Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Bleach Fan Fiction ❯ Crista the Ultimat Half Demon Book 1 The Lovers Bonds ❯ Chapter 99 Crista's past with train,time to tell edward ( Chapter 99 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 99

Crista's past with train,time to tell edward

Crista woke up,edward and bakura did too."Bye guys"she said.Crista,bakura,and train went to soul society.They went in their rooms,crista gasped,tears went down her face,edward embraced her."What's wrong?"He asked.Crista wiped her tears away and sighed.
She looked at him,he looked back."This is the same room train and I slept in,it hurts to remember any of my old boyfriends,I miss them so much"she said.Edward led crista to a bed and sat her down,still holding her tightly.
He sat down beside her and embraced her,she leaned into his chest."What happened with you and him"he asked.
She looked into his bright blue eyes and sighed,she fiddled with the jewel around her neck."He betrayed soul society one of the years when I was with him,he didn't come see me after that one year until the next year"she said.
Edward put his hand under her chin and smiled at her,she smiled back."Can you show me what happened?"He asked.Crista's eyes lit up and she nodded,he closed his eyes and she touched his forhead.This happened after bakura died,the first two years when he died.
Train had went with one of the captians when he betrayed soul society,leaving crista behind to wither.It was a month after he left,one night,it was raining.She sat on her bed thinking of train.Train was reading a book and sighed deeply.
He closed the book and layed down in his bed,it was lonely in the hollow world,he missed crista.He closed his eyes and sighed,he thought of the day when he got envoloped in the hollow light,once it hit he was out of reach.
Crista layed against the pillows on her bed and closed her eyes tightly,she had been crying again like every night after he left."If only you hadn't let go when the light hit me crista"train thought.Train and crista fell asleep and imagined themselves beside each other.
In the one dream they were in they were on a hill,the sunset coming so close.he looked at her,she looked at him,she had tears in her eyes."I've missed you"she said.Train touched her cheek and smiled."Not as much as i've missed you"he said.
Crista smiled at him,he smiled back,he wiped her tears away,she sighed."This ground isn't very comfortable"she complained.Train chuckled and kissed her,she kissed back.They seperated,their faces an inch apart.
They stared into each others eyes and smiled."Neither is the distance crista,I don't like being so far away from you"he said.He kissed her again,they parted again."Then come back"she said.He looked into her green eyes,they were sad,his eyes sadened and he sighed."You know that I can't crista"he said.
The wind came,ruffling their hair,he smiled at her,she smiled back."What have you been doing?"She asked.He looked at her and wiped away more tears threatening to fall."Reading and doing work for my captian"he said.
She nodded and sighed,he chuckled at her."How does your captian treat you?"She asked.Train sat up,she did too."He treats me well as long as i'm useful"he said.Cheary blossoms fell from the trees,going in crista's hair.
She sighed and looked down,he looked at her."Jake how does he treat you?"He asked.Crista looked at him,her captian was jake,train's brother."Well like he always has"she said.He layed down,she layed on his chest,he embraced her.
She buried her head in his chest and looked at him,he looked at her."Are you sleeping more and well?"He asked.Crista yawned,her eyes getting tired."As much as I can,you haunt my dreams train since you left"she said.
He put his hand on her cheek,she looked at him."I'm sorry crista"he said,sadly.She put her hand on his cheek,he looked at her."It's okay,i'm glad we can see each other with our minds even though it's not real"she said.
She choked on the last words and cried into train's chest."Don't cry crista"he said sadly,wiping away the tears.She looked at him sadly,he looked at her sadly.He kissed her,passionatly,she kissed back the same.
The silence was there again,they parted,staring into each others eyes."I'm always here with you,in you mind and your heart"he said.Crista looked at him sadly."I want you here by my side though"she said,sadly.He put his hand on her cheek and sighed.
She looked at him,sadly."You know that can't happen right now"he said.She nodded,tears went down her cheeks,he kissed the tears away,she smiled."I love you crista"he said against her cheek,he was looking at her,his lips still on her cheek."I love you too"she said.
