Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hauntings of the Mind ❯ Plan: SangoKakashi ( Chapter 6 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: If I owned things would be SO different. I mean, I would actually have money!
P.o.v/Scene change
Haunting Of The Mind
Chapter 6 Plan: Sango+Kakashi
Kagome finally slowed to a stop. When she was fully stopped she was facing Sasuke with her smirk still in place. Noticing Sasuke’s wide eyes and slack jaw, her smirk grew.
“Like what you see Sasuke?”
Chapter 6
Sango awoke to an empty room. 'Kagome must be getting better if she was up already.' Sango looked around the room and noticed the mess on the floor. Slowly she stood up and searched through the pile. Slipping into an outfit close to what she was wearing, she stood up.
“Hey Kirara, how 'bout we go for a jog?” She asked the cat staring at her from the bed. Kirara mewed in agreement and followed Sango out the door. “Hmmmm........ So Kirara what way do you want to go?” Sango asked looking down at Kirara who was standing by her heels. Kirara darted into the surrounding forest with Sango close behind her. Kirara and Sango kept up a fast pace as they ran. Kirara did a cat smirk. ‘Almost therrre.’
Suddenly Kirara stopped. “What is it Kirara?” Sango wondered. Then Sango noticed Kakashi sitting under one of the trees reading his perverted book. ‘Great, the perv. I'll just ignore him. Oh crap, though. I need to know when we're meeting since Kagome when off somewhere.’ Sango slowly walked up to him “Kakashi.” Sango said. Kakashi didn't seem to notice her as he just kept staring at his book. “Kakashi.” Sango stated louder this time. Still no response. “KAKASHI!” Sango yelled this time.
Slowly Kakashi stood up and looked at Sango. Seeing the seething glare, he quickly hid his book. ‘Don't want to loose it again’ Sango, overly pissed by now pulled her fist back and launched it at him. Before it could hit him in the face though, Kakashi caught it. Looking at his one eye, Sango could see the smirk. Sango's glare intensified. Kakashi, still thinking he won, didn't see her foot until it made contact with his side, sending him flying off to the side and through a tree.
Sango, forgetting the reason she tried to talk to Kakashi in the first place, walked off blushing. ‘He was kinda cute when he was smirking..... I wonder what her looks like without his mask on......’
Kirara’s Pov
As soon as Sango started approaching Kakashi I headed off to where I could smell Kagome. As I was approaching I could here Kagome’s music. Ahhh....... she must have those speakers unattached to her ipod. Finally Kagome came into view. Jumping into a tree I watched then show. Kagome was practicing her sword and Sasuke was staring at her like an idiot. Seeing Kagome’s smirk I knew she knew that he was there. Finally she stopped and looked at Sasuke. Her smirk grew when she saw his face and she spoke.
“Like what you see Sasuke?”
I smirked to myself. ‘Things arre going good herre. Now to go check up on Sango again.’ With that thought Kirara ran back towards Sango. I arrived just in time to see Sango kick Kakashi into a tree and walk off. ‘This is not going good. I need to help this one out morrre. Let’s see, let’s see. Sango’s biggest problem with Kakashi is his perrverrrsity. And that is mainly his book. So I’ll just have to get rrid of that prroblem.’ Set on my task I made a quick stop by the room we are staying in and then headed off to Kakashi’s apartment.
Finding the apartment I slipped in. ‘That was easyerr then I had thought. Man forrr a ninja he sure isn’t verrry sneaky.’ After a quick one over of the apartment I found all his perverted books in one bookshelf in his room. ‘Man he makes this too easy.’ With that thought Kirara glared at the bookshelf and watched it burst into flames. Controlling the fire to only burn the books, extinguished the flames when the books turned to ash. As I walked out of the apartment I dropped the picture of Sango I had grabbed onto his floor.
Over with Kagome and Sasuke
Sasuke quickly schooled his face back into a mask of indifference and replied, “I’ve seen better.”
Kagome snorted at that comment. “Like you, you mean?” She sarcastically asked.
“Of course.” Sasuke said, trying to save his pride.
“Prove it.” was the simple response.
“Fine.” Sasuke replied. “Anything goes. Starting now.” And he disappeared into the trees.
“This might be fun.” Kagome said quietly as she closed here eyes. Turning her music off speaker mode she turned up the volume and put her sword away. ‘Don’t want to hurt him.’
