Mortal Kombat Fan Fiction ❯ Of Serpents and Sirens ❯ The Serpent ( Chapter 33 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sindel screamed from the balcony. "Destroy him husband! Rip his spine out!"

Shao Khan laughed, "You may have destroyed my hammer but I won't need it to break you!"

He charged and Shang ducked, sending his hand up and striking him under his jaw, snapping his head back and making him stumble a moment. Khan rushed him forcing Shang to block one fist, who struck back at him, hitting him in the shoulder before blocking the other fist and landing a punch to the conqueror's midsection.  He ducked under another hit before spinning and sending a kick straight up into his chest. 

Shao Khan stumbled back again.

He charged and caught Shang Tsung in a bear hug and began squeezing him. 

Shang gasped as he felt his ribs crack, but he lifted his elbow up and brought it down right into Khan's forehead before sending strikes to his shoulder joints making the larger man drop him.

He hit the ground hard but still kicked up.

Sindel took a step forward when she noticed him stumble.

This was impossible. Shang Tsung was getting the better of him...he shouldn't have even been able to touch him let alone do this. She had to help Shao Khan.

Before she could jump from the balcony, a voice stopped her.

"You're not going anywhere, bitch."

Sindel turned and smiled widely.

"And just what do you think you're going to do about it...little morsel?"

Lily's eyes flashed white, "You threatened my unborn child. You are not going to threaten Shang either."

"Aww...its a wondrous thing to be in love isn't it? Too bad your love will meet its bitter end today."

They charged at each other. 

Sindel sent a fist towards her stomach, which Lily stopped, twisting back before planting a kick up under her jaw, sending her back a few feet.

The witch flipped up to her feet and screeched.

"You want to go help Shao Khan? You got to go through me."

"No, Āyí I will fight her. You must think of Fai."

Meili came to stand in front of her and settled into a fighting stance.

"Āyí means're Cassie's daughter, aren't you? With Fujin?"

"Smart as always, Āyí. Now go. I'll handle Sindel."

Sindel cackled, "You? Handle me? You, child, will be no match for me."

The young woman's eye sparked and wind gathered around her.

"You might find I'm more than a match for you."

They rushed at each other.

She ducked under Sindel's fist, blocking the arm away before landing a fist in her chest. She quickly pulled it back and opened it before striking again, this time landing an open-palmed strike in the same spot nearly sending her stumbling off the ledge.

The empress lashed out with her hair, cutting Meili across the face and the chest. She stepped back from her clutching the gash over her shoulder.

She grinned earning an odd look from her.

"Do you want to see what else I have learned to do? What I have learned from my husband's clan?"

Sindel shook her head, "What can you do that will give you an edge over me, little girl?"

It was not her white eye that shifted this time but her blue one.

And when the witch charged her, her hair flaring out, ready to attack...Meili dropped to the ground, smacking a hand against the ground before turning her hand and flinging it towards the sky.

"Why don't you cool off!"

Ice bloomed from the earth and encased Sindel in mid screech.

Meili summons a gust around her and she runs at the ice figure and flips midair, planting her feet into it and pushing. With the force of her kick and the wind she sent the frozen Sindel flying off the balcony and into the middle of the fire engulfed circle where she shattered into pieces between Shao Khan and Shang Tsung.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Shao Khan roared in anger as her head landed against his foot.

"Hey uncle...Finish this!"

Shang Tsung nodded, moving his hands through the air and throwing them out at Shao Khan and then flicking them up.

A pool of fire spreads out underneath him and he yells in outrage before raising a hand up himself, sending a fireball towards Shang Tsung. But liquid fire explodes from the ground and the fireball is consumed.

Khan sends fireball after fireball until the fire rears back, shifting, and twisting and growing until a giant cobra sits, ready to strike in front of him, fangs exposed and dripping fire. It twists around the emperor and faces him, a hissing roar falling from its open maw.

"You will not defeat me, sorcerer! You are too weak! Remove this illusion at once!"

Shang Tsung stood in front of him, breathing heavily.

The serpent rears back and then attacks, pouring fire down over Shao Khan who roars from pain and rage.

