Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Medabots: Impossible ❯ The More Things Change.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Medabots: Impossible

Chapter One: The More Things Change....

By: Lord Archive

Medabots and most characters found here do not belong to me, but to NAS/Kodansha, TV Tokyo. Hiroshi, Megumi and medabot designs besides those found in the original series are mine, all mine! Muwhahahahah!

The dub of Medabots is not consistent in their treatment of characters.

Ikki has been referenced as being ten and in Riverview Junior High. By the fact he's not in a school uniform, which most Japanese junior and senior high schools enforce, and that in one episode, 'Ban All Medabots,' Ikki was wearing a helmet depicting his grade level and class number as '3 no 1' or first class of grade three. So that's the age reference I'll be using, that in season one he's a third grader (which technically puts him as being eight or nine years old).

Ikki's childhood friend's name has not been spelled the same on official products, so I'll be using the Japanese name for Arika rather than Erika/Erica.


A scruffy black-haired kid stared in horror as an explosion engulfed his medabot. This couldn't be happening. His gallant knight medabot, Lanceabot, was unbeatable, yet the robot collapsed to the ground and his medal, his soul, ejected from its back. He scrunched his eyes closed waiting to hear the heartbreaking sound of the medal clanking onto the ground. It never came.

A vile laugh from the boy's opponent cut through the air. "We'll claim your medal as the medapart."

The boy's eyes widened in fright. "You can't?! That's Lanceabot's soul!"

The man in the rubber suit laughed again. "You want it back? Then we'll make a trade. Either ten medaparts, your medabot's body, or fifty thousand yen. The choice is yours."

Tears leaked from the boy's eyes. He had only started robattling, mostly because the old ranking system of submission robattle had only just been reinstated after the last world championships almost two months ago. He had dreamed to be like his idol, Ikki, and raise through the ranks by street battling as Tenryo had four years ago. But he had only just started competing. He only fought one battle before so he didn't have ten medaparts, counting the ones on his medabot's body. And there was NO way he had that much yen.

Ever so reluctantly, he pressed a button on his medawatch, and relinquished ownership of the fallen body, unwilling to look at the medabot.

The evil man tossed the medal to the boy and took the defeated robot. He left with the final words, "Beware the Neo Rubber Robos!"

The boy trembled as he held Lanceabot's medal in his fist, glaring at the stupid-looking man in a rubber suit with two antennae stuck on his head. "They won't get away with this! I'll get you a better body, Lanceabot! And we'll beat these creeps just as Ikki Tenryo did!"


Arika Amazake checked her dark brown hair in the mirror and then fussed over her white blouse's large red bow and smoothed out her deep blue short skirt. A long time ago she had been rather eager to be a 'big girl' and wear the Riverview junior high sailor fuku school uniform. It was part of the reason why she had chosen the color scheme of her Sailor-Multi medabot, Brass, to match it.

Now Arika wished the skirt was a bit longer and the bow nonexistent. Her active nature made both rather big nuisances to her. The bow for getting caught in something or destroyed, and the short skirt for failing to hide her panties. She doubted there was a single person at her junior high her skirt hadn't flashed. She quickly learned she couldn't wear 'cute' panties during her second day of classes when she tumbled out of the way of a robattle and her skirt revealed her tiny tidy-whities with Metabee's image printed on it. She had considered those her lucky panties when she rooted on Ikki through the Championships. The ridicule she got for wearing them was beyond mortifying. Subsequent flashing drew some rather unwanted attention and was why all her underpants were now larger and the same exact color as the skirt in order to give drooling boys less to gawk at.

Checking her unusually pale appearance in the mirror, Arika frowned at herself. She couldn't afford to be sick today. There was too much to do. The school newspaper needed to be finished today and if she didn't show up to complete it, the supposed 'editor' would have to get off his lazy ass and do it. Which would be a problem considering she had replaced his name as the school newspaper's editor a few weeks ago. He was only the 'editor' because he was a ninth grader while she was the 'newbie' seventh grader, and no one who worked on the school newspaper, nor the student body for that matter, bothered to inform the lazy jerk he'd been replaced. And it wasn't her fault he never read the newspaper that he was the so-called editor of.