The world they created was disappearing,train stood up grabbed a cheary blossom and put it in her hand,he kissed her hand as he put it over the petal,she smiled at him,he nodded.He kissed her on her lips,she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him there,not wanting to let go.
He parted,his lips above hers,he looked into her pain filled eyes,his eyes were in pain too,he couldn't stay with her now,he was disappearing."Let me go crista,i'm only causing you more pain"he said.
Crista shook her head,tears running down her cheeks,he put his hand on her cheek."No take me with you or come back to me"she said.He kissed her again and parted,his eyes sad and full of pain."It dosen't work that way,when you wake I won't be with you"he said.
The world they created was fading fast,all that was left was the tree and the hill,it was fading slowly."It isn't fair train"she cried,buring her head in his chest,he embraced her tightly."Shhh,crista i'll return for you in the winter"he said.
She looked at him and smiled,he smiled back."I will train"she said.They kissed passionatly for the a long time,one last time until winter.Crista woke up in her bed and so did train,she cried again and smiled.
She looked toward the night stary sky and whispered his name and her promise."I will wait for you train"she said.Train looked at the black sky in the hollow world and smiled."I'll come for you in the winter crista"he whispered.
He tasted his tears on his touge and tears threatened to fall,he didn't like crying.He stood up and went to the window."I will go to her in winter,I need her,I love her,this place is so dull and dry without her here"he thought.
His smile here was forced but when he was with her it wasn't,he turned back and thought of the night he left her.She was sleeping in her bed,smiling,train tucked some hair that was on her face,behind her ear."If I should stay,I would only be in your way,I'll go but i'll think of you every step of the way"he thought.
He stood up and went to the window,he had his leg on the window sill,and one leg inside,his hands were on both side of the window,he braced himself,he looked back at her,sadness in his eyes."I'll always love you,until I die"he thought.He parted the curtains,then stopped.
His heart hurt so much that it was unbearible,he stood there for a long time,he didn't know how long though."Betraying soul society won't be easy but,this right here,leaving her is the worst"he thought.
He quietly closed the window and walked back to her bed,he knelt down and stroked her cheek,and looked at her.He replayed every memory of her and him and burned them in his head,he watched her breath.
He sat there in the dark with crista,remembering the best times with her and him in it.The clump in his throat made it hard to breath,tears spilled down his cheeks,onto the floor,quietly."I'll always love you,my love"he whispered and left.
Crista removed her hand from edward's forhead and he looked at crista sadly,she stared at the floor."He came back and three years later he died by my sword,he was posesed and he lunged himself into my sword"she said.
She pulled away from edward and sat on her bed,he sat on the coach,she sighed,he did too."I miss every boyfriend i've ever had,I keep all my memories with me,engraved in my heart,so I won't forget"she said.He walked to her and embraced her,she cried on his shoulder.
She fell asleep in his arms,he layed her on the bed and layed beside her.He held her tightly until he fell asleep.In the morning they both woke up,crista turned toward him,he was still asleep."Edward"she whispered.
He woke up and smiled at her,she smiled back."Good morning"he said.Crista snuggled into his chest more and sighed."I love edward"she whispered.He kissed her on her neck and smiled."I love you too crista"he said.
He got up and took a shower,crista took a bath,crista thought of her other boyfriends and smiled.She heard a knock at the door,she covered herself up and told him to come in.He opened the door,crista blushed.
He was wearing his black,his hair was wet,he had no shirt on."Do you want to go to a resturant when your done?"He asked,his eyes on the floor.Crista drained the tub and he heard crista yelp.She sliped and was falling toward the tile floor.
He caught her,her towel that was around her fell off on the floor,crista looked up at him,he looked at her.He blushed and set her on the bed,he went to the bathroom and grabbed her clothes.He walked back to her and handed them to her.
She had a blanket wrapped around her now,she took the clothes,he turned his back from her."I would love to eatat a resturant edward"she said.He smiled,crista was dressed,he turned around and smiled at her.
