Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Twelve

Kakashi slowly regained his conciousness as he realized that he was resting on a bed with in a house he didn't know. Making a leap of logic, he figured out it was likely the home of his client and he had used up too much chakra with the sharingan.

He looked around and saw that his students were taking care of him. 'They're likely filled with questions about what happened, yet they didn't want to disturb me while I healed. We'll better get to work.'

"So I take it that you have a few questions about what happened. Well, I just used too much of my chakra and went through exhastion, my body just needed more time to regain it's energy. That explains my troubles, but do you have any more questions about the fight?" he asked the trio around him.

"Kakashi-sensei, why was that masked guy after Zabuza's body? Why is he wearing a mask and what was he doing here?" Sakura asked, pointing to the moments before he had lost conciousness.

"People who were those mask are part of the Anbu special operations of a village like mist, with this boy being trained specifically for the hunting down and assassinations of ninjas who leave their village." he began, moving into a lesson all three of them should learn.

"They are also known as body erasers as they eliminate all traces of a body so that others can't learn more about their village. A ninja's body contains many secrets connected with the village." He expected a question about the topic and Naruto was the first to ask.

"Sensei, what do you mean by a ninja's body holding a village's secrets?" asked the blond boy.

"It has a range of information, including things like information on a ninja's chakra type, special medicine and herbs used to strength a ninja's body, kekkei genkai and other aspects that would reveal information about the village." The scarecrow like man moved on to an example.

"If was to die and my body taken by an enemy, the could use my eye to find out information about the sharingan. Then they could use that information against the village for their own purposes." He saw a reaction on both Naruto's and Sasuke's faces as they knew they had bloodlines other villages would be interested in.

"Also you have to be careful, or else those enemy ninjas could discover how to use your ninjutsu and turn it against you." speaking those words, his mind focused on the battle that he had with Zabuza and the aftermath. He knew that something wasn't right with the mission. Then the truth came crashing down.

"We have to get ready. Zabuza isn't dead." as he said that the students gave a reply in common.

"WHAT?!? "

"When a hunter ninjas takes down a missing ninja, they kill them on the spot. This is true. Yet what did the boy do when he had Zabuza's corpse?"

"He took it with him." Sasuke said, making a statement of fact.

"Exactly. A true hunter ninja would have dispose of the body on site, destorying it so completely that there wouldn't be a trace of ash left. If he needed to prove that Zabuza was dead, then he would only take the head back as proof since it is easier to carry then a full body." He could see that Sakura was a little grossed out with that last comment.

"The masked boy used senbon, specialized needles, to take down Zabuza. Those needles aren't used in assassinations due to the fact they are not deeply pentrating. You would have to have a perfect shot at a vital spot like a major vein or organ. Not the best weapon for eliminations." Kakashi commented as he continued.

"However, senbon have another purpose. They are used in acupuncture, hiting key points to cause changes in the body. With the right spot like on the throat, one could place the victum into a death like status. They boy was trying to save Zabuza from death, not kill him. Which means that I'm going to have to train you for the rematch that is to come." Kakashi said, looking at how his students were taking the news.

It was a mixed bag as Sasuke had a typical emotionless look on his face, like many a ninja before battle. Sakura was looking a lot nervious at the events to come. She had been strong to guard their client during trouble, yet she didn't think about herself being strong. Finally Naruto, Naruto was bouncing up and down likely hoping to learn a super cool jutsu that he could use in battle.

'Let's just hope he isn't disappointed with the training I'm going to give them.' Kakashi thought before a younger boy entered the room.

Later that day...

Naruto was just going crazy trying to think about what kind of super cool jutsu that he would be learning. Some kind of fire jutsu like Sasuke or one of the water ones that Kakashi and Zabuza had used.

"So, can anyone tell me what chakra is?" Kakashi asked as he stood on crutches before them as they stood in a forest.

"Chakra is the source of a ninja's energy, " started Sakura as Naruto was just hoping they would skip this and move to the real training.

"It is divided into two parts. Body energy that is found within all of the cells of a person's body. The second is spiritual energy which is gained through training and other experiences. To perform a jutsu, one must release this energy in the right amount. This is called releasing the chakra and is aided by the use of hand signs." Sakura said as she continued her lecture.