Arika shook her head. She had to keep herself focused. A little disagreement between breakfast and her stomach wasn't going to keep her down. And she could always catch a nap in math class to pick up some more energy. After all, Ikki slept through that class all the time.

Exiting the bathroom, Arika found her mother standing at the door, whose hand was immediately at her forehead.

"Arika, are you feeling okay?" Mrs. Amazake questioned.

"I'm fine, Mom." She fidgeted. "Sorry, but... breakfast just didn't agree with me today...."

"You don't have a fever," Mrs. Amazake noted. "But you should stay home if you're not feeling well."

"Mom, I said I'm fine!" Arika retorted. "I only threw up. It's not that big of a deal."

"But Arika...." Mrs. Amazake shook her head wondering with a bit of pride how she got a daughter that put an education over her own health.

Arika went into the kitchen and grabbed a plain doughnut and pulled a lemon-lime soda from the refrigerator. "I'll have these to settle my stomach. I'll be fine."

Mrs. Amazake sighed as her daughter put her shoes on and prepared to leave.

"I'll keep an eye on her," Brass promised, looking very much like a deep blue-haired, pinked-eyed younger version of her partner.

Mrs. Amazake nodded at her daughter's medabot. The robot was her little girl's guardian angel. Always there to help and support her. It may have been an expensive present to give Arika, but the peace of mind the medabot gave her alone was worth every yen.


Ikki stretched as he yawned, and then scratched his somewhat groomed, pony-tailed, black hair as he trudged his way towards school, wearing the school uniform of deep blue slacks and white dress shirt. "Why do they have school so early in the morning?"

"Maybe because if you're too tired to be goofing off, they might be able to cram something into your head," Metabee answered the rhetorical question. The orange and white humanoid robot snickered at the scowl he received from his partner.

"I should be robattling now if I want to stay at the top of the world rankings, not going to school. After all, the prize money for being the World Champion Medafighter will let me live it easy for quite some time," Ikki boasted.

"Hey, half that money is MINE, you know!" Metabee protested. "And a few million yen isn't all that much. We could spend that in a minute."

"I'm NOT getting you those medaparts. We've got enough of them as it is," Ikki retorted.

"How about we relieve you of your excess parts?!"

Ikki and Metabee stared, dumbfounded, at the sight before them. It had been years since they last saw them, at the end of the first World Robattle Championships they attended years ago. "The Rubber Robos?!"

"That's Neo Rubber Robos, to you," announced the woman at point.

"Ms. Caviar?!" Ikki and Metabee chorused.

The woman smiled. "I'm no longer Ms. Caviar. I'm now... Mrs. Slugbottoms!"

The boy and medabot exchanged bewildered looks, and once again said the same thing at the same time, "You actually married that loser?!"

"Hey!" cried out Seymour Slugbottoms, but then he muttered, "It'snotlikeshegavemeachoice."

"What was that?" asked Mrs. Slugbottoms scowled darkly.

"Nothing, dear!" Seymour chirped. He could swear he just saw her holding a bullwhip.

"Can we get to the point at hand?" demanded the third Neo Rubber Robo, Shrimplips.

"And that is?" Ikki demanded.

"Submission robattle!" Shrimplips announced. "WINNER decides which medapart he wants from the loser."

"Three on one, I take it?" Metabee commented.

"Of course. Have to give the 'World Champion' a challenge, after all," Seymour returned.

"How about we even up the odds a little more?" Arika called out, rushing to Ikki.

Tenryo smirked. "Glad you could make it."

"Let's show these outdated losers the power of beetle medals!" Metabee said to the Sailor-Multi.

Brass's body tightened up as she prepared for battle. She wanted to warn Ikki and Metabee that Arika was ill, but there was no time to do so at the moment without her partner knowing.

The water in the river began to turn violently and then a figure burst from it.

"Then it's agreed! This will be a submission robattle! The Neo Rubber Robos versus Ikki Tenryo and Arika Amazake!" Mr. Referee announced, looking rather odd being an elderly man with gray hair and mustache wearing white and black scuba wet suit and red bow tie. He then began to cry. "It's great to have my old job back."

Shrimplips palmed his head. "Why does he ALWAYS have to show up?"

"To annoy us, I guess," Seymour replied.

"Kind of like old times," Arika commented.

"Yeah. But does he have to act like such a goofball?" Ikki returned.

