Mai Otome Fan Fiction ❯ Yearbook ❯ Chapter 12: Rivalry ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Dissention Among Corals
Author Notes: This is a joint project Ultima Matrix and I have been working on. It took a while as we have been e-mailing it back and forth each time adding a paragraph or two. So every couple paragraphs the author changes.
(Miss Maria's Office)
Miss Maria sat at her desk brushing a comb through her stark white hair though with each stroke a powdery substance came off piling up on her desk. Once her hair was remotely back to the normal grey there was a large pile of powdered on her desk. She looked up to a pair of corals covered in the same white substance though there was one that might have had golden blonde hair and seemed to have a brown substance swirled in with the white powder. The other a brunette with just as much powder only hers was accompanied by little red spots that somewhat looked like jelly. ''What is this?'' Miss Maria asked poking the pile.
''Some kind of powder....'' The brunette said as she looked over to the blonde.
''Yes Shizuru, some kind of powder Haruka can you tell me what kind of powder it is?'' Miss Maria said tapping the comb firmly from one hand to the other more powder flying off it.
''Could it be salt? Or many some biscuit mix?'' Haruka said her eyes going to Shizuru.
''Could be salt or many biscuit mix or Fumi knows what else. Both of you taste it and find out.'' Miss Maria ordered.
''What?!'' They both said then after the death glare they got reached out tasting it.
''Powdered sugar Miss Maria” The both replied.
''Powdered sugar, which one of you wants to tell me why myself, my kitchen and three other students not including yourselves are covered with powdered sugar?'' Miss Maria said.
There was a moment of silence then Haruka turned to Shizuru pointing at her. ''She started it Miss Maria!''
“I did not it was her!” Shizuru said turning as well and pointed at Haruka.
Miss Maria arched her eyebrow in frustration and then a vein broke her completion on the side of her face in anger. Both knew that something was coming and it was not at all pleasant. "I have put up with this long enough!" She turned looking to Shizuru who for the first time in a long time appeared to be at last disquieted. "I have had it with your plotting and prank pulling Shizuru Viola! And you ..." She turned to face Haruka now who also looked like she was going to get something rather large and angry inflicted upon her. "... you fall for it every time Haruka Armitage! I would think from your consistent high test scores that you were more intelligent then this."
"That's because she's a fluke. She's not really smart at all..." Shizuru whispered. Unfortunately for her, the instructor's appearance might be aged but her hearing was still quite good.
"Silence! You two are going to be punished for this. And I know just the thing." Miss Maria said going into her center desk drawer and pulling out a pair of shiny handcuffs.
"No way, you're not going to satchel me to her!" Haruka cried out in protest. But before she could react she was cuffed to her roommate.
"Shackle you baka!" Shizuru shouted then regained her composure. "Miss Maria, I don't understand what shackling me to this barbarian is meant to do."
"When you figure that out Miss Viola I will release the two of you." Miss Maria calmly said. "If you two cannot figure it out the consequences will be dire."
"Dried?" Haruka said moving to scratch her forehead with her right hand finding resistance as it was cuffed to Shizuru's left hand. She looked over to Shizuru who had a smug look on her face refusing to lift her hand from her side. "Miss Maria you can't be serious! She's insufferable!"
"If you two cannot overcome this task you both will be expelled from Garderobe. I am serious when I say I've had enough of your antics." Miss Maria said.
"You can't do this to me! I can't be expunged!" Haruka belted out more in fear then anger. Shizuru turned white as a sheet knowing that if she failed out where she would have to return home to her father, no longer being able to be protected by the principal of Garderobe.

"I am well aware of why and who you are here for Miss Armitage. And I know what will happen to you Miss Viola. So as you can see what I mean by 'dire' consequences. Now, leave. You are dismissed." Maria said pointing at her door. The two corals filed out side by side as if they really had any choice and closed the door behind them.

"I'll make sure you never see another day of light after this Victor!" Haruka said lumbering along heavily.
"Will you just stop talking!? It's "light of day" not "day of light" and for the last time it's Viola V - I - O - L - A , Vi-o-la!" Shizuru snapped back as they turned the corner.
“Whatever, this is all your fault. You think that you are untouchable because for some god unknown reason the principal likes you. You think everything should be handed to you on a silver platter.” Haruka said then mumbled, “Spoiled little rich brat.”
