MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction / Transformers Fan Fiction ❯ Brightened Light ❯ It Continues ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
And here is chapter number two for Brightened Light. If you hadn't noticed by now, fic names have absolutely nothing to do with the actual story. As i said in the last chapter, this story will be rated M, for the usage of swear words, sexual situations and implications, mentioning of rape, yaoi, and incest; if you don't like any of those, then you really shouldn't read my story.
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or any MegaMan related stuff. I do own SilentThunder, Sprocket, Streaker, Revit, Zaicin, Emeret, CodeCrusher, Turret, Kainu, Kioshi, Ramzel, Marzel, Trance, and StarStreaker. Also, i'm using the G1 Sideswipe for his looks, but his Armada personality.
Key: "Talking", 'Thinking', (Author Comments), )(Scene Change)(, "Bonded Talk", ("Com. Link."), and ("Private Com Link.").
)( Autobot Base, Workshop of Doom )(
"So, handsome, what's a nice looking 'bot like you, doing in in such a well finished place like this?" Turret joked to SideSwipe, who just merely smiled in response. "Well, doc, it seems that one, i have blobs of pink paint on my armor, and two, you're technically our stuff like this.." Turret grinned, waving to SmokeScreen as he walked in.
"You forgot medic, entertainer, prankster, one of those mental people called something like a therapist..or shrink, if you will, and, not to mention, a wonderful bartender." SmokeScreen stated as he grabbed a seat, watching the paint mistress at work. "Heh, yeah, well, i tend to multitask pretty well. I can do pretty much all of those at once. There ya go handsome, good as new. Plus, i gave you a special protective coating." Turret said, as she pulled back from SideSwipe's armor, which shined so much, it could have been a mirror.
SideSwipe stood up, examining himself and smirked. "Quite a job, thanks, how many creds?" He asked, ready to dig into a sub pocket to pay her. "None." Turret said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to look at her a moment. "None?" SideSwipe asked, looking at his armor again. "Nope, don't want any credits from you SideSwipe, i want a kiss." She said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to snicker.
SideSwipe looked like he wanted to run off somewhere, probably not really used to someone paying any attention to him, well, in that way. Usually it was Decepticons that shot at him, RedAlert lecturing him while he was fixed, and Prime and Jetfire for something he and HotShot might've done wrong.
Turret kicked SmokeScreen who was still snickering, and looked sweetly over at the somewhat taller red bot. "Aww, come on Siders, it's only a little kiss." She said, grinning as the taller bot shifted on his feet a moment, probably trying to decide weither or not he was going to do it or not. "Can i, uhh, give you one of those I.O.U. things?" He whispered to where only Turret could hear. "Yeah sure. No prob. Siders. Catch ya later!" She yelled out as he walked out of Turret's 'workshop'.
Turret had a somewhat nice set up, it was a spare med bay, that she had turned into a paint and body shop, where she also had an office in the back. It also proved useful when the med bay was too full, and needed to put people somewhere. "Hey SmokeScreen man, i'll only be a few minutes, you can go ahead and wait in my office, listen to anything you want." She said and flickered an optic, a transformer wink.
SmokeScreen stood up, mock saluting Turret as she laughed, making her way over to clean some things up, tossing her cleaning rags into a washing machine type thing. Turret walked into her office and sat down in her chair a moment, sighing. She stood up, going to a 'file' cabnit and pulling out something, that appeared to be some type of dark blue energon. "I did promise you this, didn't i?"
Turret nearly jumped when Jetfire, who had walked in the door at that moment. Turret whirled around, eyeing Jetfire before looking to SmokeScreen. "You know, i never knew he'd be so sneaky." She said with a slight frown, SmokeScreen looking like he was trying not to laugh.
Jetfire scowled a moment, turning a look at the two. "I'm here, because i wanted to know what you offered SmokeScreen earlier for his help." He said, eyeing the two. "I only gave SmokeScreen some energon, which was the deal if he had helped me earlier." Turret said as she wandered over to her stash and pulled out a regular looking cube of energon that had a slight blue tint to it.
Turret handed it to Jetfire, who looked it over and nodded. "Very well then. I must congratulate you, and SmokeScreen, on your actions earlier, just don't tell Red i said that." He said with a small smile tugging on his face. Turret blinked, as SmokeScreen smiled. "Well, you can keep that if you want, i have to go, i need to go get some payment from a cusomer." Turret said with a grin, nearly dancing out of her office before poking her head back in. "Just lock up for me when you leave will ya?" She asked before she ran back outside, in search for that kiss SideSwipe owed her.
)( Decepticon Base )(
SilentThunder nearly twitched, just to have something to do. 'Primus, it's boring here. It makes me wonder why Megatron even wanted me here in the first place.' Thunder thought to herself, before looking around the jungle around her. She made her way through it and to her favorite brooding spot, which also happened to be her twin's as well. Sil smiled somewhat behind her mask at her twin, who was practicing with his starsaber minicons and Swindle.
"Hey Screamer, in a few cycles, will you meet me up in the cave?" She asked, her head tilting to the side as she looked at him, a bit of her slight nervousness seeping through the twinly bond the two shared since 'birth'. "Yeah, allright." He mumbled as she made her way to the cave, taking her fave spot and sitting down, looking up as Starscream took his usual seat by his younger twin a few minutes later.
She leaned her head over just slightly to rest against her brother's, who grumbled a moment and snuck his arm around her shoulder; glad to see her again after all these years they had went their differant ways. SilentThunder sighed and sat straight, looking at her brother. "I know this is going to sound..odd, but just, answer me truthfully, will you?" She said, as her brother eyed his sister. "What would you say, if i...wanted to..get a life mate?" She asked, barely a whisper, causing Starscream's optics to widen in surprise.
Starscream stayed silent a moment, observing his sibling, and feeling his sister's guilt about betraying her twin in getting a bonded. Starscream knew she had nothing to be guilty about, she should do what she wanted, she wasn't betraying him, she would still have a part of him in her mind, as he would her. "If..if it makes you happy." Starscream grumbled out, turning to look at his minicons. "None of this get out, you hear?" He growled out to them, which made them start beeping and such, perhaps in acceptance.
"Well, that's one hard part done, now for the other." Sil sighed to herself, looking to her brother. "I...i want Wheeljack as my bonded...I've..cared for him for a while now...I know you probably don't think much of him and all, but, he feels the same for me." Sil said, turning her violet optics to her brother, who seemed to be thinking over the idea of Wheeljack being related to him. "As i said, whatever makes you happy." Starscream said.
