Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam Memory ❯ The Arrival of Memory ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mobile Suit Gundam Memory

By Kasey Sanada and Ember

Chapter One: The Arrival of Memory

During the year of 4510 AD, the natural resources of the planet Earth were finally used up. Abandoning their home, humans fled to the planets of Mars and Venus, where stable colonies had been set up during the past century, thus the Mars and Venus Establishments (MVEs) was born. But the OuterColonies, who have been in space for almost 2000 years and who's own resources have become strained from misuse, want the MVEs for themselves. The year is now After Earth 18, and a new rebel resistance is fighting back the OuterColony militaristic hold on the MVE.

"Hey!! Stop that girl!!"

Aria Kobayashi jumped over a group of people before continuing her run. "Kuso, it's just a loaf of bread and some meat," she muttered, dodging a few bullets that came from behind, but winced when one grazed her in the arm. "Haven't you heard of charity, you old geezer?" she yelled as she rolled under a moving car, making people scream in fear.

"I don't give charity to dirty street brats!"

"That's why I steal from you, you baka yaro!" With that said, Aria ran down a silent alleyway. She continued to run until she got to a rundown factory. Slipping inside, she dropped down to the floor and held her arm. "Kuso...."

"I'm guessing you got hurt again?"

Aria snorted. "Is it that obvious Trevor? Just get the damn bullet out would you?"

Trevor Amada said nothing as he got the first aid kit and did what he had done many times before. After he finished wrapping up the wound, he sat down next to her. "So, what did you bring home to eat that you were willing to risk your life for?"

Aria smirked as she held out the food items. "Bread and meat alright with you?"

"Better than the rice we've been eating the past month," he said, breaking the bread in half and handing one half to Aria.

"Oh, while I was out I heard some interesting information," Aria said as she took a bite out of her bread.

Trevor raised an eyebrow. "Such as?"

"OuterColony has finally decided to make their move. They're going to attack Vena America in about 12 hours."

"Aw damn, and I was SO hoping to sit on my ass again tonight," Trevor said, biting into his slice of meat.


"Are you going to be able to pilot with that wound?" Trevor asked, nodding towards her arm.

"I'll be fine." Aria glanced over at Trevor. "You just don't get yourself killed, okay?"

"Just as long as you don't."

"Daaaa! She's doing it again!"

"Oh buggar off Jamie."
"Don't call me that you…you…"

"Oh OW! You can't even come up with a decent come back you twit."


Abigail Clark sighed at her children and shook her head.

"Don't make me put you both in opposite corners of the room. Lynn, leave your older brother alone. James, stop being such a baby."

James Clark sighed heavily and crossed his arms over his chest. His younger sister Lynn smiled sweetly at him before skipping off to her room to do God knew what.
Probably hack into the OuterColony database AGAIN, he thought.

He sat down at the kitchen table to finish his work. He was currently configuring the calculations of how much weight and ammunition that his Gundam Phoenix could take before the cockpit would be breached and he would be discovered inside. His father and sister had designed it. Rather than letting Lynn do all the mathematical aspects of the Gundam, his father had insisted that he do it, just so that he would know how and what do to incase of an emergency.

Lynn had leaned over his shoulder the entire time, blabbering about incorrect figuring and positively annoying the hell out of him.
His father, Alvie Clark, burst into the kitchen a moment later with a white sheet of paper clutched tightly in his hand.

"Just in!" he exclaimed, "Attack planned on the Vena America at thirteen hundred hours. Suit up boy, you've got work to do!"
James jumped from his chair with a loud whoop of excitement.


He ran out to the large garage were his Gundam was housed, and stopped when he met his sister half way. She looked up him with a nervous sort of smile, before throwing her arms around him and crying into his shoulder.

"Come back for me." She whispered, and James kissed the top of her head before pulling away from the embrace.

"Always!" he promised, and raced inside the garage, clamoring up his Gundam in no time.

"Good luck…" Lynn whispered as he took off, wiping tears from her bright green eyes.

"Aria, what's the status on the enemy?"

Aria looked up into a screen. "They're about 48230 kilometers from our current position. They should be here in about 20 minutes." She looked up at her vid screen. "Think we can do this Trevor?"

Trevor shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine." He closed his eyes.