“Oh I'm sorry I'm of higher breeding, it's not my fault you are a stuttering idiot. Maybe you should talk to your parents about that it's all about breeding. Then again you probably couldn't understand a damn thing at the Armitage house.” Shizuru said turning the other girl a bright red as she stopped in the hall, “What are you going to cry now?”
“That's it Viola! I've had enou….” Haruka said getting cut off by Shizuru.
“Look at that ladies and gentlemen.” Shizuru said to a group of passing corals who were trying to pretend that they didn't see the number one and two corals in the hall arguing, “Haruka Armitage the great and powerful stuttering idiot actually got my name right.”
Haruka didn't say anything just balled her fist pulling it back and swinging at Shizuru. If it wasn't for her developing reflexes Shizuru probably would have took the hit to her left cheek and would have promptly spun. But the combination of the latter leaning her head and the slight pull in direction on the cuffs caused Haruka to punch straight into the wall embedding her knuckles with splinters. "You are cuffed to me and you can't even hit me!" Shizuru said not realizing that the fact that she was cuffed to Haruka that caused the displacement in balance and had and equal if not larger hand in making the former so far off the mark.
"That's quite enough Armitage, Viola! I will not have you two behaving like ruffians when you are my attendants!" Ein said though it sounded more like a strain in her vocal cords that bordered on rage. The two corals had never witnessed their Onee-sama raise her voice in such a way. And in such Haruka's own anger dissipated as she cradled her splintered hand and Shizuru stood silent as if nothing had happened. "I just spoke to Miss. Maria. You two have any idea how your outrageous behavior not only looks bad on you, it reflects on me that I am unable to teach you how to behave like Otome. This is ... deplorable and I am very disappointed in both of you." Ein railed on until Shizuru attempted to appease her.
"I'm sorry Ei.. I mean Onee-sama." Shizuru promptly going formal after receiving an icy glare and becoming more scared then she had been in recent memory. Ein was never harsh with Shizuru. She always forgave her for her antics trying to get Shizuru to behave by being a gentle guide. Never once had Ein given her lover this icy glare.
"I don't think I can even bear sight on either of you! I thought I knew you two better. I guess I didn't. I will speak to Maya-Onee-sama about tutoring you Armitage-san. As for you Viola-san, you are no longer welcome in my room or at my bath. Both of you are suspended from your duties until you can behave like you can live with royalty instead of the streets beneath them." Ein turned feeling her eyes start to water.
"Please Onee-sama! Don't do this!" Shizuru protested taking a step forward but the cuffs held her back. She started to snap on Haruka for just standing there but stopped when she heard Ein speak though the older girl still had her back to them.
"Perhaps I have doted on you too much Shizuru-chan." Ein said walking off and into a stairway where the principal and the first column waited.
"You did well Ein-chan." Elliot Chandler said trying to cheer Ein up.
"It may not feel like it, but, you are helping them out more then you know." Kihomi Kruger said to the first pearl.
"Then why do I feel like I ripped both of their hearts out?" Ein said looking up with tears in her eyes.
"Shizuru-chan and Haruka-chan need to learn how to work with each other. If you hadn't done this they would have tried to use you to play off the other." Elliot remembering an incident not too far back in which Ein had ended up in the middle of the mess with one on each side of her as the poked back at the other.
"I ... trust your judgment." Ein said walking off a slight tear in her eyes. She loved both Shizuru and Haruka deeply one as a lover the other as a sister and it hurt to have to do this but she knew it was the only way.
(Coral Dormitories)
“This is all your fault.” Shizuru said scowling at Haruka. The two of them had run into Nunoe the forth column and been sent to the kitchen to clean it then to their room for the remainder of the day as classes were over. They had also been ordered that tomorrow during their free period that they would be repairing the hole in the wall and painting the hall. Sadly Nunoe informed them that they were out of that color paint and would have to repaint the entire hall even if it took them two weeks worth of free periods.
“What it's my fault that you don't get to cuddle up with your precious Onee-sama tonight?” Haruka said shivering at the thought of Shizuru and Ein making out while she attempted to do her homework.
“You were the one that started the fight in the kitchen.” Shizuru blamed shaking her hair surprised that there was still powdered sugar in it. Miss Maria had told them she would be by in a short while to remove the cuffs so they could shower and change for bed but assured them as soon as they were done the cuffs were coming back on.