And then the fire dissipates and he stumbles forward just to stop suddenly.

He looks down and laughs.

"So this was your plan?"

Shang pulls the sword from the conqueror's chest and he dropped to his knees.

"No, this was."

He spins and the blade sings out, cutting through Shao Khan's neck and his head drops to the ground, flipping and landing wetly near his queen's own head.

He plunges the blade into the ground and yells and the entire circle surrounding him explodes, setting fire to the conqueror's and his wife's body and reducing them to ash.

Shang Tsung stumbled in exhaustion as he approached the balcony.

Lily locked eyes with him, a hand on her stomach and she smiled down at him.

He sighed in relief.

He had won.

They were safe.

He collapsed unconscious, hand just close enough to barely touch Fai's.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Fujin's healing magic was able to soothe the wounds that Shang Tsung and Lily had suffered but his power was not strong enough to save Fai.

He was gone.

The battle had been an difficult one and they had suffered a great loss.

Shang grieved his son but none was more distraught than Lily. She had told him what Fai had said.

'A little sister? That decision would be up to Lily, my son.'

Xiǎo huǒ was quite sad as well. The little dragon clung to his body and no one could remove her, not even Raiden could coax her.

Lily sniffled, "Xiǎo huǒ, please? Just come here. We have to...I know your sad and so am I, so is everyone. But we have to let him go now."

Xiǎo huǒ shook her head and clung to him, keening loudly.

Lily started glowing green, then Cassie and Johnny followed. The green flowed from them like strings of light, making Xiǎo huǒ glow brightly as she began to shift, growing larger until she stood to Lily's shoulder.

"Do not worry, my friend. Only happy tears are to be shed this day."

They all looked at the dragon shocked.

Lily was the first to speak, "You can talk! Everyone can hear you right? Not just me?"

The dragon nods and trills, before nuzzling Fai's corpse and softly breathing soft golden fire over it.

Lily jerked forward, shocked. "Wait! What are you doing?"

Shang held her back, pointing to Fai.

"Look hehua! The isn't burning him! It looks like it is encasing him."

He nodded, "A fitting resting place."

Raiden gasped, "It is no tomb..."

They shot him a questioningly look and he smiled softly. "When the Dragon Goddess brought you back, Shang Tsung, she used fire similar to this. No this fire will not burn him or become a coffin."

The fire swirled around the corpse, seeping into his flesh and it glowed white before fading away leaving behind clean skin and undamaged clothing.

The dragon stopped and leaned down to Fai's face and licked him across the face and he groaned, raising a hand to push her snout away.

"Xiǎo huǒ, not again, you cretin."

Lily stared, tears happily falling from her eyes. "She brought him back."

Shang touched her arm gently and motioned her to follow him out the door, holding a finger to his mouth.

There was something he had to do. He could not...would not put it off any longer.

His future depended on it.

Depended on her.

The dragon rumbled and flicked her tongue sharply at his forehead and he yelped, sitting up quickly before grabbing his head.

"Cūlǔ de rúchóng! What was that fo-Oh, my head! What did you"

He trailed off as he noticed where he was finally.

His hands prodded at his ribs and then he stilled, lifting them up and staring at them.

They were no longer black.

"It worked."

"Cousin!" Meili flew forward and wrapped her arms around him and he laughed hugging her back fiercely.

"Hello, Xiǎo biǎo dì! What did I miss?"

"Oh you wouldn't believe it...uncle made this giant cobra out of fire...Then cut off Shao Khan's way he's coming back from that. Oh!! And Āyí tried to take on Queen Sindel so I stepped in. Both are ash now thanks to uncle...." She trailed off as he tuned her out.

 He looked up at his parents and noticed they were no longer in the room and suddenly looked to Raiden.

"Lord Raiden, please tell me, how many days has it been since the tournament's end?"

"It has been exactly three days since Shao Khan's defeat. Why do you ask?"

Fai shook his head, laughing, "Oh no reason. I just had to make sure I hadn't missed it."

He struggled to his feet leaning heavily on Meili and he motioned everyone to the door and shushed them.


