Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.
Phantom Blood
A Danny Phantom/Naruto crossover based on the thread from the Maximum Addventure.
Part Six
The next day...
The students of team seven were sitting on a bridge that they were told would be the meeting place for their genin team. They were still trying to adjust to the knowledge that they had gotten about each other, especially the strange ghostly powers of the blond boy. The boy in question was still trying to train with the base abilities that he had since he couldn't really train with his overshadowing abilities alone. He was also getting annoyed with the lateness of his sensei. It was something that was reflected with both of his fellow students as he could see signs of their frustration of their sensei's bad habits. They had been waiting for at least two hours before their teacher showed up.
"You're Late!" Sakura yelled at the older man, venting her wraith at him with a sense of purity of fury.
"Hello, I was on my way over until I found a fish that was drowning, so I..." He tried to explain, obviously not caring about being believed or not.
"Liar!" replied their female comrade, before she stopped to allow their instructor to speak.
He cleared his throat as he spoke, "I was just going over some issues of training. The major thing that has appeared is the fact that Naruto has a bloodline that no one has seen in a long time, which makes training that ability harder than normal. I have, however, found a sensei with similar talents as Naruto except they do it through jutsu rather than a blood talent. So I have arranged for you to train with this sensei and his daughter every few of days to hone your spirit abilities. In exchange you are to keep their family secrets between them and yourself, as a matter of trust for all the parties involved. I will make sure that you will not be missing anything as I train with Sakura and Sasuke since I will also be providing that to your secondary sensei as well. In many ways it would be like you would be training with a clan, like many other ninjas in your class have done."
Naruto was surprised that his sensei was sending him to another teacher for training with his Reichi, but he had to expect that there would be trouble with finding a way to train a half-ghost. He was also curious about this sensei, since had had bad experiences with ninjas before due to his tenant. He simply asked, "Who's gonna be my new teacher, Kakashi-sensei?"
"Inoichi Yamanaka, you'll also be training with his daughter Ino. They are the only ninja with experience with some of the tricks that you can do, so they will have an easier time training you than I would. The fact that their special jutsu are family secrets that only a select few are allowed to be taught should be an honour. Which you be repaying them by aiding them in strengthening those clan skills by training with them. It's my believe that your ghost powers could be the inspiration for new jutsu, and with the inherited knowledge of the Yamanaka clan, they could be a great benefit for the village. Something that is one of the greatest part of a Hokage's job, in aiding his fellow ninja." spoke their teacher as he explained more about the deal. Naruto thought to his grandfatherly role model of the Sandaime and knew that was the truth as the old man was always there to help the blond as well as others.
The ghost boy was about to speak about how he would do it and prove he would be Hokage, when the female member spoke, "So Naruto is going to be training with Ino-pi... Ino with his ghost powers? With his phasing, invisibility and overshadowing abilities." Naruto had a crush on Sakura for a while and had seen many darker sides of her, but what he didn't expect was the sight of evil glee that seemed to cover her face for a few moments. It caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up and shiver at that nasty grin on her face. He didn't want to know what it was that she was thinking. It was likely something only girls could think of, which would drive sane men mad!
"Yes, he will be training with them with some of those abilities. The clan may not be able to do all of the same things as our blond friend can, but they should have more of an idea how to train with him. Ino is important as it gives him a chance to train with someone the same power level as he is starting with, as they are both beginners. Inoichi will be using his deeper knowledge and time served as a ninja of great respect to monitor their growth." The grey haired man told them of the training.
"I am willing to do whatever hard work is needed for me to become a stronger ninja, to get one step closer to becoming Hokage. If they can help me perfect my Reichi, I'll keep all of their secrets and make their jutsu more powerful. I will work hard to make my dream come true and nothing is going to stop me from making that happen. Besides how hard could it be?" Naruto asked, feeling confident about his new training instructor.
"You do remember Ino, Naruto? In that same class as us, hanging around Shikamaru and Chouji all of the time. Blond with blue eyes and a very loud voice." Sakura told him trying to jog his memory. Which worked as he remember the girl in question as she was the major rival for Sakura in the Sasuke fan club. She wasn't someone that Naruto had a lot of time to hang around with, but with the exception of Sakura, no Sasuke fan could be good news for him. Ino was likely to spend much of the training trying to find out more about Sasuke and trying to see if Sakura had gotten any closer to the number one rookie.
"Doesn't matter, I will find a way to improve myself. I will even improve Ino if I have to, I have a duty to become strong for my dream." Naruto as told those who had gathered.
