Mirage Of Blaze Fan Fiction ❯ Bound ❯ Explanations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Mirage of Blaze. Oh well…
Warnings: Shounen ai (Naoe x Kagetora/Takaya), language, OOCness, AU
Before Kagetora walked into the clearing, Naoe's head was in Haruie's lap and his hands were gripping her jacket tightly. His body was still shaking from the strain of the binding and the amount of energy he had used. When he heard Kagetora's voice, Haruie felt his body stiffen before his shaking increased exponentially.
While she didn't understand why Kagetora's appearance affected him so much, she knew that if he was forced to endure much more stress, his body would give out and there would be nothing they could do for him. She also had a hunch that Kagetora had no idea what was going on and that she and Chiaki would need to explain what was happening and all it entailed.
To avoid any unpleasant confrontations, she forced Naoe into unconsciousness. She gently removed Naoe's hand from her jacket, then she jabbed her thumb into the burn on his wrist. His whole body jerked violently before going still. She checked his pulse. When she was satisfied that he was merely unconscious, she gently laid his body onto the forest floor and put her jacket on his chest. He gripped it tightly and rolled to his side, legs drawn up toward his chest. He wasn't shaking so badly now.
Kagetora watched all of this in confusion. He didn't understand any of what was going on. All he knew was that his more loyal companions were helping Naoe, the traitor.
He started walking toward Naoe, but found his way quickly blocked by both Haruie and Chiaki. When he was about to yell at them both to get out of his way, Chiaki took a step forward and slapped him. Kagetora could only stare. Then he started getting angry.
Realizing that this could erupt into a serious fight, Haruie stepped between the two men and put one hand on each of their chests. She sighed at their macho posturing, then attempted to direct their attention to the problem at hand.
“Naoe was Bound.” She said, as if that explained everything.
“And what's that supposed to mean?” Kagetora asked. “Who cares anyway?”
Haruie stepped forward to slap Kagetora, but Chiaki stopped her. She glared at him, but he just grinned back. Then she sighed and nodded. Chiaki stepped back smugly, but Haruie quickly took a step forward and slammed her fist into Kagetora's jaw, knocking him to the ground. Both Chiaki and Kagetora stared at her in surprise.
She just shrugged. “He had it coming to him.” She said. Chiaki nodded in understanding. Kagetora was just more confused.
“What the Hell was that about?!” He yelled at the two of them. Chiaki and Haruie were annoyed at his stupidity and bad attitude.
“He goes and does something like that for you and you still…” Chiaki started.
“What? Something like what?” Kagetora asked, getting more and more confused by the minute. “And who did something for me?”
“Aaahhh!” Chiaki screamed in frustration. “Naoe, you idiot! His soul was bound so you could come out of the mirror!!”
“… OK… but what does that mean?” Kagetora asked, knowing that he probably wouldn't like the answer.
Haruie stepped in, calmer now. “His body and soul are bound together.”
“Isn't that how it's supposed to be? If they weren't bound, the soul could just fly off.”
Chiaki chimed in “maybe you should give him an analogy.”
“But which one? The dress?”
“No. Considering his last life, that wouldn't go over too well. How about the ball of rubber?”
“That makes sense! Thanks, Chiaki!” Haruie chirped.
Haruie began her explanation “All right, Kagetora. I'll tell you all about the three types of bonds between body and soul.
“There are three types of bonds. In order of strength, they are the bond between a soul and its original body, the bond between a Possessor's soul and a body he inhabits, and the bond between the soul and body of one on whom a Greater Binding has been performed.
“I say that Possessor bonds are stronger bonds than normal bonds, but this isn't always true. But in general, this is true because a Possessor can pick a body that better fits his soul than his original body if he wants. A normal person must use the body they are given, which may not be as well-suited to their soul as one would like. Of course, if forced, a Possessor may inhabit a body that they cannot bond with. You experienced this in your last life.
“Anyway, to explain the bonds, I need you to imagine a ball of rubber that can be shaped into any type of shoe. The rubber will represent the body, while a foot will represent the soul.
“The bond between a normal body and soul is like a foot with a flip-flop or sandal on it. the soul is only loosely contained by the body. It is relatively easy to take them off by yourself (suicide), for others to take them off (murder), or for them to just slip off (death by old age or accident.) The soul is also more exposed - it is closer to the surface and easier to manipulate.
“The bond between a Possessor and the body they choose is like a pair of sneakers or tennis shoes. They may be hard to get into at first, but once they are on, they are very comfortable and you are less willing to take them off. They are comfortable while running or taking long walks. It's harder to separate a Possessor's soul from a chosen body. Of course, like I said earlier, if they do not like their vessel, the bond can be very weak.
“A Greater Binding is like… having rubber melted directly onto your foot. Not many people would submit to it willingly. If you try to take the shoe off (get out of the body), your foot (soul) will probably be irreparably damaged. Also, you can feel everything that happens to the rubber - your body is so connected to your soul, that you feel bodily pain as if it were a direct attack on your soul.
“When a body dies normally, the soul usually travels to the afterlife or stays on Earth, but it is not damaged. If you are a Possessor, your soul immediately tries to inhabit other bodies.
“When you are the subject of a Greater Binding, your soul is trapped inside your body. After death, your soul stays there. As your body deteriorates, so does your soul. Your soul will never rest. It is destined to be destroyed. If you are lucky, your body is destroyed at the time of your death and it is over. If not, your soul will be tortured for years, decades, centuries, or even millennia.
“If the Binding is weak enough, the bond can sometimes be broken through massive pain, but the body usually dies in the process while the soul is severely damaged.
“Any questions, Kagetora-sama?”
“Speechless for once? How nice.” Chiaki said sarcastically.
“So he's trapped in his body and his soul will die?” Kagetora asked.
“He won't come back?” Kagetora pushed, sounding slightly agitated.
“I'll never see him again?” Kagetora's voice was weak and quiet.
“Isn't there anything we can do?” Kagetora asked in desperation.
“Well…” Haruie started, “we aren't sure how strong they bound him, but even if it IS a weak bond, there is no guarantee that we can break it without killing him.”
“But you said that his soul would die anyway, right? So what's the difference? We have to try!”
“…it's up to him. We can't force him to…” Haruie explained
“Wouldn't want to help him out if he doesn't want it, would we? It would be wrong to do anything against his will, wouldn't it? Fuck that! We're helping him whether he likes it or not!” Kagetora yelled.
“…he did it for you. The least you could do is think about what he wants!” Chiaki told him.
Kagetora seethed, but relaxed when he thought about it for a minute. “You're right. We'll ask him. But first, shouldn't we determine if it is even possible to help him?”
Chiaki and Haruie nodded to him and then each other and walked toward Naoe…
Author's Note: I hope this wasn't too bad or too weird. I'm sorry for the weird explanation. It came to me at 5:00 in the morning and I jotted it down. Please tell me if the story and the different types of bonds make sense!