Naruto Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Since When Do Heeros Have a Sense of Humor? ❯ Original Character? Wha-? ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Authors Notes: Here's Chap 9, part B... Part C coming out... at some point. Keep your pants on about when, I'm a busy College girl.
Okay, I’m standing in line for a Check Point Booth, with a Chibi that no Trainer but me can see clinging to my leg, and surrounded by so many San and Sama Bish radiating blood lust that even I can sense it. I’d ask ‘How can things get any worse’, but then it’d start raining or something. ‘Mina thought to herself, cautiously watching the many angry Bish that were glaring at her. Heero and Kiba were pressed close to her side glaring just as furiously out at the other Bish. The upside was that her old high school friend Breena was there to help her, plus her newly made friend Kaede, or Kaede. The bad thing was that only the Miroku’s were willing to believe and help her. The Wufei was… being Wufei, and the Sango…
That Sango is a menace to any society that has demons or hanyou’s in it. Hell, she’d be a menace to Furries! The moment she’d seen and really focused on Ketric, she’d tried to squash him with her Hirakotsu, screaming “Demon! Demon! EEEEEEEE!!! Kill it!”
Needless to say all the adults present had leapt to restrain her. She was currently being held safely away in her Bish Ball. Not a word of protest had come from any of the other Bish about that.
The Guard cleared another group of Trainers and the line moved up some more. Ketric’s being a real trooper though, his positively terrified by all that’s going on and all he’s done is whimper a little ever now and then. He’s got to be the equivalent of a three or four year old and all this fuss over him has to be petrifying. Especially having a psycho Bishoujo try and kill you. If someone tried to kill me now I think I’d wail at the top of my lungs for oh, an hour or two afterwards. Not K-chan though. He just pressed close to me and cried a little. ‘Mina glanced down at the Chibi and stroked his hair reassuringly causing the Chibi to look up at her. She smiled down at him and he returned the smile tentatively and snuggled into her leg more.
Over by Kaede, Wufei grumbled under his breath at the display. He was unhappy and ‘Mina was pretty sure she had all his reasons why pinned down. Chibi-napping was a major crime in the Bish world, and a common one. ‘Mina claimed to have not Chibi-napped Ketric and her Bish were backing her up, plus Ketric was acting affectionate and trusting towards ‘Mina, which wasn’t something that nabbed Chibi’s did. But, all other logic dictated that if a Trainer had a Chibi that wasn’t given to her/him by a Breeder there was a 99% chance that Chibi had be taken forcibly and illegally. So, Wufei spoke out about Ketric’s presence, only each time he did, the two Miroku’s smacked him. After being smacked by a monk’s staff and a machine gun for the eighth time, he learned to shut up. Mostly.
The line moved one group’s worth closer to the booth. Too bad the Miroku’s can’t smack all the other Bish that are protesting the way Wufei is. It’d make things less traumatizing for K-chan. And too bad that I need the extra help from the Miroku’s or I’d ask their respective Trainers to put them in their Bish Balls! This thought was accompanied by a fierce glare at Breena’s Miroku, who was inching his way closer and closer to Armina’s ass.
“I trust you are familiar with the term ‘castration’?” She asked pointedly when she caught him starting to reach out in her rump’s general direction. Gangster Miroku blanched a dead white, tucked both hands behind his back and inched hastily away from her.
“You- you wouldn’t really…” The other Miroku asked in a shaky tone, sweating slightly.
“I was a Biologist-in-training back in my home world, I am intimately familiar with the human body, male and female, on an anatomical level.” ‘Mina explained levelly “I have recently purchased several large, sharp knives for Heero and I know that he wouldn’t deny me the lend of them. I also know that I need just say the word and I will have several strong Bishoujo eager to aid me in exacting appropriate revenge against a perverted transgressor.” She glared back at Gangster Miroku, who was whimpering slightly. “So yes, I do really mean it.” Breena sniggered, choked, then let out a full-throated guffaw while Kaede attempted and failed to stifle a giggle. Heero and Kiba looked pained, Wufei looked nervous and the Miroku’s… looked like they wanted to run like hell but didn’t dare. Ketric, fortunately, had understood maybe one word in three and merely looked confused. ‘Mina patted his head and smiled at him and he relaxed a little more.
Movement out of the corner of her eye made ‘Mina glance sharply to the side, where the normal Miroku had shifted position. Whether it had been towards or away from her, ‘Mina didn’t know but it made her wary. Can things get any worse?
