Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ What happens at Garderobe, stays at Garderobe ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Mai Otome, I’m just borrowing them for awhile. This is also set before Mai Otome 0, based on character interactions and random guesses by me, so don’t consider it canon.

What happens at Garderobe, stays at Garderobe
A Mai Otome 0 Sifr fanfic

Rena Sayers smiled slightly as the brown haired woman hurried down the hall at Garderobe, looking for a certain face among the fellow students. Her eyes brightened as she saw a familiar blonde head, forcing her way to her side.

“Rena!” Elliot Chandler smiled, the slightly shorter blonde throwing her arms around her, “We did it! We graduated!”

“That we did, Meister Otome,” Rena smiled warmly as she held her friend close.

It had been a long, hard road to graduation for both of them. Garderobe always recruited more Coral students than needed, because they knew that a good chunk would be unable to stand the rigors of Otome training or otherwise prove unsuitable. Many of their friends had faltered on the road to graduation, and both of them felt a twinge of regret at losing them.

Elliot smiled impishly, “Didn’t you promise me something if we both made it...?”

“Elliot!” Rena gasped as the other girl went for a kiss, “Not here! Everyone can see!”

Rena fended the other girl off while seeing amused glances from the other students walking by them. While at Garderobe there was a certain degree of experimentation that went on, especially with the girls unable to engage in sex with men... a cold hard fact that went along with being a Otome.

“Aww, Rena!” Elliot pouted cutely, giving her a look that had melted many a female heart before now .

“You never give up,” Rena said as she shook her head firmly, her blue graduation robe swirling around her.

“You wouldn’t be happy if I did,” Elliot smiled back, looking handsome in her simple black and white garb.

“You could be right,” Rena conceded as they walked off together. She looked over at her, “Congradulations on becoming one of the five columns, too.”

Elliot looked a bit uncomfortable as she quietly said, “You could be one of the five too, you know.”

“No,” Rena waved that off as she said, “I don’t think I’m suited to that. I’d rather be just a ordinary Otome...”

Elliot looked at Rena fondly as she thought, ‘You’ll never be just a ordinary Otome.’

Rena Sayers was something of a prodigy, even for a Otome. She had mastered her lessons quickly and well, while her body had adapted unusually well to the nanomachine injection. Unlike most trainees she could even tap her powers without a robe, and with one she was nearly deadly. The biggest problem the headmaster was facing was Rena’s tendency to actually overload GEMs... burning them out with her power.

Deciding not to push Elliot said aloud, “I’ll miss seeing you at Garderobe, Rena.”

“And I’ll miss you,” Rena conceded as they walked into the dorms together. She looked at Elliot, “Could you come up to my rooms with me?”

Elliot smile widened as she took Rena’s arm to hurry her along, “Of course.”


With a moaning cry Rena collapsed on the bed, her sweat soaked body going limp against the sheets. “Elliot,” she managed, “please, no more.”

With a very self satisfied smile Elliot gracefully slid up from where she had been resting between Rena’s legs and lay at her side, reaching out to push a sweaty strand of hair from Rena’s face. “You’re beautiful like this,” she said quietly.

Rena laughed softly as she met Elliot’s eyes tenderly and asked, “What, you mean in the grip of passion?”

“You’re lovely when you let yourself go,” Elliot said. She grinned suddenly, “Thank you for finally letting me see you like this.”

“After you’ve been chasing me for weeks?” Rena laughed as she looked at Elliot happily, “I’m glad you never gave up.”

“I wouldn’t be mucjh of a otome if I gave up,” Elliot snuggled close to her as she purred, “and trust me, it was worth it.”

The two of them lay there for awhile comfortably in a tangle of limbs and sheets as their bodies cooled down a bit then Rena began, “Elliot?”

“Yes?” Elliot answered.

Rena looked at her with a compassionate gaze, “Does it bother you that many of the girls you’ve loved here will forget about you?”

Elliot chuckled softly as she teasingly asked, “How could they forget days like this?”

“You know what I mean,” Rena said, “they’ll go out into the world, serve their masters, fall in love and retire....”

Elliot looked thoughtful a moment, “Maybe so, but they’ll also remember what we had... and I hope they’ll think of me fondly sometime.” A saucy grin teased her lips, “And maybe some pretty girl will decide to settle down with me.”

Rena squeezed her shoulder as she said in a only partially joking way, “Just as long as I get visiting rights.”

Elliot squealed happily as she rolled over onto Rena,”You like me! You really like me!”

“Would you get off me!” Rina flailed her arms.

“Nooo...” Elliot laughed, “I’ve got to stock up until we meet again.”

“Not the nipples, don’t tug on...” Rina gasped, “oooh!”

Outside, a redheaded Otome listened with wide eyes. Raquel Mayol lingered by the door as she heard their cries, eventually whipping out a notbook and righting things down. ‘This’ll come in handy when I see Shion,’ she thought.

“Ahem,” a voice was cleared just behind her.

“Eeek!” Raquel jumped in surprise then spun around. “Ma’am,” she squeaked.

Maria Graceburt gave her a look that could be considered a mix of amused and annoyed as the severely dressed blonde said, “Should you really be lingering here?”

“No, ma’am,” Raquel quickly stuffed her notes into her pocket, “excuse me.”

Maria shook her head, frowning as Elliot and Rena started up again. Her first instinct was to hammer on the door and order them to quiet down, but she hesitated. Both girls were leaving soon, and she was reluctant to interrupt their farewell...

“Oooh!” Rena gasped, heard all the way out in the hall.

‘And I’m not exactly without fault myself,’ Maria admitted, thinking rather guiltily of her feelings for the headmistress Una Shamrock. ‘No,’ she resolved, ‘I’ll leave them alone until someone actually complains.’


Notes: Sort for the short length, but I didn’t want to pad this out too much. Just a short, slightly goofy look at the Otome, including some random guesses by me. Heh