Mobile Suit Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Mobile Suit Gundam-The Untold Stories ❯ Prelude ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Part One

The year is 0079. Mere days before the opening atrocities of the One Year War. Little do the pilots of both Zeon and the Federation know what will unfold in the next days and year, but it will forever change them. Bonds will be made, trust will be broken, allies lost, enemies gained. The tides of war will change, as well as alleigances. Rookies will become aces, boys, men. This is just one side of many stories.

The cockpit was cramped and cold. A little too cold thought Sol. "This fucking cockpit is too small, when the hell will something happen?", Byron's voice echoed over the radio. "Cut the chatter By, we need to get this done with so we can get back to the Musai". Sol slowly adjusted his Zaku II to avoid some debris floating throughout space. "But I do agree, these cockpits are claustraphobic". Silence was all that recieved him. "Byron, you there? Hello? Make contact if you hear me. God damnit. Sighing angrily", Sol stomped his feet onto the thrust pedals and angled himself upwards and to the left to the last contact point where Byron was. The Zaku's engines roared to life,pushing him slightly back in his seat as he accelerated rather quickly through the field of debris. A small glimpse of light shone brightly for a second on his left screen, and he tilted the Zaku II to get a better look. It was moving rather fast through the debris, coming right at him. "What the hell is that thing? That can't be Byron unless he tweaked out his thrusters again, the velocity is way too high. Well, let's find out". Pushing his feet down with all his might and making the pedals groan, his engines kicked in fully and sent him spiraling into the field. Activating his heat axe to reserve power mode, he drew his 120 mm machine gun. Recently in a trade embargo with the Federal Forces, all explosive shells were declared banned from military use. "Thank whatever lord exists for the Black Market" Sol thought whimfully. Currently he had 94 of those explosive shells loaded in his gun, and he intended to empty the clip on Byron if he was playing a prank. "We're Lieutenants for fucks' sake, we shouldn't be screwing around like this". He tried hailing Byron over the radio one last time, but the second he opened the channel he heard loud gunfire and Byron screaming "DIE YOU FEDDIE SCUM, FUCK!!!" Sol zoomed over to find Byron battling with 2 white Mobile Suits of unknown designation, and Byron's Zaku II dodging left and right as beams lanced out at it from the white suits. "JESUS CHRIST SOL, I CAN USE SOME HELP HERE!!! AGH!!!!" With that, Siruken entered the battle. Moving swiftly in between Byron and the unknown mobile suit, he opened a volley of 22 rounds into the things head, but its reaction time was hideously fast, raising its sheild and taking all the shots, damaging the sheild beyond repair, but saving the mobile suit. As it detached the sheild, a pink beam came out from under it, followed by 6 more snap shots. Sol's Zaku took 2 shots to the sheild and one to the bottom of his foot thruster. Warning bells were sounding off, damage indicators and system shutdowns initiating all over. "Shit, this guy is good". Byron whipped his MS upside-down, tore off his heat-hawk and threw it towards the distracted white suit, hacking it right there the cockpit block was, detonating it. "Alright! One down, where's the other one?" came Byrons voice over the radio. Sol proceeded to scan the debris field for a glimpse of that white suit or any of its red detailings. "C'mon you sonuvabitch,where are you?" Without warning, a piece of debris came flying at him, catching his Zaku square in the chest, knocking it askew and into a larger asteroid. "Radcliff, he's over here!!! ATTACK NOW!" But as he uttered those words, a green visor filled his screen, and a pink beam lashed from the head right through his torso, ending his life in the flash of the reactor exploding.