“Me? I'm not the one that replaced the flour with powdered sugar.” Haruka said remembering how she had been trying to make some bread for lunch and filled the measuring cup from a bag marked flour only to find out Shizuru had switched the labels.
“Yes you. I'm not the one that threw said bag across the kitchen.” Shizuru said tugging on the cuff trying to move to her desk. If she was stuck here for the night she might as well get her homework for the night done who knew when Miss Maria would be by to take them to the showers. “You don't even have proof that it was me it's not my fault you can't read.”
“I don't?” Haruka said grabbing her cuff yanking Shizuru to a stop then reaching into Shizuru's pocket trying the one on the left first then the one on the right pulling out a label marked flour. It was a guess that it was in Shizuru's pocket but she knew that she had read the labels right.
"Get off of me you ox!" Shizuru said pushing Haruka off of her though she had been caught more red handed then she would have liked.
"I'm sick of you! You always have to mess around and try to trick me you evil watch!" Haruka said punching Shizuru in the stomach causing her to crumple to her knees making Haruka at least bend down.
"You always make everything so stupid! You can't even say 'witch' right!" Shizuru said hammering away at Haruka's speech impediment. The comment earned her another punch, this time to her chest as she coughed painfully.
"You fucking high riding bitch!" Haruka said but instead of giving a punch she received one to her nose. It would seem that Shizuru could hit decently.
"This isn't getting us anywhere Haruka. We beat each other to a pulp and then it won't matter what happens to us." Shizuru said offering Haruka a handkerchief from her apron. The latter snatched it and put it up to her nose.
"It was your fault! If you didn't try so hard to rank me and act like a stupid noble, it probably wouldn't drive me to fight with you." Haruka said.
"Look, whose fault it is isn't important. But we need to get along." Shizuru said sitting on her bed while Haruka sat down next to her.
"Why should I get along with you? It's a trick! Just like everything else you have done since we started here." Haruka railed remembering the time that Shizuru had embarrassed her in front of Yukino.
"Ok, ok, I deserve that. But what good will it do you to get kicked out or me for that matter. You only have a disappointed girlfriend to go back to. I have a bastard of a father." Shizuru seethed on the last part.
"You don't talk about Yu- I mean Representative Chrysant like that! And I'm sick of hearing about how you don't get along with Lord Viola." Haruka continued getting a glare from Shizuru.
"Well I don't know, how about he's a batterer and he took my mother from everything she loved and she died in a foreign land amongst servants and in a plush bed rather then with her family in the land she loved." Shizuru said her face turning to a sad tone. Haruka had never heard much about Shizuru's mother. Only that she died young and her beauty with other-worldly.
There had been a few rumors that had reached even the politicians in Aries. One of them was that Satori Viola was not of normal birth. Where she came from depended on who you asked. There were even some that said she was an Aswad and she died from their sickness. But that came from the same rumor as the one about the lord making deals with the chief of Aswad.
"Well at least she loved you. My father only cares about his books in his library. He was set on me becoming a teacher some day like him. But I don't want to teach, I want to do what I am doing. I wanted to be an Otome." Haruka said looking over at Shizuru who smiled and then started laughing so hard she fell back nearly pulling Haruka with her.
"You? A teacher? You would try to beat up the first kid that picked on you! Professor Haruka Armitage? That's rich!" Shizuru said in between chuckles. Even Haruka started to laugh.
"Forget about the first kid, I'd never make it to the first class. I'd probably bring the wrong books." Haruka said. Shizuru stopped laughing.
"I've never heard you pick on yourself. That is a new one." Shizuru said as the rattled with a knock.
“That's because you are always too busy doing it fort… for me.” Haruka said correcting herself.
They both walked over to the door Shizuru opening it as Haruka still held her nose trying to stop it from bleeding. “The two of you just don't get it do you?” Miss Maria said looking at Haruka, “Hold your nose a little higher like this Armitage.” She said moving Haruka's hand. “Viola gather up your and Armitage's shower things as well as whatever you plan to sleep in.”
“Yes Miss Maria.” Shizuru said quickly gathering the items and by the time she was done Haruka's nose had stopped bleeding. She handed them to Haruka and followed Miss Maria to the baths.
