Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam: Short Stories ❯ France ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
“It has been three months since my last letter to you. I really miss you, Jennet and Anne. I can't tell you where I am exactly but it is very cold out here. Those leg-warmers that you sent me have given me more comfort than my rifle.”
“I hope that Jennet and Anne isn't causing you too much trouble. I know that you love children but I know that Anne can be a handful. She has a bit of a temper but if you give her something sweet she will mellow out. Please tell Jennet that I miss her too.”
“I can't give you any details, mom, but I have a feeling that I won't be coming home any time soon. What I can tell you is that we're heading west. The Zeke forces are far more powerful that we expected. I saw journalists and TV crews by the roadside filming our retreat so the news must be reporting what is going on at home.”
“I'm OK, but most of my friends from boot camp are either dead or injured. I have knocked on death's door a few times since I came out to Europe but we're being slaughtered by the giant robots that the Zekes has. Every time that we come across a squad of those robots, we run. The tank shells that we fire at them just bounce off their armor. Unless a shell hits their eye we don't stand a chance against them. Our superiors chew us out for running but they are the ones who are leading the charge out of the area.”
“To be honest with you, I'm still scared being out here. But I'm going to be brave for my little girl so she can have a future. I've seen what those Zeon soldiers do to civilians who do not bow down to them and let's just say that I'm not going to let them set foot on North America. I don't want Anne to grow up under those monsters.”
“The good news is that I've moved to the logistics corp and I'm ferrying ammunition back and forth between base and our tank column. This means that I'm not always on the frontline, which I know you and Jennet hate. It's still hard work but at I'm not getting shot at all day.”
“When we pushed those Zekes back into space, I want you, dad, Jennet and Anne to move to Europe. The countries here are beautiful. It's different to America but the cities and countryside has a magical feel to them. When the war ends, I want to help rebuild this continent and I want you guys to join me over here.”
“I know the Fed postal service will read through this letter and blank a lot of it out but I want you guys to know that I'm still OK and I'm going to stay that way.”
“Your loving son,”
A Zeon soldier peered into the bullet ridden truck to inspect the damage and to make sure that the Federation soldiers that were driving it were dead. His squad had ambushed the vehicle as it weaved along a small country road just outside of Marseille. Their orders were to stop a supply truck from delivering components stripped from a downed Zaku from reaching the Federation base in Paris. Their mission was a success.
The solider used the muzzle of his rifle and slowly moved the bloody arm of the dead passenger aside and noticed the blood-stained envelope. After reading it through, the soldier folded the letter neatly and placed it into his pocket. He pulled the pin from an incendiary grenade and threw it onto the dashboard. Seconds later the truck was ablaze.