"Motherfucker!" Sol yelled. Slapping the hatch release button, he climbed out of the trainer cockpit with a loud hiss and pop. Byron emerged 3 cockpits down. "By, tell me you got that Feddy scum. He friggen ambushed me". Byron threw his helmet down and swore so loudly Sol's jaw went agape. "No, asshole jumped me as well, shoved his beam gun into my torso and pulled the trigger after kicking away my gun". Siruken lifted up his friends helmet and stared into his reflection in the visor. "Those cockpits are small, I hate em," Sol muttered. Just then, 2 more hissing and popping sounds were audible and his fellow training pilots hopped out. "Hey, Sol, you're slacking." Jarvis yelled, turning away and laughing loudly with the other pilot. "I tell you, he had this look of shock on his face, like he just pissed himself!" Right as he was about to turn the corner for the exit, Byrons' helmet slammed into Jarvis' head, knocking him into the wall."YOU SON OF A!" was all he got out, before the commanding officer of the Musai, Lt.Commander Talos came into the room. :What's the meaning of this? Jarvis' skull is cracked open. I'd like an explanation now, Lieutenants."The voice was firm, and held promise of being thrown in the brig if the truth was not uttered in the next minute. "Well, Sir, I was" started Sol, but Byron butted in. "Sir, it was me, I threw the helmet, as you can see, it has my name on it. I take full responsibility for my actions." The Commander stared ominously, making eye contact with everyone in the room. "Is this true Jarvis?" Jarvis was on the ground, nursing his bleeding wound, which in the reduced gravity was starting to float everywhere. "I don't know sir, all I remember was saying 'good job' to Siruken, and then getting cracked upside the head. How's that for gratitude?" Sol was about to retort when the Commander stated "Lt. Radcliff, you will be properly reprimanded for this action. Report to my office for your punishment at 0800. Good day to you all, and Jarvis, stop bleeding all over my training room." On that note, he saluted them, turned on one heel, and walked out of the room. Byron checked his watch and walked by Sol. "You owe me, you know that." and left the room as well. Siruken sighed and floated over to Jarvis' trainer cockpit and adjusted the inertial compensator for 20% added gravity. ?This will show him to fuck with me", he chuckled, and floated out of the room.

It was New Years' day, and it showed on everyone. People were mumbling, complaining of hangovers, vomiting everywhere, clean up crews dispatched all over the Musai. Among the sloshed were Radcliff and Siruken, roommates aboard the ship. Word around both the colonies and the ships was that Zeon was planning something massive in the next few days. But everyone was too drunk to care at this moment. Aboard the Musai, duties were only reserved for the sober, which at that point in time, noone was. Sol woke up before Byron that morning, sat up too fast, moaned and fell out of bed. "Fuck." Standing up slowly so there wouldn't be a repeat, he trodded over into the bathroom. "I look like hell", was all he could manage before hanging himself over the toilet. 5 minutes later, he hopped into the shower, washed, toweled off, and checked himself in the mirror. "Guh, I hate the military, makes you shave." Picking up his razor, he looked it over carefully. "You know what, everyone's drunk, who's gunna give a rats' ass?" Looking over his right shoulder, he checked the time. "1200...what time was that rendezvous aga....OH SHIT, BYRON WAKE UP!" Byron bolted upright out of bed, smashed his head off the ceiling, yelled, and tumbled out of bed. "Wait, By, DON'T STAND UP!" It was a little too late for that, as Byron did and regretted doing so. He immediately doubled over and threw up all over the floor. "Man, I just fucking cleaned that!!!" Sol groaned. Helping his friend into the bathroom, he threw him into the shower and cranked it on. Putting on the rest of his uniform, he didn't bother combing his hair back, the Lt. Commander wouldn't really notice. Talos was quite lenient on certain things like uniformity and apparrel. A scream came from the shower, and Byron running out soon after, drenched and steaming in the air conditioned room. "CHRIST, AT LEAST WARN ME WHEN WE'RE OUT OF COLD WATER!" Byron screamed. Sol retorted "just get dressed man, we have a meeting with a supply wagon in an hour". With a grin on his face replacing the anger, Byron quickly got dressed and they both headed out into a hall full of passed out personnel.

