Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Crista the Ultimat Half Demon Book 1 The Lovers Bonds ❯ Chapter 87 Train's death ( Chapter 87 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 87

Train's death

Crista saw train and ran toward him,he emnraced her,she kissed him,he kissed back.Crista saw one crimson butterfly and went into her soul reaper form,train did too,they seperated.The butterfly transform and it was toshiro.
He went toward them and gave them some orders,crista and train nodded,toshiro,crista,and train went back to the soul society.When they got there they saw crista's vice captian,Ishada uyu,he walked toward her."Train I have bad news"he said.
Train nodded then stepped toward him,crista did too."Your brother jake is dead"uyu said.Train's eyes widened,he grew angry,he looked at crista."Let's go avenge my brother"he growled.Crista and ishda nodded,they left toward caspin hill.
Crista,train,and uyu stopped,they saw dead shikigami's everywhere,they saw a huge hollow eating jake.Train rushed toward it and startied attacking it,it made his sword disappear,he started killing it with his hands.
Crista gripped her sword and took a step forward,train got hit by the hollow he screamed,crista was going to help him but uyu stopped her."Don't help him"he ordered.Crista stopped,her hand still on her sword,she looked at uyu."This is his battle,for his brothers honor and his,if you step in you kill him"he said.
Crista's hand gripped and lossened on her hilt several times,she looked at train,he screamed again.The hollow's tentacles peirced train,through the hyeart,his eyes wide.The hollow disappeared and was possesing train,crista's eyes widened.
Train looked at crista,he had blue orbs for eyes,his touge licked his lips,crista couldn't move,train took a step forward."Are you in love with me little girl,then i'll kill you first"he said.He rushed toward crista,uyu pulled out his sword and blocked train,he looked at crista."Run!"He shouted.
Crista nodded then ran down the hill,trees flying passed her,tears streaming down her cheeks."Why,why did this happen!?"She thought.She remembered train and her together and cried more,she stopped and turned around.
Uyu and train were running across from each other,uyu looked at train."How are you going to save this boy?"The hollow asked.Uyu rushed at train,train rushed toward uyu,they were locked."I have to kill him to free him"uyu thought.
The hollow jumped away and looked toward the forest,he saw crista,her sword in front of her,train rushed toward her,crista froze,her eyes widened."Why did you come back!"Uyu shouted.Uyu ran toward crista to block train,but wasn't going to make it.
uyu pulled out his sword,train was almost at crista,crista closed her eyes as he jumped.He regained control and thrust himself into crista's blade.Crista's eyes were wide,it started raining,soaking her and train.Crista couldn't move,train's blood was on her face,clothes and slicking down her arms,his blood."Train?"Crista said.Train put his left arm around crista's back,she was still frozen.His eyes were normal,and his face,he smiled."Thank you...crista...because of you...i can leave my heart here"he said.
Crista put her right arm on his back and hugged him back,she was supporting his body."Train I love you and always will"she whispered.Train's eyes grew hazy,he smiled at her."Me too,crista promise me you'll find another to love in my place"he said.Crista nodded,train smiled,his head fell on her shoulder,his hand went limp and fell to the ground.
His body went limp,crista gasped,tears streamed down her cheeks,the rain poured soaking tears and his blood on the ground.Crista's embrace tightened,she put her head on his shoulder and cried loud,uyu looked away."TRAIN!!"Crista screamed into the air.uyu came by crista and grabbed train's body and put him on the ground,his body started turning into blue flames.
Crista stood there after his body was gone,uyu was behind him,he touched her shoulder,she cried."He regained control for just a second and thrust himself into your blade,he did the right thing"uyu said.Crista shook her head and went to her knees,she clawed the ground.
Uyu leaned down too and prayed for train,a crimson butterfly went toward crista,it landed on her hand,she touched it,train's soul went away,crista cried again."Stupid train,he should have thought of a plan before he just rushed in,he left me alone like the rest of my boyfriends,destruction and death follow me everywhere I go"she whispered.
Uyu helped crista up,crista went to her other uncles palace in the north and stayed there,she was happy and found three new friends too,she also helped and taught the children there about herbs and healing,the new emporor there loved crista,but crista didn't love him back.