Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Ten

Deep within a forest...

Shadows rose from the brush, looking for something in the patches of vegatation. A voice cloaked in silence reported in, "This is Cobalt Flame. I'm in position." Kakashi heard his student report in on his communicator. Over the radio he heard the others report in.

"This is Cherry Blossum. I'm in position." the voice of Sakura revealed that she was ready to take down the target if it moved in her direction. The team had spilt up so they could make a triange around the target and cover more area.

"This is Ghost Shadow. I'm ready to do this!" Naruto said, his determination showing through the toughness of the mission. It was a mission that few wanted, but had to be done. Kakashi hoped that this could be done the easy way but it was really up to the target.

"Get ready to move on mark. Ready... ready... GO!" The scarecrow like ninja gave the order and waited for the results. There was a crash over the radio and the yells of the young blond. Kakashi moved in to see if his team had completed their mission. Arriving within a few minutes, he saw what could be expected. Naruto was battling with the target and getting the worse of it.

"So is it the target Tora? A red ribbion on the right ear?" Kakashi asked as his two other students just stood nearby making sure the ghost boy didn't try and kill the target.

"Affirmative. This is Tora the cat. Naruto, could you try and not get beat up by an animal?" Sasuke said as the boy turned to his teammate.

Kakashi could only shake his head as the younger ninjas came to term with their mission. The cats of the Daimyo's wife always were a little wild given the way the women treated her pets. Before her there were other women who smother their pets with too much affection. Still it brought in money for the village and gave experiences that would be useful for future ninjas.

Still, Kakashi was feeling a little off. Like something was watching them, something he almost couldn't detected. That wasn't odd as ever since the attack of the ghost octopi, minor ghosts seemed to be hunting Naruto. Something was coming, something that could become dangerous, something like....

Suddenly, the grey haired ninja's copy of Icha Icha Paradice rose into the air and started to fly. Appearing behind it was a strange man with pale blue skin, dressed in old robes that seemed to not to fit him. His head had a handcherief tied under his nose.

"I am the Icha Icha Ghost, master of the pages of pervertion. Behold my deadly power of the noisebleeds! Beware!" The ghost held open the pages of the book showing off a scenes not meant for children.

"Behold the images of naked men and women becoming intimate with each other in all matter of sex! Behold the story that no one under eighteen can buy! Behold the power of my spoilers and beware!" The ghost flew while flipping through the orange book.

Sakura and Sasuke were stunned at the ghost, the former giving a twisted look of confusion at the actions of the Icha Icha Spector. Sasuke's eye twitched in responce as if his mind couldn't understand why that spirit existed.

Naruto held back the cat for a moment before handing it over to Sasuke, before turning into his ghost form with his catchphrase, "Reichi ! " Sasuke then concentrated on the cat, making sure they didn't have to do the mission over again. The boy in the black and the orange flew up and took out his containment mirror, the one given to him so that he could hold any spirit he faced.

"Alright moron, time to place you behind glass." Naruto forced his ecto into the mirror, which was triggered by both chakra and ecto so that he could use it in any form, which caused the mirror to glow green. A huge green beam shot at the other ghost and covered him with a green aura. The Icha Icha spirit was sucked to the mirror by the path of the green light. The ghost was forced into the mirror so that it's face was reflected in the glass.

The orange book fell on the ground as the sensei spoke, "Well, that was surprising... and annoying. I wonder what brought that on?" Kakashi still couldn't shake the feeling that his team was being watched by something powerful, more powerful then the Icha Icha Spirit. Still it might not be best to mention it to his students after all of that.

Meanwhile, above Team Seven...

Yumi was floating above her prey while maintaining her invisiblity, glad that her prey didn't have any kind of ghost detection powers. It made her mission to track him that much easier.