"Well then, i guess everything's settled." Sil said, standing up and stretching her joints a moment. "Oh, you remember our fathers, right?" Sil said, pulling out a datapad from a sub pocket that showed a picture of two male transformers, one cybertronian jet, Sprocket, and a cybertronian hovercar, CodeCrusher. "I was doing a bit of research on them, and all, cause we don't really remember much of either of them. And, supposively, our father, Sprocket, had a brother, and he's somewhere on this planet."
The other jet looked at her a moment, eyeing the datapad that showed their parents. "So, we still have some family left? Primus, don't let it be Megatron, or even that crazy shooter, Cyclonus? Or even the odd Tatician, Thrust?" Starscream said, which Thunder agreed with. "For all we know, it could be an Autobot." Starscream said, his optics darking just slightly, being bored. "I think so. His name's what, RedAlert, or something or another...I met him once, briefly, back on cybertron. I doubt he knows we're related, i didn't."
)( Somewhere In One Of The Many Megaman Parallel Worlds )(
A small slender form darted through the darkness of an abandoned and condemed city block, jumping and dashing from shadow to shadow with such speed that it was just a slight blur to even the trained eye. The figure stopped, at an old building, and entered, making it's way deep within the darkness it held untill it came to a room that had it's ceiling torn off, leaving silvery moonlight to filter down from behind the dark clouds that threatened rain.
Standing in the middle of the room, basking in the light of the moon, was a tall reploid who wore a pure white with silver armoring, a beam sword, off at the moment, was attached to the figure's side in a sheath, an odd looking sheild sitting at the reploid's feet. A helmited head turned towards the shadow, nothing of the face being seen from behind the sleek silver faceplate the person wore, a white visor barely hiding glowing sapphire blue eyes.
"Took you long enough." The figure said, the voice being that of a male, which was confirmed when he pulled off his helmit, short blue spiky like hair with bangs that reached his shoulders at longest slid free from their prison to frame the handsome face of the Knight type reploid. "I had to make sure i wasn't being followed." A feminine like voice sounded from the dark, the shadow appearing into the light of the moon, a Ninja type reploid being seen.
The smaller reploid looked around a moment from behind her black visor that extended from her equally dark helmit. She had a dark gray, almost black, jumpsuit, with slender lightweight black armor covering the parts of her body like the usual reploid's would. Strips of silver slid along her form as she stood under the light of the moon, which made her long hair seem to be a glowing pink color, but it was actually, a pale red.
The female, Kainu (kai-nyu), went over to the male, Kioshi (Key-oh-she), and pulled her helmit off, sub-spacing it as her silvery gray eyes looked up into the sapphire of her friend's. He reached out, pulling her close; her form gently resting against his, the two enjoying the silent company the other offered. It only took a small touch from the other, that only worked with the two, as a silvery, for Kainu, and a inky, for Kioshi, looking symbol appeared on the chest plates of their armor, which, coincidentally, or fate? or maybe even luck, that it somewhat resembled that of a Minicon's symbol.
"That never ceases to entertain me." Kioshi said as he watched the symbols glowed in union. "I know what you mean. It was fine, untill those scientists found out about it, and now they wanna poke and prod at us. I mean, it's not that a big a deal, is it Kioshi?" Kainu asked her counterpart as they turned their gaze to a full moon that shined down upon them. "I wish they would focus more on looking for a cure for the Mavericks." He said as he subspaced his own helmit for the moment, sliding his arms around the shorter female that leaned against him.
Kioshi reached down, turning Kainu in his arms and looking down at her; one of his hands slid through her long pale hair a moment before he held the back of her head gently, leaning down as his mouth softly covered her own. Kainu's hands moved up to rest against Kioshi's armored chest, her eyes sliding shut as the familiar feel of the symbols resonating with each other from the act their owners shared.
It all came crashing down, as a terrible pain engulfed the two, Kainu breaking the kiss as she screamed into the night, clinging to Kioshi as he held her tighter as well, his body racked with pain. Through blurred teary eyes he could make out a few shapes of some reploids, weither they were Hunters, or Maverick, he had no idea, as another wave of the pure electric energy they were shooting at the two almost made him scream out as well.
'I can't take much more of this!' Kioshi screamed in his mind, desperately clinging to Kainu least he lost her to whoever were attacking them. The symbols on the pair's chests began to pulse with a sickenly beat, and he faintly heard laughing of some sort. 'Teleport! Anywhere!' He yelled in his mind, activating his teleporter as he took a passed out Kainu with him.
Weither it was from the symbols that they had, the raw electric energy they had been subjected to, or even both, but the usual calm of teleporting was disrupted, making the two tumble through the way before they litterally crashed into the ground of some new odd place. The last thing Kioshi remembered seeing before he too passed out, was that they were near some sort of rocky deserty place, it was day, and there was something blue out of the corner of his eye.
)( Autobot Base, Bridge )(
RedAlert nearly blew a gasket as what appeared to be an odd Minicon signal blip onto the screen for a moment, no longer than a few seconds, before it disappeared again, causing a few others in the Bridge as well poke at the screen as if it broke (Sideswipe and Turret). ("Optimus sir, i think we might have an unusual Minicon on our hands, and, not to mention, it's somewhere right outside our door!") RedAlert said into his com link. "(Well then, gather some men, and we'll go check it out, hopefully the Decepticons didn't see it as well.") Optimus replied before leaving RedAlert to eye the screen.
)( Decepticon Base )(
Demolisher arched an eyeridge as he looked at the screen, eyeing the odd Minicon signal that was on it. "Uhh, Lord Megatron?" He said, before blinking his optics, the signal disappearing, as if it was never there. "What is it, Demolisher? I have a universe to conquer." Megatron growled out, resisting the urge to point his Fusion cannon at Thrust.
"Lord Megatron! Today a star will streak across the sky, burning! With your strength capturing the star, it will bring you immense glory!" Thrust said beside Megatron "Uhh, nevermind sir. It was nothing." Demolisher said, dismissing the signal as a glitch in the system, opting to watch and see if Megatron would slag Thrust for being annoying.
)( A Few Miles From The Autobot Base )(
It was a few moments later that Kainu woke back up, groaning and holding her head. She sat up, sub spacing her armor, and wore her regular non-fighting clothes, which consisted of a pair of black sneakers, black belted jeans, a black tubetop shirt, with a long sleeved white shirt with black edges and along the zipper that was zipped up over that. She tilted her head, glaring up at the sun a moment, before the fact registered in her mind.
"Kioshi! Kioshi! Wake up!" She said, shaking him and looking around a moment before she spied a small pond and ran over to it, cupping some water in her hands and running back over to Kioshi, dumping it on his face. The water registered on Kioshi's systems, causing him to wake back up and glare somewhat at Kainu. "What was that for?" He asked with a grumble, subbing his armor as well, and wearing an outfit similar to Kainu's, only he wore a black tucked in sleeveless shirt under his always unzipped white long sleeved shirt.
