Marvel Avengers Fan Fiction ❯ A Captain America Bucky Barnes Winter Soldier Steve Rogers Avengers Fan Fic - The Constant ❯ Chapter 28 - Hydra -The Meeting ( Chapter 28 )
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hydra -The Meeting
The meeting is held offsite, away from the camp. There are five people in attendance: Armin Zola; the Austrian Doctor Johann Fennhoff; Director Lehmann; and Peter and Elise, Lehmann's assistants. They will assist him with the Winter Soldier's programming.
Johann is adamant that the Winter Soldier's personality being split is not a problem. “I have been studying your findings and I don't think you have anything to worry about.”
“So do you think we can address it when we begin the programming?” Lehmann asks, relief showing in his face.
Fennhoff shakes his head. “No, the programming needs to be done when the personalities are as one. Both sides of his personality are needed to produce the final result, an assassin who will obey orders and do anything you programme him to do.”
Lehmann holds his hands up, confused. “But you just said...”
“Johann is thinking of the mind wipe rather than the programming.” Zola says, watching both men.
Fennhoff nods in agreement and moves to sit more comfortably. “When you wipe his mind, providing the wipe is deep enough it should combine the personalities.”
Fennhoff takes up the explanation. “You will be taking away the memories of what hurt him so badly to split his mind. You will remove all the things he...pined for when you kept him prisoner. None of this will be there any more. All he will know is the basics, Hydra and then whatever you programme back into him.”
Fennhoff talks for a few more minutes, and finally Lehmann can see light at the end of the tunnel.
It is all beginning to make sense.
“We have not as yet been totally successful with the wipes, but I don't think we are to far from having the answer. The latest wipe we tried the man actually survived.” Lehmann doesn't like to add they had to put a bullet in his brain before he tore the place apart in his need to stop the noise in his head and the burning in his brain. “And then we can move forward and onto the programming. I understand from Armin that you believe you have found the answer to our predicament?”
So far, Fennhoff's programming has worked but just for a short time. They need a far longer duration for programming the Winter Soldier's mind. It will need to stay in place for days rather than just hours.
Fennhoff nods and reaches for his coffee. “It was an interesting problem, one I believe we have solved. When I use my...ability, it is all based on suggestion and focus. All I have done is extend this is to use more stronger methods. Later, if you have time, I can show you the instrumentation we will be using. The only problem is the amount of time the programming will take for each session, and some of it will be painful to the subject. It will cause physical problems, but...” here he looks at Zola. “...any damage done should be more or less repaired by the serum within 12 to 24 hours.”
“When you say longer, what time frame are you thinking of for programming?” Lehmann asks.
“Well. Hours, rather than days, but it will depend on the complexity of the job he is to be sent on. If it is simple or you are just waking him for training then...” here he shrugs “ it should take maybe three to five hours. If it is a mission then it will take longer dependant on how complex the mission is, what parameters you will be setting, maybe eight hours followed by another session the next day. You have to understand however long we do it for eventually the programming will begin to deteriorate and so you will need a failsafe in place.”
“I still don't really understand why the programming doesn't stay in force longer. It has on our...previous subjects,” Peter says. He is new to the project and has not fully understood the background of the patient.
“My serum,” Zola says and smiles. “Sometimes it works faster than we want it to. When the wipe and programming is done it causes damage. The serum is designed to repair, and this of course is what it does. However, it also views the removal of the Winter Soldiers memories as damage and works to repair some of it. It will not repair it all just the most recent memories, say in the last few years but given time it could restore more memory than we wish him to have....lucky for us though the damage to the brain takes longer for the serum to work on than say a broken arm or a bullet wound.”
“So...when he comes out of programming, that is why he needs to rest? Because of the damage?” Zola nods, but Peter has not finished yet. “Exactly what damage are you talking about to the brain?”
Johann answers that one.
“Nothing serious, nothing that will prevent him from carrying out what we want. He will feel disorientated, there will be minor bleeding - probably from the ears and nose - headaches maybe, even migraines.” He shrugs as if to indicate it is a minor worry.
“We have someone who will look after him until he is ready to be sent out. But, as Johann says, we do need a failsafe in place for when the control starts to fade. For all intents and purpose he will be a ticking clock once he is out of cryo and has been programmed.” Zola says.
“And the failsafe?” Peter asks, and at this Lehmann sighs.
“Still something we need to find.” It is a solution he has been trying to work out for a while now but with no luck. It is not as if they can ask the Winter Soldier to let them know when he begins to remember; they will put it into the programming scripts, but if he begins to remember too much he may not want to tell them and they cannot take that risk. That would make him very dangerous.
They group go quiet, and for the first time Elise speaks. “You already have something in place,” she says quietly. The men look at her. To her it is simple, but they have missed it completely. “The woman,” she says holding her hands up. They know about the woman, Freya, already. They still do not fully understand why her presence calms him when he first wakes from cryo and Lehmann is still concerned over using her. He doesn't like that loss of control they have.
“I fail to see...” Lehmann starts, but Zola shushes him and asks Elise to explain.