'I have to admit that the boy seems to be well equipped, even if the Icha Icha spirit isn't much a challenge to anyone. I have to study this more. It appears that he's a genin, so he won't be given the difficult missions which would push him to his limits. However, there is a chance that I will be able to watch him train. It would give me a better look into his powers and abilities.' She thought to herself as she moved to pull out an arrow as she raised her bow.

Pulling the string of fire back, she shot the arrow into the back of the ghost boy. It sunk into the flesh yet remained unseen to both the violet haired boy and his teammates. The arrow was specially tuned to her heightened senses, allowing her to track him for up to twenty miles. No matter where he runs or hides, she would be able to hunt him down and bring him to her lair.

'Still, I can sense great power in both the sensei and the black haired one. Something rare and powerful that I haven't seen in some time. Perhaps I should keep my eyes on them as well, they might prove to be superior prey as well.' She took out two more arrows and shot them both at once, the arrows homing in on the two targets. The spectral arrows sunk into human flesh and keep releasing a trail to be followed by a skilled hunter.

'Now I just have to watch and wait. Patience is the hunter's friend.' She thought as she kept observing her prey.

Later that day...

The Hokage had not been too surprise about the outburst that his charge had made about wanting a real mission. Old Man Sarutobi knew that the D-rank mission most beginner genin would face seemed to be more like chores then actual ninja work, but they had their purpose. So he started to explain the purpose of the rankings.

"Each mission is gather by the council and rated on a base of difficulty from D to C to B to finally A. D and C ranked missions are given to genin, C and B missions are given to Chunin and A missions are reserved for Jonin. All genin are given D ranked missions to begin as it is expected that they will hone their training and teamwork with those missions. Every mission is paid for by the client and that money helps to support the village and the ninjas." The Hokage had closed his eyes for the explaination, expecting his young charges would be paying close attention to him.

Opening his eyes he saw that team seven was around Naruto discussing ramen. He held back an inner groan at the fact he was being ignored. Shouting to get their attention he got an answer from Naruto, "We've trained hard to get to this point and I'm tired of doing people chores. I ready for some more action and respect! I'm not just a little brat anymore, this protector proves I'm a ninja. I want to prove to everyone I can do it! "

'So my friend wishes to prove himself, to prove that he isn't the prank-pulling brat the village has come to know. I can imagine that being the holder of the Reichi makes him want to prove himself more then if he was without it.' The Sandaime sat deep in thought about the chance of sending them on a C rank mission. It was slightly more dangerous, but as long as they had an experienced sensei like Kakashi on their team, it wouldn't be something out of their skill range.

Iruka was trying to tell Naruto to forget it and concentrate on the D missions. The Hokage made a careful judgement and spoke, "Kakashi, do you think that your chrages are ready for a higher ranked mission?"

The one eyed man spoke clearly, "I believe that their teamwork and training is at a level that would make them ready for a simple C mission." The expression of the man was hard to read with the mask on, but the Hokage had experience with seeing what the man was feeling. He had confidence of the team he had.

The Hokage then spoke his decision, "I believe that team seven might be ready for a slightly more dangerous mission. Send in the client for the next C mission."

The old man watched carefully for the reaction of the team to the man that had just hired a team of ninjas to protect him from bandits. Sarutobi had met the man earlier and it had been an interesting impression. The door opened and a man dressed in old clothes including a brown shirt and grey pants. His hair and beard were grey and he held a bottle of alchohol in his hands. It was clear that he had been drinking heavily since his nose and cheeks were a slight crimson coloured.

"So this is the team that is suppose to protect me? A bunch of kids that look wet behind the ears and an old scarecrow. Heck, that short one with the stupid look on his face probably couldn't fight his way out of a paper sack!" The client said as he stumbled into the room. The old man could hardly hold back his laughter as it took the ghost boy a few minutes to realize that he was smaller then his two teammates.

It proved to only get more difficult to avoid breaking his composure when the young Fox boy proceeded to try and kill the client for the insult given. In many ways it made the old professor remember his former student and his wild actions during their days of training.

