MegaMan NT Warrior (Rockman) Fan Fiction ❯ I Don't Wanna Know ❯ Lan / Chaud ( Chapter 2 )
Author's Opening Notes: The first chapter of this story went up yesterday and the only reviewer I got was my favorite reviewer Fayes Love! I really have to get the bean bag sex into Shuichi's Bored Writings for you sweets. Anyways... This is the second chapter to my first Megaman fic... Megaman isn't really in this chapter... it's just Lan and Chaud... Oh and Fayes Love... Chaud is the one your talking about... he's the owner of Protoman, who's my favorite character! Oh yeah... I don't own anything to do with Megaman... I don't even have one of the games... [Sighs] I'm so horrible... I do own a box of Black Cherry soda and my bean bag [winks] ... and if anyone has been reading my Gravitation fic they'd understand that one... [smiles brightly]... Okay, okay... ON WITH THE STORY!
Story Summery: Songfic for "I Don't Wanna Know" by NFG. A Megaman NT Warrior FanFic. Megaman's love for Protoman is taking over his mind, Lan is remembering the first date he ever had with Chaud, and while Chaud's away on business the only thing he can think of is: Lan.
Chapter Summery: While laying down and listing to the song "I Don't Wanna Know"... Lan thinks about his first date with Chaud and how it almost didn't happen.
I Don't Wanna Know
Chapter Two
Pairing: Lan/Chaud
Lan yawned as he laid down on his bed and stared up at the ceiling. He had told Megaman half the truth. Haruka was worried about him, and he did miss Chaud... but there was another reason he was upset and couldn't stop crying... Today marked the day of Chaud and Lan's anaversiry. One year ago, Lan had gotten the corage to ask Chaud out on a real date.
Lan sighed and rolled onto his stomach to bury his head into his pillow. He was pissed off that Chaud didn't remember. He was also pissed that Chaud's father had sent him so far away. Lan screamed into his pillow and then sat up and threw it across the room hitting his door with a small thump. He was crying full out now and had to consintrait to get his breathing under control. That's when he noticed the music playing.
"Mega must have left the CD player on when he went to the net..." Lan said shakily as he stood up and walked over to his computer desk and took a seat in his computer chair. He looked at the name of the song and shook his head. "Roll must have sent it." He then went to close the CD player down when some lyrics stuck out to him.
I never cared how I dress before
But I cared that night
Anticipation ran through my bones
And my clothes never fit right
I can't wait till we meet again
Lan blinked and clicked a button so the verse would repeat it's self. He had to smile slightly. "Funny how such a simple song can bring back the best of memories..." he stood back up and walked over to his bed and laid down on his back starring up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes and crossed his arms behind his head useing them as a pillow. He let his mind drift as the music continues to repeat on the computer.
Lan had spend the majority of the day looking threw his closet trying to find something nice to wear. His net navi had also spend the majority of the day laughing at his net op. Lan fell out of his closet as a box fell from the top shelf. He pushed it off of himself and say indian style on the floor with his head in his hands on the furge of tears.
"I can't wear any of this crap... I'll look like an idiot!" He cried while falling backwards onto the floor. Megaman shook his head and watched as Lan continued to cry and cover his face with his hands. He had to do something or else Lan would be late for his date.
"Lan, I'm sure that whatever you wear will look great. I mean Chaud can't really care all that much about what you wear... he wears cami for goodness sakes." Lan glared up at his computer deck where his PET stood. His navi was once again laughing, but was also trying to cover it up. Lan sat up and crossed his arms over his chest as he glared at Megaman.
"I like the way Chaud dresses!" That shut Megaman up and Lan sighed. He was over reacting, and careing way to much about the way he looked for his date. He grabbed a pair of black short with a yellow strip on each side, a long sleaved white shirt and an orange vest over that. He grabbed his blue head band and tied it around his head. He ran a hand threw his hair and sighed heavily. "Now what am I going to do about this mess?" Megaman burst out laughing once more and fall over in his PET as Lan started to shove things back into his closet and under his bed.
"Lan if you don't hurry you're going to be late!" Lan heard his mother call from downstaires and he stopped what he was doing and fall down to his knees his face a beat red color. Megaman had stopped laughing and was looking at his net op with consern.
"I... I can't... I can't do it!" Lan broke down cring once more. Megaman swore to himself before opening a file and e-mailing Protoman.
PROBLEM... Lan's freaking... he might be late... Tell Chaud he WILL be there!
Lan had stopped crying and was finishing cleaning his room when Megaman spoke up. "So after all the trouble you went threw to actually ask Chaud out your just going to give up? I didn't know you were such a quiter Lan. I'm really disappointed in you... You know what... I'm not even going to try to get you to go. You want to be a chicken be one alone... I'm going net surfing." Megaman watched as Lan's shoulders dropped and he hung his head. He smiled to himself and logged himself into the net.
Lan looked over his shoulder and watched Megaman disappear. He sighed and sat down in his computer chair that had previsiously burried under piles of clothing. Lan laid his head on top of the computer desk and sighed. He was about to start crying when a beep was heared from his computer. He had an e-mail. "It's from Chaud... but why?" Lan was scared to open the e-mail and decided not to. "What if he's just e-mailing me to cancel our date?" He felt his eyes water again, he reached for the mouse and clicked on the e-mail to open it.