"You're one to talk," Arika shot back playfully.

"At least he'll make sure it's a fair battle," Metabee noted.

Brass nodded.

Mr. Referee sweat-dropped.

The three Neo Rubber Robos grinned. "Transport medabots!"

Ikki and crew looked on in dismay. Those were not normal medabots by any stretch of the imagination.

"Behold the Mrs. Slugbottoms specials!" announced the married woman. "Mephistron, a demon medabot with the deadly Hellfire attack."

Mephistron unleashed a deep howl, spreading the four-meter wingspan on his two-meter tall form. Light glinted off the dark medabot's viciously sharp-looking fangs and claws.

"Bladerunner will slice you up!" added Mr. Slugbottoms.

The two-meter, steel gray medabot looked to ONLY be made out of blades, as every point on it glinted with a razor's edge.

Shrimplips smirked. "Last and certainly not least, Tonrocks."

The earthen colored medabot was three meters tall and almost as wide and looked more like a wall than a robot.

Ikki looked down at his meter tall medabot. Power was obviously not on their side.

Arika sweat-dropped. "You can never pick an easy fight, can you?"

Metabee chuckled coldly. "We beat these chumps before, we can beat them again."

"Medafighters ready?" Seeing them nod, Mr. Referee brought down his hand. "Roooooooobattle!"

"Metabee, target Bladerunner's legs and take him out first!" Ikki commanded.

"Brass, you take Tonrocks. Keep your distance from him!" Arika ordered.

Bladerunner moved incredibly fast, but Metabee had been dealing with fast medabots for years. With his experience, it wasn't hard to predict the blade bot's movement and blow off his kneecaps with his wrist cannons.

"DAMN IT!" Mr. Slugbottoms cursed as his watched beeped with, 'Both legs damaged: 100%.'

"Dear," Mrs. Slugbottoms said coldly, which made her husband look at her sheepishly.

Brass wasn't nearly as experienced in robattles, and wasn't entirely sure where a weak spot on the walking wall would be.

After focusing on Bladerunner, Metabee had to rush his dodge against a claw swipe from Mephistron.

Ikki looked at the large demonic robot. It obviously could fly, but its large wings would put the aerial maneuverability at a disadvantage, which an alteration to Metabee's armor last year could give the beetle the edge. "Metabee, Jet Action Mode!"

"Let's fly the friendly Metabee skies!" chirped Metabee. He did a back flip into the air. His legs turned an unnatural ninety degrees and the back of them joined together and his feet stretched out to form a nose cone. The robot's arms became flush with his sides and medal plates moved over his hands to give better aerodynamic flow, but left the wrist cannon unobstructed and capable of firing. The head bowed down until his chin connected to chest with the armor adjusting for the movement no normal tin-pet skeleton would allow. Wings sprouted from Metabee's back and the thrusters attached to them launched the robot into the sky.

Mephistron leapt into the air after him.

Arika looked up at the aerial battle as it commenced. The demonic robot was now spewing fire while Metabee was forced to keep dodging. She really wished she had her camera, but somehow had forgotten it at home. She then looked at Brass as she continued to fire at anything that looked like a joint on Tonrocks. She tried to think of something to do, but she couldn't keep her thoughts straight.

"Arika?" Brass questioned, noticing her partner looking pale and swaying.

"Tonrocks, now," Shrimplips said calmly.

Panels opened up on Tonrocks's massive form, revealing rows of missiles. All of them fired.

Arika's eyes widened. "BRASS!"

A series of explosion rocked the area. When the smoke subsided, Brass laid on the ground, her body sparking from frayed and exposed electric wires. Her medal was embedded into the ground.

Tonrocks strode forward and moved to collect the medal.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT!" Metabee screamed. He landed and transformed back into his humanoid robot form as a rainbow of lights engulfed his body. "Eat this! MEDAFORCE!" He flung his arms towards giant wall of a medabot sending forth the energy around him in one gigantic blast.

Tonrocks flew from the enormous energy attack and landed a few meters away. He then struggled back to his feet.

"No way! How can he get back up?!" Ikki cried in shock.

"Don't forget me," Mephistron hissed.

Before Ikki could utter a word, or Metabee to do more than look up, Mephistron's claw ripped through the medabot's neck. Immediately the medal ejected and the demon caught it before it hit the ground.