(Next morning)
Shizuru woke up with a weight on her shoulder thinking at first it was Ein until she noticed her shoulder was wet. She opened her eyes seeing Haruka laying on her a large spot of drool on her night shirt. “God Haruka get off of me!” Shizuru said pushing the blond a little harder then she wanted knocking Haruka off the bed. Being still hand cuffed together Shizuru came tumbling down with her landing on Haruka who in turn pushed her off.
“What's the deal Viola?” Haruka said the door opening and Miss Maria walking in seeing them push each other back and forth.
"Here I see two spoiled girls rolling around on the floor like two dogs. We do not allow animals in Garderobe. Now get up!" Maria said pulling Haruka up by her collar Shizuru getting up on her own and both looking rather embarrassed. "I thought there may have been a turn around but apparently not. Get dressed and then get ready for morning cleanup." She said turning to the messed bed and sighing.
“Miss Maria these beds weren't really made for two people I must have rolled too far and felt.” Haruka said as Shizuru leaned forward whispering in her ear. Haruka almost shot her a glare then quietly said, “Fell.”
“You fell out of bed?” Miss Maria asked looking from Haruka to Shizuru both nodding.
“Yes Miss Maria, because we are chained together gravity took over and I fell as well.” Shizuru said surprised that Haruka covered for her. Usually the blond told on Shizuru whenever she had the chance to or got Shizuru back later in private. She really hoped that wasn't the case her side still was sore from yesterday when she had been hit a few times. She was sure when she got dressed there would be a fairly large bruise.
“Miss Armitage an Otome is to be graceful regardless of where she is or what she is doing.” Miss Maria said stepping forward holding out the key. “Now hold your hands out.”
(Star Classroom)
"Okay ladies, let's try this again. What are the five things you should never do during a tea ceremony in the royal Zipangese court?" A woman with long dark blue hair asked pulling at her collar and taking her glasses off. She had been asked to teach a formalities class in place of an instructor who was out on vacation. But truth be told she'd rather be back at the capital overseeing her daughter. The call she had received last night had been a real headache. It had been about her daughter Natsuki taking Alyssa out to the back yard and putting apples on her head so that she snipe them off with an air rifle that she had talked her father into buying just a few weeks before. What was perhaps the most annoying was the fact that Natsuki was not due back to St. Esther's for another two weeks and her husband Chiron was absolutely useless. It was the next door neighbor that called her.
"Saeko-Onee-sama, it's not a good idea to fall asleep." Haruka offered enthusiastically. She pulled at her shackle causing Shizuru's arm to lurch and her body to nearly fall over. They had moved the desks to the edge of the room and were kneeling on the ground like they would in a tea ceremony.
"As expected from Arcameduies daughter," Saeko said semi-dryly.
"It's also not good to have poor posture." Shizuru said pulling her arm back making Haruka fall over realizing how cramped her legs had been.
"Very good Viola-san, it seems that despite recent shortcomings you at least still have the sense to be first if not the proper temperament." Saeko said glaring at Haruka who prompt fixed her posture.
Saeko let out a quite sigh looking at the two girls, normally she taught the Pearl students and rivalries like the one between Shizuru and Haruka had mellowed out. Once a year Saeko would travel from Aries and teach a three week legal seminar to the Pearl classes. The rest of the year was spent as a district prosecutor in the Capital of Aries. “Saeko-sensei?” A young girl with short green hair asked raising her hand.
“Yes, Nolen-san?” Saeko said looking to the girl and pushing her glasses back up her nose.
“I can't feel my feet.” The girl said looking embarrassed but there were a few nods from others that weren't brave or stupid enough to ask.
“An Otome must be disciplined and able to endure anything. Now we've only had two things one should never do during a tea ceremony. What are the other three?” Saeko asked watching the girls all straighten their posture trying to show that they weren't uncomfortable.
“Saeko-Onee-sama forgive me for interrupting but Principal Kruger sent me to retrieve Viola and Armitage.” Ein said from the doorway giving the older woman a bow. All the girls turned their head at the sweet voice of the first Pearl and one even fell over while gazing at her.
"Indeed. Well, I suppose they can go. It's not like this is a real lively bunch. I'll thank you two to leave your attitudes outside my classroom when you return. Is that clear?" Saeko said glowering over her glasses at the two corals. It had been long known that Kruger females had a stare that could create stone and shatter it in the shift of a gaze.