That Sango is a menace to any society that has demons or hanyou’s in it. Hell, she’d be a menace to Furries! The moment she’d seen and really focused on Ketric, she’d tried to squash him with her Hirakotsu, screaming “Demon! Demon! EEEEEEEE!!! Kill it!”
Needless to say all the adults present had leapt to restrain her. She was currently being held safely away in her Bish Ball. Not a word of protest had come from any of the other Bish about that.
The Guard cleared another group of Trainers and the line moved up some more. Ketric’s being a real trooper though, his positively terrified by all that’s going on and all he’s done is whimper a little ever now and then. He’s got to be the equivalent of a three or four year old and all this fuss over him has to be petrifying. Especially having a psycho Bishoujo try and kill you. If someone tried to kill me now I think I’d wail at the top of my lungs for oh, an hour or two afterwards. Not K-chan though. He just pressed close to me and cried a little. ‘Mina glanced down at the Chibi and stroked his hair reassuringly causing the Chibi to look up at her. She smiled down at him and he returned the smile tentatively and snuggled into her leg more.
Over by Kaede, Wufei grumbled under his breath at the display. He was unhappy and ‘Mina was pretty sure she had all his reasons why pinned down. Chibi-napping was a major crime in the Bish world, and a common one. ‘Mina claimed to have not Chibi-napped Ketric and her Bish were backing her up, plus Ketric was acting affectionate and trusting towards ‘Mina, which wasn’t something that nabbed Chibi’s did. But, all other logic dictated that if a Trainer had a Chibi that wasn’t given to her/him by a Breeder there was a 99% chance that Chibi had be taken forcibly and illegally. So, Wufei spoke out about Ketric’s presence, only each time he did, the two Miroku’s smacked him. After being smacked by a monk’s staff and a machine gun for the eighth time, he learned to shut up. Mostly.
The line moved one group’s worth closer to the booth. Too bad the Miroku’s can’t smack all the other Bish that are protesting the way Wufei is. It’d make things less traumatizing for K-chan. And too bad that I need the extra help from the Miroku’s or I’d ask their respective Trainers to put them in their Bish Balls! This thought was accompanied by a fierce glare at Breena’s Miroku, who was inching his way closer and closer to Armina’s ass.
“I trust you are familiar with the term ‘castration’?” She asked pointedly when she caught him starting to reach out in her rump’s general direction. Gangster Miroku blanched a dead white, tucked both hands behind his back and inched hastily away from her.
“You- you wouldn’t really…” The other Miroku asked in a shaky tone, sweating slightly.
“I was a Biologist-in-training back in my home world, I am intimately familiar with the human body, male and female, on an anatomical level.” ‘Mina explained levelly “I have recently purchased several large, sharp knives for Heero and I know that he wouldn’t deny me the lend of them. I also know that I need just say the word and I will have several strong Bishoujo eager to aid me in exacting appropriate revenge against a perverted transgressor.” She glared back at Gangster Miroku, who was whimpering slightly. “So yes, I do really mean it.” Breena sniggered, choked, then let out a full-throated guffaw while Kaede attempted and failed to stifle a giggle. Heero and Kiba looked pained, Wufei looked nervous and the Miroku’s… looked like they wanted to run like hell but didn’t dare. Ketric, fortunately, had understood maybe one word in three and merely looked confused. ‘Mina patted his head and smiled at him and he relaxed a little more.
Movement out of the corner of her eye made ‘Mina glance sharply to the side, where the normal Miroku had shifted position. Whether it had been towards or away from her, ‘Mina didn’t know but it made her wary. Can things get any worse?
Crys had been a Check Point Booth Guard for close to ten years now. She had come into the Bish world early on in its, and her, life, and she was very content here. She’d wandered around for a few years before settling in Emoh. She’d decided to take the job of Booth Guard for two reasons; one, it had all the excitement of being on the road without actually being on the road, and two, it was an excellent job for her Bishoujo, Kiyone, as well. She’d seen many things in her time as Booth Guard and had yet to meet a challenge that she couldn’t handle with the help of Kiyone and whatever other Bish were willing to lend a hand.
So when she heard angry mutters from the crowded line, she wasn’t really worried. She just cast a warning glance to her work partner and got back to her job of counter-checking Bish-Dexes and what her eyes saw and passing people along. But when Crys heard Kiyone’s angry growl, she started to get a little worried. Few things ruffled her Kiyone’s feathers, but one of those things was a kidnapped Chibi.