"Why do we have to learn all of this boring stuff anyways? We already know how to use chakra." Naruto said as he finally burst from his urge to just jump in to the jutsu.

"No, you don't. So far you have just been guessing at the amount of chakra you need for each jutsu. Unless you learn to control all of the chakra that you use, you could end up using all of it up at once. While this might not seem bad in a short fight, in a long ninja battle it could mean your death when you run out of energy." Kakashi told them as he then turned to the trees around them.

"So I want you to climb these trees... just using your feet." Kakashi said as he looked at the tree.

"That's simple, I've done it before." said Naruto as all eyes turned to him, each filled with surprise.

"Okay then, why not show us how it's done?" asked Kakashi as he pointed a crutch to a tree.
Naruto decided to show off so he activated his bloodline and went through his transformation. Once in his ghost form he run up the tree easily and even ran under a branch and hung from there.

"Interesting, Naruto. I do have a question. Could you do that with out using your ghost powers? Like this?" asked Kakashi as he started to climb the same tree as Naruto, just not as fast. He moved up the tree to the branch which held Naruto. Moving closer to the violet haired boy, the instructor stood over the younger ninja. With a quick motion, Kakashi hit Naruto on his head with a crutch.

"Owww! " Naruto cried out as he was hit. Then he looked at Kakashi. "If you can do it without ghost powers, I can do it too."

Naruto got a little bit thoughtful as something crossed his mind with all of this talk about chakra. He turned to his sensei and said, "If chakra is made up of spirtual and body energy, what does that mean for my ghost form? I mean that it might have spiritual energy, but I'm not sure that it has any boy energy. Still, I can use some jutsu in my ghost form yet I have other powers while in that form."

Naruto could see Kakashi's eye widen before the older man spoke, "That's a very insightful question, not very common for you Naruto. The fact of the matter is we just have't enough experience with you're ghost form to study that element. The people at Wanatabe Works believe that your body alters into a different form of spirital energy, a sort of soul energy which works in a similar way as body energy. Which is why you can perform jutsu in your ghost form, yet have trouble with some of them."

"They also believe that you can turn soul energy into body energy to make chakra, it doesn take longer due to the transformation which is why your jutsu is slower. Still, these are just theories for now. We need more studies to know more. Which is why you should be training your chakra control while wait for the answers. Besides it will make you and your ghost side stronger as well." Kakashi mentioned as Naruto understood.

'If I learn this, I will get stronger and as I get stronger I get closer to becoming the Phantom Hokage.' Naruto thought as he floated to the ground. Once on solid land, he transformed into his human form. Taking a running start he leapt onto a tree, forcing himself to hold on. Only to fall and hit his head on the ground.

"I should continue to explain that you need to channel the right amount of chakra to your feet so that you can use your energy to hold on to the wood. People say that the souls of your feet are the hardest place to gather your chakra, if you can master this exercise you should be able to master any kind of jutsu." Kakashi said as Naruto couldn't help but feel a little stupid at that moment.

The three students began their march up the tree, with Sasuke just getting a little higher then Naruto's attempt. Yet when the two men turned to face the attempt of their female ally, they saw that she had managed to get to the top of the tree. She seemed to be of good spirits as she sat on the tree.

"It looks like the female of the group has the best chakra control. If I was making any bets on who would make Hokage, I would place her in the lead. Who would have thought that a woman from an average clan could be the mighty Uchiha heir as well?" Kakashi said as he stood in the clearing.

'I will not be beaten on my path to be Hokage! ' Naruto thought as he looked at his tree and began climbing once again.

In a secret lair...

Zabuza lay in a bed resting from his ordeal with the ninjas from the leaf village, replaying the events in his head. What he was trying to figure out was that one kid's bloodline, one that he had never heard about.

Haku, his tool and the one who had saved him, had been watching the battle closely. He had noticed the effects and abilities of the Sharingan, including the hypnotism of staring directly into Kakashi's eyes. Yet Haku couldn't figure out how the kid's ghost like abilities.