Shang Tsung was talking softly on the other side. "Hehua...I apologize for not stepping in sooner. I had nearly caused your death and in the process causing the future version of our son to die protecting you."

"Shang, stop. We've both done things we did not want to do."

"I apologize that it took until almost losing the both of you to realize how strong I was, how strong you both made me."

Fai pushed the door open a little wider and he could see Shang take Lily's hands and hold them to his chest.

"Our son was correct. I was a fool and a coward. And I now make the same pledge I gave our son that morning I gave him his name."

Johnny whispered shocked, "holy he....oh fuck."

"Lily Cage, I swear that you will know only happiness, comfort and pleasure from these hands. That you will be respected as the intelligent, quick witted woman you are and you will know your son's love as well as mine. I swear it on the countless years of my life."

She struggled to speak and when she did, her voice was filled with emotion.

"Shang, what are you saying?"

"I'm not saying anything, but I am pledging to be there for you and our son. Dearest hehua, if there is anything to be is only this...I love you."

She pulled him into a bruising kiss and he pulled away, chuckling, and brushing her hair away.

"I love you too Shang."

He arched a brow, as an idea suddenly hit him and he grinned at her. "Then you should prove it."

Fai shook his head and chuckled under his breath.

"So Māmā WAS right. Father always said it was her that approached him first with it. The serpent's tongue."

"What kid?" Johnny asked him.

"Just watch and listen."

Lily looked at him oddly, "Prove it? But we...all the hell we went through with E Meng and Shao Khan and you dying and being brought back...and you still want me to prove that I love you? What else do you want from me?"

He circled her, waving a hand in the air. "My dearest sweet hehua. You should know what I want by now. What I would crave..."

She huffed, crossing her arms, cheeks bright red. "You are such a lecher at times you know that?"

He threw his head back and laughed, "Oh my dearest, I don't want that...there will hopefully be plenty of time for that later tonight."

Fai rolled his eyes, 'damn it just do it already!'

"Than what do you want? Tell me! How can I prove I love you even more?"

He leaned close to her, brushing her hair back from her face and just looked at her. Until he smiled and kissed her gently.

Shang only stepped closer, nibbling his lips up to her ear, and his voice rasped across it.

"Be my heart, my soul, my queen."

He kissed the skin just below before speaking again.

"Become my wife."

She gasped, looking at him stunned before she glared at him.

"You...all this..." she punched his shoulder lightly. "For a damn proposal?"

He grinned and held a closed fist up and when he opened it, she saw the ring he held.

"Fire opal. I figured it was fitting for the disciple of a Dragon Goddess and for the future wife of a sorcerer."

She looked it over more closely and smiled. It was a silver serpent, holding the fire opal clutched in its coils.


"So what?"

Shang groaned, "Not this again, hehua. The last time you pulled this was just before you accepted my dinner invitation. This time It will end with you pressed against that wall."

She grinned, "Well either way, we're both getting what we want, aren't we?"

He stilled, looked down at her in stunned silence..."Does that mean?"

"Yes. Shang Tsung. It means yes."

"My queen."

He pulled her to him and their lips crashed together viciously.

Fai closed the door rather quickly and flicked his hand over it.

"Okay. So Māmā was definitely right."

"Hey, why didja close the door. It was getting good!"

"Because uncle...I do not want to see...that."

"You mean they are...they..."

Meili giggled, "If you mean going at it in the hallway like a bunch of teenagers on prom night...then yes."

Fai groaned, his head in his hands. "Goddess Meili. Do you think I want to think about that?"

"Well you and Fan Xiu aren't any better."

He stilled, and slowly turned to face Liu Kang, and grimaced.


She shrugged, "Oops."

"Goddess preserve me."

Liu grins at Fai. "You and my daughter?"

He raised a hand quickly, "Now just so you know we are betrothed and were given consent by both you and Fan Xiu's mother. So yes. I have been nothing but respectful towards Fan Xiu. Although she has been rather...aggressive in approaching me."

The monk looked at him in shock and Meili giggled, "I told you, issues were taken care of. Fan is not shy in her affections but Fai is. He doesn't believe himself worthy of her attentions."