As Crys listened more intently to the crowd, that’s what the problem seemed to be, but… where was the Chibi? The next group came in front of her Booth and she scanned them quickly: three female Trainers, one tall with glasses and fair hair, one short with short dark hair with an attitude, the last short with black hair and glasses. All had health, if wary, Bish, those Bish being: one Wolf’s Rain Kiba in wolf form, one Endless Waltz Gundam W Heero, one Gundam W Wufei, two Inuyasha Miroku’s, one normal, one deviant. No one else was around, so why was Kiyone glaring and growling about a Chibi?
“Alright, who’d you nab the Chibi from?” Kiyone finally snapped. The young woman in front with the Heero and Kiba sighed in tired manner, as if she’d been asked this question far too often.
“I didn’t kidnap him, I found him and I’m trying-“ she started but was interrupted.
“What Chibi?” Crys blurted out, too puzzled to be bothered with politeness. She was looking all over the place to find said Chibi, even glancing back at Kiyone to see where she was glaring, but the Guard saw nothing. Kiyone shot her Trainer a stunned look.
“The Chibi’s right there, clinging to the kidnapper’s leg!” The Bishoujo blurted. The Heero and Kiba growled at the accusation, and the two Miroku’s glared. Crys ignored them and focused on the taller woman’s legs. One of the things that Crys prided herself on was her observational skills, she could often see things that others missed and enjoyed stunning even detective Bish with what she had noticed. These skills where standing her in good stead now, for she was noticing things that no other Trainer had noticed. Such as: a shadow where one had no right to be; a bunching in the left pants’ leg, as if little hands were clenched there; an impression, as if a small body was pressed close to that leg; and final a shimmery outline, like a concentrated heat hazed stood between her and the ground.
Crys felt herself pale, nothing like this had been described to her in training, nor had she ever been told about something like this by any other guard. She leaned back in her chair, staring at the anomaly until she noticed that she was the focus of many intense sets of eyes. She met the Trainer who was the apparent source of the anomaly.
“Explain,” she said curtly, “please.” The woman did, while Crys set her mind to work. This is beyond me, she decided reluctantly as the story unfolded, yet with relief. The reluctance came from her pride; she hated being force to say she couldn’t do something. The relief came from knowing that she could pass this problem on to someone else.
“LSS-sama is visiting still.” Kiyone offered. Crys nodded, more relief flooding her. Everything she had heard and observed told her that this Trainer, Armina, was a good Trainer and a good person. Passing her over to LSS-Sama would not be a problem.
“Right,” Crys decided out-loud, “but let’s do this properly.” She ignored the weird looks she got. “Dex please, then I’m sending you to LSS-sama. She’ll be able to figure this out, if anyone can.” Armina and her Heero nodded with relief until they all heard a squawk come from the right of Armina. It was Kiba, looking slightly panicked.
“Kiba? What’s wrong?” Armina asked.
“e-e-e-el-L e-e-e-es-S e-e-e-es-S-s-s-s-s-SAMA!!!!” he stammered, “We’re going to see LSS-SAMA!!?”
“Uh, yeah, so?” Heero asked.
“She’s the Creator!” the wolf yelped, “She made this place! She made US!!”
“Well, so did Tokio-sama, and she wasn’t too intimidating.” Heero reasoned.
“T-t-t-t TOKIO-SAMA!!?!?!? You met her?!?!” apparently Heero’s admission hadn’t calmed Kiba at all.
“Yeah, first day ‘Mina and I met.” The pilot said, “Is that that big a deal?” Kiba didn’t answer; he was too busy trying not to faint.
So when she heard angry mutters from the crowded line, she wasn’t really worried. She just cast a warning glance to her work partner and got back to her job of counter-checking Bish-Dexes and what her eyes saw and passing people along. But when Crys heard Kiyone’s angry growl, she started to get a little worried. Few things ruffled her Kiyone’s feathers, but one of those things was a kidnapped Chibi.
As Crys listened more intently to the crowd, that’s what the problem seemed to be, but… where was the Chibi? The next group came in front of her Booth and she scanned them quickly: three female Trainers, one tall with glasses and fair hair, one short with short dark hair with an attitude, the last short with black hair and glasses. All had health, if wary, Bish, those Bish being: one Wolf’s Rain Kiba in wolf form, one Endless Waltz Gundam W Heero, one Gundam W Wufei, two Inuyasha Miroku’s, one normal, one deviant. No one else was around, so why was Kiyone glaring and growling about a Chibi?
