Maximum Ride Fan Fiction ❯ Fear Thyself ❯ Fear Thyself ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride, or the characters contained within. It belongs to James Patterson.
Summary: It's hard for Angel, knowing that she has the power to control other people. And as she grows older, as her powers grow - its growing harder and harder.
Fear Thyself
It's a horrible thing, being able to read people's minds.
I used to like it, a lot. What little kid wouldn't think it was awesome that she could always know what people were thinking, and control those very thoughts, the things that make up the soul, the beliefs, the identity of a person?
But then I grew up, as all children must.
I'm eighteen now, and I see how much my powers can be used for evil.
Before, I saw only black and white - anything that helped the flock was good, everything else was bad.
Now I see the gray: did the lady who bought me the stuffed bear really need that money? Could the police officer have gotten into trouble letting me go?
How many mutants, beings like myself, whose only crime was being born… How many did I kill when I pitted them against one another?
I fear my powers.
Does the flock understand? Does Max fear her ability to fly faster than the rest of the flock? Or Gazzy his powers of imitation?
Max fears her ability to lead us all, or, as she sees it, the lack thereof.
Gazzy fears that someday, he'll be alone.
Fang fears for Max. Every moment of every day, while we fight, while we eat, even while we sleep - Max, max, max…
Nudge fears that someday, Max will have to leave us. She fears that Fang won't be taking care of her - us. She's probably right. Who knows? Not even his thoughts reveal this - he does not believe he will outlive her. He hopes, begs, prays to every god he can think of that he won't.
But none of them fears themselves.
I do.
I have to.
What will it take until I use my power to kill, to control? I can. I feel the power at my fingers; know that I can use it at will.
But I can't.
So I force it within, and attempt to siphon it off with small, useless things. What does Max want for Christmas? What does Nudge want for dinner? Is Fang cheating at cards? What move is Gazzy planning to make next while we play chess?
But it's hard, and I feel my powers building as I grow.
And I wonder…
How much longer do I have?