Aria sighed and leaned back in her chair. "How about you Memory? Think we're ready?" A few beeps answered her and she sighed again. "I hope you're right." Suddenly a warning beep came on. "What the fuck?"

Trevor opened an eye. "What's the matter?"

"A mobile suit is coming our way on our left." She quickly punched in a few buttons and a picture came up on the screen. "It looks like a Gundam, but not one of the models that the OuterColony has." She turned on her intercom. "Pilot, identify yourself. What are you doing in this area?"

James blinked as the distinctly female voice boomed over his comlink, and shifted in his pilot's chair as his fingers flew over the control panel in front of him, trying to establish a secure connection before answering.
"I could ask you the same question." He said, smirk playing across him face.

"Well I asked you first, pilot, so I suggest you answer. I'm not a patient person."
"Good, neither am I." James stopped the fuel link to his back rocket thrusters and pulled out his long metal staff. He held it in front of his Gundam like a sword, position ready to attack or block.

"I'm ready when you are."

"Are you sure you're up to this?" Trevor asked Aria as she pulled out her beam saber.

"I said I'm fine," she snapped as she put Memory in a fighting stance. "Memory will take care of me."

"Hah, what a stupid name. Memory? Stop the chatter and let's fight."
James charged down the enemy Gundam, a loud, throaty war cry sounding over the comlink.
"Die you scum!" he roared, attacking Aria head-on.

Quickly moving her Gundam out of the way, Aria laughed. "Scum? I haven't been called that one yet. Come on, you got to do better than that!"

"And you've got to be better than that!" James cried, swinging around and slamming one of Phoenix's fists into the other Gundam's side.
Aria slammed forward violently, jerking her injured arm. "Shit!"

"Aria!!" Trevor started to move forward, but Aria quickly swung Memory so she was now behind the other Gundam, and holding to the Gundam's arm, she held the beam saber at its neck.

"Is this good enough for you?" she asked, trying to ignore the pain in her shoulder. "One move pilot, and I'll blow your Gundam up."
"Certainly." James smirked, turning on his thrusters, breaking Aria's Gundam's grip. He spun around, the flame-thrower on his arm locked directly on the other Gundam's head.

"One more move pilot, and I'll blow YOUR Gundam up."

"What Trevor?" Aria snapped. "Can't you see I'm a little busy?"
Trevor rolled his eyes. "They're here."

James sensors beeped to life a second later, and he let out a spew of curses before he let his Gundam's arm fall from it's locked target.
"I'll finish you later!" he said over his comlink, before speeding off to attack the Vena America.

Aria snorted. "Whatever. Come on Trevor. We better follow that guy before he gets himself killed." Blood had already soaked through her bandage and running down her arm.

Trevor sighed. 'It's you I'm worried about,' he thought as he followed her to the battle.

Kennedy Pride smiled politely at the man seated across from her gave him the finger. This sent the man into pales of laughter, and he clutched his aching sides.
"Asshole," she responded, straightening out her dress in a self-conscience manner. The man reached over and took her hand, smiling at her in way he hoped was comforting.
"Come now, Kenny love, don't be so fidgety. You'll be just fine. I'm sure my parents will love you."

"Doubt it, YOU didn't even like me when you first met me remember? You told me to go-"
"-the fuck away, yes I know. But I'm in love with you now, and that's all that matters."
Kennedy sighed happily as her fiancé leaned over and kissed her hand, squeezing her fingers reassuringly as he leaned away.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love me, too."

Kennedy swatted him over the head and looked out her window. The black darkness of space seemed endless and cold, making her shiver. She hated space, hated the fact that all that stood between her and death was some metal and glass. Even if this was a military transport probably the best and safest in the Milky Way, she didn't feel at peace. In fact, as soon as they'd taken off, she'd felt more afraid and on edge than usual. She wrung her hands in her lap nervously.

"Hey now, didn't I say I'd protect you forever? Don't worry, I got us the best money could pay for. Smile for me."

Kennedy coaxed a smile onto her face. The man across from her nodded, and went back to reading his book. She looked back out the window, calm written over her face, but butterflies doing cartwheels in her stomach.

"Shite," James cursed, pounding on his control panel.

"Come on Phoenix, stop being a bitch. Work for me love."