She blushed and he grabbed a white shirt and a black jacket.He put them on,then his black shoes,crista put on her black sanddles.He opened the door for her,she smiled at him as she walked through.
They walked toward a resturant,they went inside and got a table,the waitress came and looked at them,looking at edward too.They got their drinks and sat there."Edward tomarrow's the war"she said.Edward nodded sadly,she put her hands over her eyes.
Edward touched her shoulder sadly,crista looked at him."Train and I fought in a war too,he was still on aizen's side though,we fought against each other"she said.Edward kissed her on the cheek,she looked at him."Show me"he said.
Crista nodded and put her hand on his head.This was after the war,her and train were by a bus stop,crista was shivering,train put his jacket around her."Aizen is going to start a war crista"train said.Crista looked at him,sadly,he looked at her.
He embraced her and held her close."Crista will you marry me?he asked.Crista blushed and gasped,he chuckled."Not right now,I mean later,after the war,if we both survive"he said.Crista kissed him,he kissed back.
He put his hand on her cheek and sighed."Crista when the time comes I need you to trust me"he said.Crista nodded and he disappeared.Two months later the war started.Crista and train's blade clashed,crista had a hurt look on her face.
Train looked at her,she forced her sword forward."He betrayed me again!"She thought.He suddenly embraced her,she gasped."Trust me crista"he said.Crista nodded,train saw aizen and pointed his sword at him."Shoot to kill shinsou"he said.
His sword streached and peirced aizen in the shoulder,it came back to normal size."Are you betraying me train?"Aizen asked,turning to him.Train pulled crista closer to him,smirking."Yeah,I won't want to stay by your side if you hurt my girl aizen"he said.
Aizen laughed and walked toward them."I won't you will stay with me train"aizen said.Train smiled at aizen,that crista loved."No matter what you do,I'll kill you and marry crista"he said.Aizen and crista fought a long time and aizen was killed.
Crista removed his hand from edward's head and sighed.The food was getting on the table and they ate."Train and I didn't get married,we had to deal with our jobs,but he was killed by my sword before we got married"she said.
Crista finished her food,edward did too,the waitress came back."Can we have our check please?"Edward asked,sadly.The waitress smiled and got their check,edward looked at it and sweat dropped.Crista grabbed it and got angry.
It had the waitress's phone number on it,crista got up and walked over to her and slaped her."He's not your type and he's getting married to me"she growled.She gave the waitress the money and glared at her."Go buy yourself some decency"crista said and edward and her left.
They were silent when they got back to the room."Go on and say it,i'm too overprotective"she whispered.Edward embraced her tightly and sighed."No your not,and I love you for it"he said.Her cell phone went off and she answered it,it was hitsugia.
His voice was panicy,his breathing heacvy."Crista victor has come to cone valley,he has two hundred men with him,come quickly,the war has started!!"Hitsugya yelled.Crista hung up and went into her half de4mon form,she rushed out of the room.
All the captians and leitents were behind her,orginization 13 members too,shippo,miroku,songo,train,riku,sasuke,itachi were all their.Crista was in front of everyone of her army,victor was too.Crista turned toward them and smiled."Everyone be carefull and try not to die,all of them are full demons!!"She yelled.
Suddenly koga and ayame showed up,inuyasha and kagome did too."NOW GET READY TO FIGHT!!"She yelled.Everyone cheered,edward was beside crista.Crista kissed him,he kissed back."Be careful"she said.Edward embraced her and nodded."I will"he said.
The sky around the valley turned darker,lightling and thunder cracked,crista's eyes glowed,victor's did too,she pulled out the tetsusgia,victor pulled out his sword,they both lifted up their sword,the wind blowing hard."CHARGE!!!"They both screamed.Everyone chargwed at victor's army,victor's army did the same,crista and victor's swords clashed."Let's end this today!!"Victor said,smirking.Crista growled at him,angrily."Let's"she said.