Megas XLR Fan Fiction ❯ Jamie's wish come true ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter one: the idea
Jamie sat around, and was bored. How many times had he watched Coop playing Mortal Combat? Dude always won, he had thumbs of fury.
“uhhh, Coop?”
Coop grunted.
“where's keira?”
“Up your ass, man. Whoa, did you see that? Extra points!”
“no, really.”
“she's getting parts. Meinike, I think. Something about a new exhaust pipe, and an oil change.”
Jamie adjusted his feet on the coffee table, for optimum Mortal Combat viewing. “ok,” he said.
15 minutes later, keira banged her way into the basement.
“your mom says to stop playing video games and clean the gutters,” she informed Coop.
Coop yawned. “yeah, alright. I'm losing ground anyway. This new version is ok and all, but the villains don't die like they used to…”
He headed up the stairs.
Jamie turned to keira. “hey, megas is fine now, right?”
“right Jamie.” Keira's eyes lit up the way they always did when she was talking about her baby. “I rigged it with a partially new system. I mean, Coop's good, better than I thought at driving megas, but I've found a way to make him better. Megas talks now.”
Jamie's eyes widened. “Wow, really?”
“yeah. Tells you when everything from when you should fire a missile to when it needs an oil change, everything. It's almost like Megas is a person now. Pretty cool, if I say so myself. Well, gotta go tell Coop, see you Jamie.”
A half of an idea formed in Jamie's head. This new and improved megas sounded cool… too cool to pass up. Jamie had always had a secret desire to drive megas, and except for that one, (stupid), experience driving the head, the dream had never been realized. Now though, it sounded easy. He'd probably get a lot of chicks cruising around in a giant, mechanized robot. Chicks dig giant robots…
He'd only go to the 7eleven or something and back. They had an all new extra, mega, Triple Big Gulp cup he was itching to get his hands on.
Jamie scooted to the garage, and into megas's head. He started the engine, and a voice said. “hello. Start engine turbines?”
Jamie gulped. “start engine turbines.” He said firmly.
He stepped on the gas…and blasted into space.
“oh shit.”
“Asteroids in sight. Continue?”
Megas exploded though the asteroid belt and kept going. Jamie had lost site of any landmarks… such as Pluto, which had passed 15 min ago. When he had started to go into it's field of gravity, Jamie guessed that it was a good time to hold onto the steering wheel.
“uhhh, turn around. Then faster, but back thataway.” Jamie thumbed the gameboy controls, trying to reverse. He succeeded in hanging a sharp left and going even faster.
“planet sighted. Continue?”
“uhhm, show it to me please.” Jamie hoped this worked, or he was very, very, screwed,(and not in the good way).
In the windshield, I picture suddenly appeared. It was a planet, blue and green and swirly. I wasn't too big, not too small… earth, Jamie hoped. They can't have gone that far out of his solar system. Those wide swaths of purple must be something experimental by the government.
Then he crashed into it.