The door opened and in entered the master criminal Gato. The short man spoke, "You failed me Zabuza! You came back with your tails between your legs at the hands of these leaf ninjas."

"I underestimated their abilities, my first and only mistake in this mission. Next time, they will not survive. I know their tricks now and I will be able to counter their abilities." Zabuza said as he lay still to recover.

"Don't fool me, I heard about the fact they have the Copycat Ninja. One of the most powerful ninajs in Konoha, even if he is tied down by a group of kids." Gato had started to move closer to Zabuza, the missing ninja could tell from the sound of his voice. The former mist ninja's skills in the silent kill gave him experience in detecting the minute sound.

The masked man could tell that Gato was going to make a move that could be taken as an attack, which was why Zabuza was moving for his sword so that he could slice the arrogant idiot's throat open. Before he could do that he could hear Haku react, likely grabbing Gato's hand or arm.

"Don't touch him." was the only reply that effeminine young man said as he released Gato from his grip.

Gato growled out, "You'll pay for that. Zabuza, you have one more chance to finish the mission. After that you're fired." The masked man sensed the foots steps of the shipping tycoon and his minions leave and before the door closed.

"Why didn't you let me kill the isolant little worm? It would have been a joy to spill his worthless blood, even if it would have tainted by my blade with his scum." Zabuza asked as he lay, hand still on his blade.

"Because he's still of use to us. As long as we have the cover of Gato's organization, we aren't as huntered by the Mist ANBU black ops. We are sheltered and protected as we come up with a plan to conquor the village hidden in the mist and make you the lord of the village." Haku remined him as the boy went over their master plan. Zabuza hated the fact everything the young man said made perfect sense.

"So Haku, what can you tell me about the powers of that Ghost Boy?"

Elsewhere in Wave Country...

Yumi was looking through a book called "Bloodlines of the Ninja world", searching for the details of the bloodlines in the battle. She finally found the information on the Sharingan, the master blood gift of the Uchiha clan. Information on the nearly extinct clan with few still living members.

'Just as I thought, excellent prey for my bows. I was summoned to hunt one kind of prey and now I have three heads for my wall. A one eyed Sharingan user, one of the last natural Sharingan user and a ghost boy. Only the female is of no use to me, other then for use as bait.' Yumi thought about finding the right moment for her hunt, making her plan to hunt them during the rematch with the mist ninja.

'He would likely weaken the prey, yet it would make it even more difficult to capture the prey. Besides, who knows what kind of secrets could those two ninjas from the mist could have. Perhaps something worthy of a hunt. I did sense some kind of power coming off of the younger man with this Zabuza.' Yumi mused as she remember to hit the boy with one of her tracking arrows.

'My tracking arrows are a rare and beautiful thing. Able to dig into a being's body whether flesh or ecto and remain there slightly out of phase. It has the built in ability to be undetected by any senses, except for my personal tracker system.' She pulled out her wrist where which had mounted on it was a mechanical device with conatined a compass screen with tiny dots that made bleeping noises. Four dots on the screen for four possible prey she might strike down in her hunt.

She was currently hovering over the forest glade where the three genin where training to get stronger in their chakra control. This caused a sly smile to form on her face. Anything which could increase the thrill of the kill was something she would encourage. It made the trophy even sweeter in her lair.

Of course, she wasn't as pleased her two hunted were not getting very far in their training. She was interested in the motion of her first prey as he walked over to the female of the group, she listened in on the conversation of the two genin.

"Pssst, Sakura. I have something that I want to ask you." quietly asked the one called Naruto, the one who was the ghost boy. The female looked a little distressed at the approach of the blond male. Before the female called Sakura could make a move, Naruto continued.

"I want to ask for you help in geting this excerise right. I mean that your so good at it, you could tell me where I am getting everything wrong." The blond boy seemed to shock the female for a moment and pinked haired on stopped for a moment as she thought. The female then began to give him the information on how to keep greater control over the chakra.

'If he knows how to master chakra control and add to that his massive natural chakra levels, he should become one of the strongest shinobi in the world. Then you add the extra chakra from the famous nine tails and he become a legandary shinobi. Finally with the ghost powers, he become a myth made flesh... or ecto.' Her skills in detecting the smallest changes in chakra was one of her best skills.