"We're god knows where, with who knows what out there probably looking for us, and all you can think about is water?!" Kainu nearly yelled at her blue haired counterpart. Kioshi grinned a moment before shrugging, sitting up and wiping the water off of his face. "On the bright side, at least we're away from whoever it was that attacked us..We don't know where we are, so it would be best if we pretended to be humans untill we know what we're up against." Kioshi said, standing up and dusting his clothes off.
"Yeah, bright. I don't like it. I'd rather it was shadows. And, this area seems pretty remote, probably a hiker area...We should make ourselves look like we've been out here for a few days, not minutes. It would raise alot of questions." Kainu said as she smudged dirt and such over her clothes, and a little bit on her skin, that could be seen, Kioshi doing the same, and rumpling up his hair a bit as well.
"Well, that looks convincing enough...If anyone asks, we don't remember where we're from, and who we are, other than our names." Kioshi said, looking around. "Let's head for the rock formation over there. We might be able to see a way to civilization from it." He said, as they both moved through the few trees that were there and made their way over to a large cliff looking thing.
)( With The Autobots )(
Alexis smiled a bit as she sat in Turret, buckled up and watching the land rush by. "You know, i'm glad i'm not the only girl here. Weither or not we're the same species doesn't matter. I mean, how differant can Humans and Transformers be?" She asked as Turret snickered. "Alot. You're organic, we're metal. As differant as night and day." Turret said, stopping and letting Alexis out as she looked around. "What is it, Turret?"
"I thought i heard voices.." Turret said, as she and Alexis looked around. "Laserbeak, go take a look from the sky." Alexis said as she let out the little compactible orange flyer and it flew off into the sky, circling the area. The small mechanical bird seemed to spot something, as it flew down a bit, and zooming in on two teenager looking people. "What do you think they are?" Someone with long pale red looking hair said, gesturing to what looked like two glowing green minicon panels.
"I don't know. You think their some kind of plates or something?" A boy with blue hair asked. "Oh no!" Alexis said, looking at the little video screen she had. "They've got minicon panels!" She said, looking back to the screen as the two examined the 'plates' more. "You know, that symbol looks kinda familiar..." Kainu said, eyeing it a moment. "Yeah, looks kinda like the ones we saw earlier." Kioshi said, picking up a panel, as Kainu did the same thing.
There was a bright flash of green, (if i remember correctly), and there stood two minicons, twin looking. The first, the bigger of the two, and the one that Kioshi had activated seemed to have the colors he did when he had on his armor, with a little silver face plate; the Minicon beeped franticly, before calming down, looking around a moment before looking up at Kioshi, beeping once more. "Say wha? Your name is Ramzel?" He said, bewildered that he could understand the minicon. But then again, He WAS a reploid, and it seemed natural to him, oddly enough.
"Ohh! You're so cute!" Was the cry from Kainu as she glomped a smaller, femme looking Minicon, that had Kainu's armor colors, with a dark gray visor over it's optics. "Oh. So your name is Marzel??" She asked, her head tilting to the side as a grin appeared on her face. "Ohh! I like this place already!" She said, turning to Kioshi, and then freezing, her eyes widening. For behind Kioshi was a giant robot looking thing, Turret, who, behind her, was a few other Autobots, Optimus included.
"Uhh...Kio..?" She started, before grabbing him and shaking him. "Kio! There's giant robot things behind you!" She said, frantically. Who wouldn't, they were big enough to squish her into scrap. "What are you talking about? Are you halucinating or something??" He started before turning around, freezing and looking up at the Autobots, who all had somewhat amused looking expressions on their faces.
Both reploids were frozen to the spot, before Kioshi opened up their mental link. "Kainu...On 3, we run like hell." The normally calm reploid was well, not so calm. I mean, would you be calm if there were giant robot things that you thought might want to squish you? Kioshi's first priority was getting Kainu and himself out of there, preferably functional. Turret arched an eyeridge, reaching out to poke one of them, to see if they were still awake, and not somehow passed out, standing up..with their eyes wide open..
Seeing the giant hand decend, Kioshi tensed, before shouting out loudly. "THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He bolted, Ramzel blinking at Kioshi as Kainu yelled out "02! SCATTER!!!" Momentarily forgetting that she wasn't commanding her unit, and dove off the side of the cliff, Autobots and Alexis gasping and running to the edge, only to find that Kainu was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, hey, wait a moment, i know this trick from cartoons." Turret said, reaching over the edge and groping around a moment, before her fingers found an indent in the rock, gently pulling the female out of it and securely into her hands. "Hey! Let me go!" Kainu yelled, squirming and thrashing, trying to get out of the giant meatal being's hand.
Kioshi, not too far away heard Kainu's yells, his form freezing a moment before he ran back. "Let go of my Queen!!" he yelled at the Transformers, Kainu looking at him as if he was an idiot..Well, to her he was, she didn't mind being called his 'queen', privately, but with alot of people hearing it as well, just made her want to go crawl under a rock.
)( Elsewhere )(
StarStreaker, a silver and gold colored F-16 styled seeker jet, (like StarScream and the others), snarled as she dove at the other femme in the small plane that was hurtling towards a small backwater blue planet, that seemed oddly familiar. If she had more time, she would've realized that it was the planet her Leader, Megatron, was on, fighting those Autoot scum.
"ARGH!!! DIE damn you!!!" She yelled at another femme, who didn't have an alt. mode at the moment, who dove to to side of StarStreaker's Berserker cannons. "Why not? After you, of course." Said the light bronze and silver colored femme, with a dark blue, almost black colored visor over her optics.
"Attention," An automated voice said, the ship's computer. "This ship will crash in less than a minute. Have a nice doomsday and or death." It replied, before things started fritzing out. " stay in a doomed ship, or to take my chances out in the skys, with lil' miss crazy over there.." Trance said, snickering as the seeker femme started firing at her again.
"Ah, slag it!" Trance said, flinging herself out the emergency escape door, her form hurtling towards the small planet's surface, but not as fast as the ship was. She narrowed her optics a moment, looking at what appeared to be a city or two a few hundred miles away, her visor brightening to a lighter blue color, as she zoomed up close to observe the small city.
"Woah, mamma. That's a nice looking ride!" Trance said, grinning. "I think i'll take it." She said, activating her scanners and scanning a small looking, from her point of view, red Corona that she caught a glimpse of. Her form glowed a moment, as her form changed, the car's front half appearing on her chest area as tires and such appeared on various parts of her form, two on her back, and one on each thigh.