“The woman you say is needed to calm him, we do not really know why, but her being there grounds him. You said he has feelings for her even after you broke his mind. We have already said that when we do a mind wipe we will leave her impression there in his mind so he still knows her...although I do have doubts as to whether we would actually be able to make him forget her. The brain is too complex for us to” She stops to ensure that they are following her, and then continues. “However, in the programming I suggest we will alter that. Bury it. Make him think she is there just to look after him, provide him with anything he needs. You will need a trigger so that he almost hates her; maybe tell him she belongs to him, but that she is a woman of...loose morals shall we say. In the programming, have a level of thought that encourages jealousy and anger towards her. She will be there to look after him so they will always be thrown together, and he will at first treat her with disrespect, even hate. But then as the programming begins to falter he will begin to remember her. This will show in his treatment of her, the way he reacts to her, talks to her, that will be easy for us to pick up on. And of course we will be able to see this not just from his point of view, but from hers as well. I have seen them together and I know how much he means to her.”
Lehmann does not know how she has managed to pinpoint the solution so succinctly, because he is the only one in the facility who knows the Winter Soldier believes Freya belongs to him, is his possession. He knows now is not the time to tell them that he hopes to be able to replace her with someone else, someone who respects Hydra more than Freya does, someone who knows where their true loyalty should lie. She will at sometime become one of his missions...but he is letting his thoughts digress, and pulls himself back to the present.
“Only a woman could come up with that,” he says. The idea of telling the soldier that his only possession is a whore appeals to Lehmann. Revenge on the scare the Winter Soldier gave him, and recurring revenge on the woman who is a thorn in his side. It is perfect.
Zola is not so sure at first. But it is Johann that persuades him it is the right thing to do. Even now with the Winter Soldier becoming their asset he knows there is something buried deep in him for the nurse.
“She may not agree to it.” Zola says, but Elise is the one that answers.
“She will not know. You must not tell her. She will be as hurt by his treatment as he is by hearing she is a whore. Her whole demeanour will change when he begins to remember her, she will...shine like a beacon,” and Elise smiles and Lehmann realises for the first time that this woman is more intelligent than he first thought.
Not just intelligent, but ruthless as well.
More is discussed and decided upon. Three hours later, the plan is actually coming together. As soon as the last problems with the wipes have been ironed out, the Winter Soldier will be wiped and hopefully his personalities combined. The first wipe will always be the most complex because they will have more to destroy. Each time he goes into cryo, the wipe will be used to create a fresh slate. He will be allowed to remember Freya is his Constant because he needs that stability. When he is brought out he will waken to find his Constant there, soothing and calming him, preparing him for the next part of the procedure.
He will then be taken for programming, where all the different layers will be added to the blank slate until the knowledge of who and why he is there is built up. The knowledge of the Constant will be buried and a new idea planted, one that the woman looking after him is a whore, someone who is unimportant to Hydra, someone who he has no respect for. Lehmann is more than happy with this; he does not want the Winter Soldier to respect this woman, he does not want her to have any power over him in any way. When they are satisfied the programming has taken, he can then be trained and given more information. Once that is finished he can be sent on mission. Whilst on mission they will have another failsafe in place. Within the uniform they dress him will be monitors that will report back how he is functioning, there are still minor issues to iron out but those will be corrected by the time of his first mission.
The amount of time he is awake for will be determined on what is taking place.
When he returns they will conduct a mission report to see if there were any problems, any difficulty with him. He will be allowed to return to his Constant for one more day, in case the serum needs to repair any damage as it cannot work in cryo whilst the soldier is asleep. By this time they know his memories will be returning, the clock will be ticking. By the time he is wiped he will remember who his Constant is, and will be allowed to retain this information when he is wiped and returned to cryo.
All in all, they are satisfied with how the meeting has gone.
Soon they will have one of their greatest assets, the new fist of Hydra.
The Winter Soldier will be used for top-level targets only. He will be kept up to date on all the latest weapons, all the latest technology, languages, anything and everything he needs. He is already a top marksman and he will undergo training at the highest level. Although they do not want him to have too much detail of the outside world they know to complete some missions he will need information, and so a plan will be put in place of to keep him updated on things such as world politics. All from Hydra's point of view. He must always think he is doing the missions for the good of the world, to help Hydra bring order out of chaos.
A four man team of soldiers will be sent with him each time. They will travel with him, acting as a safety net, and provide help with exit points. The leader of the four man team will have certain handler rights and knowledge in case of emergencies out in the field.
Zola is extremely pleased. There is no need for an army or super-soldiers; instead, one person in the right place at the right time can change the world - and he intends to.
It is so close to becoming a reality he can almost touch it.
At the end of the meeting, Lehmann allows his assistants to walk ahead to the car until he knows they are out of earshot.
“Just to let you know, the other problem we talked about is being seen to.”
Zola frowns.
“The girl...the Constant.” Lehmann elaborates, and Zola realises what it is Lehmann is talking about. His cheeks colour, it is not something he really wants to talk about. Fennhoff looks at him.
“I'll explain later.” Zola says.
“It will be sorted the next time we put her out for cryo-freezing, and it shouldn't take long.” Lehmann almost enjoys Zola's discomfort with the subject.
They reach the car and Lehmann opens the door. “After you,” he says courteously, and Zola and Fennhoff climb in. Elise is in the front, and Peter is driving. Lehmann gets in and slams the door shut.
He is pleased with today's meeting.
Everything is coming along splendidly.