'He will be the top prize out of the four of them. I'm half tempted to let him go for a few more years so that he can increase in power, making the battle to kill him that much harder. Still, if I do that I could misjudge the change. He could become more powerful then even I can handle. No, best to take him out now before he gets out of my power range.' She used her device to make a map of the area of the land of waves.

'Let's see, where is the likely place for the battle field in the future. Especially if the two groups of ninjas were to make battle between each other. The leaf ninjas have been sent to protect the bridge builder and the mist ninjas have been sent to kill him. The two should meet at the location where the bridge builder is likely to be. Well, if we make the obvious choice... it would have to be upon the new bridge being built. ' Thought the huntress as she moved to reach the concreate structure and figure out the landscape for the battle to come.

As she started to leave the glade that she had been in, she noticed the lastest climbing attempt by her number one prey. She saw him balance the amount of chakra between the extremes of too much and too little. Too much and the wood would break from the force, too little and one could not remain stuck on the wood long enough to climb. The balance didn't remain for long, but it allowed the blond ghost boy to walk up higher then he had reached before.

'Get stronger, Naruto. Make yourself worth to be taken down by me and placed in my collection. Perhaps instead of having you mounted on my wall, I'll just have your entire body stuffed and mounted for my hall." she thought as she moved with speed to the bridge and her planning session.

Note to the Fans:


I know that many people are fired up when it come to pairing with Naruto, with Naruto/Hinata and Naruto/Sakura being popular. The first I can see from the western Hollywood view of the nice underdog who works through adversity to gain their dream. The second seems to fit with the Japanese view since the loud, tempermental tomboy is the common pairing with the hero in many anime. (Also since Naruto and Sakura are like the second generation of Jiraiya and Tsunade, named after a married couple in Japanese lore seems to him at a romance).

Someone mentioned the idea Sakura and Ino are shallow. I have to agree, at least in the beginning of Naruto cannon and this Fanfic. Does that mean they don't deserve Naruto... maybe if they don't change, but even in cannon they change to become deeper characters (or at least Sakura does).

Hinata does deserve a prize for noticing the real Naruto first. However, this was cause by spending time with him even if he didn't know it. Which is not unlike what is happening with Sakura and Ino during this fic (and Sakura in cannon). There is also the question of Kekkei Genkai. Would the Reichi trump the Byakugan or vice versa or would the Reichi mutate the Byakugan (perhaps allowing the user to see spirits and summons with their eyes)? A lot to think about, for me and the Hyugas.

I will think about writing a little more with Hinata and Naruto, perhaps giving her a present in a later chapter.

But as of this time I have favourites to match up with Naruto which might include harems, yet nothing choosen at this time.


Naruto's powers are more ghost based then shadow based, as someone suggested that Naruto spend more time with Shikamaru. Now, I might not have them train with each other, I will likely have them interact more then cannon hopefully. Plus the idea of ghost jutsu might cause Shikamaru to come up with a move that will make his life easier.

Naruto could be inspired by other jutsu like Temari's Cutting Whirlwind, yet he would have to see it first or know it. Like how he created the Harem Jutsu from the Shadow Clones and Sexy Techniques.

Interesting idea of mixing elements with animals. I will take your comments into my head, but I might have to look at the types of animals in Japan mythology. One thought was Tengu like characters being guardians of wind. So far the only elements shows are the five basics plus ice (wind/water) and Wood (earth/water).

Future Halfas:

Interesting that someone mentioned giving ghost powers to adult ninjas like Kurenai, Anko and Shizune rather then younger characters like DP. Hanabi is also another interesting twist in the thread. Perhaps instead of full ghost powers she gets a mutated Byakugan (Ghost eyes perhaps) like how the Sharingan was an off-shoot of this clan.


I admit I could use one, but I have trouble finding and adapting one to my needs at times. It is hard work both ways. Fortunately, I can post corrected chapters rather easily if I need to.

Other news:

I have been posting segments of my fic on the Maximum Addventure, in a round robin like format. this way if you don't like what I am writing, you are free to post a new path for the story in a form you would like to see. This is the same with this fic and a few others of mine.