"Oh man, this is gonna hurt.." Trance said, watching as the ground came closer and closer, she hissed in pain, as bright orangey yellow beams of energy went past her, knicking part of one of her legs. "Can't belive i forgot about you." She said, looking at StarStreaker who just glared at Trance and dove at her from the air.
)( Back with the Autobots )(
Kioshi was yelling at the Autobots, before he suddenly shut up, which Turret sighed an "About time.." Under her breath, causing Kainu to snicker slightly. "You know, it would be nice if you let me go. Because, if you wanted to squish or crush me, you probably would've done so by now." Kainu said, blinking at Kioshi's ever growing pale form. "Kioshi? Hey! KIOSHI!" She yelled, looking as he was staring at something over her shoulder, well, over the others as well.
Kainu twisted around, looking, before she turned pale as well. "Hey..uhm..miss giant robot person..i think NOW would be a good time to run.." She said, causing the Autobots to turn and look up, then diving for cover as a small ship crashed and exploded right where they had been.
Everyone looked around, getting back up, tensing as they hear some faint laughing. "Hoo! Man! Them guys sure are fast, thats a good thing." Trance said, snickering as StarStreaker zoomed around, twisting and barrel rolling around, trying to dislodge the annoying Autobot femme from her back. "ARGH! Get off me!" She yelled, diving towards the ground.
"Gladly!" Trance said, jumping off the seeker's back, doing an odd twisting flip and landed on the ground in a slight crouch, twitching at her injured leg, her acid rifle raised as the seeker femme landed on the ground gracefully, bringing her cannons to aim. There was a sudden old western show-down whistle, causing almost everyone, but Trance and StarStreaker to look at Turret. "Eh..sorry..couldn't help it..It's so...western like!" She said with a grin.
"Hey Trance! The SLAG are you doing here?!" Turret yelled over to the silver and bronze femme, causing her to whirl around and look at Turret. "Do you mind?! I'm fighting here!" She yelled, before diving to the side to avoid acid laser death from StarStreaker. "AUGH! I missed?!" She screamed in frusteration, before realizing there was a whole lot more than one Autobot, who all had their optics trained on her.
Before any of them could do anything, Megatron with a few of his lackeys warped in, snarling. "Decepticons! Get those Minicons!' He yelled, sending everyone into another battle for possession over the minicons that had been found, again. It really didn't take long for the Autobots to defeat the Decepticons, mainly because their base was so close and re-inforcements appeared within seconds and forced them back with Megatron's yell of frusteration, "Decepticons! Retreat!" and "Next time, Prime!"
)( Autobot HQ )(
Trance was in med bay, droning out everything RedAlert was saying, hell, it was a minor wound, she could've fixed it if they had given her the chance. But noooo, they had to toss her in the path of the CMO, and that neurotic security officer who kept demanding things from her. With her leg fixed, she thanked RedAlert, who blinked his optics a moment in surprise. Usually everyone ran out after he fixed them, not many stuck around to say 'thanks', or 'nice work Red'. He made a mental note to try not to lecture as much at the femme next time she made her way into his med. bay.
Trance smiled at RedAlert, looked at Jetfire, and ran like a smelter on legs was after her. She stopped a moment, back-tracking past a hallway to peek into, grinning as she saw what she thought she had. SmokeScreen was walking in the hallway, going who knew where, guessing with the running, that it was SideSwipe running from another prank. It was a total surprise, when a bronze and silver femme came hurtling towards him.
"Smokey!!!!" She yelled, tackling the surprised mech and hugging him. It was a few moment, before his processor caught up with him, causing him to grin. "Trance?!" He said, getting back up, and hugging Trance. "Where did you come from?" He asked, looking at her curiously. "Well, when a male and a female..or male and male..or even female and female transformer fall in love.." She started, causing SmokeScreen to grin slightly. "Nah, Trance, i ment, how did you get here." SmokeScreen said with a small smile.
"Ohh! That. Just don't tell that weirdo Jetfire guy..he's been trying to get it out of me ever since i landed on the planet. It's just fun to mess with guys like that." Trance said with a grin. "Anyways, i was sent on a mission to sneak aboard a 'Con ship that was going to Sector Alpha Four. I was then after getting there, to sabatage and do as much damage as i could before i either got out of there, or was found. Unfortunately, i got discovered when the ship went past some little red planet, and we kinda crash landed here."
"You're a Sabateur now?" SmokeScreen asked, causing Trance to grin. "Yea' That's only one of my functions. I'm a spy as well. But when i'm off duty, back on Cybertron, i tended to check out my clubs." She says, as SmokeScreen leveled a look at her. "Hey, i know that look. I had hardly nothing to do with all that kinda activity. Sil' was the one who ran that stuff. I just ran the entertainment, and 'Ret and Zai ran the drinks and stuff." She said with a slightly small grin at the mention of Zaicin. "Anyways. SmokeScreen. Are there any cute 'bots around?" Trance said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to get an odd look on his face.
"Actually, you know, i think i'll go find them myself." She said with a grin, running back down the hallway she had started on, and promptly ran right smack into Jetfire. "There you are! Now listen here young lady. " He started off, grabbing Trance by the arm and dragging her off to probably pry how she got there out of her. She twitched, giving SmokeScreen a pleading look, causing SmokeScreen to laugh.
)( Autobots )(
It was a few minutes later, that Trance ran into the med bay, diving into RedAlert's office, startling him and Optimus who was having a talk. "Shh! Don't tell Jet where i am!" She said, before diving under RedAlert's desk. RedAert, then noticing, that Trance was missing half an arm. "Where's the rest of your arm?!" He started, before Trance motioned with a 'shh' noise again. Jetfire then came barreling into the office, looking frantic. "Red! Trance is missing! All there is left of her is half an arm! HALF AN ARM!!!" He said, looking half-crazed.
"Well, let me have that, and i'll proceed to weild her to a recharg berth next time she comes in here." RedAlert said calmly, making the hiding femme wondering if he was actually going to do that. Jetfire reluctantly handed over the half of an arm, RedAlert noticing that none of it seemed to be damaged, just detacheted.
After Jetfire left, Trance came out of hiding, only to get smacked with her own arm. "Hey! What was that for?! It's not like i had the whole Decepticon army after me, and asked you to hide me...I learned THAT lesson back on Cybertron." She said with a grin, ducking and grabbing her arm, reattaching it. "Anyways. I gave my report to SmokeScreen, so send Jet after HIM if he still wants to know." She said, before bravely going where no 'former has ever gone before...out into a base with a Jetfire on the lose.
