect nothing less from the son of the Thousand Master.”
“You… know my father?”
The smile vanished from Evangeline's lips. “Damn right I do,” she snapped, her anger rising. “That bastard Nagi Springfield… because of him, I've endured fifteen years of sheer hell attending this school, playing watchdog for that fucking Dean Konoe! Look at me; trapped in this pathetic shrimpy body, my powers diminished, save for the night of the full moon or close to it! But that won't matter, not anymore. Takane!”
Negi watched as the two shadow golems moved towards him, and tore off his pants. “Wh-what are you doing?!” he demanded as the golems then grabbed his legs and pulled them apart wide.
“Your blood is required to remove the mistress's curse,” Chachamaru stated as Evangeline moved closer to them. “Your father, the Thousand Master, promised to remove the curse after mistress learned some humility, but he died ten years ago. His blood was required to undo the curse, but a direct blood relative will do just as well. …I am sorry, Negi-Sensei.”
“But-but vampires go for the neck-!”
“Normally, yes,” Evangeline answered, “but for feeding or turning a human into a vampire. I've read up on how to undo this curse… and I'll need to suck your blood from your left inner thigh. Rather kinky, wouldn't you say?”
Takane smirked as Evangeline moved between Negi's exposed legs. She was going to enjoy watching the vampire suck Negi's blood…
Takane and Chachamaru watched in shock as a brown blur struck Evangeline hard, kicking her in the face and away from Negi as both Shadow Golems dispersed, two kunai embedded in the ground several feet from where they once stood. Before either girl could react, they both found themselves stricken in the faces, knocking them off balance. Her grip relaxing, Chachamaru released Negi and he fell only to be caught and moved away from the three.
After hitting the ground and skidding to a halt, Evangeline picked herself up. Her left cheek was red, and she could taste a little of her own blood in her mouth. “Who… whoever did that… you are-!” she stopped, her eyes falling on not one or two, but four Kaedes, one of which held Negi tightly in her arms. “Nagase!”
“What the hell,” Takane muttered, also moving up from where she laid. “Friend of yours, Evangeline?”
“Classmate,” Kaede corrected, “but the question is what were you three going to do with Negi-kun? And why shouldn't I not only report this to the dean, but also kick your asses?”
Smirking again, Takane summoned six shadow golems. “Looking for a fight, are we? Fine by me; I've been itching for one for months.”
“Takane D. Goodman, hold it right there!”
All eyes fell on Misora, in her nun's outfit, as she landed on her feet beside Kaede and Negi. Cocone appeared seconds afterwards. Misora pointed at Takane. “Okay, I knew Evangeline would pull something like this, but you?! The Class Rep of Senior High Class 20-C? Daughter of Prof. Robin D. Goodman at the Mahora University? And what the hell is with the dominatrix outfit?!”
“Surprised, Kasuga? Well don't be! You have any idea how SICK I am of everything? Playing the good girl, the responsible class rep? Trying to live up to the expectations of my peers and my parents? I HATE it! Strike that, I LOATHE it! That's why I pick fights on campus at night, using my shadow mage abilities so nobody recognizes me. Evangeline helps me out as she joins in on the fun. We get along so well.”
“So you're doing this for kicks?” Misora asked, glaring at Takane now. “Girl, you seriously need a better hobby, and picking on little kids, especially our teacher, is NOT what I'd recommend!”
“Enough of this,” Evangeline snapped. “Nagase, I may have been too relaxed, dropping my magic barrier like that to feed on the boya, but I won't make the same mistake twice! Now, you and those catholic girls hand him over, and maybe I'll let you live. My partner Chachamaru has yet to be defeated in combat.”
At this, Chachamaru got into a fighter's stance. “My apologies, Nagase-san. It's nothing personal; I'm just obeying my mistress.”
Kaede's eyes opened to give off a glare at Chachamaru; Negi was still in her arms, and she had recalled her three shadow doppelgangers to conserve her energy. “Misora-san, will the three of us be able to deal with these hooligans while Negi-kun gets away?”
“Maybe… depends on which of us fights which of them. But so you know, Cocone and I aren't fighters.”
“I… I can fight.” Negi moved down from Kaede's arms to stand, though he trembled as he gripped his staff in both hands. “I can't… let two of my students… get hurt on my behalf. Also… Evangeline-san…and Chachamaru-san… are my students also. As their teacher… I should… I must be strict with them…”
“The more, the merrier, I say,” Takane sneered.
However, Evangeline turned away from Negi's group. Her next words shocked everyone. “Stand down, Chachamaru. Takane, we're leaving.”