Kakashi nodded in understanding as he continued, "Now we will begin our first D-ranked mission, the first official mission of this team. We just have to report to the Hokage Tower to pick it up. So let's have a little race to tower. Let's go."
At the Yamanaka Shop...
"Ino, I need to talk to you about something." called out the voice of Inoichi, the father of the girl in question. Ino was curious about what it was that her father was going to talk to her about, since she was just getting home from a minor mission with her team. It was not what she expected when she wanted to become a ninja as it was just getting groceries for a couple of old ladies throughout the village. She was hoping that he father would be starting her training with the jutsu that were the trademark of her clan, much the way that her teammates would be training with their fathers for the unique skills their family's were known for.
She rushed to the office that he father used for his ninja business and asked him, "What is it that I can do for you, daddy? Are you going to teach me more about the mind transfer jutsu? Or something brand new like a super mind control jutsu?"
"Well, we will be improving your skills with our jutsu. But I was going to mention that during your training you will be getting a new sparring partner. Someone to practise possessions with so that you can improve your jutsu and chakra talents. That was why Kakashi was here, one of his students is the boy that you will be training with." Inoichi told his daughter before being drowned out by a squeal.
"I'm going to be training with Sasuke! I knew that true love would conquer all! Eat that forehead girl, I get private lessons with Sasuke! Wheeee!" Ino held her hands to her cheeks to help hide the deep blush that she had on her face, her eyes closed so that she could fantasize about training with Sasuke and causing the boy to fall for her. She was definitely glad that she had memorized the name of the teacher of her main crush. She now knew that the reason that his sensei was at her shop was to give her father this great news!
"Actually, it's not Sasuke that you will be training with." Inoichi said with one hand moving to the back of his head to scratch it in a nervous way.
Ino's hands dropped as he eyes opened wide like saucers. She asked, "If not him, then that means it's... Naruto!" Images of the dead-last of the class, a boy that had failed the ninja tests three times and seemed to just pass this year due to some strange fluke. The idea that her training partner would be an idiotic pervert rather than the sexy god that was Sasuke was hard to take.
"What reason in hell is Naruto, of all people, going to be training with us?" The young woman was shocked at the idea, but anger was starting to crawl up from her mind. Especially if she wasn't given a good reason as soon as possible.
"Turns out that Naruto has a kekkei genkai, a bloodline limit, that gives him ghost like powers including the ability to possess other peoples bodies. Much like the jutsu of this family, but in a more physical way. I was asked by Kakashi to train Naruto with this aspect of his powers as well as other abilities, which I accepted for many reasons. One is that this training could help you increase the strength of your spirit so that your mind transfer jutsu are harder to beat, another is the fact that we might be able to come up with new jutsu by studying his natural ghost like talents." Her father answered, causing Ino's mind to turn on that thought.
'Iruka-sensei told us about bloodline limits and how they help strengthen the village by the power they give to the clans that hold them. But he never mentioned a ghost like one, so I take it that it's unusual. The fact that the mind transfer jutsu requires me to send a large fragment of my spirit out to control the foe's body means that training with a ghost should improve it. Plus there is the knowledge that my clan was said to learn it's arts from a spirit would also make training with Naruto make sense.' She thought to herself as she looked at the reasons for the training.
'Still, it's Naruto. The same boy that created the perverted sexy jutsu that allows him to take the form of a naked female version of himself that causes explosive nosebleeds in other perverted men. Who knows what other goofy jutsu that he has come up with since then or what perverted things he could do with his powers? There is also the insane pranks that he pulls like doodling all over the heads of the Hokages on the mountain. He just doesn't seem like a good training partner.' She looked at the negatives about Naruto before turning on one final line of thinking.
'It would give me access to the cell that has Sasuke in it, even if it's only through Naruto. He can get me closer to my future husband, allow me to keep an eye on forehead girl and help me from letting those two get to close together. All I have to do is be smarter than Naruto, then I can get stronger and get my man at the same time. For love I am willing to sacrifice being annoyed by Mr. Dobe.' Ino finished her thoughts with an idea about how to deal with the news, as he father was watching her take the news.
"Naruto isn't my favourite classmate, but if it makes me a better kunoichi, I am willing to work with him. I will learn how to become the strongest Yamanaka in all of history and make everyone respect our clan. So when do we begin the training with Naruto?" Ino asked, getting herself ready for the hardship that she had to experience for love.
"In a couple of days, we will begin our exercises. I have also asked him to spar with me in physical combat, so that I can see all of his ghost powers first hand. It should also be good for you to watch and know what your partner can do in a fight." Her father explained, not noticing that she had rolled her eyes at the idea of the ghost boy being her partner in anything.