'It's going to be a good learning experience for Naruto to have to deal with this man while escourting the client home to Wave country. It should show him that even the higher ranked missions are not as cool as the media makes it look like. ' The Hokage smiled as Kakashi held back his student.

Hours later at the gates of Konoha...

Naruto had been spending the last few hours trying to prepare for the mission at hand. He had to notify Inoichi-sensei that he would be out of the village for a while, gather his collection of tools both ninja and ghost-hunter and make sure that he had enough food for the trip. He wished that he could have taken some instant ramen, but he wasn't sure he would have the time to heat the cup of noodles if a battle broke out. So he packed the nutrient bars that Watanabe had given him.

Overall he thought that he was ready for the mission, especially if enemy ninjas showed up to kill the old geezer. It was also a chance to prove himself away from the village for the first time, since it was the first time that he had left the lands around the village for any period of time. Even if his time in the village had not been happy, it was still his home and he was rooted in this land.

They had gather at the gates of the village waiting for each other, when their client wandered up and spoke up, "So the little runt is still with us? A lot of good that's going to do us." The man then took a swig of his bottle before wiping his mouth.

Naruto could hold back his rage no longer. He responded, "I'm going to become the next Hokage and when I do, you and everyone else is going to have to respect me!" Naruto glared at the man that had just insulted his skills as a ninja. The group had already started to move away from the gates of the village into the woods which surrounded the ninja headquarters.

"Ha, the day I believe that you can become Hokage is the day I name a bridge after you. Should be a week from never, the way that I see it," said Tazuna not looking at the fox boy to see the reaction. Naruto was about to try and kill the idiot again, but was interrupted by Sakura's voice.

"Kakashi-sensei, doesn't the land of waves have their own ninjas to protect them? Why wouldn't Tazuna hire one of those ninjas first?" She asked their teacher, taking everyone's mind of the battle of wills between the bridgebuilder and the hyperactive genin.

"Well simply, the land of waves doesn't have a force of ninjas. Many countries have ninja villages which are used in their defense, like a military and yet seperate from the power structure of the different countries. The ninja villages maintain close relations with the country that they are in and the leaders of the ninjas are considered equal to the daimyos." explained the instructor as he continued with his lecture.

"The land of waves is small and complete surrounded by water, they have natural defenses and do not need ninjas for the most part. The most powerful of the hidden villages are those of the land of fire called the village hidden in the leaves, the land of water with it's village hidden in the mist, the land of lightning which holds the village hidden in the clouds, the land of wind which contains the village hidden in the sand and the land of earth which is guarded by the village hidden in the rocks." Naruto was surprised to learn these facts from his teacher's speech, but then again he didn't pay much attention at the academy. He was also proud that his village was one of the main power in the world.

"They make up the five great ninja powers and only their leaders are allowed to hold the name of Kage or shadow. The Hokage or fire shadow, the Mizukage or water shadow, the Raikage or lightning shadow, the Kazekage or wind shadow and Tsuuchikage or earth shadow. Those five are considered the fiave most powerful men on the planet." Kakashi said as he finished his lesson on the ninja nations.

'I can't believe that old man Hokage is that powerful. He's always falling for my sexy jutsu like a big pervert.' Naruto thought to himself as he stood still for a second.

"You're doubting the Hokage's power, aren't you? Believe me, you have not seen him with his full power." Kakashi said which startled Naruto into motion as his eyes glanced at his crush and saw her startled as well.

"Well, just keep that in mind when you see him again that a ninja has to see past a deception to the truth beneath it. Fortunately, you are not going to face anyone of the Hokage's power. Since this is a C mission, we won't be facing any ninjas so we should be safe." Kakashi said as the ghost boy and his female teammate relaxed a little at the idea they wouldn't be facing any super ninja on this mission. Naruto hated to admit it, but he wasn't quite ready to face anything that tough yet.