I don't know about you but I'm not feeling the way this date is turning out. And it hasn't even started yet. I was wondering if you wanted to head down to the WWW Cury Shop and just hit the arcade after that. We can consider that a date right? If you don't want to that's fine... but the resturant... well I'm not big on fancy stuff. Hit me back soon.
Lan couldn't help but smile at that and took the klenex that was handed to him. He blinked and looked up into what he thought were the most wonderful blue eyes he had ever seen. "Chaud...?" He asked his voice soft. Chaud just nodded and moved to sit down on Lan's bed. "How did you...?" Chaud smiled slightly and held out his PET.
"Protoman got Megaman's e-mail. Why didn't you just tell me that you were just as freaked about this as I was? Afraid that I'd laugh at you or something?" Chaud was sounding more and more like a the pre-teen he was suppose to be as Lan listened to him. He smiled and turned around to sit backwards in his computer chair.
"One... I didn't know Mega had sent Proto an e-mail... And yeah I didn't tell you cause I didn't want you to think that I was a chicken..." Lan blushed and looked down at his feet. He heard his door open and looked up to see his mom there smiling.
"Would you boys like some soda and chips? Or we can go and rent a movie if you'd like." Lan smiled at his mom and then looked to Chaud who had a half smile on his face.
"No thank you Mrs. Hikari, me and Lan were just going to head to the arcade for a bit and then hit the cury shop. Maybe later, right Lan?" Chaud looked over to Lan and Lan smiled and nodded before bending down to grab his sneakers. He put them on as Chaud walked to the computer desk to jack Protoman in. "Where's Mega?"
Lan looked up and shruged. "Don't really know. He said he was going to go net surfing... he could be anywhere." Lan finished tieing his shoes and stood up. Chaud smiled slightly and turned to look at Protoman who was now standing in the deskstop of Lan's PC.
"Protoman, according to what Lan said Megaman went off net surfing. Hit any of the spots that you know about that are big. Mega likes to be around lots of people so any place with mass amounts of people. Lan and I are going to the arcade and then the cury shop. I want you to get Megaman and meet us at the cury shop." Protoman didn't utter a word just nodded and turned to leave. Lan, who was busy looking for his backpack poped up then.
"Wait, Proto! Megaman likes to go to the Winged Out... It's a spot off to the east of Net City Square. You really can't miss it but you need to axcess it a certain way. You need the right gear. I think Mega has an extra set located in a box near the ocean line. It shouldn't be locked, since Mega should be there. Check there first. If he isn't there check with Roll. She'll know where he'll be... no doubt about it!" Lan smiled as Protoman gave a nod and dissapeared into the net. Lan sighed to himself. "Hopefully Mega is alone at the Out. No one except a few navis know how to get into it, and there are only four sets of the gear needed. Mega owns two, Roll owns one and the other... well hopefully he's not there." Chaud looked up at Lan and frowned.
"You mean Protoman could be going off into a battle?" Lan shook his head and smiled.
"Nah... Megaman and keep Bass under control... And unless Protoman starts something... Bass will leave him alone." Lan smiled brighter and brought his back pack up and onto his shoulders. He held his hand out to Chaud. "We can bring the PETs if you will feel better but I'm sure we wont need them. Plus if we don't hurry we will miss the dinner speical at the cury shop." Chaud shook his head as he was pulled out of Lan's room.
"Do you ever not think with your stomach?" Lan blushed slightly before almost falling down the stairs. He was saved by strong arms around his stomach. He blinked a bit and blushed even more and he noticed that it was Chaud who had saved him. "You should be more careful Lan..." Chaud's voice seemed to be just a whisper and it was blowing right past Lan's ear sending shivers up the boys spine. Lan nodded and they both walked down the stairs. Lan bid goodbye to his mother and said that they'd be home shortly.
The walk to the arcade was done in silence. Neither of the two boys knew what to talk about so they kept quiet. When they reached the arcade they both raced to the fighting games. They fought a few rounds, tieing each other in the end. They then headed out to the cury shop and was greeted with a very interesting site.
"Why the hell should we?"
It was Maddy yelling at a PET that wasn't hers. Lan slipped over to look over her shoulder and noticed Megaman, Protoman, and Elecman all laughing at Wackoman who seemed to be all scrammbled up. Lan couldn't help up laugh at the site, causeing the fumeing Maddy to turn her rage on him.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING AT HIKARI???" Lan took a step back and tripped over his own feet and landed in Chaud's arms toppling them both backwards and into a booth, with Lan on top of him. Lan blushed deeply moved to get off of Chaud but found he couldn't move, Chaud's arms were locked around his waist. Lan looked up into Chaud's blue eyes he felt as if he was melting, or drowning. He closed his eyes and leaned down slightly as Chaud started to lift himself upward, their lips for only inches apart when someone cleared their throat. Chaud growled and pushed Lan up so that they were sitting next to each other. The person who had cleared their throat was Count Zap, an electric freak who worked as a waiter for the cury shop. Lan blushed and sunk down in his seat. Chaud glanced at him once before glareing up at Count Zap, who was giving them a knowing look.