“Say what?!”
“What the heck?!”
“There's no point in fighting now. The night is waning, and so are my powers now. Besides, with the boya joining in, we'd have to get past those three to attack him, which will be difficult while he makes his incantations. Even your shadow golems wouldn't be enough.”

“Chachamaru, if Takane says one more word of protest, take her down.” Then Evangeline turned back to Negi. “You were lucky this time, boya. However, come the next full moon, not even your little students will be of any help to you. See you in class tomorrow, Negi Springfield.” And with that, she began walking away, Chachamaru following her after giving a polite bow towards Negi and the others.
“Better watch your backs,” Takane snipped, leaping off into the night on her own.
“And Nagase?” Evangeline added. “…I won't forget this wound you gave me.”
A kunai suddenly appeared near Evangeline's feet, the angle of embedment showing the direction it was thrown from, from Kaede.
“If you try again to inflict harm on Negi-kun… you'll find out the hard way how deadly a ninja can be, Evangeline-dono.”
With a scoff, Evangeline continued on her way. I do not fear death from a novice such as yourself, Nagase. Just wait until I get my full powers back.
“She's persistent,” Cocone said in a soft voice, her expression still neutral.
“…Damn them,” Misora cursed under her breath. “We're in for some rough times ahead.” She quickly turned her attentions to Negi. “Negi-kun, are you okay?”
“Negi-kun, let's go back to the dorm. You'll catch cold out here without your pants.”

“You okay, aniki?” Chamo asked, bounding in out of nowhere. “What I miss, huh? I was investigating a few things elsewhere on campus when I felt the-.”
Without warning, Negi latched onto Kaede and began to bawl. “N-Nagase-san! I was… I was so scared… p-powerless…”
“Powerless?! Aniki, what happened?”
“He was attacked,” Misora stated. “By Evangeline the-.”


“Cocone, the secret's out now! He has a right to know!”
Kaede shook her head, once more taking Negi into her arms. “Not out here. Let's go back inside, de gozaru.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
Sister Shakti and Shizuna walked into the Dean's office, where he stood looking out his window. “Konoe-sama,” Shizuna spoke up first, “Negi-kun was attacked-.”

“Yes, I know. In fact, I've been expecting it since I first heard Negi-kun was coming to Mahora. Was he hurt?”

“No,” Shakti answered. “Misora and Cocone, and mainly Nagase-san rescued him before Evangeline could sink her fangs into him.”
“Was she working alone?”
“Again, no. She had her partner Chachamaru with her. …And Takane D. Goodman.”
Dean Konoe frowned behind his beard. “I see… so the rumors about her “extra-curricular activities” were true after all. When this is all said and done, I'll have to report this to her mother.”
“What should we do about this, Konoe-sama?”
The Dean turned. “We do nothing. Just wait and watch.”

“No buts, ladies. Despite his age, Negi-kun must face his own battles. He is a mage, after all. And the fact remains that Evangeline is his student now means he must deal with her as her teacher as well as a fellow mage. …I hate it as much as you do, but my hands are tied right now.”
Shizuna bit her lip at this. What was it that prevented the Dean from taking immediate action? Why was he letting Negi deal with his new enemy on his own, especially given whom this enemy was.
“Permission to speak freely, Dean Konoe.”