A little time later...

Kakashi had noticed it right away, but he knew that his charges wouldn't figure it out given their experience. The puddle of water in a summer season which had been dry for the last few days could only be man made in nature. Which meant ninjas, likely one of the water based ninja villages like mist or waterfall.

'The question is... who are they after? Tazuna or one of us? I know that I'm in enough bingo books to make me a target, Sasuke being the last of the Uchiha makes a valuable target and if anyone has found out that Naruto possesses the nine tailed fox who knows what forces would be after him? I guess that I'm going to have to fall for their trap.' Kakashi thought as he prepared his subsitution jutsu for use.

Noticing the slight changes that would signal the attack, he saw them burst from the puddle and use a bladed chain to 'slice' him into bloody pieces. Moving out of the way before it struck, he hid as he watched the reaction of the twin attacks.

"One down, three to go, brother!" called out one of the enemy ninjas as they turned to face Naruto, who had frozen up in fear. The grey hair ninja had already noticed that Sasuke had moved into position and lunched a kunai at a link in their chain. The bladed weapon pinned the huge metal weapon to the wood of a nearby tree, but not before one of them struck Naruto with their claw like weapon.

"Forget the kids, get the bridgebuilder." spoke one of the ninja as they lauched themselves at the older man. Sakura moved instantly to be between them and the client with Sasuke moving in front of her. However, Kakashi now knew who the target was and could move to stop them. With a quick motion of his hands he knocked out the two ninjas.

"These two are chunin from the village hidden in the mist. I recongnize them as two ninjas known as the Demon Brothers, known for their ability to work as an united front and to keep fighting no matter what happens to them." The scarecrow man then proceeded to tell the others about the way that he had detected the two of them.

"After I was attacked, I waited for them to show me their true target... Tazuna! You should have told us ninjas are after you. That would make it at least a B ranked mission, not a C classed mission dealing with the normal bandits." Kakashi gave the man a dirty look as he then turned to look at Naruto.

"I didn't think that you would have frozen up like that, especially given all of the extra training that you have been getting." The jonin was trying to give the ghost boy a kick in the pants, given that freezing up in the middle of battle created dead ninjas. The elder didn't want adding any more names to memorial stone. He continued, "Good job on protecting the client Sakura. Excellent work on protecting your teammate and the client, Sasuke."

The elder ninja noticed Sasuke turning to the blond boy and asking, "You're not hurt, are you? Scaredy Cat." Kakashi's one eye noticed that there was a wound on the boy's hand, likely caused by one of the Demon Brothers' weapons. Weapon he knew were poisoned.

"Naruto, I'm going to need to look at that wound." He turned to look at the younger ninja with a serious glint in his eye.

"Why, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked, noticing the serious tone of voice.

"Because the Brothers' weapons were poisoned." With those words, Naruto started to jump around and shout out poison. The instructor yelled out above the boy's voice, "You might want to stand still since you're just spreading the poison faster." Naruto froze in a second.

"We just have to bleed the poison out of your wound." He headed towards the blond boy, before a new idea came into his head on how to cure the wound without doing any bleeding. They just had to find a way to get in private so Naruto could use his Reichi. He was interrupted by Sakura.

"Kakashi-sensei, we should turn back. This has become a B ranked mission which is over our heads and now Naruto's been wounded. In his condition, he might not be able to fight." Sakura said, as she made sense that the mission should be scrapped and they should return to the village.

Kakashi was mostly listening to his pinked haired student and couldn't react in time to stop Naruto from pulling out his kunai and stabbing it deep into his opposite hand. Large drops of blood spilled onto the ground as a look of determination cross the young man's face.

"I swear on this wound that I will not back down or run away from any mission or threat! I will complete this mission even if it kills me! I will not wait for someone to rescue me or lose to Sasuke ever again! " Naruto thrusted his wounded hand into the air to stress the point that he was trying to make.