“Alright, who’d you nab the Chibi from?” Kiyone finally snapped. The young woman in front with the Heero and Kiba sighed in tired manner, as if she’d been asked this question far too often.
“I didn’t kidnap him, I found him and I’m trying-“ she started but was interrupted.
“What Chibi?” Crys blurted out, too puzzled to be bothered with politeness. She was looking all over the place to find said Chibi, even glancing back at Kiyone to see where she was glaring, but the Guard saw nothing. Kiyone shot her Trainer a stunned look.
“The Chibi’s right there, clinging to the kidnapper’s leg!” The Bishoujo blurted. The Heero and Kiba growled at the accusation, and the two Miroku’s glared. Crys ignored them and focused on the taller woman’s legs. One of the things that Crys prided herself on was her observational skills, she could often see things that others missed and enjoyed stunning even detective Bish with what she had noticed. These skills where standing her in good stead now, for she was noticing things that no other Trainer had noticed. Such as: a shadow where one had no right to be; a bunching in the left pants’ leg, as if little hands were clenched there; an impression, as if a small body was pressed close to that leg; and final a shimmery outline, like a concentrated heat hazed stood between her and the ground.
Crys felt herself pale, nothing like this had been described to her in training, nor had she ever been told about something like this by any other guard. She leaned back in her chair, staring at the anomaly until she noticed that she was the focus of many intense sets of eyes. She met the Trainer who was the apparent source of the anomaly.
“Explain,” she said curtly, “please.” The woman did, while Crys set her mind to work. This is beyond me, she decided reluctantly as the story unfolded, yet with relief. The reluctance came from her pride; she hated being force to say she couldn’t do something. The relief came from knowing that she could pass this problem on to someone else.
“LSS-sama is visiting still.” Kiyone offered. Crys nodded, more relief flooding her. Everything she had heard and observed told her that this Trainer, Armina, was a good Trainer and a good person. Passing her over to LSS-Sama would not be a problem.
“Right,” Crys decided out-loud, “but let’s do this properly.” She ignored the weird looks she got. “Dex please, then I’m sending you to LSS-sama. She’ll be able to figure this out, if anyone can.” Armina and her Heero nodded with relief until they all heard a squawk come from the right of Armina. It was Kiba, looking slightly panicked.
“Kiba? What’s wrong?” Armina asked.
“e-e-e-el-L e-e-e-es-S e-e-e-es-S-s-s-s-s-SAMA!!!!” he stammered, “We’re going to see LSS-SAMA!!?”
“Uh, yeah, so?” Heero asked.
“She’s the Creator!” the wolf yelped, “She made this place! She made US!!”
“Well, so did Tokio-sama, and she wasn’t too intimidating.” Heero reasoned.
“T-t-t-t TOKIO-SAMA!!?!?!? You met her?!?!” apparently Heero’s admission hadn’t calmed Kiba at all.
“Yeah, first day ‘Mina and I met.” The pilot said, “Is that that big a deal?” Kiba didn’t answer; he was too busy trying not to faint.
I don’t know but that I’d rather that Breena and Kaede were here with me, ‘Mina thought as she approached the Orientation building that Kiyone was leading them to. The other two still had to be checked over and passed (the guard Crys had done a rush job with ‘Mina), but ‘Mina couldn’t wait for them, Ketric had to be taken care of now! Breena and Kaede had assured her they’d meet up with her. But they’d be a big help here, especially Breena, her I’m-short-you-want-to-make-something-of-it attitude could really be useful right about now.
‘Mina couldn’t help but be nervous, especially after Kiba’s reaction. She hadn’t really though about, but the fact that she had met and talked to Tokio-sama was pretty incredible. But, how was she to know that that person had been that important? Heero hadn’t acted like it was that big a deal. But then, Heero’s not impressed with authority, just deeds, she realized, and he’s not impressed with the Bish Trainer system here, so why should he be impressed by Tokio-sama and LSS-sama?
But that didn’t matter, figuring out Ketric did. The poor little fellow was about three steps away from complete shock and ‘Mina was not happy with that. Kiyone’s attitude wasn’t helping; she kept glaring back over her shoulder and speaking only when she needed to. Heero was returning attitude with attitude, and while ‘Mina was grateful that he was getting all huffy in her defense, it wasn’t improving matters. And Kiba was totally useless right now, completely stunned that he and his Trainer, he and his Trainer, were going to meet LSS-sama! He was currently trotting along at her heels, vacant-eyed, acting more like a domesticated dog than a sentient wolf. Just let this issue be over soon. Let it be over soon.