)( End Chapter )(
There goes another chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. Review please! Doesn't matter what kind i get. Good, bad, just let me know. I know i have alot of characters in there, but I hope you all enjoy! I'll be writing the next chapter, and getting it up and posted as soon as i can.
Disclaimer: I don't own Transformers or any MegaMan related stuff. I do own SilentThunder, Sprocket, Streaker, Revit, Zaicin, Emeret, CodeCrusher, Turret, Kainu, Kioshi, Ramzel, Marzel, Trance, and StarStreaker. Also, i'm using the G1 Sideswipe for his looks, but his Armada personality.
Key: "Talking", 'Thinking', (Author Comments), )(Scene Change)(, "Bonded Talk", ("Com. Link."), and ("Private Com Link.").
)( Autobot Base, Workshop of Doom )(
"So, handsome, what's a nice looking 'bot like you, doing in in such a well finished place like this?" Turret joked to SideSwipe, who just merely smiled in response. "Well, doc, it seems that one, i have blobs of pink paint on my armor, and two, you're technically our stuff like this.." Turret grinned, waving to SmokeScreen as he walked in.
"You forgot medic, entertainer, prankster, one of those mental people called something like a therapist..or shrink, if you will, and, not to mention, a wonderful bartender." SmokeScreen stated as he grabbed a seat, watching the paint mistress at work. "Heh, yeah, well, i tend to multitask pretty well. I can do pretty much all of those at once. There ya go handsome, good as new. Plus, i gave you a special protective coating." Turret said, as she pulled back from SideSwipe's armor, which shined so much, it could have been a mirror.
SideSwipe stood up, examining himself and smirked. "Quite a job, thanks, how many creds?" He asked, ready to dig into a sub pocket to pay her. "None." Turret said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to look at her a moment. "None?" SideSwipe asked, looking at his armor again. "Nope, don't want any credits from you SideSwipe, i want a kiss." She said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to snicker.
SideSwipe looked like he wanted to run off somewhere, probably not really used to someone paying any attention to him, well, in that way. Usually it was Decepticons that shot at him, RedAlert lecturing him while he was fixed, and Prime and Jetfire for something he and HotShot might've done wrong.
Turret kicked SmokeScreen who was still snickering, and looked sweetly over at the somewhat taller red bot. "Aww, come on Siders, it's only a little kiss." She said, grinning as the taller bot shifted on his feet a moment, probably trying to decide weither or not he was going to do it or not. "Can i, uhh, give you one of those I.O.U. things?" He whispered to where only Turret could hear. "Yeah sure. No prob. Siders. Catch ya later!" She yelled out as he walked out of Turret's 'workshop'.
Turret had a somewhat nice set up, it was a spare med bay, that she had turned into a paint and body shop, where she also had an office in the back. It also proved useful when the med bay was too full, and needed to put people somewhere. "Hey SmokeScreen man, i'll only be a few minutes, you can go ahead and wait in my office, listen to anything you want." She said and flickered an optic, a transformer wink.
SmokeScreen stood up, mock saluting Turret as she laughed, making her way over to clean some things up, tossing her cleaning rags into a washing machine type thing. Turret walked into her office and sat down in her chair a moment, sighing. She stood up, going to a 'file' cabnit and pulling out something, that appeared to be some type of dark blue energon. "I did promise you this, didn't i?"
Turret nearly jumped when Jetfire, who had walked in the door at that moment. Turret whirled around, eyeing Jetfire before looking to SmokeScreen. "You know, i never knew he'd be so sneaky." She said with a slight frown, SmokeScreen looking like he was trying not to laugh.
Jetfire scowled a moment, turning a look at the two. "I'm here, because i wanted to know what you offered SmokeScreen earlier for his help." He said, eyeing the two. "I only gave SmokeScreen some energon, which was the deal if he had helped me earlier." Turret said as she wandered over to her stash and pulled out a regular looking cube of energon that had a slight blue tint to it.
Turret handed it to Jetfire, who looked it over and nodded. "Very well then. I must congratulate you, and SmokeScreen, on your actions earlier, just don't tell Red i said that." He said with a small smile tugging on his face. Turret blinked, as SmokeScreen smiled. "Well, you can keep that if you want, i have to go, i need to go get some payment from a cusomer." Turret said with a grin, nearly dancing out of her office before poking her head back in. "Just lock up for me when you leave will ya?" She asked before she ran back outside, in search for that kiss SideSwipe owed her.
)( Decepticon Base )(
SilentThunder nearly twitched, just to have something to do. 'Primus, it's boring here. It makes me wonder why Megatron even wanted me here in the first place.' Thunder thought to herself, before looking around the jungle around her. She made her way through it and to her favorite brooding spot, which also happened to be her twin's as well. Sil smiled somewhat behind her mask at her twin, who was practicing with his starsaber minicons and Swindle.
"Hey Screamer, in a few cycles, will you meet me up in the cave?" She asked, her head tilting to the side as she looked at him, a bit of her slight nervousness seeping through the twinly bond the two shared since 'birth'. "Yeah, allright." He mumbled as she made her way to the cave, taking her fave spot and sitting down, looking up as Starscream took his usual seat by his younger twin a few minutes later.
She leaned her head over just slightly to rest against her brother's, who grumbled a moment and snuck his arm around her shoulder; glad to see her again after all these years they had went their differant ways. SilentThunder sighed and sat straight, looking at her brother. "I know this is going to sound..odd, but just, answer me truthfully, will you?" She said, as her brother eyed his sister. "What would you say, if i...wanted to..get a life mate?" She asked, barely a whisper, causing Starscream's optics to widen in surprise.
Starscream stayed silent a moment, observing his sibling, and feeling his sister's guilt about betraying her twin in getting a bonded. Starscream knew she had nothing to be guilty about, she should do what she wanted, she wasn't betraying him, she would still have a part of him in her mind, as he would her. "If..if it makes you happy." Starscream grumbled out, turning to look at his minicons. "None of this get out, you hear?" He growled out to them, which made them start beeping and such, perhaps in acceptance.
"Well, that's one hard part done, now for the other." Sil sighed to herself, looking to her brother. "I...i want Wheeljack as my bonded...I've..cared for him for a while now...I know you probably don't think much of him and all, but, he feels the same for me." Sil said, turning her violet optics to her brother, who seemed to be thinking over the idea of Wheeljack being related to him. "As i said, whatever makes you happy." Starscream said.
"Well then, i guess everything's settled." Sil said, standing up and stretching her joints a moment. "Oh, you remember our fathers, right?" Sil said, pulling out a datapad from a sub pocket that showed a picture of two male transformers, one cybertronian jet, Sprocket, and a cybertronian hovercar, CodeCrusher. "I was doing a bit of research on them, and all, cause we don't really remember much of either of them. And, supposively, our father, Sprocket, had a brother, and he's somewhere on this planet."
