Metropolis Fan Fiction ❯ A Difference ❯ Shocking Twist ( Chapter 12 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Authors Note:
Hello!!! This one is a dozy, but I think all of you will be surprised.
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On the last chapter, Chapter 10: Chaos:
She stood next to his bed, looking down at him, sorrow written all over her face. She hated seeing him like this.
Sasha entered the room and stood on the other side of Tima, away from the open door. Tima didn't notice Sasha staring intently at the door, her head tilting to get a better look the expression on her face blank yet serious.
Tima was taken out of her thoughts by the creaking of the door. She turned quickly to that direction, her eyes widening and her body tensing as she found the action that caused the door to move. Her lips moved, and she managed to whisper one name. “Kenichi…”
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Chapter 11: Shocking Twist
Kenichi closed the door with a gloved hand as Tima stared at him, unable to move. “Surprised?” he asked with a smirk forming on his lips. “You didn't think there would be a happy ending now did you?” Tima shifted backwards, bumping into Sasha. As she felt Sasha's presence behind her, she also felt something pressed firmly against her back. She froze, knowing instantly what the object was. A gun.
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“Move” Sasha said firmly. With that Tima began to walk in the direction the gun in her back guided her. “What are you going to do Sasha?” she said silently to herself as she led Tima to the end of the bed. “Are you going to do what your told or what you know is right?” When they reached the end of the bed Sasha told Tima to sit; she did.
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Kenichi smirked at the two of them. “Amazing, you managed to befriend her and betray her so easily. A child, the perfect assassin.” He knew Sasha was the best person for this job, especially since she was with himself and Tima before the Up Rise. Though he knew that she wouldn't have gotten involved if it wasn't for Hugo being in the hospital.
He walked over to them and grabbed the collar of Tima's shirt, pulling her to her feet and pulling her face close to his.
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He was so close she could feel his breath on her face and the warmth from his body. She was scared he might kiss her or something drastic and looked away, rather upset with the situation. She couldn't believe Sasha did this to her, her only female companion abandoning her like this.
She felt Kenichi let go of her shirt, and in place of it felt the stabbing pain of her shoulder, which he grabbed next. She cried out, the pain worsening as he began to tighten his grip on it. She didn't have to look at his hand to know that it was now covered in her blood. She could hear the smirk in his voice, “Oh, I'm sorry, I completely forgot that you have a bullet wound there.” He let go of her and she fell to her knees, gasping and covering her reopened injury.
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Sasha had been keeping herself in check while Kenichi abused Tima. She had to remember she was doing this for her brother, for Hugo. Now Tima was on her knees and Kenichi was lifting his hand, preparing to strike her across the face. “Stop it!” Sasha shouted, causing the room to become silent and unmoving.
She pointed her automatic at Kenichi, “Leave her alone…or I'll kill you.” This wasn't a lying; when it came to the death of another Sasha never bluffed. She was sure Kenichi of all people knew this, but his expression never changed. “Really…you can't be seri-” Sasha shot Kenchi in the same should he shot Tima. He stumbled and put one hand against the wall to steady him, the other covering his shoulder, his expression turning bitter.
Tima looked back at Sasha, eyes wide. She still had her gun aimed at Kenichi. “Tima, grab Rock and get out of her as fast as you can.”
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Tima got up quickly wincing from the pain in her shoulder but not caring, and run to Rock's side. She pulled him gently and managed to get him into a sitting position. She pushed his legs off the bed so he was sitting on the side of it. By now Tima could tell that he was conscious and she put one of his arms around her shoulder's to help him stand. She let him put his weight on her, and they stumbled over to the door.
Sasha followed, her eyes never leaving Kenichi's and the gun never faltering aim on its target. Sasha handed Tima her doll and opened opened the door for them. “Sasha…” “Go Tima, save yourself, and watch over her for me.” “I'll never forget you Sasha…thank you” “Goodbye Tima…” Sasha closed the door.
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Kenichi dropped his hand from his shoulder. “So it's a duel you're wanting hm? I shot till the other is dead? Well so be it.” Kenichi knew that he was much faster with a gun than she, but only because of the program that brainwashed him. She knew this too, that is why she began shooting every bullet in the automatic at him. He began to dodge each one, pulling his gun out of its holder all the while; he then took aim at Sasha. Before Kenichi's bullet hit her chest, she managed to put a bullet in his elbow and his side.
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Sasha smiled as she began to fall, knowing she gave Tima and Rock precious time to escape they didn't have before. She hit the ground as darkness began to consume her. “I have no regrets at all…because only Tima and Rock can save this city from corruption…they will destroy you and Duke Red” she mumbled as she began to drown in her own blood.
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Kenichi didn't look impressed in the least bit as he looked down at the dieing Sasha. “I don't think so…” he started as he walked over to the door and opened it. “…because I have the intentions of destroying this city.” He looked back at Sasha and shot her in the head, ending her life. He put his gun away and began to walk towards the elevator.
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Tears streamed down Tima's cheeks as she heard the gunshots on the elevator. When they reached the first floor, they began to steadily walk towards the automatic doors. Tima could hear the elevator dinking as he began to pass each floor back to where kenichi was. She tried to quicken their pass as the elevator began to come back down. They reached the doors as they slid open to let them pass.
The made it outside - to be surrounded by Mardukes. A helicopter flew overhead as Tima looked about her. Beyond the Mardukes was a limousine, which Duke Red stepped out of. She began to walk slowly down the stairs outside as he approached her. She knew they couldn't possible escape now.
To Be Continued…
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So what did you think? Please review and tell me what you'd like to see in future chapters!!