Fortunately both Haruka and Shizuru had been able to evade any such bad notions from their headmistress. But such was not the case for their instructor. The freezing emerald cut into their souls and stuck fear into their hearts.
"Y-yes Saeko-Onee-sama," Haruka squeaked out. Unlike Shizuru she had been stared down before. Having seen reduced from a powerful lioness to a cub in a matter of moments many times in her childhood. Her father had been a tutor to President Chrysant's children as well as his former Otome's children. Shizuru simply bowed timidly and made her exit with Haruka being drug behind her. She made a note that she would never want to cross the elder Onee-sama Saeko Kruger.
"Ein-Onee-sama, why have you pulled us from class?" Haruka queried as she walked along Shizuru keeping pace while keeping her eyes on the windows to her side not daring to cross Ein's sight.
"Haruka-san, Shizuru-chan have you realized why the current events have happened?" Ein asked them. Haruka looked down and Shizuru kept her eyes away.
“Because she thinks everything is a joke.” Haruka said being the first one to speak and causing Shizuru to tug on her wrist the cuff biting into her wrist.
“Me? I'm not the one that is a clumsy oaf that has to snitch on everything little thing.” Shizuru said giving the cuff another tug.
“I'll give you clumsy oaf.” Haruka said lifting her arm up and stepping behind Shizuru bringing the girl's own arm up to her throat holding her there in a head lock. She stood there with a smug smile feeling Shizuru squirm trying to get enough air. Haruka would hold her choke move for a few more seconds then let her up. What she didn't expect was for Shizuru to duck her chin then drop down kicking the legs out from her.
“Enough!” Ein shouted bringing both sets of eyes to her. The older girl stood there her arms crossed before her and a very displeased look on her face. She glanced out of the corner of her eye to an instructor that looked about to say something until Ein had spoke.
“Sorry Ein-Onee-sama.” Both girls said trying to stand on their own but having trouble.
"When will you two ever learn? I thought that this experience would straighten you two out." Ein said looking on both of them with disappointment. "I am starting to wonder if I should release you two as my attendants. You refuse to get along and I refuse to let you set a bad example. I do not have time for either of you if you continue down this path." Ein fumed unaware that her eyes had gotten wide and her voice had risen. This was the first time that either girl had seen their Onee-sama angered. Ein's fists remained clenched as she began to cry. "I have never been this angry at anyone. You two seem to bring out the worst in everyone." Ein pulled a handkerchief from her apron and rubbed her eyes which had gotten puffy.
“Ein…” Shizuru quietly said thinking of reaching out to the older girl but the look Ein sent her caused her to stop. Shizuru stood there a shocked look on her face. Never before had Ein looked at her like that with such anger.
“You will address me properly Viola.” Ein said as placed the handkerchief back in her apron and she turned then started walking. “We mustn't keep the principal waiting.”
“Yes, Onee-sama,” Haruka said as Shizuru stood there speechless. She knew that Shizuru and Ein had a special relation that the two of them were lovers but she had never seen either of them fight. Looking to Shizuru she thought she could see the start of tears forming in her eyes. Haruka reached out with the hand cuffed to Shizuru and took her hand squeezing it gently before quietly whispering, “Come on Shizuru.”
“Hai,” was all Shizuru said not letting go of Haruka's hand as they followed Ein to the principal's office.
“Shizuru Viola and Haruka Armitage are here to see you as you requested, Principal Kruger.” Ein said as she stood before the large oak desk.
“Thank you Ein-san you are dismissed.” Kihomi said as Ein bowed then left. “Shizuru Viola I'm disappointed in you. I've allowed you to become a ward of Garderobe and this is how you repay me?” Kihomi said then glanced over to Haruka noticing Shizuru wisely remained quiet. “And you Haruka Armitage, I never expected this sort of behavior from you. The recommendation letter my sister Saeko gave you never mentioned anything of the sort. I highly doubt she would have lied to me so you should be ashamed of yourself for soiling her word.”
Haruka stood and now caught the full brunt of what she had been trying to avoid; Kruger anger. Shizuru stood off to the side not even aware that she was being lectured.