Not good, this can NOT be good, he thought as he worked hurriedly over the controls. The left power component had gone out, so now all the power and control to the right side of his suit was disabled.

"I thought you said you were going to destroy the enemy!" an annoying voice crackled over his comlink, and he groaned.

"Did you follow me girl? Go play with your dolls or something."

"She IS playing with her 'dolls'." Another voice said.

James sighed heavily and pushed two buttons at once, two screens springing to life on his vid screen. One was a boy who looked slightly annoyed at breathing, and the other a distinctly oriental female with a mocking smile spreading across her chin. She didn't look too fazed at having a direct link to her vid screen, but HE certainly did.

"I meet the annoying pests at last. Tell me, what do you children want?"

"Children?" the boy seethed, looking ready to drink James' blood.

"That's what I said."

"Omae...." Trevor growled, but Aria cut him off, sensing danger.

"Trevor, cool it," Aria snapped. She looked back at the vid cam that James was on. "We're here to fight just as you are, so stop being a ass and listen. Your suit's malfunctioning, my arm isn't in the best of shape right now and Trevor can't fight the enemy by himself. Let's team up."

James pondered this for a second.

"You'd…team up with me?" he finally asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Against my better judgement. I like OuterColony about as much as you do it seems. One fight together, and then we can go back to fighting one another."
James nodded.


"Eki, you ok with this Trevor?"

Trevor crossed his arms and snorted. "Do I have a choice?"

James sighed and waved his hand back and forth in an annoyed manner. "Fine, we'll team up. Then I get to finish kicking your ass."

Aria laughed. "I think that's going to be the other way around. So do I get to know your name, or can I call you baka yaro for my amusement?"

"Baka yaro meaning…?"
"Stupid." Trevor supplied, smirking slightly.

"HEY! I'm not STUPID you evil witch!"

"Then give me your damn name so I don't have to call you that!!" Aria groaned and smacked her forehead. "It custom for the man to introduce himself, but why am I even saying that? The only man I see is Trevor!"

"OH YOU ARE SO ON MY LIST! Fuck you! My name's JAMES, and all I see is a queer and a whore."

Trevor narrowed his eyes. "WHAT did you call me!?!" he growled, the look in his eyes ready to kill. Aria, on the other hand, didn't even look fazed.


"THAT'S IT!!!" Trevor was about to attack, but Aria stopped him.

"QUIET!" Aria snapped as she raised an eyebrow, as if listening for something.
Trevor frowned slightly. "You sense something?"
"Yeah, five mobile suits, and a transport shuttle, about 5000 kilometers away." Aria's violet eyes blinked curiously. "That's more than I expected."
James blinked stupidly for a moment, then cocked his head to the side in question. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'll explain later," Aria said as she got Memory into a fighting stance. "Oh, and by the way, my name's Aria." Her eyes softened slightly. "And gomen about my remark earlier."

James actually managed a smile. "No problem! I get all stupid around pretty girls…er, I mean…" James blushed brightly and terminated the vid screen link.

"Dummy…" he muttered to himself.

Aria blinked before shrugging. "You guys, get ready. These colony jackasses aren't going to be easy to beat." Her eyes flickered slightly.

Trevor noticed. "You alright?" he asked her in French.

"What makes you think I'm not?" she snapped, her eyes now showing no emotion. "I'm just looking forward to some ass kicking."

Trevor raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. 'When she gets like this, it's best to leave her be,' he thought, sighing softly.

Aria stared into the screen, waiting for the enemy to arrive. 'This is it Memory. Let's just hope.....' She shook her head. 'No, don't even go there Kobayashi. You can't......' She growled. "They're going to pay for what they did to my family...... all of them....."

"Ok Phoenix love, let's get ready. We've got a enemy to kill and a girl to impress."

The mecha squawked at him in what seemed to be an answer of annoyance.

"Of COURSE I still love you girl…" he patted the console with affection, "…I would just like to impress her. You with me? LET'S GO!"

James let out a loud whoop and took up a fighting stance, silently asking for protection, and the courage and strength to avenge his family.

Kasey: How did you all enjoy chapter one? Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did writing it!

Ember: James is the best…*glomps him, ignoring Kasey's annoyed face and sweatdrop*

Kasey: Email us at or and tell us what you think. Ja ne minna-chan!!