Sasuke glared down at Kagome. ‘She thinks I’ll be easy to beat? Ha! I’ll show her. And when I beat her I won’t have these feelings towards her anymore.’ Nodding to himself he pulled out some kunai and threw them at her. Seeing her just stand there, he figured he won. Turning for a second he was surprised to notice, she wasn’t there anymore. Glancing around the clearing he couldn’t find her. He jumped down off his branch and looked again. ‘Where did she go? I can’t hit her with anything if I don’t know where she is.’
Kagome pinpointed the tree he jumped in and waited for his attack. Soon a bunch of kunai were heading at her. ‘Easy.’ Quickly she ran away from them and jumped behind Sasuke. She watched him search for her and smirked when he couldn’t find her. He jumped down and started to look for her again. Hiding her giggle she jumped down behind him. He stopped looking and she leaned towards his ear. “Boo.”
Sasuke jumped and turned around only to find she wasn’t there. ‘This may be harder then I thought.’
Kagome quickly went behind him again and leaned forward. “Going to have to do better then that Sasuke.” she purred and tapped him on the head. Sasuke turned so fast she almost couldn’t see him and sent her a punch. Kagome barley dodged. “That’s better, but still not good enough.” she taunted.
Sasuke continued throwing punches. Soon he realized she was playing with him and he tried harder. Kagome continued dodging him but soon he was actually landing some hits on her. Small and light, but hit none the less. Seeing as he could actually hit her she gave him light hits as well. Most of hers hit, but occasionally he would dodge as well. While Sasuke was starting to get upset, Kagome was having a blast. She hadn’t had this much fun in a while. Looking up at the sky she noticed the time.
“Hey Sasuke, when did we have to meet the rest of your group?” Kagome asked.
Sasuke looked at her. ‘How can she be talking so easily?’ “” He said out of breath.
Suddenly Kagome stopped fighting. “Well then let’s go Sasuke. We have ten minutes.” Kagome said.
Sasuke looked at her. Taking a big breath he responded. “Fine. Follow me.” And he started walking away.
With Sango
After leaving Kakashi Sango continued her jog. For a while she just wandered where ever while she thought. ‘Man, why do I always seem to have a thing for perverts? And why..... Hey, where’d Kirara go?’ Soon after that thought Kirara jumped out of some bushes and continued running with Sango. ‘Weird.’
“Hey Kirara. Can you find Kagome? This is getting boring and we were probably supposed to meet with her earlier.” Sango asked, stopping. Kirara nodded her head and darted to the left with Sango following behind. Soon they approached a bridge. She saw Naruto sleeping and Sakura looking off into the water. She was about to ask Kirara where Kagome was when she walked up following Sasuke.
“Hey Sango! How has your morning been?” Kagome asked in a good mood. Seeing that Kagome walked up with Sasuke, Sakura switched her eyes to glaring at her.
“Not so good. I ran into Kakashi. Sent him through a tree though. Guess that was good. How’s yours going?” Sango asked, curious as to what put her in a good mood.
“Nothing much. Just sparing with Sasuke.” Kagome replied. She was about to say more when Kakashi showed up. With Kakashi’s arrival Naruto woke up.
“You’re late. Again! Can’t you ever be on time?” Naruto screamed.
“Yes, well, I had to get my head out of a tree.” Kakashi said embarrassed. With that comment Kagome and Sango giggled, Naruto burst out laughing, and Sasuke smirked.
“That’s what you get hentai!” Sango screamed at him.
Kakashi sighed, “Let’s just go somewhere to train. follow me.” Kakashi led them into another clearing in the forest. “Ok. So what do you guys know about ninja and chakra?”
“Chakra?” Kagome asked.
Kakashi sighed. “Sakura, explain it.”
Taking a deep breath Sakura started explaining about chakra and ninja stuff. “So, do you understand?” Sakura asked, expecting them to be utterly confused.
“Ya. Actually it’s pretty easy to understand.” Sango said.
Sakura looked at them in shock. ‘But, but how could they understand? I even tried to make it confusing.’
“Well now that that is understood why don’t we spar?” Kakashi said, “Kagome, you and Sango first so we can see your skill.” Nodding the both stood up. Kagome went to one side of the clearing and Sango was walking to the other. When she was close to Kakashi Kirara darted around her legs, tripping her. Sango fell right into Kakashi’s arms. Blushing Sango quickly got out of his arms and darted to her spot in the clearing.
Hai- Yes
Minshuu- people
P.o.v/Scene change
Haunting Of The Mind
Chapter 6 Plan: Sango+Kakashi
Kagome finally slowed to a stop. When she was fully stopped she was facing Sasuke with her smirk still in place. Noticing Sasuke’s wide eyes and slack jaw, her smirk grew.