"You two have nothing to say? You don't even try to argue your points? Complacency in a situation like this is not wise." Kihomi said getting up from her desk and coming around to the front as she stood mere feet from the girls.
"It my fault, it's all my fault!" Shizuru said just before Kihomi's hand met her face with a resounding slap.
"I have no patience for those who apologize just to get out of confrontations. Ein has informed me that she wishes to dismiss you from service. Do you realize what that means? It's bad enough when an Onee-sama has to dismiss her room attendant. But the fact that it's because of something this childish, not to mention that it's the first pearl of the time and you are the two highest ranking corals. You two will spend the rest of your time here as black sheep. No other pearl will take you in and your own classmates will whisper things behind your backs. If you do make it to graduation it may even effect what master will take you." she paused walking over to face Haruka. "You do realize that it is by the good word of the current president that Representative Chrysant is even permitted to have an Otome? If you are even still allowed to serve you will be labeled as a troublemaker and that will not help your master in the least." Kihomi walked back over to Shizuru.
"As for you; you are fast heading to a caged life as the lady of the house that can never leave. If you are unable to secure a master then you will most likely be farmed out to your father unless there is some sort of an emergency." Kihomi said as she went back to her desk both girl's faces turning white one at the fear of disappointing the one person she cared most for and the other in fear of returning home to a life she desperately was trying to escape.
"Now, you two have work to do. My wall needs painting. Now off with the both of you before you offend my sight." She said waving her hand at them towards the door.
"Yes Principal Kruger." Both girls said bowing before the older woman and walking into the hall.
They stopped before a stack of supplies Haruka automatically bending down picking up the supplies needed to patch the hole in the wall while Shizuru just stood there. "Come on Viola give me a hand." Haruka said trying to pick the stuff up with one hand.
"I...I don't know what we are doing." Shizuru said looking between the paint and plaster. There were several brushes, putty knives and trowels on the floor she figured the brushes were for painting but she didn't have a clue about the others.
"The great Shizuru Viola finally finds something she can't do?" Haruka said looking up and laughing.
"It's not that I can't do it I just don't know how." Shizuru said. "When things around the house broke papa either replaced them or hired someone to fix them."
"Alright Viola get down here and I'll show you what to do." Haruka said reaching into the can of putty and putting a large lump of putty in Shizuru's hands. "Time to get your hands dirty, spread that on the wall over the hole then use the trowel the big flat one to smooth it out." Shizuru held the putty in her hands for a moment and then landed the blob right smack in the hole. "Oi! I said spread it, not try to plug the hole with it!" Haruka said pulling Shizuru aside and using a trowel to pry it out and then plopped it back in her hands.
"I'm sorry Haruka." former said and then began to massage the substance over the hole.
"That's better, now take the trowel and spell it over the finger marks." Haruka stated. Shizuru held back her correction and began pressing hard into it making an indentation. "Hey b-, you can't do it like that, you are pressing too hard." Haruka said taking some more out of the can and fixing it with her implement.
“I've never done this before you'll have to be a little more detailed in your instructions,” Shizuru snapped then paused looking at the rest of hallway that needed painted. At this rate they would be at it for weeks. “Forgive me Haruka, I just need you to be a little more patient with me.”
“Okay here you need to do it like this,” Haruka said putting her hand on top of Shizuru's hand gently spreading the putty over the hole in the wall. “Yeah just like that nice and gentle like you are putting icing on a cake.”
Shizuru continued smoothing it out while Haruka started mixing up the paint and pouring it into paint trays having to pause Shizuru a few times as she needed to use both hands to lift the paint buckets. Within fifteen minutes the hole was patched and Haruka had the paint ready for them to use. “I assume we will start at the far side of the room and give this a chance to settle?” Shizuru said.
“Yep grab the other side of the tray and we will start at the beginning of the hallway.” Haruka said grabbing one side of it as Shizuru grabbed the other each one picking a roller up with it.
“Principal Kruger is painting the hallway stark white? Won't that get dirty fast?” Shizuru said looking at wall that had a dark blue color on the bottom with a thin border of white then the top half of the wall was a lighter blue then down at the white paint.
“Huh? No this is just a base coat. The walls are pretty dark so to get any color to stay we will have to start from scratch.” Haruka said fishing a piece of paper from her pocket. “Elliot-Onee-sama left this with the paint this is how she wants us to paint it.”