The other jet looked at her a moment, eyeing the datapad that showed their parents. "So, we still have some family left? Primus, don't let it be Megatron, or even that crazy shooter, Cyclonus? Or even the odd Tatician, Thrust?" Starscream said, which Thunder agreed with. "For all we know, it could be an Autobot." Starscream said, his optics darking just slightly, being bored. "I think so. His name's what, RedAlert, or something or another...I met him once, briefly, back on cybertron. I doubt he knows we're related, i didn't."
)( Somewhere In One Of The Many Megaman Parallel Worlds )(
A small slender form darted through the darkness of an abandoned and condemed city block, jumping and dashing from shadow to shadow with such speed that it was just a slight blur to even the trained eye. The figure stopped, at an old building, and entered, making it's way deep within the darkness it held untill it came to a room that had it's ceiling torn off, leaving silvery moonlight to filter down from behind the dark clouds that threatened rain.
Standing in the middle of the room, basking in the light of the moon, was a tall reploid who wore a pure white with silver armoring, a beam sword, off at the moment, was attached to the figure's side in a sheath, an odd looking sheild sitting at the reploid's feet. A helmited head turned towards the shadow, nothing of the face being seen from behind the sleek silver faceplate the person wore, a white visor barely hiding glowing sapphire blue eyes.
"Took you long enough." The figure said, the voice being that of a male, which was confirmed when he pulled off his helmit, short blue spiky like hair with bangs that reached his shoulders at longest slid free from their prison to frame the handsome face of the Knight type reploid. "I had to make sure i wasn't being followed." A feminine like voice sounded from the dark, the shadow appearing into the light of the moon, a Ninja type reploid being seen.
The smaller reploid looked around a moment from behind her black visor that extended from her equally dark helmit. She had a dark gray, almost black, jumpsuit, with slender lightweight black armor covering the parts of her body like the usual reploid's would. Strips of silver slid along her form as she stood under the light of the moon, which made her long hair seem to be a glowing pink color, but it was actually, a pale red.
The female, Kainu (kai-nyu), went over to the male, Kioshi (Key-oh-she), and pulled her helmit off, sub-spacing it as her silvery gray eyes looked up into the sapphire of her friend's. He reached out, pulling her close; her form gently resting against his, the two enjoying the silent company the other offered. It only took a small touch from the other, that only worked with the two, as a silvery, for Kainu, and a inky, for Kioshi, looking symbol appeared on the chest plates of their armor, which, coincidentally, or fate? or maybe even luck, that it somewhat resembled that of a Minicon's symbol.
"That never ceases to entertain me." Kioshi said as he watched the symbols glowed in union. "I know what you mean. It was fine, untill those scientists found out about it, and now they wanna poke and prod at us. I mean, it's not that a big a deal, is it Kioshi?" Kainu asked her counterpart as they turned their gaze to a full moon that shined down upon them. "I wish they would focus more on looking for a cure for the Mavericks." He said as he subspaced his own helmit for the moment, sliding his arms around the shorter female that leaned against him.
Kioshi reached down, turning Kainu in his arms and looking down at her; one of his hands slid through her long pale hair a moment before he held the back of her head gently, leaning down as his mouth softly covered her own. Kainu's hands moved up to rest against Kioshi's armored chest, her eyes sliding shut as the familiar feel of the symbols resonating with each other from the act their owners shared.
It all came crashing down, as a terrible pain engulfed the two, Kainu breaking the kiss as she screamed into the night, clinging to Kioshi as he held her tighter as well, his body racked with pain. Through blurred teary eyes he could make out a few shapes of some reploids, weither they were Hunters, or Maverick, he had no idea, as another wave of the pure electric energy they were shooting at the two almost made him scream out as well.
'I can't take much more of this!' Kioshi screamed in his mind, desperately clinging to Kainu least he lost her to whoever were attacking them. The symbols on the pair's chests began to pulse with a sickenly beat, and he faintly heard laughing of some sort. 'Teleport! Anywhere!' He yelled in his mind, activating his teleporter as he took a passed out Kainu with him.
Weither it was from the symbols that they had, the raw electric energy they had been subjected to, or even both, but the usual calm of teleporting was disrupted, making the two tumble through the way before they litterally crashed into the ground of some new odd place. The last thing Kioshi remembered seeing before he too passed out, was that they were near some sort of rocky deserty place, it was day, and there was something blue out of the corner of his eye.
)( Autobot Base, Bridge )(
RedAlert nearly blew a gasket as what appeared to be an odd Minicon signal blip onto the screen for a moment, no longer than a few seconds, before it disappeared again, causing a few others in the Bridge as well poke at the screen as if it broke (Sideswipe and Turret). ("Optimus sir, i think we might have an unusual Minicon on our hands, and, not to mention, it's somewhere right outside our door!") RedAlert said into his com link. "(Well then, gather some men, and we'll go check it out, hopefully the Decepticons didn't see it as well.") Optimus replied before leaving RedAlert to eye the screen.
)( Decepticon Base )(
Demolisher arched an eyeridge as he looked at the screen, eyeing the odd Minicon signal that was on it. "Uhh, Lord Megatron?" He said, before blinking his optics, the signal disappearing, as if it was never there. "What is it, Demolisher? I have a universe to conquer." Megatron growled out, resisting the urge to point his Fusion cannon at Thrust.
"Lord Megatron! Today a star will streak across the sky, burning! With your strength capturing the star, it will bring you immense glory!" Thrust said beside Megatron "Uhh, nevermind sir. It was nothing." Demolisher said, dismissing the signal as a glitch in the system, opting to watch and see if Megatron would slag Thrust for being annoying.
)( A Few Miles From The Autobot Base )(
It was a few moments later that Kainu woke back up, groaning and holding her head. She sat up, sub spacing her armor, and wore her regular non-fighting clothes, which consisted of a pair of black sneakers, black belted jeans, a black tubetop shirt, with a long sleeved white shirt with black edges and along the zipper that was zipped up over that. She tilted her head, glaring up at the sun a moment, before the fact registered in her mind.
"Kioshi! Kioshi! Wake up!" She said, shaking him and looking around a moment before she spied a small pond and ran over to it, cupping some water in her hands and running back over to Kioshi, dumping it on his face. The water registered on Kioshi's systems, causing him to wake back up and glare somewhat at Kainu. "What was that for?" He asked with a grumble, subbing his armor as well, and wearing an outfit similar to Kainu's, only he wore a black tucked in sleeveless shirt under his always unzipped white long sleeved shirt.
