Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ We Are Bound ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Johnny paced back and forth quickly. His hands itching to go in there and fight for his sister.

"We should be in there Cass. We should be fighting too!"

"Dad, I know. I agree but this has to be done delicately. One wrong move and we could lose Lil's and none of us want that. Even Shang Tsung doesn't want that either."

Johnny scoffs, "And how do you know that?"

Cassie giggles, "Oh come on, look back at everything that has happened so far. At any one moment he could have easily drained her soul and left her to rot but he didn't. He was kind to her...hell he even sent flowers to her room. He might not know it but that man's well on his way to falling in love with Aunt Lil's.

"In just a week?"

"Oh come on. You told me all about how you and mom met at the tournament."

"Yeah and we dated for a while after the tournament before we hopped in bed together."

Cassie lays a hand on her dad's arm, "Not everyone has that luxury, dad. He sure doesn't. Its not like there are movie theaters and fine restaurants on this island but I think he's genuinely interested in Aunt Lily...And maybe he doesn't even recognize it for what it is...yet."

Johhny looked at her stunned, "When did you get so wise, baby girl?"

"I have my moments."

"Oh like that moment with Fujin? What was up with that anyway?"

She rolled her eyes and sighs. "Alright fine. Fujin and I slept together. Raiden found teleporting right into the room literally at the foot of the bed we were on."

Johhny's eyes bugged out, "You what!? Fujin? Really?"

She giggles and shakes her head. "Hell to the yes."

A piercing scream filled the air and they both looked at the door, itching to join the fight but willing to trust a man they have always seen as their enemy.

Johnny's mind raced with fear and anger.

'You better save her sorcerer...'

/   -   /  -  /  -  /

Out of the green flames a single figure clad in black and red emerged, eyes glowing with an inner emerald light. 

"You guarantee my freedom?"

"Yes. I swear it."

Shang Tsung pointed to the tether. "I must sever the connection between È Mèng and the woman. But it will take time. Time you need to give me. Approach this battle cautiously though...the woman is with child. My child."

The red and black warrior looks at him in shock, "Your child?"

Shang nods, "You think you can manage to distract her long enough?"

Ermac's eyes flare and a deeper voice answers him, "She will not win."

He steps forward looking up at the spectre and the glowing light in her chest. He smirks and then disappears.

Just to reappear right behind È Mèng throwing a kick to the side of her head, making her snap to the side. They turn at him and grin evily.

"Oh so someone decided they were going to be heroes. And just who are you?"

Ermac smiled back just as viciously, before teleporting above her and slamming into her, sending her to the floor.

"We are many."

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

"Raiden you and Fujin must protect me while I complete the spell."

Fujin steps forward and holds up the vial. "This should help to restore her and the child after she is released."

Shang shakes his head, "Still not trusting my word, Raiden? That works well in this situation."

The sorcerer steps into the column of green fire and begins chanting under his breath, tendrils lifting the broken pieces of the urn into the air. His hands are steady as he used the chants to maneuver them together. He shots a quick glance to Lily and the small flicker at her abdomen and this feeling washes over him and his eyes flare with green fire. The column begins swirling around him faster.

His child. Something he never thought possible for himself in the ten thousand years he has existed. but looking at that tiny little soul made his blood boil with rage at È Mèng. How dare she! Use his lover! Use his child! 

His eyes flickered to Lily's and found her staring back completely terrified, struggling to break free, her body wracked with wordless sobs, and tears streaking down her face. Her eyes flicked down to her stomach and back to him. He gave a small smile and a nod to reassure her.

As if to say, 'You will be safe.'

He begins chanting again in earnest, raising his hands up, the pieces of the urn rotating faster around each other. One piece attaches to the largest portion that is still intact.

'There's one. Now for the last two."

/  -  /  - /  -  /

Lily was terrified, looking down at her stomach in shock. 'I'm pregnant?'

She looked all around her and saw that a red and black figure was now fighting È Mèng. But when her gaze shifted and landed on Shang Tsung, she sobbed, struggling against her bindings.