Liu nodded, "As no man feels truly worthy of any woman's attentions." He looked to Raiden and Johnny and added quietly.

"Or any man's attentions."

Raiden looked up sharply and nodded at his smile.

Cassie giggled.

"Kid you still haven't told us who you're crushing on. It can't be that big of a secret, can it?"

Meili laughed prettily, "Well, about that...I'm...already married."

Both Fujin and Cassie looked at her in shock. "What?!"

She bowed to Grandmaster Liang. "The grandmaster's son is my husband."

Sub-zero stepped back in shock. "My son?" 

"Yes. I will be born exactly a year after him. On exactly the same day. Our marriage was arranged shortly after I turned 16."

Kuai breathed, "I have a son...or I will?"

Scorpion places a hand on his shoulder, happy for his friend.

Fujin nodded in approval. "With how skilled you are not only with wind and lightning but also is a good match. Added strength to the Lin Kuei."

Kuai nodded in agreement.

Cassie holds a hand up, "Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that icicle here gets some heat?"

Johnny groans.

"God take me now."

Raiden leaned over and whispered in his ear. "I shall but later."

Johnny couldn't help it, laughing heartily before pulling the thunder god down and kissing him in front of everyone.

"God I love you."

Fai smiled brightly but his mind was somewhere else...with someone else.

'Do not worry, Fan Xiu. I will return to you.'

/  -  /  -  /  -  /

Shang Tsung shook hands with Fai who pulled him into a hug.

"It doesn't make you weak to show affection, father."

The sorcerer chuckled, "My son, giving me advice?"

"Just repeating what you have told me again and again."

"Maybe it was because you told me first."

Fai laughed.

He set a hand on Fai's shoulder. "We have done well raising you."

The young man nodded, "Yes you both have."

"What will happen when you go back?"

"For one...I do plan on marrying my fiancé. The wedding was supposed to happen before...all this. But I have a chance at what you and mother have and I will not take it lightly."

"But the daughter of Liu Kang? He is supposed to be my nemesis, my son."

"You'll see why."


He turned to face his mother. She hugged him tightly.

"Oh, this is going to be so hard. Waiting to see you like this again."

He placed a hand on her stomach, "You will not have to wait long for me, though."

"Well, until later then?"

He smiled at them both and bowed deeply.

"Until later."

When he stood up he looked over at his cousin who was busy with her own goodbyes.

She hugged Cassie tightly. "Oh, it has been fun to see that you haven't changed one bit, mama."

"'Mama'. I don't think I'm going to get used to it."

The young woman giggles before throwing her hands around her father. 

"You will. I mean the twins did just turn 6."

Fujin stilled, "Twins?"

Cassie shook her head with a grin. "Great. More kids."

"They look just like you and uncle, baba. But so mischievous."

She launched herself at Johnny who caught her with a laugh and hugged her tightly.

"Grandfather. It's always fun to see you. You too uncle."

"You take care squirt. And don't cause too much trouble."

"Meili! We must go!"

She waved back.

She bowed to her parents and winked at them.

"Do not worry. I will be unable to soon enough." She rubbed her stomach.

Cassie gasped and squealed, hugging Fujin.

"Well shit!"

Meili bounced over to her cousin's side, wiping away tears as she held his hand. "Let's go home."

Fai smiled brightly, "We already are home, but yes, let's go back."

They both raised a hand and waved before Fai spoke.

"We are ready, Lord Liu Kang."

Fire and lightning struck the ground around them and in a blink, they were gone.

Kung Lao's eyes bugged out and he looked at Liu Kang and shook his head.

"I need to just go take a three year nap. This has been so much to process already."

Liu shook his head and laughed.

As everyone filtered out, Shang stood where his future son and niece had and just looked out at the sunset.


Lily's arm hooked into his and he smiled down at her, placing his hand on her belly.

She smiled back, placing her hand on his...the fire opal sparking in the sunlight.

She laughed, "Fai did say that he wanted a baby sister."

He kissed her gently. "All in due time, hehua."