"We're god knows where, with who knows what out there probably looking for us, and all you can think about is water?!" Kainu nearly yelled at her blue haired counterpart. Kioshi grinned a moment before shrugging, sitting up and wiping the water off of his face. "On the bright side, at least we're away from whoever it was that attacked us..We don't know where we are, so it would be best if we pretended to be humans untill we know what we're up against." Kioshi said, standing up and dusting his clothes off.
"Yeah, bright. I don't like it. I'd rather it was shadows. And, this area seems pretty remote, probably a hiker area...We should make ourselves look like we've been out here for a few days, not minutes. It would raise alot of questions." Kainu said as she smudged dirt and such over her clothes, and a little bit on her skin, that could be seen, Kioshi doing the same, and rumpling up his hair a bit as well.
"Well, that looks convincing enough...If anyone asks, we don't remember where we're from, and who we are, other than our names." Kioshi said, looking around. "Let's head for the rock formation over there. We might be able to see a way to civilization from it." He said, as they both moved through the few trees that were there and made their way over to a large cliff looking thing.
)( With The Autobots )(
Alexis smiled a bit as she sat in Turret, buckled up and watching the land rush by. "You know, i'm glad i'm not the only girl here. Weither or not we're the same species doesn't matter. I mean, how differant can Humans and Transformers be?" She asked as Turret snickered. "Alot. You're organic, we're metal. As differant as night and day." Turret said, stopping and letting Alexis out as she looked around. "What is it, Turret?"
"I thought i heard voices.." Turret said, as she and Alexis looked around. "Laserbeak, go take a look from the sky." Alexis said as she let out the little compactible orange flyer and it flew off into the sky, circling the area. The small mechanical bird seemed to spot something, as it flew down a bit, and zooming in on two teenager looking people. "What do you think they are?" Someone with long pale red looking hair said, gesturing to what looked like two glowing green minicon panels.
"I don't know. You think their some kind of plates or something?" A boy with blue hair asked. "Oh no!" Alexis said, looking at the little video screen she had. "They've got minicon panels!" She said, looking back to the screen as the two examined the 'plates' more. "You know, that symbol looks kinda familiar..." Kainu said, eyeing it a moment. "Yeah, looks kinda like the ones we saw earlier." Kioshi said, picking up a panel, as Kainu did the same thing.
There was a bright flash of green, (if i remember correctly), and there stood two minicons, twin looking. The first, the bigger of the two, and the one that Kioshi had activated seemed to have the colors he did when he had on his armor, with a little silver face plate; the Minicon beeped franticly, before calming down, looking around a moment before looking up at Kioshi, beeping once more. "Say wha? Your name is Ramzel?" He said, bewildered that he could understand the minicon. But then again, He WAS a reploid, and it seemed natural to him, oddly enough.
"Ohh! You're so cute!" Was the cry from Kainu as she glomped a smaller, femme looking Minicon, that had Kainu's armor colors, with a dark gray visor over it's optics. "Oh. So your name is Marzel??" She asked, her head tilting to the side as a grin appeared on her face. "Ohh! I like this place already!" She said, turning to Kioshi, and then freezing, her eyes widening. For behind Kioshi was a giant robot looking thing, Turret, who, behind her, was a few other Autobots, Optimus included.
"Uhh...Kio..?" She started, before grabbing him and shaking him. "Kio! There's giant robot things behind you!" She said, frantically. Who wouldn't, they were big enough to squish her into scrap. "What are you talking about? Are you halucinating or something??" He started before turning around, freezing and looking up at the Autobots, who all had somewhat amused looking expressions on their faces.
Both reploids were frozen to the spot, before Kioshi opened up their mental link. "Kainu...On 3, we run like hell." The normally calm reploid was well, not so calm. I mean, would you be calm if there were giant robot things that you thought might want to squish you? Kioshi's first priority was getting Kainu and himself out of there, preferably functional. Turret arched an eyeridge, reaching out to poke one of them, to see if they were still awake, and not somehow passed out, standing up..with their eyes wide open..
Seeing the giant hand decend, Kioshi tensed, before shouting out loudly. "THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He bolted, Ramzel blinking at Kioshi as Kainu yelled out "02! SCATTER!!!" Momentarily forgetting that she wasn't commanding her unit, and dove off the side of the cliff, Autobots and Alexis gasping and running to the edge, only to find that Kainu was nowhere to be seen.
"Oh, hey, wait a moment, i know this trick from cartoons." Turret said, reaching over the edge and groping around a moment, before her fingers found an indent in the rock, gently pulling the female out of it and securely into her hands. "Hey! Let me go!" Kainu yelled, squirming and thrashing, trying to get out of the giant meatal being's hand.
Kioshi, not too far away heard Kainu's yells, his form freezing a moment before he ran back. "Let go of my Queen!!" he yelled at the Transformers, Kainu looking at him as if he was an idiot..Well, to her he was, she didn't mind being called his 'queen', privately, but with alot of people hearing it as well, just made her want to go crawl under a rock.
)( Elsewhere )(
StarStreaker, a silver and gold colored F-16 styled seeker jet, (like StarScream and the others), snarled as she dove at the other femme in the small plane that was hurtling towards a small backwater blue planet, that seemed oddly familiar. If she had more time, she would've realized that it was the planet her Leader, Megatron, was on, fighting those Autoot scum.
"ARGH!!! DIE damn you!!!" She yelled at another femme, who didn't have an alt. mode at the moment, who dove to to side of StarStreaker's Berserker cannons. "Why not? After you, of course." Said the light bronze and silver colored femme, with a dark blue, almost black colored visor over her optics.
"Attention," An automated voice said, the ship's computer. "This ship will crash in less than a minute. Have a nice doomsday and or death." It replied, before things started fritzing out. " stay in a doomed ship, or to take my chances out in the skys, with lil' miss crazy over there.." Trance said, snickering as the seeker femme started firing at her again.
"Ah, slag it!" Trance said, flinging herself out the emergency escape door, her form hurtling towards the small planet's surface, but not as fast as the ship was. She narrowed her optics a moment, looking at what appeared to be a city or two a few hundred miles away, her visor brightening to a lighter blue color, as she zoomed up close to observe the small city.
"Woah, mamma. That's a nice looking ride!" Trance said, grinning. "I think i'll take it." She said, activating her scanners and scanning a small looking, from her point of view, red Corona that she caught a glimpse of. Her form glowed a moment, as her form changed, the car's front half appearing on her chest area as tires and such appeared on various parts of her form, two on her back, and one on each thigh.
"Oh man, this is gonna hurt.." Trance said, watching as the ground came closer and closer, she hissed in pain, as bright orangey yellow beams of energy went past her, knicking part of one of her legs. "Can't belive i forgot about you." She said, looking at StarStreaker who just glared at Trance and dove at her from the air.