Shizuru took the paper from it and looked at the drawing that had been done with colored pencils. The bottom of the wall was a dark green with a thin stripe of white then about a foot more of green before another white line then the middle of the wall was a light beige color. Over each of the pillars on the wall was a brown circle and lastly the top of the wall was painted like the bottom. “This is pretty.”
“I think they plan to paint all the halls like this.” Haruka said picking up a roller.
"I've never done this before." Shizuru said picking up the roller and looking at it as if she had never seen the like before.
"I figured as much. Just do like I do." Haruka said taking her roller and rolling it in the tray before applying a long wide line to the wall. "You have to do it firmly but not too firm or else the paint will leak and we will have problems." Haruka said. Shizuru did like she was shown but swung out too much and got paint on her arm.
"Be more careful! You get more paint on you then the wall." Haruka said. The first pearl frowned and then brought her roller back into the paint before doing the same thing again. "Baka! Watch what you are doing!" The second said turning and getting a streak of paint across her face. As Haruka's face got redder with anger Shizuru promptly offered her handkerchief. Haruka tried to wipe the paint off but only made the streak broader.
"I think that you are supposed to wipe the paint off not make it worse." Shizuru jabbed and Haruka surprisingly just stood there and took it.
"Its oil based, I should have known better." Haruka said as she flicked her fresh roll at Shizuru covering her chestnut hair with white paint. Shizuru stood feeling the paint drip down her hair thinking it would take forever to wash. She was about to yell at Haruka when a grin crossed her face. She dipped her roller back into the paint then rolled it straight across Haruka's face chuckling as she did. “Why you letter…” Haruka said realizing she said the wrong word when Shizuru started laughing even more. She reached down into the paint with three fingers then brought them back up wiping them across Shizuru's cheek laughing as she did.
“This is war Armitage.” Shizuru laughed picking up a small ball of putty and throwing it at the blonde splattering them both with putty.
“It's on Viola.” Haruka replied dipping her hand in the paint again. She was laughing hard and about to playfully slap Shizuru across the cheek when she heard a quite chuckle behind her. She cautiously looked over her shoulder seeing the Third Column standing at the end of the hall laughing. “Meister Alvarez,” Haruka said turning all the way pulling Shizuru with her. Both girls dropped their hands to the side and stood up straight neither one saying a word while Valerie stood there still laughing. It had been several months since either of them had seen the Archmeister and even then neither knew her very well.
"Well, it would seem you two are getting along. Clearly this is at Garderobe's expense." Valerie said looking at both corals and the paint splattered all over them. She continued. "It seems that some punishments never die." The Third Column said recalling memories of a time when two other corals were terrors and smiled on the inside.
"You mean you got this punishment too Valerie Onee-sama?" Shizuru asked knowing a little something extra about the Graceful Amethyst something of a shared heritage.
"Let me tell you two about another set of corals. The years have been many but I remember quite well. Both of always tried to best each other, back in the time it was a sign of strength.” Valerie said looking at the paint that had dripped on the floor luckily someone had lain plastic down to protect it from any spilled paint.
"You mean there were others like her!" Haruka said pointing at Shizuru.
"There have been many like the both of you. Now, let me finish the story." Valerie suggested though it sounded more like an order. Both remained silent.
"I said a 'sign of strength' because the war was on and the council pushed on Garderobe to produce Otome that would no doubt be sent to war. You two should be so lucky that those times are not upon us now. Anyway, I digress. The two corals, oh were they a pair. Evil itself would bow and run with tail between its legs." Valerie said as she smiled.
"Onee-sama ..." Shizuru began to inquire but was cast down but cobalt blue lasers through her eyes. Her relevance was instant.
"You girls just don't know how to take in a story these days. You know, this was before TV's were rediscovered! Again, back to the story one of them was a firebrand. She had blonde hair and piercing green eyes. The other was a seer she had hair like fire and eyes like ice, a rare trait amongst her people. Though the firebrand was true to the stereotype quick to jump on anything and the seer wasn't was wise as she thought she was. Nevertheless, the two were causing trouble anywhere they went. They were causing quite a conflict for their Onee-sama. She loved the both of them dearly and wanted them both to succeed." Valerie paused as she could see Haruka looking down and Shizuru near tears but held herself back.
