My Little Pony Fan Fiction ❯ My Little D&D ❯ Session 1, Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Little D&D, Friendship is Adventuring
Session 1, part 1

“Dear Archmage Celestia,
I have discovered in my studies a prophecy most dreadful. According to the ancient seers of Bridleton, on the longest day of the thousandth year of her imprisonment, the necromancer Nightmare Moon will be able to gather power from the alignment of the six Dead Stars, enough so that she may be able to escape from the spell of imprisonment that you used to banish her to the moon with. After consulting my charts and tables, I have calculated that the prophesized day will arrive tomorrow! If there is any truth to the seers’ predictions, then all of Equestria is in grave danger. Perhaps if we act quickly enough, this disaster may be averted. I await your hopefully swift reply.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.”

Rolling the parchment up into a scroll, Twilight crossed her circular study to the great stone fireplace. Reaching into a jar on the mantle, she withdrew a pinch of dragon dust, and tossed it into the crackling flames with a muttered incantation. The fire erupted in a brilliant emerald flash, and she tossed the scroll into the blaze. The parchment instantly blackened and crumbled into a glittering smoke which rushed with unnatural speed up the chimney.

The fire returned to its normal red and yellow and orange hues as Twilight turned towards the arched window in the room, nervously smoothing her violet robes in order to give her hands something to do. Outside, the nearly full moon glowed peacefully among the stars. It was hard to imagine that one of the most terrible forces of evil the kingdom had ever know resided upon that distant surface, perhaps even now staring hungrily back at the world she longed to return to?

Twilight’s fingers brushed reassuringly along the handle of her wand, the slender tool resting within a sheath of green dragon scales affixed to the sash of her robes. It was a delicate looking length of dark wood, with only a simple curling spiral etching breaking up the uniformity of its design. Its appearance certainly did not suggest the vast and powerful forces that could be channeled through it, but in the hands of a skilled mage, it could be a tool or weapon beyond almost any other.

Twilight was indeed a skilled mage, but against an epic level threat like Nightmare Moon, she might as well try using the wand as a club. The legendary necromancer knew magic on par with the archmage herself, and Celestia’s power was such as to make Twilight’s most powerful castings look like cantrips. She couldn’t possibly face such a threat herself, but she could and would do whatever she could to aid the archmage. She just hoped her own relatively minor magic could make a difference.

The alternative was almost too horrible to consider. Before she was banished, Nightmare Moon had nearly cursed the whole world with eternal darkness. Without the purifying warmth of the sun, her undead legions would have marched uninhibited across the land, until not just Equestria, but all nations fell under the necromancer’s rule. To say nothing of the dreadful effects the simple lack of sunlight would cause; in days the entire world would have become a frozen wasteland, fit only for those of unlife to inhabit.

A greenish flash broke her out of her musings, and she turned to see a shimmering cloud of ash belch forth from the fire. It rapidly condensed and transformed into a tightly rolled scroll, which bounced onto the stone floor before the fireplace.

“Mage-hand!” Twilight uttered before the second bounce, and a transparent, ethereal hand formed out of empty air and snatched the scroll before rushing to Twilight. She yanked the parchment free of the spell, and hurriedly unrolled it to read.

“My dearest, most faithful student Twilight,  
You really need to stop reading those dusty old tomes and get out of your tower for a bit. However do you expect to gain enough experience to level up sitting around reading day in and day out? I’m ordering you to go out and find an adventuring party to join. Do some dungeon crawls, slay some random encounters, and take some quests from some NPCs.”

“…what!” Twilight exclaimed. “Oh come on, I mean really, it’s not like my doing some random questing is going to save Equestria!” She almost threw the scroll into the fire, but paused as she spotted more writing at the very bottom of the parchment. The ink shone in a liquid golden hue.

“Archmage Celestia’s Involuntary Teleportation?” she read out loud, and suddenly she felt as if someone had yanked the floor out from under her. There was a whirling instant of falling, and then her feet crashed onto a dusty earthen road.

Twilight looked around, and found she was no longer in her tower. A quaint little town spread out around her, the very first rays of the rising sun running down the path she had landed on. Somewhere off in the distance, she thought she recognized the silhouette of the mountain Canterlot resided in. Glancing down at the parchment, she saw the golden ink fade away to nothingness.

“…wonderful,” she said with a healthy touch of sarcasm. With a dramatic sigh, she rolled the scroll back up and stuffed it into the bag of holding that rode opposite her wand. “Guess I better figure out where I am.”

Looking around, she spotted someone coming down the road, and moved to intercept them. The woman was casually strutting along, humming to herself, and didn’t seem to notice Twilight until they were only a few steps apart, at which point she came to a sudden stop and stared.

“Hi, my name is Twilight Sparkle, and…” Twilight began, but was cut off when  the woman let out a sudden and intense gasp. The next thing Twilight knew, the woman had rushed passed her in a blur, and by the time Twilight turned around, there was no sign of her.

“…well, this campaign is off to a wonderful start,” she snarked to herself.           
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