He was finally free to live his own life.

And he would not live it alone anymore.

/  -  /  -  /  -  /


Goodbyes were always the hardest it seemed. Oh not with the people you've just met and will never probably meet again as that feels more final. No, goodbyes are the hardest with the ones you know you will be meeting again, because the waiting is bittersweet and painful. And you never know when that reunion will come but when it does it is well worth the pain.


/  -  /  -  /  -  /

When lightning mixed with fire struck the courtyard they all waited with bated breath.

"Oh look mama! Baba! Their back! MeiMei and Fai are back!" A little boy with snow white hair pointed out excitedly.

Fujin smiled up at his son perched on his shoulder.

"Her name is Meili, Johnny, not MeiMei." His other son pointed out. He chuckled at how much they both reminded him of him and his brother Raiden.

He ruffled his other son's hair, "It is alright Raijin, to give your loved ones nicknames."

"Like the names grandfather calls uncle?"

He nodded.

When it died down, Fai and Meili stepped forward.

A man stood close by in blue and black robes, shifting from foot to foot. He smiled softly when he laid eyes on Meili.

Meili ran at him and he lifted her into his arms for a hug.


She giggled, "husband! It is good to see you too. But I haven't been gone that long."

He kissed her gently, "Every minute from you feels like a lifetime."

She kissed him back greedily before she stepped back laughing. "We have something to discuss later."

He grinned, "I certainly hope so, my wife."

"Oh, really? You just drop that bombshell on us and we have to wait 22 years to celebrate? Oh no, squirt. This grandma is getting belly rubs in."

Her husband looked at her in shock, "Meili, are you?"

She nodded and he lifted her in his arms again, kissing her gently.

"You are the most amazing woman, xuehua! We're going to have a child!"

Fujin smiled brightly, his life felt complete.

A small framed woman with black hair tied back with a red ribbon smiled brightly and ran at Fai and he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her fiercely.

"Fan Xiu! Oh, I have missed you, my heart."

She laughed, "You've only been gone for a day, my love."

A vocalized roar echoed through the air and he beemed, "Xiǎo huǒ! My dearest friend!"

The giant dragon slithered in the air and perched itself on top of the gate, its head reaching down to face Fai. He scratched her on the snout before hugging her.

"You gave me this chance to return and I can never thank you enough."

Fai looked up and locked eyes with Liu Kang and he bowed, "Thank you again, Lord Liu Kang."

Liu Kang bowed back as his eyes sparked with his amusement. He laid a hand on Fai's shoulder.

"There's a few more people who want to see you."

Fai grinned, "Mother and father?"

Liu just laughed and pushed him towards the balcony. "Just go."

He gives Fan a quick kiss before he's running up the stairs and when his feet touch the landing he's frozen in place.

There they are. His mother looked similar to how she had looked but for a few strands of silver in her braid and a few more laugh lines. And his father had embraced the white hair and moustache, looking ever more the sorcerer now. But he knew that his father was still well in his prime and deadly.

"Māmā. Fùqīn. I've returned."


Lily opened her arms and he fell into them, laughing. And his father watched them, his hands clasped behind his back a grin on his face.

Shang laughed as Fai quickly hugged him and his arms closed around his son, hugging back. He stepped back and clasped Fai's shoulders.

"My son. There is someone I think you should meet."

Fai looked at him oddly, "Meet who?"

Shang Tsung smiled widely when a little voice interrupted them.

"Māmā? Fùqīn?"

"Aha, there is my little rainbow now!"

He chuckled, waving them closer with a hand. "Come and say hello to your brother, Liling!"

He gasped and spun around to face a little girl of about six, her hair was in twin braids, tied with emerald ribbons and she was holding a little stuffed snake. 

He shot a look to Lily who smiled and then to Shang, who just shrugged. "You did want a baby sister."

She smiled brightly when she saw him. She ran at him, jumping in his arms.

"Dàgē! You're back! Fùqīn, he's back!"

"Yes he is, my rainbow, yes he is."

'Older brother...'

He laughed, lifting her into the air as tears fell from his eyes.

His baby sister.