"So, one day she took a piece of rope from the supply and cut it down to half a tether. Then she tied the firebrand and the seer together. At first the two hoodlums got angry at the notion and then began to fight again. But their Onee-sama grew furious. Neither had seen her that angry. She was so angry that she had slapped both of them hard enough to sprain her wrist." Valerie paused resisting the urge to touch her face the sting still there after so many years.
"But ... why did she hit them? I thought you don't harm the people you love." Shizuru said clearly shaken by the notion. Valerie knew that the young girl was sensitive and obviously had perturbed her Onee-sama. But then Ein Lu was no Monica Julen.
"She did so because the two would not listen to reason. She only wanted them to respect each other." Valerie said.
“Respect has to be earned.” Haruka said glaring at Shizuru.
“Some people don't deserve it.” Shizuru said staring right back at her.
Both flinched feeling someone slap them both on the back of the head. “You two have quite a bit of work I see.” Valerie said picking a towel up and tossing it to them. “Get cleaned up and come to my office.”
“But Onee-sama we have to finish here.” Haruka said looking at the wall that had white paint splattered on it.
“The wall can wait.” Valerie said walking into her office and sitting at the desk. She picked the phone up calling Kihomi letting her know she was borrowing her corals then opened a drawer on the desk. Inside there was an old photograph of two pearls standing with their arm around the other. One was girl with long red hair while the other had short blonde hair. She moved the picture aside pulling a short cord of rope from her pocket smile crossed her face. Valerie wondered if she still carried her half of the cord. For many years Valerie had carried her half in her pocket. There was a knock on the door and she put the rope back in her pocket before calling the two corals inside. “Have a set but only if you've gotten the paint off your backsides.”
Both girls tried to look at their own but sighed when they couldn't see. Finally Haruka looked over to Shizuru's back, “You are okay.” She said.
“You are too.” Shizuru said quickly checking Haruka before they both sat down.
“There was that so hard?” Valerie asked to which both girls looked at her then shook their heads. “Now where was I?”
"Oh yes, so she hit them to get them to listen to reason. Well, the firebrand was quick to hop in line as she had never seen her Onee-sama so upset. But the Seer, she was a particularly headstrong girl. Being hit was nothing to her as she had spent many a time over her mother knee for assorted offenses." Valerie said.
"I say the firebrand was smart. It's not a good thing to defy your onee-sama." Haruka said more or less calling the kettle black as it would be put in other terms.
"Aye, some would say she was a stick in the mud and no fun. But that is another story. So the Seer continued to poke fun at the Firebrand and incite her onee-sama. That was, until she was punished in a most unsavory manner." Valerie said as she heard Shizuru swallow hard.
"W-What happened to the Seer, Onee-sama." Shizuru whispered out.
Valerie smiled on the inside as she knew what Shizuru was feeling all to well.
"I don't think I should tell you. Those types of things have a nasty habit of coming to life after they are spoken. Never the less, the moral of the story is, don't upset your onee-sama. Or you may wake up one day to something rather unpleasant." Valerie said as she walked to her door. “But I suppose it already has.”
“Valerie-onee-sama what do you mean?” Shizuru asked looking down at the cuff around her wrist.
“Things have evolved from a simple cord of rope.” Valarie said quietly chuckling.
“So the Firebrain and the Seam were tied together?” Haruka asked looking over at Shizuru. “Like me and her?”
“Hai, that was their Onee-sama's last resort.” Valarie said reaching into her pocket touching the cord. “It took nearly two weeks for them to figure it out.”
“Figure out what Onee-sama?” Shizuru asked.
“That my dears you will have to figure out on your own.” Valarie said standing and gesturing to the door. “Now don't you have a wall to finish painting?”
Both walk out of the room puzzled to what the old column had meant. But they went back to painting and soon after to the showers. After going to sleep and waking up the next morning they were relieved from there restraints. They encountered their onee-sama shortly after.
"I'm sorry for behaving the way I did onee-sama." Shizuru stated being very sincere.
"I am sorry too." Haruka said and watched Ein Lu's face turn to a smile.
"It seems I won't have to let you two go after all. This is such a relief." Ein stated clearly pleased that it had worked. She really didn't want to let either of them go. But it was difficult to sleep in a bed alone again. Something she was not ready to face just yet.
The End….