Nadesico Fan Fiction ❯ Retun to the Stars ❯ The Players are Gathered ( Chapter 1 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Martian Successor Nadesico (wish I did but…oh well) or the characters found within this story. Nadesico and all characters from the show are copyrighted and owned by StarChild films. Characters not featured in "Martian Successor Nadesico" or "Prince of Darkness" are property of the members of the Yahoo! Martian Successor Nadesico RPG club.

Notes -=Remeber, this is based on an RPG me and my friends are doing and has nothing to do with the actual show.=-

Martian Successor Nadesico: An alien threat

Chapter 1: The Players are Gathered

Sunlight flashed off the white hull of the Nergal battleship Nadesico as it sat on the tarmac of her base at Nergal Heavy Industries' largest plant. It was the original weapon designed and used exclusively for the war with the Jovian Lizards. Many people had lost their lives fighting the lizards, but in the end peace reigned and the humans from Jupiter were once again remembered in the history books. But now a new people threatened the people of both Jupiter and Earth, a race no one had ever seen and one that had easily destroyed much of the Jovian-UF fleet. Now, once again Nergal had called upon the young crew of the Nadesico to battle this alien race. Most of the crew had arrived the day before and were now preparing to return to the fight. Only two people were currently on the bridge. Yurika Misumaru, the beautiful blue-hared captain & Akito Tenkawa, the cook-made-Aestivalis-pilot.

"Why do we have to fight again?" Akito asked.

"Because," Yurika replied. "Nergal needs to use the Nadesico to help ensure peace between the Jovians and earth while we fight these new aliens and no one else is good enough to crew her."

"Well if you ask me, it sounds like a good idea." As Yurika and Akito turned they saw two people standing in the doorway to the bridge. The first was a young man with long red hair and a bag over his shoulder. The way he stood portrayed a level of power, confidence and an easy-going personality. To the man's left stood a young girl of about 16 stood. She had bright, almost blinding, blonde hair and large blue eyes. At the first glance she had a look of innocence, and gentleness about her, but the large rifle behind her back quickly cancelled any first impression you may have had about her.

"Who are you?" Akito asked of the new comers.

"Tokashi Katsuragi," the young man replied, putting out his hand to Akito. "New Chief of Security."

"I'm Akito Tenkawa, and this is Yurika Misumaru, the Captain."

"Hi!" Yurika said. "Welcome to the Nadesico."

"And you can call me Aya." The blonde said cheerfully.

"Aya is one of my guards and our weapons expert." Katsuragi explained to the two. "Now, time to get down to business," Tokashi said suddenly slumping against the bulkhead wall.

"Oh my god! Katsuragi-kun!" Yurika screamed.

"Not again." Aya moaned as she stared at the limp form of her boss.

Akito ran up to the comatose Security guard and checked his pulse. "I think he's alive, but he probably needs a doctor." Akito said to her.
"Ms. Fresange, we need you up here right away." Yurika told the blonde scientist's hologram.

"What's wrong?" Ines asked.

"One of the new crew members just passed out," Yurika said. "We don't know what's wrong with him.

"Ok. Just a sec."

"You don't really have anything to worry about," Aya announced as she sat down and began cleaning her rifle "He does this a lot."

As the blonde doctor Ines Fresange arrived on the bridge and saw the comatose patient, she went to work and began checking his vitals. "Pulse is steady, blood pressure normal." She replied with a hint of confusion in her voice. "If didn't know better, I'd say he was asleep." As if hearing her words, Tokashi let out a small snore and rolled onto his side.

"See I told ya. He just need's something to eat." Aya said without looking up from her work.

"Akito, could you go to the kitchen and grab something for him to eat?" Ines asked.

As the young pilot/cook ran down to the kitchen, Ines and Yurika tired to wake the sleeping security guard.

"Katsuragi-kun…" Yurika cooed. "Time to wake up!"
"It's no use, we'll have to wait for Tenkawa."

About this time Ruri Hoshino, 11-year-old pilot of the Nadesico, walked onto the bridge and sat at her station. "Ohayo Omoikane-San." She said to the Nadesico's main computer.

Looking up, Yurika called to Ruri. "Hi Ruri! I want you to meet our new security crew. This is Aya, she's our weapons expert,"

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Aya giggled cheerfully.

"And this guy here, "Yurika continued, pointing at the limp Tokashi. "Is Tokashi Katsuragi. He's the Chief of Security.