Kiyone stopped in front of a large building with ‘Orientation’ emblazoned above the double doors and gestured for ‘Mina and her crew to follow her in. They did, ‘Mina pausing to make sure that Ketric didn’t trip and that Kiba didn’t wallop his head on the door in his distracted state. After that was done, ‘Mina glanced around for her guide and noticed that Heero was pointing to the front desk where the Bishoujo was talking to the receptionist behind it. The receptionist nodded at what Kiyone was saying and sent her Ranma ½ Kasumi off with the note that Kiyone had given her.
“So this is the Trainer with the mystery Chibi?” The young-middle-aged woman asked then frowned slightly, “I don’t see the-“
“No one does,” ‘Mina interrupted tiredly, “that’s why we’re here.”
Kiyone frowned fiercely at her and opened her mouth to scold when she interrupted before she began.
“No one can see the Chibi?” a mature and authoritive sounding woman said from down the right-hand hall. “Or just other Trainers?”
“Just other Trainers.” ‘Mina said to the woman who walked out accompanied by Kasumi. This woman exuded the same air of practical competence that Tokio-sama had. ‘Mina felt herself finally relax a little. “I can see Ketric perfectly well and so can Hee-kun and Kiba, and other Bish as well. But no other Trainer even noticed he was there until one of their Bish spoke up.”
The woman nodded meeting ‘Mina’s eyes directly. It wasn’t a challenging gaze; it was the gaze of someone who was trying to solve a problem with her full concentration. ‘Mina continued.
“The only Trainer who could seem to see Ketric was the Check point guard…”
“Crys, my Trainer.” Kiyone inserted. She was leaning against the desk watching the proceedings. LSS-sama shot her a quick glance.
“She’s the one who puts the detective Bish to shame, right?” She asked. Kiyone nodded hard, seemingly stunned that this personage would bother to remember such a lowly figure. ‘Mina felt herself relax completely. LSS-sama was just like her partner, there was no such thing as ‘beneath their notice’ for them.
“What did she say she observed?” LSS-sama asked. Kiyone described what she’d been told by her Trainer while Heero and ‘Mina listened. Ketric revived a little and Kiba snapped out of it a bit, only to stare in awe. LSS-sama nodded at each point then finally turned back to ‘Mina. “Could you bring the Chibi, Ketric you said? Here please?”
‘Mina nodded and stooped to pick up the Chibi hanyou.
“Mi-nee-san?” he looked very frightened still, and it broke ‘Mina’s heart to see him that way.
“It’s okay little one; LSS-sama’s going to make everything better now.” I hope, “No one’s going to be mean to you again, I promise.”
“’Kay…” he said doubtfully as he wrapped his arms around ‘Mina’s neck. She hefted him up, balancing him on her hip and notice that LSS-sama was watching everything. ‘Mina set Ketric on the Reception desk and was then interrogated. LSS-sama wanted to know everything, including what he ate that morning. ‘Mina answered, growing more and more frustrated. I can understand wanting all the facts but Ketric’s getting scared again and you aren’t helping!
“Look, can we please cut to the chase here?” ‘Mina snapped as LSS-sama paused to mull over what she’d been told. “I know that knowledge is important but K-chan is getting traumatized. Again!”
“Oh,” LSS-sama said, “sorry, didn’t know that. But I’ve gotten it figured out though; I was just surprised it kicked in so quickly…”
“That what kicked in?” Heero growled from ‘Mina’s side. He was just as ‘pleased’ as ‘Mina that Ketric was growing frightened. He also detested the high-and-mighty, know-it-all attitude that this other person had. LSS-sama winced and eyed Heero cautiously.
“Tokio and I decided to add a little something in the system, just to make things more interesting.” Heero growled and LSS-sama quickly continued, “It’s the Original Character program.” ‘Mina, Heero and everyone else blinked. “Many people, authors and RPG gamers mostly, like to make Original Characters and tend to grow attached to them. Some grow as attached to the character they make as some fan-girls and fan-boys get to their favorite character. So Tokio and I decided to have these OC become real, for them to be born in this world. It’s been a long haul, making this, but we finally finished it four days ago.”
“Hey isn’t that when…?” Heero started to say as both he and ‘Mina stared at Ketric, who was looking back, hugging his tail.