But she greeted that information and she decided to brace herself for this ordeal in her path to strength and romance. She said finally, "I will be ready for that, daddy. I will make your proud."
In an unknown location...
The hawk had brought a message from the Village Hidden in the Leaves, were his spies had been lurking so they could bring him news of his enemies and their situation. The news that the bird that had brought him included hand written copies of files about an experiment that was finally bearing fruit, his ghost human hybrid experiment that he had originally launched in that village. Before his minion had been collected and his details had been leaked to the Hokage, his former teacher.
'Still, it is quite informative about the test subject. This Naruto Uzumaki that has gained the full power of the Reichi as well as being the container of the Kyuubi. Interesting combination of circumstances that has lead him to a great potential, it almost makes me sad that I can't use my curse seal on him to bind him to me. However, the Kyuubi makes such tools to dangerous to use without gaining some negative side effects that could be used against me.' Orochimaru thought to himself, as he knew that troubles that could occur with giving the boy a powerful form with a ranging aspect like his seals.
'Still, it would do to watch this boy so that I can gauge his power when compared to my other success with the Reichi. His version of the serum was more... refined than the version given to the other test subjects, to allow for easier absorption by the body. The other version had only a one in fifteen chance of providing a successful subject, but one that is likely to be weaker than young Naruto's full potential. Still, many of the failures are creatures of power that can be of some use. Even after death.' The snake summoner pulled out his full files on the development of the Reichi, a side effect of his research in immortality.
He had to admit that with his experiences with the forbidden, he had become something like the ghosts that he used as the base for this bloodline. It did increase his life span by years as he used disturbing techniques to gain more time to make his desires reality. The Reichi had become a sort of plan B for the day that his original plan were to fail. He had learnt to keep a spare plan up his sleeve for any occasion. To see another example of it would add to his knowledge, a small collection of cells would allow him to use the DNA mixture in them to make an improved serum or even clones.
Of course, before he was to collect those cells he would have to see how effective the leaf serum was compare to a subject with his secondary serum. That was why he was preparing for that subject to make it to the Chunin that would take place in the village of the leaf. It would seem that many of his plans that were to take effect during that period, which brought him to the other aspect of the news that was linked with Naruto. The fact that he was teamed with the Uchiha boy that was key to his further plans.
'So when I go after one, I will run into the other as well. So the planning must be perfect when I encounter the two of them. Other wise, I might have just tried to kill Naruto while trying to gain my prize. Now I will have to develop something special for him while I recruit Sasuke. My shadow will be following me to this test so that I can learn much more about my two treasures.' The pale ninja reached out for the paper and ink that he kept nearby so that he could write his further orders.
His commands were basically for the observation of both the Uzumaki and the Uchiha boys, to note every growth and lesson that is gained and learnt. A full profile write up is to be expected by the dark master from the servants that he kept in the enemy's camp. He would also be training his shadow in their ninja arts as well as their abilities with the version of the Reichi that they hold. Then they would be ready to face off against Naruto.
'Still, I should think about giving Naruto a few playmates to train against so that he would be at full strength against my shadow. Some of my other experiments with the Reichi have given me access to less physical aides that should be able to test his metal, to forge the raw iron into fine steel. I will send them to my main assistant in Konoha, so that he can deploy them at the best times for training. Ku-ku-ku." The sannin laughed as he thought of the type of training the boy would face with these figures.
He would send them through the ghost portal in his current lab to one that he had hidden in one of his unknown labs back in his former home, allowing for quicker travel between the two location. Much in the same way they had passed the bird through so that it would not be detected by the enemy. The seals needed to build a stable doorway between this world and the ghost world were hard, but the help he had gained from his perverted former teammate during their training did help out a lot. Proving that it was one of the only things the idiot was good for.
He still had some work to do with the Kazekage about their combined effort to improve their lot in life when confronted with the plague of power that was in the hand of the fool called Hokage. They had a lot of time to plan before the event were to fall, which would give the pale one time to find out all he could about the leader of the Village Hidden in the Sand. Then it would not be a problem when the leader of sand were to be replaced so that he could move his plan smoothly without any trouble.
'Then I will get my payment for being overlooked by my 'knows better than I' sensei, and having my just reward taken from me by that lesser ninja known as the Yondaime. The village could have risen with my power, but now it will fall under my heel. All shall know to avoid my wraith and that the way of peace only brings death from the strong. Then I can perfect my mission to know all of the jutsu in the world and live forever. Ku-ku-ku.' Thought the humanoid demon known as Orochimaru.