“Go ahead, Sister Shakti.”
The nun stepped forward. “By any chance are you… waiting to see if Negi-sensei will make his first pactio partner? And with Kaede Nagase?”
Slowly the old man turned to look at Shakti. He winked.
“Negi-kun should have his first pactio soon. But whether or not it's with Kaede-chan remains to be seen. Someone else is working on that right now.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~
“I don't like this, de gozaru.”
Sighing, Misora looked up at Kaede, who had her arms crossed. “Believe me, Kaede, Sister Shakti forced me to keep silent about Evangeline's real identity and agenda. If I didn't fear what she's do to me, Sister Shakti, I mean, I would have come clean to Negi-kun and you about this immediately.
They, Negi, Cocone, and Chamo had gathered around the table of Kaede and Negi's room. Negi had been given his pajama pants in replacement of his torn suit pants when they returned, and Kaede fixed him some tea to help calm him down. Negi had given his account for what had happened, and was relieved when Cocone mentioned that Nodoka had been found by Yue with some unseen guidance from her and Misora. Then it was Misora's turn to talk about what she knew of Evangeline.
“Aniki's got a vampire in his class?!” Chamo exclaimed, horrified. “And one of his old man's enemies at that?! I say we blow this popsicle stand and head back to Wales. I can pack quickly enough-.”
“running away isn't the answer,” Kaede said sagely.
“It IS when the enemy's limited to the campus boundaries, Kaede-nesan!”
“Evangeline-dono is, yes… but not Chachamaru or Takane. They could easily be sent after Negi-kun to wherever he runs.”
The ermine frowned at this information. “You make a valid point. …Okay then, the only other option we have left is to get aniki a pactio and fast!”
“This again?! You got a one-track mind, de gozaru.”
“Chamo-kun, I… I really don't think-.”

“Aniki, listen to reason-!”
As the trhee began to argue, it was Misora's voice that gained everyone's attention. “The ermine's right, unfortunately.”

“HE's what?!”

“I am?!”
Sighing, Misora gave a slight nod. “What we've learned from tonight's encounter is that Evangeline has two associates: her fellow mage Takane, and her pactio partner Chachamaru. The reason why the pactios are important to a mage is that the minister magi provides cover for the magister magi while he or she casts spells. Spells take time to cast, especially the ones that require verbal chanting instead of unspoken spells. Negi-kun, even if you had escaped from Chachamaru's grip and gotten your staff back, she would have easily prevented you from casting spells to defend or attack. You were, sadly, in over your head tonight. The only bright side of your actions is that you saved Nodoka, but I get the feeling she was just bait to lure you out.”
“…Yes… you're quite right, Misora-san…” Negi's mind carefully absorbed everything that Misora had said, and he knew now he had gone right into Evangeline's trap. “But… I just don't know about finding a partner. I mean…”
Chamo stood on his hind legs, whipping out a cigarette. “Hey, hey! Aniki, that's why I'm here, remember? I've been doing extensive research on the girls in your class, and while I've found some interesting and crucial factors in my search for your partner, I've found something very useful. Earlier tonight, I was making contact with a powerful ally, and I called on her while we were on our way back here.”
Suddenly the door to the dorm opened, shocking everyone but Chamo.
“What the-?! I had the door locked,” Kaede exclaimed.
“Chamo-kun gave me a spare key. Sorry to scare you like that.”
Kaede, Misora, and Negi paled; they knew that voice.
Stepping into view, Asakura held up two fingers forming a v-sign, smiling. “Yo! Kazumi Asakura, human database of Class 2-A, at your service.”
End Chapter 9
Closing Notes: Okay, I'm sure you all must be asking yourselves by now “What the hell is Rob thinking?” Good question, isn't it? The answer escapes me, too. Am I rushing things here by adding Asakura into the mix as Negi's new ally? I mean, Misora was added to the main cast of my story not too long ago, right? Well, all I can do now is just write on and see what happens.
Some of you in recent reviews asked me for a valid answer as to why Takane was mad as Evangeline's partner in crime, or evil magic. Well, I thought about it, and I knew that most wouldn't accept my honest answer “just because I wanted to.” I mean, if some of you are anything like my father, that answer won't be acceptable (and my father's a real… ahem. Sorry. I have issues with him).
Luckily, I recalled an episode of Batman Beyond, where one of Terry's fellow classmates was one of the Jokerz because it was his escape from playing the model Straight-A student and peer pressure. “There's my response,” I thought, and thus Takane is just a girl who does bad things to escape her pressures. Good enough answer? If not, well, peanuts to you who can't accept it.
So what happens next? Well, I do plan to go back and show Chamo's revealing himself to Asakura to better explain the cliffhanger I left. As for Dean Konoe not helping Negi out, I'll explain that in due time. And to the one reader who asked about the character Heathcliff, I'll get to him eventually. Please be patient.
One last note: I have no further plans for any other G.I.Joe cameos or appearances at this time. Sorry, but this is mainly a Ngeima AU story, not a Negima/G.I.Joe crossover.
Please Read & Review!