"METABEE!" Ikki screamed.

"Functioned ceased. The winners are the Neo Rubber Robos!" Mr. Referee announced loudly. He then pouted and muttered, "I hate when the bad guys win." He then cowered slightly at the glares from the winners.

Arika looked up, having secured Brass's medal and teleported the broken body home.

"This is the medapart we claim for our victory!" Mrs. Slugbottoms announced, pointing at Metabee's medal in Mephistron's claw.

"You can't mean that?!" Ikki cried out in shock.

"Oh, but we do," Mr. Slugbottoms returned.

"And seeing as how we beat you two and Metabee's medal IS a rare one, we'll ask a bit more to trade it back to you," Shrimplips added evilly.

"THAT body of Metabee's, fifty medaparts or five million yen. What will it be?" Mrs. Slugbottoms asked, hoping for the first option as there were lots of things she could learn from his transformation circuits.

"Why are you doing this?" Arika demanded.

Shrimplips shrugged. "We ran out of the money we embezzled from the World Championships we officiated."

Ikki sweat-dropped. "How do you run out of BILLIONS of yen?"

"Dr. Meta-Evil didn't leave THAT much money. These guys weren't cheap to make either, you know," Seymour replied as he pointed the giant medabots. "Not to mention other... unexpected expenses."

Shrimplips tapped his foot. "We don't have all day. What will it be?"

Ikki growled. "Fine, fifty medaparts." He then muttered, "Mom did suggest getting rid of them." He then cycled through his inventory of parts and transported them to the Robos.

"Look at this haul!" Seymour's eyes sparkled at the growing stack of medaparts.

Mrs. Slugbottoms scowled slightly. There were a few good parts in this mess, but most of them had been damaged. Ikki never did believe in using medaparts he won in battle and the collection of parts proved it. She'd have to spend time repairing them before she could sell them for any decent price. When fifty parts were piled before her, she nodded at her medabot, who threw Metabee's medal to Ikki. She then used a secondary watch she had to transport the medaparts away.

"Nice doing business with ya. Be seeing you!" Shrimplips laughed as he left with the married Robos.

Ikki muttered some obscenities as he placed Metabee's medal in his medawatch and transported Metabee's body home. He then stomped over to Arika, who was still on her hands and knees where Brass had fallen. Tenryo shouted, "WHAT happened with you? I thought you were going to be of some HELP!"

Arika looked up at Ikki... then threw up onto his shoes.

Ikki jumped back. "EWWWWW!"

Arika coughed a couple times. "I'm so sorry, Ikki. I... I'm not feeling very well."

"Why didn't you stay home?!" Ikki demanded.

"Have to finish the newspaper," Arika replied. "Can't let Hitachi get the credit for other people's work."

"Of all the stupid.... You shouldn't...." Ikki screamed, "GAH! No matter what I say, you're going to school, aren't you?!"

Arika shakily got to her feet. "I have to."

"Fine, fine. Just stay there for a second." Ikki tossed his hands in the air, knowing how stubborn the girl could be. He rushed over to the nearby river, slipped his shoes off and let the river water wash them clean. He put the shoes back on and squished as he walked back to the girl and put his arm around her. "I'll help you to school."

Arika sighed as she leaned against him. "Thank you, Ikki."


"Are you sure you're going to be all right?" Ikki questioned.

Arika nodded as she sat down at the school's newspaper office. "I'll stay here and work on the paper. Just tell the teachers I have a major scoop to work on."

Ikki gave a short laugh. "The return of the Robos certainly counts for that. But do take it easy, okay?"

Arika nodded and began typing on the computer.

Ikki watched her for a moment before retreating to his classroom. He couldn't afford to be late... again.


Author's Notes:

Who is the boy who lost Lanceabot to the Neo Rubber Robos?
What are the Neo Rubber Robos up to?
Can Ikki ever defeat the Mrs. Slugbottoms Specials?
Can Arika keep from throwing up on the computer?
Find out next time in Medabots: Impossible

To those following my Digimon stories, there is a reason I started writing this: It's NOT Digimon. I do not wish to burn myself out on Digimon like I had with Ranma 1/2. I'll be using this story to as an outlet, much as I had with the now complete Slayers Reward.