“K-chan, didn’t you say that you only remember three days back from when we met you?” ‘Mina asked. Ketric nodded.
“Uh-huh, I was alone in the forest, then you saved me from the mean people.” He replied.
“Curiouser and curiouser.” Heero murmured. Kiba nodded.
“It looks like our little foundling is really all yours, ‘Mina.” The wolf said. ‘Mina took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to organize her thoughts. Meanwhile the receptionist stared in confusion, and Kasumi sighed over how cute Ketric was.
“Why is it,” ‘Mina asked, “that only I and the Bish can see him?”
“Oh, that’s an easy one.” LSS-sama said, “That’s so only you can catch him. It’d suck if some other Trainer saw and caught him.”
“That’s true…” ‘Mina said, glancing at the Chibi hanyou who was looking less frightened and more baffled by the second. That was good as far as ‘Mina was concerned, she hated it when her little K-chan was upset. That thought hardened her resolve.
“Tell me everything you know.” She demanded, looking LSS-sama straight in the eye. “Please” She added. The senior Trainer nodded and began. It was a long description, but in some ways incomplete. But LSS-sama was able to explain a lot; like how there was a bond that formed between the OC and Trainer, which explained ‘Mina’s instantaneous love for Ketric. That was also in part because an OC was a kind of reflection of a Trainer’s inner self.
More description; OC’s could go up to five miles away from their Trainers and could last for more then seventy-two hours away, instead of the three miles and forty-eight hours a normal Bish could last. OC’s had to stay with their Trainers; they would cease to exist if traded or if the Trainer went back to the other world. Also, OC’s had four stages, not three; Chibi, Chan, then San and Sama. The Chibi stage for an OC ranged from the apparent age of three to seven, Chan went from nine to twelve, San went fourteen to eighteen, and Sama was twenty to forty.
“Because OC’s are so closely bonded to their Trainers,” LSS-sama further explained, “their growth is based entirely on how well their Trainers do, and how well their Trainers accepts their inner self. So, your OC could grow at a ridiculously fast rate, or barely grow at all, depending on how you stand by him. He’ll need that extra stage either way to cope either with growing up so fast, or to allow you to cope and figure out what you’re doing wrong.” Then her lips quirked. “But to judge by your Heero and Kiba, I have a feeling it’s going to be the former problem.”
‘Mina bowed her head modestly, blushing furiously. “Thank you; I’m just trying my best.”
“Which is very good indeed.” Heero commented, hoping to make ‘Mina blush more. Mission accomplished, he thought as ‘Mina started to turn maroon. The assembled crowd chuckled at ‘Mina’s embarrassment, save for Kiyone, who was still a little peeved, and Ketric, who didn’t understand what everybody was laughing about.
“So,” LSS-sama said, recapturing everyone’s attention, “catch him already. I want to see what this ‘Ketric’ looks like.” ‘Mina blinked, then turned fully to face Ketric.
“K-chan, do you want to stay with me?” she asked, following through with her self-imposed protocol of never catching without consent. “Do you always want to travel with me and stay by my side?”
“Why’s she doing that?” Kiyone grumbled.
“’Mina-chan doesn’t enslave.” Kiba murmured at her, “Heero and I are traveling with her because we asked her to catch us. She won’t do it any other way.” He turned his attention back to his Trainer, leaving Kiyone to gape in astonishment.
“Yes!” Ketric said firmly, eyes glowing, “I wanna be with you always!”
“Okay,” ‘Mina responded, pulling out a Bish Ball “I’m going to put you in this ball for a little bit, but I’ll let you right, I promise. Okay?” Ketric nodded, and ‘Mina lightly tapped his arm. He vanished inside.
‘Mina couldn’t help but be nervous, especially after Kiba’s reaction. She hadn’t really though about, but the fact that she had met and talked to Tokio-sama was pretty incredible. But, how was she to know that that person had been that important? Heero hadn’t acted like it was that big a deal. But then, Heero’s not impressed with authority, just deeds, she realized, and he’s not impressed with the Bish Trainer system here, so why should he be impressed by Tokio-sama and LSS-sama?
But that didn’t matter, figuring out Ketric did. The poor little fellow was about three steps away from complete shock and ‘Mina was not happy with that. Kiyone’s attitude wasn’t helping; she kept glaring back over her shoulder and speaking only when she needed to. Heero was returning attitude with attitude, and while ‘Mina was grateful that he was getting all huffy in her defense, it wasn’t improving matters. And Kiba was totally useless right now, completely stunned that he and his Trainer, he and his Trainer, were going to meet LSS-sama! He was currently trotting along at her heels, vacant-eyed, acting more like a domesticated dog than a sentient wolf. Just let this issue be over soon. Let it be over soon.
