Naruto Fan Fiction / Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction ❯ Phantom Blood ❯ Chapter Eightteen ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Masashi Kishimoto and Butch Hartman. All characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are theirs. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of those who own the rights to the Naruto or Danny Phantom Series. I have no money and therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.

Phantom Blood

A Danny Phantom/Naruto Fusion

Part Eighteen

"I don't care about you stupid tenth question. If I have to spend all of my life as a genin, if I never become a chunin or a jonin... I will still become the Hokage of this village. Then I'm coming to see you and kicking your ass for making such a jackassed question," called out the blond haired boy, after banging his hand against the wood of the exam desk.

Ibiki noticed this boy with one idiot outburst had shattered all of the doubt and fear he had been cultivating within the test group. Years of skill in creating extreme stress on a subject with just a few words seemed to be countered with just some dumb luck on this kid's part. Still it took guts to talk about to the master interrogator. Still, he had to see if there were any with a trace of fear in them.

"Is that so? Anyone else that stupid to risk their future and the future of their team? Anyone who wants to try again next year, so they don't disppoint their teammates? Or do you all want to do D missions for the rest of your lives?" while he asked that question and saw no one blink at the threat he had given. It seemed the choice was clear.

"Well, there is only one thing I can say... you pass." The last few words he had spoken were as soft as he could make it while allowing it to be heard around the room.

"What?" spoke the blond boy softly as he seemed confused by the whole affair. Ibiki had wondered if the boy had figured out the test, now it seemed he had lucked out totally or just had good instincts.

"What do you mean we pass? What about all the questions we had to do before this stunt?" asked the blond girl from the Hidden Sand village.

"The test is divided into two parts, the first being you ability to gather information. Or to put it bluntly, to cheat on the test. Yes, we wanted you to cheat. but we gave you a penalty if you were too obvious in your attempts. Many of you have simple tricks, jutsu, bloodline limits or equipment which would have gotten the information. Still, we had to get the information out there so we had a team of genin in the group as plants. The fact is the information on this test is too difficult for a normal genin." Mentioning this, three ninjas genin transformed into three older ninjas who were likely of a higher rank.

"Of course, I still spotted some cheating attempts but they were not of the obvious type. Like that fake examiner of yours, Sand gaki, " said the Head Examiner as the boy in the face paint suddenly turned pale.

"Of course, the thing which linked the tenth question and the entire exam is the pass-or-fail nature of it. All or nothing based on the choices of your team. I slammed down the pressure on you gaki so you wouldn't let your teammates down. This was part of the first half, but made much stronger in the second half as the true nature of the tenth question was the fact the question was to take the tenth or not." Ibiki then began an explaination of the situation they were in.

"Say you were a chunin leading a mission to get a vital scroll of data from an enemy stronghold. To aid the mission, you must gather intelligence. Yet you must not be detected doing this, as if you are it could lead to missing important details vital for the mission... or worse being feed false intel which would lure you into a trap. This was the purpose of the first test, but say you get detected gathering that intel. The question is, do you still take the mission or wait for a better time? This is the tenth question." It was time to explain the tenth question in more detail.

"A chunin doesn't have the luxtury of being able to put off a mission until a better time. The mission is likely of grave importance and vital to the survival of your village. Put it off till later and the enemy can gain the upper hand. A chunin has no choice to to use the information he has to complete the mission, not matter the harm which might befall him or his team." With this the instructor took off his head scarf, revealing the top of his head. His face held a couple of the scars he had gather in his life, but his skullcap... was a mess of the various tortures he had gone through for his village.

"Each wound, each scar and each hole place in my skull was a mission which went wrong. Yet even knowing the pain and suffering those failures would cause me, I continued going on the mission which risked the most pain. Because they had to be done or else other people would suffer because of it. More people then just myself. To take the pain so other don't have to is the mission of each chunin and jonin in this village. Courage and confidence in the face of heavy risks will be necessary for those who wish to pass this exam. Making this choice will not be easy, but you must remain strong in the face of your choices." he told them as the blond boy sat down slowing in the reaction of the teacher's experience.

As the silence fell from his lesson, he counted in his head down from five. As he reached one there was an small burst of energy from one of the windows, as something flew in from that direction. It took the form of a kunoichi where a trenchcoat and mostly ninja netting on her body. Her hair had what looked like a purple sheen to it as she had a demonic smile on her face.

"Listen up gaki, I'm the examiner for the second part of the exam. Anko Mitarashi, and I'm about to make your life a living hell," Behind her came a banner explaining what she had just spoke, "Second Examiner, Anko Mitarashi!" As she stopped and counted the number of people in the room, she turned to speak to Ibiki, "Seventy-eight participants, that means twenty six teams have passed your exam. I guess you're getting soft in your old age."

"Or it just means we're getting a better crop of genin this year." he responded as he looked at the extroverted woman.

