Medabots Fan Fiction ❯ Missing...But Am I Missed ? ❯ Beginning of the End ( Chapter 2 )
This chapter might be shorter than the other ones because I'm still looking for a name for my evil villain...It can NOT be a funny name...I want this story to be serious...Please give me ideas...
And tell me if you want this story to end happy or sad...I was going to end it happy but...I've been thinking that it might be better if I end it sad. KNOW THIS !!! If I end it happy there may not be a sequel to this...but if I end it sad...there is more likely of a chance for one. CHANCE !!! Or should I make and alternate ending...Say the first will be sad and the alt. will be happy...or vise versa ??? PLEASE tell me....PLEASE !!!
This is chapter 3 out of about 6. There may be 5 or 7 chapters but none more than 7 (I guess) It depends on how much action and detail I want in this story...
I will also be making another story related to this one...No not a sequel....I'm not sure what to call it though....It will tell what happened those 10 years between chapter one and two...Both with Erika and the rest of the gang...
And people...YOU are supposed to know who Alex is...The characters in the story aren't but YOU are
By: Ryoko Lover 4-ever
I don't own Medabots...Simple, no ?
It was 10:05am...and Ikki was late. He met this 'GREAT' girl last night (or so he says), they talked about 100 different things last night...yet they barely talk about her, Alex. So Ikki didn't know what food she liked, what her fav. flowers were...and other things. He also had a debate with Medabee about what he should wear...which is very awkward for men. They finally decided that he was going to wear...just shorts and a short-sleeve shirt. Ikki said he should wear some thing nice...and Medabee said he should wear something comfortable...saying 'You guys should have fun...And you CAN'T have fun in a tux !!!" Medabee was giving out advice on everything Ikki should and shouldn't do. Apparently he was worried about his medafighter. Medabee's never seen Ikki this happy in 12 years...the last time he saw him THIS happy was when he found out he was the number 3 medafighter in Japan...when he was 10 !!!
Ikki was running as fast as he could to get to the park...He didn't want her to leave. He was remembering the last thing Medabee said to him...
"Be nice...and talk about HER as much as possible !!!"
'Geez...He sounded like my mom...Very unlike him...Maybe he blew a circuit or something...' he was thinking. He finally got to the park...after 5 minutes of running...Which must have been a record...since it usually took 10 minutes to get there by running.
He started walking around looking for Alex while trying to catch his breath. He almost had it back when he saw her sitting on a bench, watching some kids play. He thought she looked beautiful...with her short brown hair, nice clothes, and beautiful eyes...and lost his breath again...She turned her head straight at him and smiled. He knew he wasn't breathing at that moment but he didn't care. He casually walked over to her and sat next to her.
"Hi, Sorry I'm late...I had some problems this morning."
"Oh ? What kind of problems ?" she asked...he swore he heard that voice before but thought nothing more of it.
"Um...getting up problems, food problems, clothes problems, medabot problems." he heard her giggle.
"That sounds like a lot more than just some. Can you give me the details ?"
"Well..." Ikki started to think, "My alarm clock's battery stopped sometime during the night. So I woke up at 9:00 instead of 8:00. I may be rich but I never go shopping so I had no food to eat this morning. I didn't know what to wear...which is very strange for me. And my medabot wouldn't shut-up and he kept begging if he could come...I told him no but he might following me anyway. But if he remembers...He has a date with Brass at 1:00pm."
Alex flinched at the last part...but Ikki didn't seem to notice.
"Brass ?" she said quietly
"Huh ? Yeah...Do you remember the female medabot at the party yesterday that was with Karen ??? The one that looked like a sailor ??? Well that's Brass...She and Medabee have been going out for quite awhile. About 2 years after her medafighter disappeared..."
They were quiet for a while...apparently nether one of them wanted to talk about it...
Trying to get a conversation up again Ikki asked " you have a medabot ???"
Alex was a little surprised for a moment, since she had been thinking, then answered "No...I'm always thinking if I should get one or not...I'm just not sure. There are just so many models out there." she lied...well sort of...
"Hey ! Maybe we can go to the Medabot Corp....then you could choose a medabot you wanted ?" he quickly said.
"Um thanks. But how about another time...I wanted to see the city today." she pouted a little...Ikki thought she looked cute when she did that.
"Ok sure" he smiled
He showed her around the city and they talked, and talked, and talked some more.
At 2:00pm they finally got lunch. A very late one.
While they were waiting for their food Ikki asked Alex a question.
"So Alex...Were are you from ? You said you grew up here but you haven't told haven't told me where you have been for the past 10 years."
"I moved to America with my family. I just graduated collage a few months ago. And I wanted to come back to the place I grew up...So here I am." most of it was true but the part about her family wasn't...and she left out one thing too.
Then their lunch came and they ate it while talking some more. After Ikki paid the bill, after a fight with Alex saying she should pay half of it, they left to explore the city some more.
At about 5:00pm they stopped at the '24 Hop Mart'. Luckily it was Henry's shift.
When they walked in, Henry said 'hello' and Ikki started looking at medabot parts (even though he knew most of them already) Henry gave a look at Alex saying 'Are you sure you should be doing this ?'. Alex just winked at him saying 'I know what I'm doing'. He gave her another look that said 'Yeah whatever'.
"Hey Ikki, Why are you looking at the parts ??? You work for the Medabot Corp. Surely you know the parts already." Henry asked.
"I do but I want to know what parts get sold in stores." he replied
After talking with Henry a little while longer the two left for home.
They were right in front of Alex's house...(They didn't use a car all day)
"Thanks for showing me around today Ikki. I had a great time. I'll see you later."
"Maybe we can do something tomorrow ???" Ikki asked hopefully
"Sorry but I have work tomorrow...I have to get an early start on the week. But we could do dinner tomorrow night if you wanted to."
"You bet..." he said as he got closer and closer to her face. She also got closer.
*****SAPPY PART !!!******
When they were close enough...they kissed. Not just a 2 second kiss...A 2 minute kiss without the tongue war part. A very passionate one at that.
Little did they know...Some one was watching them...Through a camera...
"Hehehehe...So Ikki loves her ! I just found my second bait. HAHAHAHAHAH !!! Mark my words...I will get you Ikki Tenryou for what you did to me. I'll get you through the 2 people you care the most about..." said the mysterious man...where ever he was.
~So how was it ? Longer than what I thought it was going to be....Please review and tell me if I should make it a sad or happy ending. I'll TRY to update sooner than I did before but we'll see~
Oh Yeah...I wrote this cause I had lots of time with no school today !!!