"Lieutenant Siruken, launching!" Thrust back into the control seat of his Zaku II, he streaked after Byron who took off a minute before him. All Sol could see was a blue streak in the distance, mixing with the stars. "I hate it when he doesn't wait up." Side 3 quite a ways away, and that was their objective. Radcliff turned and stopped. "Can you hurry it up a bit, we're going to be late as is! And why did you let me sleep in?" Sol rolled his eyes. "Because we were both shitfaced, and you always sleep in. I fired a blank in the room once to wake you up, and all you did was roll over and moan about '5 more minutes mom'. That's why I let you sleep in". Slowly decelerating his Zaku, he came up face face with Byrons' Zaku. "Ok, Diego will be flying out of Port 552 in a minute, and will make a right 45 seconds after he departs. Upon entering the asteroid field, he will drop off our package and will immediately accelerate out of there. We have 15 seconds to pick it up and get out of there before we get caught. You gunna play gaurd or pickup?" Byrons' response was almost instantaneous. "Gaurd, if we get caught, you're taking the blame this time around". Over the radio, static was heard, but a loud chuckle was audible. "Sure, let the black guy get screwed over stealing things". Byron also laughed. "Yup, it's what you guys do best". Just then, a blip came onto both of their radars, and all laughing ceased. "Alright, there he is. Stay on the outer perimeter By, and tell me when he passes you, keep your systems on standby so we can jump out of here as quickly as possible.Maintain radio silence as". A solemn "roger" quietly made its way into Sols' speaker, and Siruken groaned and powered down his Zaku as he moved into place."Radio silence means radio silence" Sol thought. His mono-eye camera was on 6X Zoom, and following Diegos' cargo shuttle. Abruptly it maid a right turn and headed towards the asteroid field. "C'mon, just a little bit closer". As if on que with his thoughts, Diego slowly went right past him, dropping a giant cargo box up and to the right of him. Reaching out slowly with his right arm, he turned carefully and grabbed the package. "NOW BYRON, GO GO GO!" Kicking his thrust pedals with both feet, he rocketed upwards and out of the field with the box in both hands, being closely followed by Byron. Heading back to the Musai, he checked his rear camera. Diegos' ship was no longer there, but rocketing away from him as a blue streak. Byrons' Zaku II was about 500 feet to his right. "Alright, we can break radio silence now" Sol said. "Good, I was starting to miss your sweet voice Sol. Ya know, we should be within view of the Musai now....where the hell is it?" Siruken checked his radar. "I...don't should be right there". Just then, a call burst over both of their radios, over-riding the command lock frequency. "URGENT, I repeat, URGENT, mass mobilization of ALL Zeon forces to A Boa A Qu. Repeat, mass mobilization of ALL Zeon forces to A Boa A Qu. This is NOT a drill, I repeat, NOT a drill. Comminuqe over". A shudder rippled through Sol. "What's going on this what they were talking about when they said that Zeon was planning something?" Byron could barely utter the words "I don't know" when another communication broke through their command lock frequencies. "SIRUKEN, RADCLIFF!? WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?! Lt.Commander Talos is furious with you, he's pissed off that you mobilized without his authori..Ah shit!" The comminucation was scrambled for a second, but they both found out why shortly afterwards. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU 2 THINKING?! WE HAVE TO MOBILIZE TOWARDS A BOA QU NOW, AND YOU 2 ARE OFF JOYRIDING!? YOU'RE BOTH BEING REPRIMANDED THE SECOND WE FIND OUT WHAT THE HELL THE ZABI'S ARE DOING!!! Talos, OUT!" A loud slam was heard, making Sols' ears ring. Byron was the first to speak. "Well...he seems a little...angry. I say we just...go back to the ship". Again, Siruken rolled his eyes. "A little angry? That's like saying you had a small amount of alcohol last night". He chuckled as he said that. "Hey, you shut up about was...late and I was...thirsty" Byron retorted. "Oh yeah, tell that to those poor bottles!" And with that, they shot back to the ship.

January Third, Universal Century year 0079. A day that will be forever marked in the history books. A day that rivals in infamy the Holocaust, the American Civil War, the Genocides in Africa. A day that noone will ever forget for as long as they live. But with Zeon holding all the cards, not many people will have long to live. Billions would die in the following year, slaughtered for a "just cause". Civilians and soldiers, innocent and militant alike, would all die. On this day, January Third, Zeon declared open war upon the Earth Federation. Billions would watch this announcement, sides chosen. And yet noone would ever expect what would be unleashed in this year of agony, this year of sorrow, this year of hate. For this is the true meaning of the One Year War. Anger, passion, what is right and what is wrong. There will be no happy ending this time around. People will die. Friends will be lost. This is the One Year War in all its glory, all its spite. This is its story.