"Well, I'll make sure to cut down the numbers. By the time I'm done with you idiots, more then half of you will have washed out of the program. Now follow me, I'll show you all where your going to meet in the morning. Cause the second test takes place in training area fourty four... the Forest of Death!"

Later as Ibiki collected the test after everyone left the room, he turned to look at the test of the kid who had broken his hold on the genin. The name was Naruto Uzumaki, the kid he was informed had the Kyubi imprisoned in him as well as that ghost bloodline. The sheet was entirely blank except for a name.

'You're going to be an interesting one, kid!' was the interrogator's thoughts as he picked it up in his pile.

The next day in Training Area Fourty Four...

"Welcome to the Forest of Death, the place we seperate the living winners from the dead losers. This isn't going to be an easy written test, this is going to be an all out fight for surivial as you try to cross the finish line." said the energetic woman as she looked at the group of genin gather.

"Like I couldn't run this course blindfold, " replied Naruto as he tried to pump up his teammates for the coming exam. Before he could react, a kunai was flung at him from the direction of their examiner. On instinct, his skin phased as the metal closed in on it so the blade could pass through him without any wound.

Still a little shocked, Anko had appeared from behind him and whispered disppointedly, "I was hoping to get some tasty moron blood to drink after my little survival lesson. Guess I'm just going to have to pick up my blade and live you, kid."

It was then Naruto notice that someone was behind Anko. Turning his head, he saw a female genin with a Grass headband holding the Kunai with a long tongue, releasing it into Anko's hands. The Grass ninja began to speak, "You should be more careful with your weapons. You never know who might get a hold of them, sensei."

'Okay, I have been creeped out twice today and I'm the one who's half ghost.' thought the blond boy as he continued to listen for the rules of the exam. Anko was soon in front again.

Anko began, "The test is simple. Go into the forest, survive long enough to take another teams scroll and head to the tower in the middle of the forest. There are gates around the forest which will open just long enough for you gaki to enter the woods and then they will lock and close. The area contains a river, forest of course and the tower in the middle I mentioned. However, this is no walk in the park. The forest is filled with vicious beasts and poisonious plants."

"Now those scrolls you we handed out are important. Each one is either a heaven or an earth scroll. Heaven white and Earth brown, we have divided each scroll evenly between the twenty six teams. You will be taking either a heaven or earth scroll, but you need both to enter the tower for the next test. So you will be forced to fight another team so you can take their scroll. You must also get to the tower within five days, or else you lose anyway. At least half of you will fail this exam. If a scroll is destroyed during the exam, there is no replacements. Which means the number of losers increases." the examiner continued the explaination of the test while everyone was listening to her.

"Of course, this exam is taken in teams. So loose a team member and you loose again. Once you sign these consent forms, you will be giving up your ability to quit this exam for the next five days. So if you want to lose, just try to keep alive in the woods for five days. So the main rules are a team without both scrolls, a team without a teammate or one who can not be recovered, or a team which looks inside the scrolls before reaching the two will all be big fat failures.This will test your reliability. Everyone will enter at the same time." Anko ended of her speech on the rules of the exam.

"Okay, I have to hand out consent forms for each member of your team. This covers my ass and that of the village in case you're stupid enough to die in this part of the exam. All team members must sign the form for you team to continue. I will explain all of the other rules after the forms have been collected." called out the crazy woman as soon everyone had a paper form. Naruto and Sasuke signed their forms quickly, but Sakura had a moment's hesitation before she completed hers. They all handed in their forms to a set of desks near the gated training ground.

Naruto knew the odds of this test and what would be required. They might be forced to kill another team to get the correct information on which scroll they had. Or they would if Naruto couldn't use his own special skill set to keep an eye on things. Within moments, they were all at a gate. Time counted down as the groups of genin all got ready to run into the unknown. The bell rung and team seven was off.

Meanwhile, we take a look at a couple of the teams in the woods...

Konoha team eight were in the woods and setting up for their attack. Each one of their team was a specialist in the form of observation and tracking. Hinata began by using her Bakugan to see through the woods with pentrating vision to see for miles. Using this information, their team soon found another one with a scroll and then number eight struck. With superhuman speed, they had gained a scroll within the first hours of being in the forest.

A team from the Hidden Rain were not so lucky. They had been detected by the leeches of the Konoha region. Each one could detect perspiration and body temperture from a distance away, following the team before they launched the genin. If the group can suck out the blood of the victum for more then five minutes, the blood loss could kill.

One team gains an advantage and the other looses it.

Back to Naruto's team...

Sakura was watching her team trying to figure out their stategy for gaining another scroll, which had caused them to hand back closer to the gate then what she expected other teams had done. Sasuke was trying to take a lead with the whole event which was occuring. He began, "We're going to have to be careful with this mission. We have to expect after that last test that all of the other genin will be looking to gather information on us. Like our jutsu and abilities. So we have to be careful about speaking out loud within the woods, if we're going to keep our secrets. Right Naruto, Sakura?"