It burned her skin to push against the chains but she kept doing it until another fraction of energy was pulled from her forehead. Her abdomen clenched up. 'Oh god, the baby!' 

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Ermac fell to a knee and glanced up at the specter in anger. "You will not best me, spirit."

Green magic formed in his hands and he hurled it at her and just before it hit, it split into three and wrapped around her like chains, keeping her still.

He teleported again behind her and began charging up another soul blast. When he let it loose it hurtled towards her back and then she vanished.

"Looking for me?" Her voice whispered behind him and he threw a punch back which she caught.

"You poor stupid creature! You think you have what it takes to defeat me? I am È Mèng...the Nightmare!"

Green energy began to flow from his arm down into her's. He looked at her in shock.

"How can you do this?"

"My 'husband' was not the only one to learn how to drain souls and how very thoughtful of him to give me more."

She wrenched his wrist and he screams in agony as the souls that make up his body are slowly drained from him. And then all at once she drops him to the floor.

"But luckily for you I don't need your souls. Not when I have such a vast source of power already at my disposal."

È Mèng flicks her hand and the string comes loose another inch, wrenching a pleading scream from Lily.

"Stop it!"

The spirit laughs, "Oh now she has a voice! You sure did pick a lovely one, husband."

Her hand traces over the exposed flesh of Lily's chest, tracing around her breasts. Lily spits at her.

She laughs.

"I might let you have her corpse back when I am done with her. You do still remember how to make revenants do you not?"

"That's enough! È Mèng let her go! Your anger is with me. I am the one that betrayed you am I not. I kept you from your plans for so long. Why bring her into this?"

She cups one of Lily's breasts, "because my love, she needs to learn her place. As do you. You are mine not hers! So her and her bastard offspring will pay the price by feeding my power and making me a god!"

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Lily tries to pull away but can't and so she can only hang there as the specter paws at her body. With her head hanging down she can see the little wisp of green floating above her abdomen and she smile softly.

'My baby. Our baby.' She looks at Shang and can see a determined look in his eyes as he continued chanting, pieces of something floating around him...she jerked as she realized what it was...the urn! He's trying to put it back together!

That sent her mind racing on how to help to buy him more time. She stills and smiles.

"Hey bitch!"

È Mèng snaps her gaze up to her and snarls at her.

"What did you call me?"

"I called you a bitch or are you so old you're hard of hearing as well?"

She splutters in rage. "How dare you!"

A hand flexes and she arches her back, screaming in agony.

'Hurry Shang!'

When the pain stops, she looks back at the ancient spirit and grins.

"Is that the best you've got?"

È Mèng floats close to her and whispers furiously, "Oh no, I'm afraid there is far worse ahead for you."

The ghost grabs the tether and yanks on it hard.

Lily's whole body shudders and jerks as she can feel her life ripping from her. Pain battles with sorrow deep inside her finally giving way to complete and utter rage.

The only thought on her mind now...


/  -  /  -  /  -  / 

His brow is drenched with sweat as he continues to chant, another piece sliding into place.

'One more. Come on...faster!'

"Hey Bitch!"

Lily's voice catches his attention and he glances up just in time to see È Mèng motion to her, sending another wave of pain over her.

'Damn it hehua!'

He can't chant any faster...he can only hope that the last piece will not take as long to reattach. And then the most heart-stopping cry fills his ears and he can only look on horrified as È Mèng yanks on the tether.

Shang grits his teeth in anger but he cannot stop chanting and when the last piece finally fits back into place he looks up.

Just as the specter pulls the tether free from Lily's forehead, the chains shattering and dissipating as they floated down from her form.

"No! Hehua!"

But before the tiny soul can be wrenched free, a pale hand encased in green light clutches the end of the tether.

Raiden and Fujin both gasp in amazement and Shang can only look on in awe.

"Oh no bitch. You're not touching my baby."

And È Mèng looks shaken, "How?! How can you still be alive!"

Lily lifts up her hands and seeing the green shimmering light, she smiles.

"Well would you look at that?"

She looks up and locks eyes with È Mèng.

"My turn."