Meine Liebe Fan Fiction ❯ Masquerade ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ed should have realized before hand that his love was never his to hold. It didn't matter how many times he had held Naoji in his arms, those words that he whispered into the other's ear might as well have been whispered to himself. They kept their affections hidden though sometimes Eduard wanted nothing more than to stake his claim. The reality was their relationship was doomed from the start and even the most romantic of people could have seen the folly in even starting their liaison. After all the social and political reasons why they couldn't be together was only second to the fact that who Naoji wanted to be with most wasn't him.
It became crystal clear one night; Eduard had not been able to find Naoji in his room and wandered outside to see if the other boy was still practicing. It did not take a long time to find the Japanese boy; predictability was good for something. There was nothing predictable, however, about the scene that greeted him as he walked into a secluded part of the garden. Ed always thought that Naoji wasn't a sexual person, he was beautiful and intelligent but naïve about pleasures of the flesh and never in all their months of being “more than friends” had Naoji even hinted at the idea of sex. Eduard had never pushed the subject after all there was time and they were young, besides he loved Naoji without having to touch him.
The idea that Naoji didn't feel quite the same way had crossed Ed's mind once or twice before but he always credited Naoji's less than amorous behavior to his quite personality not some hidden reason. But that was exactly what was happening, Eduard received no warning. There wasn't some mysterious pain in his chest that came from his lover being unfaithful; there wasn't some feeling that just crept up his neck that told of some deviant behavior. All the warning Ed got was a low moan and some hushed whispers as warning before he came in position to see what Naoji was filling his time with, or rather who.
It hurt in the way that all things hurt, less than some but more than most and despite any warning there might have been the shock still came. On the damp grass Ludwig lay prone holding tightly onto Naoji's hips. Eduard was close enough that he could see the bright red blush painted delicately on his love's cheeks. Intimate whispers were exchanged as Ludwig shifted Naoji onto his back hands opening the white shirt before trailing soft kisses up to partly opened lips. One of Naoji's hands was digging into the grass while the other threaded in Ludwig's long hair clutching a few strands tightly. A sudden movement that Eduard could not quite see caused a sharp gasp to escape Naoji's throat, head hitting against the ground with a dull thud. Ludwig laughed a low, guttural laugh biting Naoji's neck sharply then licking around the edges of the bite.
Eduard grabbed onto the branch near him, glaring at the way Ludwig flaunted his power. Naoji molded perfectly against the larger male as he whimpered breathlessly in a way that Ed never thought possible. Ludwig suddenly moved further up on his body, sliding an elegant hand up to cup Naoji's chin pulling it upwards to place a strangely gentle kiss on pale skin while at the same time narrowed eyes drifted over to where Ed stood, sparking menacingly in the moonlight.
~Finite pt.1~