Naruto seemed to nod at the information Sasuke was trying to provide. Naruto's ghost powers were not known very much by any of the other genin in their village, let alone the other villages. The only exception was Ino's team ten since the blond boy had trained under her father. However, it would be unusual for a Konoha genin team to attack another unless it was necessary. So Naruto's abilities would be a bonus in this test.

"Um, guys? I really have to go... you know... number one." said the ghost boy as he brought up a common bodily function they would all have within the next five days.

She and Sasuke sighed and nodded for him to retreat behind a tree. It was only a few moments later before Naruto came back. Within seconds of the return, Sasuke launched a kunai directly at the blond's chest. Sakura was worried that something was wrong with Sasuke, before she noticed that Naruto caught the kunai. The real Naruto had developed the habit of trying to put of his arm to test the kunai to see if it could be phase through. If it didn't it would just stick in his arm with would heal rapidly, likely also a result of his Reichi. This was not the true Naruto and Sasuke had caught on to it first. The girl moved into a battle position.

"How did you know I wasn't your idiot teammate?" asked the Naruto clone as he slowly trans formed into a Hidden Rain ninja, before the genin attacked them.

"It was simple, you're sloppy. Naruto's shuriken was on his right leg not his left and you're using the wrong hand. You should have been watching a lot closer then you did." said the blacked hair heartthrob as he moved into his fireball technique.

Sakura was amazed at the level of fire jutsu that Sasuke was able to perform. the boy had performed a perfect Fireball Technique. Summon small balls of fire which neutralized the enemy ninja quickly. Sakura then began to search for Naruto when she stumbled across him running back towards them. She was about to check to see if he was a fake as well, when he stumbled on a trap likely laid by the rain ninja.

Sakura could only look on embarass at the young boy. In her mind the Inner Sakura thought, 'This can only be the real Naruto. For all of his superhuman powers, he can still be an idiot.' While Naruto was trying to make it seem like he was loosing the rope so his phasing would go unnoticed, Sasuke took this distraction as the chance to use his Sharingan against the Rain ninja to stab the foe with a shuriken. The rain ninja retreated.

The team reunited rested for a moment before they went back to the business of the mission. Sasuke, once again, took the lead. He began, "We need a way to make sure each of us is who we say we are. A password and I have one. Everyone remember this. A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, whgen his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike. Memorize this so we can identify each other, even if we have to leave the group."

"I thought we were going to use a password, not a pass-speech!" compained Naruto, moments before they were attack again. He barely had time to twist out of the way of the kunai so they didn't see any of his ghost powers. A blast of win hit team seven as they were faced with the rain team again. Everyone went back into fighting position.

Sakura tried her best to keep up with her opponent as the other team began to seperate number seven. Sakura was having trouble with her opponent, so Sasuke was keeping close to her. Which also meant that Naruto was lost the wraith of the rain ninja. She then lost track of Sasuke as well before she managed to get her opponent away from her. It was then she had to hunt down her teammates.

Sasuke was the first one she found and she automatically gave the password, "A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, whgen his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike. Sasuke, is that you?"

"It's me, alright and it looks like Naruto has found us as well." said the Uchiha as they saw the black, yellow and orange of their fellow genin.

"Hello guys. A ninja waits until the time is right. When the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, whgen his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike." said Naruto as he approached close to them. Sakura then notice Sasuke preparing for another fight.

"Who are you and what's happened to the real Naruto? Cause the real one would never be able to memorize a quote like that." asked the boy in blue as he saw the boy morph into a female grass ninja, who smiled at them in a creepy way as he long tongue flickered in and out of her mouth.

Meanwhile elsewhere in the woods....

Naruto was trying to find his teammates, when he was nearly blasted by a ghost ray of some type. One the shade of vibriant crimson, which was different then his normal green rays. Looking at the source of the attack, all he saw was shadows. Shadows which seemed to be normal before one of them seemed to develop glowing red eyes and started to move around the woods.

"So Naruto-kun, you're the newest person to be given the gift of the Reichi and survive. Add to the fact that your version of the serum was of more... higher quality, and you should be quite the half ghost ninja. Yet will that have any effect on myself, a person who has had years to grow and perfect his own ninja abilities as well as the phantom powers we both possess. Pure inherient power verses years of experiences you have yet to gain with your power? Do you think you have a chance?" spoke an echoing voice which seemed to come from all around him.

Naruto was surprise to say the least, he had thought he was the only one to be given the serum which had brought about the Reichi. Now there was another who had been given similar abilities as himself. Now he would be facing an opponent who would be much like himself, and yet it seemed not like himself at all.