Kiyone stopped in front of a large building with ‘Orientation’ emblazoned above the double doors and gestured for ‘Mina and her crew to follow her in. They did, ‘Mina pausing to make sure that Ketric didn’t trip and that Kiba didn’t wallop his head on the door in his distracted state. After that was done, ‘Mina glanced around for her guide and noticed that Heero was pointing to the front desk where the Bishoujo was talking to the receptionist behind it. The receptionist nodded at what Kiyone was saying and sent her Ranma ½ Kasumi off with the note that Kiyone had given her.
“So this is the Trainer with the mystery Chibi?” The young-middle-aged woman asked then frowned slightly, “I don’t see the-“
“No one does,” ‘Mina interrupted tiredly, “that’s why we’re here.”
Kiyone frowned fiercely at her and opened her mouth to scold when she interrupted before she began.
“No one can see the Chibi?” a mature and authoritive sounding woman said from down the right-hand hall. “Or just other Trainers?”
“Just other Trainers.” ‘Mina said to the woman who walked out accompanied by Kasumi. This woman exuded the same air of practical competence that Tokio-sama had. ‘Mina felt herself finally relax a little. “I can see Ketric perfectly well and so can Hee-kun and Kiba, and other Bish as well. But no other Trainer even noticed he was there until one of their Bish spoke up.”
The woman nodded meeting ‘Mina’s eyes directly. It wasn’t a challenging gaze; it was the gaze of someone who was trying to solve a problem with her full concentration. ‘Mina continued.
“The only Trainer who could seem to see Ketric was the Check point guard…”
“Crys, my Trainer.” Kiyone inserted. She was leaning against the desk watching the proceedings. LSS-sama shot her a quick glance.
“She’s the one who puts the detective Bish to shame, right?” She asked. Kiyone nodded hard, seemingly stunned that this personage would bother to remember such a lowly figure. ‘Mina felt herself relax completely. LSS-sama was just like her partner, there was no such thing as ‘beneath their notice’ for them.
“What did she say she observed?” LSS-sama asked. Kiyone described what she’d been told by her Trainer while Heero and ‘Mina listened. Ketric revived a little and Kiba snapped out of it a bit, only to stare in awe. LSS-sama nodded at each point then finally turned back to ‘Mina. “Could you bring the Chibi, Ketric you said? Here please?”
‘Mina nodded and stooped to pick up the Chibi hanyou.
“Mi-nee-san?” he looked very frightened still, and it broke ‘Mina’s heart to see him that way.
“It’s okay little one; LSS-sama’s going to make everything better now.” I hope, “No one’s going to be mean to you again, I promise.”
“’Kay…” he said doubtfully as he wrapped his arms around ‘Mina’s neck. She hefted him up, balancing him on her hip and notice that LSS-sama was watching everything. ‘Mina set Ketric on the Reception desk and was then interrogated. LSS-sama wanted to know everything, including what he ate that morning. ‘Mina answered, growing more and more frustrated. I can understand wanting all the facts but Ketric’s getting scared again and you aren’t helping!
“Look, can we please cut to the chase here?” ‘Mina snapped as LSS-sama paused to mull over what she’d been told. “I know that knowledge is important but K-chan is getting traumatized. Again!”
“Oh,” LSS-sama said, “sorry, didn’t know that. But I’ve gotten it figured out though; I was just surprised it kicked in so quickly…”
“That what kicked in?” Heero growled from ‘Mina’s side. He was just as ‘pleased’ as ‘Mina that Ketric was growing frightened. He also detested the high-and-mighty, know-it-all attitude that this other person had. LSS-sama winced and eyed Heero cautiously.
“Tokio and I decided to add a little something in the system, just to make things more interesting.” Heero growled and LSS-sama quickly continued, “It’s the Original Character program.” ‘Mina, Heero and everyone else blinked. “Many people, authors and RPG gamers mostly, like to make Original Characters and tend to grow attached to them. Some grow as attached to the character they make as some fan-girls and fan-boys get to their favorite character. So Tokio and I decided to have these OC become real, for them to be born in this world. It’s been a long haul, making this, but we finally finished it four days ago.”