"What can I get you two love birds today?" Chaud glared even harder and Count Zap just gulped and turned to walk away. "I'll just get you two the dinner special... and since you've helped save the world a few times, and my hyde... It'll be on the house... MATCH!!" Lan watched with a small smile as Count Zap ran into the back of the cury shop. He couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard some crashing and some more cursing.
"That was pretty funny Lan... But may I ask what did Zap interupt that Chaud gave him the glare of death?" Lan looked over to the side of the table where a small computer screen was set up. Megaman, Protoman, and Elecmen were standing there with small smiles on their faces. Lan blushed a bit more and Chaud leaned over and clicked the moniter off. He cleared his throat and Lan looked over to him.
"How about we just get our food and get home... We can stop at the video rental and get a movie and then we can eat the cury while we watch the movie... what do you say?" Lan just nodded and then smiled.
"We can always make Mr. Match deliver the food to us. That way it's still warm." Chaud nodded and stood up helping Lan out of the booth and then walking over to the counter. Maddy was sitting there painting her nail. "Hey Maddy... can you have someone deliver the food we ordered to my house? Me adn Chaud are going to head out." Maddy just smiled brightly and nodded. Lan and Chaud turned to leave but Lan turned back. "Tell Megaman to get home too..." He smiled and turned to run out the door with Chaud. They walked off to the video rental laughing and joking along the way. They rented a few movies, mostly old horror movies, and then headed home. They got there just in time to see Mr. Match drop off their food. Lan ran in side and threw off his shoes and threw his back pack onto the stairs. Chaud followed Lan and shook his head.
"Lan, Chaud is that you?" Lan's mother poped her head out of the kitchen, her hair was done up in a tight bun and she was wearing a semi tight black dress. Lan blinked a few minutes before jumping into the kitchen. Sitting at the table holding his PET and Chaud's PET was his father. Lan ran over to him and gave him a big hug. Lan's father laughed and patted his sons head. Chaud watched all this from the door of the kitchen until he was pulled inside by Lan.
"Dad this is Chaud... he's Protoman's net op." Lan had a huge smile on his face as he introduced his father and Chaud. Lan was about to open his mouth to say something else when a hand covered his mouth.
"Lan dear your father and I are leaving for the rest of the night. We have a fancy dinner party to go to across town. We'll be staying at your aunt and uncles house... If you need anything call us." She leaned down and kissed Lan's cheek before grabing the PETs out of her husbands hands and setting them on the table. Lan's father waved to the boys as he was pulled out of the kitchen. Lan couldn't help but laugh as he watched his mother force his father into the drivers seat of their car. Lan's mom waved goodbye to the boys and got into the car and drove off.
Lan sighed and turned to head back to the kitchen for his cury. But was stopped by Chaud, who had brought all the food out and set it up on the coffee table. He had even brought out the two PETs and set them up so they could watch the TV. Lan smiled and walked over to put one of the movies into the VCR as Chaud sat down onto the couch. Lan soon joined him and reached up to turn the lights off. Once the lights were off Lan turned the movie on. He leaned back and felt an arm go around his shoulders. He looked over and seen Chaud smile at him. He gulped slightly before taking a deep breath and turning around to face the blue eyed boy. He wrapped his arms around Chaud's neck and brought their lips together in a gentle and soft kiss that ended quickly. Chaud blinked a few times before smiling, and turning Lan around so that the brown eyed boy was sitting in his lap with his head resting against Chaud's shoulder.
"I love you Lan... I always have, and I always will." Chaud hugged Lan tightly and Lan let out a small sob as he hugged the other boy back.
"And I love you too Chaud. Forever!" Lan pulled Chaud down so that he laid ontop of him and brought their lips together once more. They were parted by snickers coming from Lan's PET.
"Told you it would work Protoman! You owe me fifty bucks!" Both boys looked at each other and then glared at their PETs as they listened to Megaman snicker more and Protoman grumble.
Lan growled to himself and looked over at his computer to see that Megaman had returned and was playing a new shooting game. Lan got up and sat down at his computer desk smiling at his navi. Megaman looked up to him and grined back as he restarted the game so Lan could play. In the back ground the song continued to play.
First comes heavy breathing
Staring at the ceiling
What will happen next
I don't wanna know
Author's Ending Notes: TA DA!! Second chapter done... It almost became a lemon there but I couldn't do that... have to save the lemon until the next chapter... Chaud's going to have a dirty memory of his and Lan's first time! I hope you all like this chapter. I was a big weary of it at first but I liked how it turned out. The place Winged Out is a place I just made up... and when I said Megaman went Net Surfing... he went surfing on a virtual ocean... Oh and I had to add Bass in there... he's hot... and so is Elecman... Sorry I don't know Lan's mother and father's dub names... So you'll have to deal with what you got. [Smiles brightly and walks over to his Protoman bean bag with his new plushies of Protoman, Chaud, Megaman, Lan, Bass, and Elecman.] Don't forget to review!