)( Back with the Autobots )(
Kioshi was yelling at the Autobots, before he suddenly shut up, which Turret sighed an "About time.." Under her breath, causing Kainu to snicker slightly. "You know, it would be nice if you let me go. Because, if you wanted to squish or crush me, you probably would've done so by now." Kainu said, blinking at Kioshi's ever growing pale form. "Kioshi? Hey! KIOSHI!" She yelled, looking as he was staring at something over her shoulder, well, over the others as well.
Kainu twisted around, looking, before she turned pale as well. "Hey..uhm..miss giant robot person..i think NOW would be a good time to run.." She said, causing the Autobots to turn and look up, then diving for cover as a small ship crashed and exploded right where they had been.
Everyone looked around, getting back up, tensing as they hear some faint laughing. "Hoo! Man! Them guys sure are fast, thats a good thing." Trance said, snickering as StarStreaker zoomed around, twisting and barrel rolling around, trying to dislodge the annoying Autobot femme from her back. "ARGH! Get off me!" She yelled, diving towards the ground.
"Gladly!" Trance said, jumping off the seeker's back, doing an odd twisting flip and landed on the ground in a slight crouch, twitching at her injured leg, her acid rifle raised as the seeker femme landed on the ground gracefully, bringing her cannons to aim. There was a sudden old western show-down whistle, causing almost everyone, but Trance and StarStreaker to look at Turret. "Eh..sorry..couldn't help it..It's so...western like!" She said with a grin.
"Hey Trance! The SLAG are you doing here?!" Turret yelled over to the silver and bronze femme, causing her to whirl around and look at Turret. "Do you mind?! I'm fighting here!" She yelled, before diving to the side to avoid acid laser death from StarStreaker. "AUGH! I missed?!" She screamed in frusteration, before realizing there was a whole lot more than one Autobot, who all had their optics trained on her.
Before any of them could do anything, Megatron with a few of his lackeys warped in, snarling. "Decepticons! Get those Minicons!' He yelled, sending everyone into another battle for possession over the minicons that had been found, again. It really didn't take long for the Autobots to defeat the Decepticons, mainly because their base was so close and re-inforcements appeared within seconds and forced them back with Megatron's yell of frusteration, "Decepticons! Retreat!" and "Next time, Prime!"
)( Autobot HQ )(
Trance was in med bay, droning out everything RedAlert was saying, hell, it was a minor wound, she could've fixed it if they had given her the chance. But noooo, they had to toss her in the path of the CMO, and that neurotic security officer who kept demanding things from her. With her leg fixed, she thanked RedAlert, who blinked his optics a moment in surprise. Usually everyone ran out after he fixed them, not many stuck around to say 'thanks', or 'nice work Red'. He made a mental note to try not to lecture as much at the femme next time she made her way into his med. bay.
Trance smiled at RedAlert, looked at Jetfire, and ran like a smelter on legs was after her. She stopped a moment, back-tracking past a hallway to peek into, grinning as she saw what she thought she had. SmokeScreen was walking in the hallway, going who knew where, guessing with the running, that it was SideSwipe running from another prank. It was a total surprise, when a bronze and silver femme came hurtling towards him.
"Smokey!!!!" She yelled, tackling the surprised mech and hugging him. It was a few moment, before his processor caught up with him, causing him to grin. "Trance?!" He said, getting back up, and hugging Trance. "Where did you come from?" He asked, looking at her curiously. "Well, when a male and a female..or male and male..or even female and female transformer fall in love.." She started, causing SmokeScreen to grin slightly. "Nah, Trance, i ment, how did you get here." SmokeScreen said with a small smile.
"Ohh! That. Just don't tell that weirdo Jetfire guy..he's been trying to get it out of me ever since i landed on the planet. It's just fun to mess with guys like that." Trance said with a grin. "Anyways, i was sent on a mission to sneak aboard a 'Con ship that was going to Sector Alpha Four. I was then after getting there, to sabatage and do as much damage as i could before i either got out of there, or was found. Unfortunately, i got discovered when the ship went past some little red planet, and we kinda crash landed here."
"You're a Sabateur now?" SmokeScreen asked, causing Trance to grin. "Yea' That's only one of my functions. I'm a spy as well. But when i'm off duty, back on Cybertron, i tended to check out my clubs." She says, as SmokeScreen leveled a look at her. "Hey, i know that look. I had hardly nothing to do with all that kinda activity. Sil' was the one who ran that stuff. I just ran the entertainment, and 'Ret and Zai ran the drinks and stuff." She said with a slightly small grin at the mention of Zaicin. "Anyways. SmokeScreen. Are there any cute 'bots around?" Trance said with a grin, causing SmokeScreen to get an odd look on his face.
"Actually, you know, i think i'll go find them myself." She said with a grin, running back down the hallway she had started on, and promptly ran right smack into Jetfire. "There you are! Now listen here young lady. " He started off, grabbing Trance by the arm and dragging her off to probably pry how she got there out of her. She twitched, giving SmokeScreen a pleading look, causing SmokeScreen to laugh.
)( Autobots )(
It was a few minutes later, that Trance ran into the med bay, diving into RedAlert's office, startling him and Optimus who was having a talk. "Shh! Don't tell Jet where i am!" She said, before diving under RedAlert's desk. RedAert, then noticing, that Trance was missing half an arm. "Where's the rest of your arm?!" He started, before Trance motioned with a 'shh' noise again. Jetfire then came barreling into the office, looking frantic. "Red! Trance is missing! All there is left of her is half an arm! HALF AN ARM!!!" He said, looking half-crazed.
"Well, let me have that, and i'll proceed to weild her to a recharg berth next time she comes in here." RedAlert said calmly, making the hiding femme wondering if he was actually going to do that. Jetfire reluctantly handed over the half of an arm, RedAlert noticing that none of it seemed to be damaged, just detacheted.
After Jetfire left, Trance came out of hiding, only to get smacked with her own arm. "Hey! What was that for?! It's not like i had the whole Decepticon army after me, and asked you to hide me...I learned THAT lesson back on Cybertron." She said with a grin, ducking and grabbing her arm, reattaching it. "Anyways. I gave my report to SmokeScreen, so send Jet after HIM if he still wants to know." She said, before bravely going where no 'former has ever gone before...out into a base with a Jetfire on the lose.
)( End Chapter )(
There goes another chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed. Review please! Doesn't matter what kind i get. Good, bad, just let me know. I know i have alot of characters in there, but I hope you all enjoy! I'll be writing the next chapter, and getting it up and posted as soon as i can.