"Great, more idiots." Ruri groaned.
* * *
The other pilots of the Nadesico were down in the mess hall as Akito blew in. "Hey! I need some food! Some new Security guard just fainted up on the bridge & Ines thinks he might need something to eat." He told them as he ran around trying to find something to give to Tokashi

"Hey Tenkawa!" Someone called behind him. As he turned around, they called again.

"Catch!" Ryoko Subaru called as she flung a candy bar towards Akito.

Akito caught the thrown candy bar & placed it in his pocket.
"Thanks Ryoko!" Akito said as he headed back to the bridge.

As Ryoko Subaru, the Nadesico's green harried Aestivalis pilot, watched Akito's fleeing form she let out a sigh and went back to her drink she had been nursing.

"Tenkawa!" Izumi Maki and Hikaru Amano cooed in front of Ryoko mocking her as they usually do.
"Oh shut up!" Ryoko screamed as she grabbed a nearby sledge hammer and crashed it into her two wing mates' heads then walked out of the Cafeteria to her room.

* * *
Down in the Nadesico's hanger bays a young officer stood at the feet of Ryoko's red Aestivalis. Her purple hair was tied into a single braid that fell loosely over her right shoulder. She possessed a natural beauty & innocence that attracted men like a magnet. Her past was that of a seiyuu for the famous anime series "Fairy Princess Magical Laichi," but now she was the Communications Officer and the Head of Personnel. Another Aestivalis pilot was due any minute now and it was her job to make them comfortable.

"Incoming Aestivalis." The overhead loud speaker called out. "Prepare bay 4."

Suddenly a strange looking green land frame slowly walked up the ramp to the Nadesico's bay. It was very different than any other 'valis Megumi Rainard had ever seen. The mecha's chest was broader then normal and entirely flat. The head resembled and ancient samurai helmet from the two missile racks that stuck up from the side. From there, the Aestivalis was looked like normal until Megumi noticed the hands. There were also a few additions there as well, above the wrists on each arm were large blades that stuck out a few feet past the ends of the arms. "This guy must be fairly important." Megumi said to herself. "Those are some pretty expensive modifications."

After the Aestivalis had docked, the shield to the control pit opened and Megumi got her first glimpse of the new pilot. He didn't wear a combat suit. Instead, we wore the blue and white uniform of a UEF Officer and a pair of sunglasses over his eyes. "What the heck!?!" She said surprised. "What's the damn UEF doing here?"

"Surprised huh?" The pilot asked hopping down to the ground several feet below.

"Um,I,err,d-didn't mean to say that out loud." Megumi stuttered, embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it." He replied. "I didn't exactly want to be assigned as the liaison between the UEF and Nergal anyway."

As he removed his glasses, Megumi saw the color of his eyes. They were a deep, also dark, shade of red, one that she had never seen as an eye color. Along with his orange hair, he looked more like a mythical fire god then a human.

"Yes," he said, answering her unasked question. "That is my natural eye color. Forgive me, I did not introduce myself. I am Lieutenant J.G. Tetsu Karo, Aestivalis pilot and liaison from the UEF." Tetsu announced, offering his hand to the purple haired beauty before him.

"Megumi Rainard." She said taking his hand and greeted the pilot. "If you wish I can take you to the Captain. She's on the bridge."

"That would be great. I'm not sure if she even knows I supposed to be here, not many do." Picking up his bag, Tetsu followed Megumi as she led him to his new captain, Yurika Misumaru.

* * *
Back on the bridge, Akito fed the candy bar to the sleeping Security Guard. Tokashi's emerald eyes fluttered as he slowly regained consciousness.

"Oops." He said running his fingers through his red hair. "I musta been hungrier the I thought. Thanks for the wake up."

"No problem." Akito said as he patted Tokashi on the shoulder.

"What else could we do?" Yurika asked. "I am the captain after all. I need to look out for my crew."

Ines walked up to Tokashi and began questioning him of his medical condition.
"Tell me, how long has this been going on?"

"Most of my life I guess." He replied. "I know I've always had a fast metabolism."

"Hmm, Are you Diabetic? It sounds like the a Diabetic comma."

"My parents checked that when I was a kid, the docs couldn't find anything wrong with me." He said. "In fact, they said I was the least likely person to get Diabetes or any disease. Hell, I haven't gotten sick in the last 13 yr."

Ines was baffled. This was like nothing she had ever heard of before; she was going to need to look into this. "Perhaps we should go to my lab so I can check over your file and perform a few tests."


"Hey boss, I'm going to be in the Armory checking what we need." Aya announced, standing from her position on the floor. Strapping the rifle to her back once again, the blonde weapons expert made her way to the bridge door. "I'll be there if you need me."

-=Next Chaper: "Journey to the Mall"=-