“Hey isn’t that when…?” Heero started to say as both he and ‘Mina stared at Ketric, who was looking back, hugging his tail.
“K-chan, didn’t you say that you only remember three days back from when we met you?” ‘Mina asked. Ketric nodded.
“Uh-huh, I was alone in the forest, then you saved me from the mean people.” He replied.
“Curiouser and curiouser.” Heero murmured. Kiba nodded.
“It looks like our little foundling is really all yours, ‘Mina.” The wolf said. ‘Mina took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to organize her thoughts. Meanwhile the receptionist stared in confusion, and Kasumi sighed over how cute Ketric was.
“Why is it,” ‘Mina asked, “that only I and the Bish can see him?”
“Oh, that’s an easy one.” LSS-sama said, “That’s so only you can catch him. It’d suck if some other Trainer saw and caught him.”
“That’s true…” ‘Mina said, glancing at the Chibi hanyou who was looking less frightened and more baffled by the second. That was good as far as ‘Mina was concerned, she hated it when her little K-chan was upset. That thought hardened her resolve.
“Tell me everything you know.” She demanded, looking LSS-sama straight in the eye. “Please” She added. The senior Trainer nodded and began. It was a long description, but in some ways incomplete. But LSS-sama was able to explain a lot; like how there was a bond that formed between the OC and Trainer, which explained ‘Mina’s instantaneous love for Ketric. That was also in part because an OC was a kind of reflection of a Trainer’s inner self.
More description; OC’s could go up to five miles away from their Trainers and could last for more then seventy-two hours away, instead of the three miles and forty-eight hours a normal Bish could last. OC’s had to stay with their Trainers; they would cease to exist if traded or if the Trainer went back to the other world. Also, OC’s had four stages, not three; Chibi, Chan, then San and Sama. The Chibi stage for an OC ranged from the apparent age of three to seven, Chan went from nine to twelve, San went fourteen to eighteen, and Sama was twenty to forty.
“Because OC’s are so closely bonded to their Trainers,” LSS-sama further explained, “their growth is based entirely on how well their Trainers do, and how well their Trainers accepts their inner self. So, your OC could grow at a ridiculously fast rate, or barely grow at all, depending on how you stand by him. He’ll need that extra stage either way to cope either with growing up so fast, or to allow you to cope and figure out what you’re doing wrong.” Then her lips quirked. “But to judge by your Heero and Kiba, I have a feeling it’s going to be the former problem.”
‘Mina bowed her head modestly, blushing furiously. “Thank you; I’m just trying my best.”
“Which is very good indeed.” Heero commented, hoping to make ‘Mina blush more. Mission accomplished, he thought as ‘Mina started to turn maroon. The assembled crowd chuckled at ‘Mina’s embarrassment, save for Kiyone, who was still a little peeved, and Ketric, who didn’t understand what everybody was laughing about.
“So,” LSS-sama said, recapturing everyone’s attention, “catch him already. I want to see what this ‘Ketric’ looks like.” ‘Mina blinked, then turned fully to face Ketric.
“K-chan, do you want to stay with me?” she asked, following through with her self-imposed protocol of never catching without consent. “Do you always want to travel with me and stay by my side?”
“Why’s she doing that?” Kiyone grumbled.
“’Mina-chan doesn’t enslave.” Kiba murmured at her, “Heero and I are traveling with her because we asked her to catch us. She won’t do it any other way.” He turned his attention back to his Trainer, leaving Kiyone to gape in astonishment.
“Yes!” Ketric said firmly, eyes glowing, “I wanna be with you always!”
“Okay,” ‘Mina responded, pulling out a Bish Ball “I’m going to put you in this ball for a little bit, but I’ll let you right, I promise. Okay?” Ketric nodded, and ‘Mina lightly tapped his arm. He vanished inside.
A.S.: ... Part C will include 'Mina's story. I have Twelve units, plus work, plus VP duties for my club, plus a self-imposed obligation to help my grandparents, plus three other fics... Life's just a little on the busy side for me right now. I Will Not abandon my fics, but updates may be a monthly deal, or longer, instead of a every-two-weeks deal. In fact, if I get an update out within a month, hold a song and dance fest and call the papers, 'cause it'll be a bloody miracle. I wish it wasn't... but that's the way life is, sorry. Anyway, hope you enjoyed, constructive critisism is always welcome, check out my new Naruto fic and tell me what you think (shameless self advertising I know) 'Til next time, Ja ne