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[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"We interrupt your fanfiction reading for this special KNNNN Profiles special via satallite."


KNNNN (Kero's Nonstop Nonsense News Network)
By PikaFlash And the News Team


Disclaimers: The Newscasters are not my characters.


Kero Beros []:
Position: Newscaster, Editor, Leading Commentator and Current Affairs.

Kero, the leader of Kero's Nonstop Nonsense News Network, came in with the company with a
joint project with Madison Taylor, the CEO of the Daidouji Corporation in 1982 (AD). KNNNN is
the spawn of the parent network KeroCorp, the provider for Kero's Kable Channel which have over
40 diffrent tv channels on over 50 Animes at the end of 1999 with viewers reaching over
a billion at the time.

The channels include:
KNNNN's Japanese Language Counterpart, NIKC (Nippon-Ichi Kero-Chan).
KNNNN's Chinese Language Counterpart, XKXW (Xiao Ke Xing Wen).
KNNNN for Kids, a kids channel with its main stars Sora and Sakura.
KNX, Action News where you get the news you want.
KNNNN Weather, for your latest weather.
KNNNN Weather for Dummies, self-explanatory.
KNNNN Weather for Smarties, same as the one for dummies, just more complicated words.
KPC (Kero's Pudding Channel), it has 24 shows per hour showing 365 ways of making, using and
eating pudding a day.

The languages include:
Plus the 40 Channels in Japanese, Chinese, English and other languages, we include Anime
Languages like blabbering, pig latin and Pokemon Languages.

Over 2000 Correspondents are worldwide around the world, including Antartica, the Digi-World,
and the DBZ Territory. And has finally there are close to 3000 newsdesks in every part of the
world, including the Digi-World and Antartica, although there is no news of any place
with two KNNNN newsdesks have ever fought over a bowl of pudding ever since the founding.

For Kero, these numbers mean nothing when there's real people who aren't so fortunate. Which
is why he has a current affair segment in KNNNN, that involves young underpaid Anime Characters
to overpaid Anime Distributor Executives.

Kero is currently staying with Sakura Avalon and Li Showron in Reedington.


Eriol Hiragizawa []:
Position: Newscaster, Commentator, Finance.

Before KNNNN, Eriol was a host of a short lived show called "Eriol's England Tours", which
only lasted one episode, but Madison Taylor chose him to be a newscaster for KNNNN after
reading writings of his tours.

Eriol is best known to be the peacekeeper in debates and the fence-sitter on controversal

Eriol is engaged to Tomoyo Daidouji and stays in Tomoeda.


Ash Ketchum []:
Position: Middle-level Correspondent and Investigative Journalist (Political Correspondent,
Kanto and Johto Correspondent and Commentator).

Ash plays a big role in and out of the KNNNN newscenter as the correspondent who has
wide sources on the inside and outside of people like President Goku and his wife, Fat Giovanni
and other political figures in the Anime World.

Ash is most famous for his conversation with President Goku at a personal press confrence
over three bowls of rice, ten chicken drumsticks, a bowl of soup and some soft drinks.

Ash is currently married to Misty Waters, an actress who is mostly seen in TV ads.


Erika Tenryou []:
Position: Experienced Correspondent and Investigative Journalist (Mainly in DBZ Territory
and MedaCorp HQ and Riverview streets).

Erika Tenryou is the most experienced correspondent of KNNNN who joined in 2000 when the
top executives at KeroCorp read the school newspaper she wrote for.

Her first job was to be a War Correspondent in the Shinra War, where it is the first of 200
conflicts. She got an Anime Award at the cost of her first cameraman boyfriend's life.

On a report on the wars in the Medabots fighting arena, she got another Anime Award, after
losing two more cameramen and a sound operator.

Between 2000 and 2002, Erika lost 8 Cameramen, a boom mike operator and a lighting director.
over the Japan Fashion Week in Riverview. Officer Jennys are investigating the cause of death.

At the moment, the only known cameraperson to survive is a girl name Kari.

Erika is married to Ikki Tenryou, a part-time actor and Japan's number 2 MedaFighter.


Tai Yagami []
Position: Worldwide Leading Investigative Journalist (Including Antartica and the Digi-World).

Tai is the only KNNNN Journalist who has traveled to all of the continents of the world,
including the Anime World, the Digi-World and Antartica. However, that is all we know about him
as any conversation we try to have with him happens to have some technical problem in the

As of what we know, Tai is still single.


Brock Blockhead []
Position: Director of Weathertainment, Resident Weatherman and Entertainment Reporter.

Brock is the first and only known Director of Weathertainment who's eyes are just lines. But
Brock is not only a weatherman who masters in meteorology, but he has a comedic character and
he tells his weather reports in the Weathercopter, a helicopter just for him.

Before his weatherman career, Brock was an enviromental reporter for Kero's Geographical
Channel's Kanto and Johto division until he was saved by a weatherman in a helicopter from
a landslide near the Tohjo Falls.

Brock also do reports related to entertainment that is unrelated to weather, where he covers
whatever plays, musicals, movies and tv series on TV channels around the world.

Currently, Brock is dating and he's desperate for a woman.

*And that concludes our coverage of KNNNN Profiles. We will restore you back to your normal
Fanfiction reading. Thank you for reading KNNNN.*