Kakashi knew that Naruto was trying to make up for his failure in the first battle. It was a moving speech as well, even for someone as jaded as the jonin. The sensei did have to make one little point, "Naruto, I'm going to have to fix that hand before you loose enough blood to kill yourself." The scared look crossed the boy's face at the moment.

The grey haired man moved to the younger blond and took a better look at the wound. He noticed that the injury was already healing at an excellerated rate.

'Is this the power of the Nine Tails? Is this what is causing the rapid healing? Or is this linked to the Reichi bloodline? Another facet of the ghostly blood that flows through his veins?' he thought to himself.

Outloud he softly said, "Naruto, I was just wondering before you made your oath, that you could have phased the poison out of your body with the Reichi."

Naruto took on a look of embarressment, as the sensei wrapped the hand in a bandage. If the jonin was right, that injury would be healed in no time. Still, it might be best to keep a watch on this.

Meanwhile in the Land of Waves...

A small man in a business suit with thick hair and small sunglasses covering his eyes. On either of his side were two tough and less savoury characters gaurding him with long blades. He was facing a lean yet muscular man with a bare chest and his face covered. The bare chested dark haired man was leaning on the couch like he didn't have a care in the world.

"You're two goons have failed against the bridge builder's ninja team. They didn't even kill one of the ninjas that Tazuna hired. Worse, I have heard that he managed to get a hold of a powerful ninja. Ninjas from the village hidden in the leaves, including Copycat Kakashi from my reports. What are you going to do about it, Zabuza?"

The tall man pulled out a huge sword that was at least as long as Zabuza is tall with the point hitting the throat of the man in the suit.

"Don't push your luck, Gato. You maybe paying me to get rid of this bridge builder, but force me to far and I might decide to take it out of your flesh. I'm not called the demon of the hidden mist for nothing." Zabuza twisted his wrist and moved his blade gently against Gato's skin.

"All this means is that I'm going to have to take care of this personally. I can make sure that Tazuna is dead before his escort even know that I'm there. Of course that would ruin all of my fun. No, I think I'll have some fun with Kakashi and his so-called ninjas from the hidden leaf." Zabuza said as he moved his sword back towards him and got up to complete his mission.

Author's Notes:

I know that my choice to have Naruto freeze up in this chapter might not be popular, but I have my reasons and I will be addressing it in the next chapter. Besides Naruto will be making up for it in the next chapter. I have been thinking of different fics that I might try out including both lemons and non-lemons. It has taken me time to get back to the lemons that I normally write, but I hope to get back to them. Another things with this fic is that with the next chapter it should match the longest running fics that I have written for the FFdotNet site. The only one longer is my Yugioh Lemon "Wisdom of the Pharaoh" on Mediaminor.

The next chapter to be submitted to the FFdotNet in my opinion will be the next chapter of White Seduction, in which we will see why Alexis should be banded from most casinos. No nudity in this lime yet, but should be appearing in Chapter Nine. Now I just have to write the next chapter of that story. I also have a bit of Sakura Ten lined up as well as a preview of a Naruto/One Piece fic with Naruto eating a Logia fruit. IOt seems to be tied between Ice and Darkness fruits. The later having hints of a black hole as well as gravity powers. I will post that in previews with the Naruto Werebeast and Naruto Spark fics, as I just moved it to being under the Naruto Character section of FFdotNet. I hope this will allow more people to read them and see if they like the ideas. I keep seeing odd scenes with them like the Spark Naruto deciding to heal Lee after the Chunin Exam and giving him a laser death ray like device hidden in his body. Or just giving him the idea about being able to choose it.

Chapter Eleven of Phantom Blood will be posted after White seduction as long as inspiration doesn't hit. It might be a little shorter then most of the other chapters unless I get a brainstorm on what to add to it. It will see the first fight with Zabuza, but it will not be completely like that first fight. Opinions will be wecolmed.

