Marmalade Boy Fan Fiction ❯ 99 Wishes ❯ Love Is What I'm Searching For ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2 Love Is What I Am Searching For
(the next day at school)
Mr.Bunya- class I would like to intrduce you to Miss Kaiya Ichiyusia.
Hoshi-(thinking) its..its that girl I meet at the park yesturday! *swaet drop*
Ayame- (whispers) Hoshi are you okay?
Hoshi- (nods)
Kaiya- hi class! (waves)
Mr.Bunya- Ichiyusia please sit by Takahashi.
Kaiya- okay (smiles) (she sits by him) (whispers) hey Takahashi what is your first name?
Hoshi- what is it to you?! (cold)
lound speaker- Mr. Bunya, would pleas come to the princples office Mr.Bunya. please come to the prinples office
Mr. Bunya- exsuce me class (walks out)
Shunchi- he's Hoshi, hott stuff
Ayame- (hits Shunchi on the head ) WHAT WAS THAT?! mad sign*
Shunchi- (a bump is there) *swaet drop* sorry babe....
Kaiya- oh so your the boy I meet yesturday----(bell rings) (hoshi runs away) *sweat drop* oh...
Ayame- don't worry Hoshi just doesnt like girls
Kaiya- but he likes you?
Ayame- thats because we are cousins (powders her nose)
Shunchi- come on Ayame baby, lets show Kaiya here where her locker is okay?
Ayame- sure come on we don't want to be later for class
Kaiya- yeah!
(at lunch)
Ayame- Hoshi! over here!
Hoshi- (plops his ttray down on the lunchtable)
Shunchi- how come you are adfoiding Kaiya?
Ayame- yeah how come?
Hoshi- I'm not adfoiding her..---
Kaiya- Hi guys! (Hoshi runs away) *sweat drop* (sigh)
Ayame- sorry Kaiya
Hoshi- (thinking) how come every time I see her I run away?! Is it because of what happened yesturdat with her hand!? (talking) DAMN! *mad sign* (punches the wall) (hand is bleeding) crap.... I better go to the nurse..
Kaiya- (thinking) I have to talk to him! (she was watching him)
(before P.E. class)
Hoshi- (thinking) I hope that girl doesn't come to me again.. huh? (the girl is there again) (talking) AHH! Kaiya what are you going here?!
Kaiya- don't run away.. I want to give this to you (hands him the drawing) here, this is yours?
Hoshi- yes, thank you. (grabs her live strong braclet) casn I have this? you can keep the darwing.
Kaiya- sure! thank you! (hugs the picture) you are a wonderful artist you know!
Hoshi- (laughs) I heard that from many girls... but I like to here it from you (smile) ...well I better get to gym class bye!
Kaiya- bye! (waves) (thinking) I finally found a boy to love
(girls P.E. class)
Kaiya- hey Ayame What is the story with Hoshi and girls?
Ayame- well, it's a long story..
Kaiya- great! I love long stories!
Ayame fine (sign) when Hoshi's mom was pregnant with Hoshi, she was over pregnant by 4 months but know one knew but her, then she finally gave birth to him, but it took 6 hours of labour and the delivery took 3 hours, after his birth she fell ill and delected the doctors orders and went home without any medical care, 5 years later she went to the hostpial finding out she is dying, she died with Hoshi in her arms, Hoshi said that it was his fault his mother died, and then his father married her twin sister, and his father marring her twin sister (my mom) broke Hoshi's heart and he hated her face! ao thats why.....
Kaiya- *sweat drop* oh... (thinking) that was long
Ayame- legically I am Hoshi's step-sister but we are really just cousins. my father died in a plane crash....
Kaiya- oh...*sweat drop*
Gym teacher- team 3 your turn! (whisle)
Kaiya- (thinking) ah! I am against Hoshi! *sweat drop*
Gym Teacher- Jump Ball! (whisle)
Hoshi- (jumps, hits the ball and it hits Kaiya's face) oh *sweat drop, sweat drop*
Ayame- Kaiya are you okay....
(at the nurses office)
Kaiya- uh? what happened..
Nurse- Oh! hello Takahashi. she's over here.
Kaiya- (thinking) what should I do! what would he DO! ahh! I'll just pretend to be asleep...
Hoshi- hey Kaiya..oh..Kaiya are you sleeping..(whispers) she's...she's like a perfect angel... (goes to kiss her) UH..*sweat drop*.. (kisses her forehead instend (wlak out of the room)
Kaiya- (thinking) WHAT IS GOING ON! *MAD SIGN*
nurse- her blood pessure is going higher!
Ayame- lets let her rest a little while longer...
(at Hoshi's house)
Miss Mai- Hoshi! I don't hear that villion! *mad sign*
Hoshi- sorry Miss Mai.... (thinking) why did I kiss her forehead?... (is drwaing) huh? (drew a picture of her) grr! why am I Like this!! *mad sign* (bangs his desk)
Mai- um...I'll come back later (worried) (is talking to herself)
Hoshi- I guess I'll sleep... (yawn) I'll set my alarm for 6 and study then
Someone- (runing) (thinking) this is Hoshi's house?...(in the back yard) perfect! a ladder (climbs it) is this his room? hoshi (looks in a few more) here he is! oh he is sleeping (goes into his room) wow for a guys room it's pretty fancey... (knocks something down) (CLANK!) oh?! *sweat drop, sweat drop*
Hoshi- (wakes up) uh? who is there? (sees someone with wings) ah! (the person dissapeared) huh? I must be dreaming..*sweat drop* (goes back to sleep)
someone- (thinking) I WAS IN HIS ROOM! I hope he didn't see me..