“Like what you see Sasuke?”
Chapter 6
Sango awoke to an empty room. 'Kagome must be getting better if she was up already.' Sango looked around the room and noticed the mess on the floor. Slowly she stood up and searched through the pile. Slipping into an outfit close to what she was wearing, she stood up.
“Hey Kirara, how 'bout we go for a jog?” She asked the cat staring at her from the bed. Kirara mewed in agreement and followed Sango out the door. “Hmmmm........ So Kirara what way do you want to go?” Sango asked looking down at Kirara who was standing by her heels. Kirara darted into the surrounding forest with Sango close behind her. Kirara and Sango kept up a fast pace as they ran. Kirara did a cat smirk. ‘Almost therrre.’
Suddenly Kirara stopped. “What is it Kirara?” Sango wondered. Then Sango noticed Kakashi sitting under one of the trees reading his perverted book. ‘Great, the perv. I'll just ignore him. Oh crap, though. I need to know when we're meeting since Kagome when off somewhere.’ Sango slowly walked up to him “Kakashi.” Sango said. Kakashi didn't seem to notice her as he just kept staring at his book. “Kakashi.” Sango stated louder this time. Still no response. “KAKASHI!” Sango yelled this time.
Slowly Kakashi stood up and looked at Sango. Seeing the seething glare, he quickly hid his book. ‘Don't want to loose it again’ Sango, overly pissed by now pulled her fist back and launched it at him. Before it could hit him in the face though, Kakashi caught it. Looking at his one eye, Sango could see the smirk. Sango's glare intensified. Kakashi, still thinking he won, didn't see her foot until it made contact with his side, sending him flying off to the side and through a tree.
Sango, forgetting the reason she tried to talk to Kakashi in the first place, walked off blushing. ‘He was kinda cute when he was smirking..... I wonder what her looks like without his mask on......’
Kirara’s Pov
As soon as Sango started approaching Kakashi I headed off to where I could smell Kagome. As I was approaching I could here Kagome’s music. Ahhh....... she must have those speakers unattached to her ipod. Finally Kagome came into view. Jumping into a tree I watched then show. Kagome was practicing her sword and Sasuke was staring at her like an idiot. Seeing Kagome’s smirk I knew she knew that he was there. Finally she stopped and looked at Sasuke. Her smirk grew when she saw his face and she spoke.
“Like what you see Sasuke?”
I smirked to myself. ‘Things arre going good herre. Now to go check up on Sango again.’ With that thought Kirara ran back towards Sango. I arrived just in time to see Sango kick Kakashi into a tree and walk off. ‘This is not going good. I need to help this one out morrre. Let’s see, let’s see. Sango’s biggest problem with Kakashi is his perrverrrsity. And that is mainly his book. So I’ll just have to get rrid of that prroblem.’ Set on my task I made a quick stop by the room we are staying in and then headed off to Kakashi’s apartment.
Finding the apartment I slipped in. ‘That was easyerr then I had thought. Man forrr a ninja he sure isn’t verrry sneaky.’ After a quick one over of the apartment I found all his perverted books in one bookshelf in his room. ‘Man he makes this too easy.’ With that thought Kirara glared at the bookshelf and watched it burst into flames. Controlling the fire to only burn the books, extinguished the flames when the books turned to ash. As I walked out of the apartment I dropped the picture of Sango I had grabbed onto his floor.
Over with Kagome and Sasuke
Sasuke quickly schooled his face back into a mask of indifference and replied, “I’ve seen better.”
Kagome snorted at that comment. “Like you, you mean?” She sarcastically asked.
“Of course.” Sasuke said, trying to save his pride.
“Prove it.” was the simple response.
“Fine.” Sasuke replied. “Anything goes. Starting now.” And he disappeared into the trees.
“This might be fun.” Kagome said quietly as she closed here eyes. Turning her music off speaker mode she turned up the volume and put her sword away. ‘Don’t want to hurt him.’
Sasuke glared down at Kagome. ‘She thinks I’ll be easy to beat? Ha! I’ll show her. And when I beat her I won’t have these feelings towards her anymore.’ Nodding to himself he pulled out some kunai and threw them at her. Seeing her just stand there, he figured he won. Turning for a second he was surprised to notice, she wasn’t there anymore. Glancing around the clearing he couldn’t find her. He jumped down off his branch and looked again. ‘Where did she go? I can’t hit her with anything if I don’t know where she is.’
Kagome pinpointed the tree he jumped in and waited for his attack. Soon a bunch of kunai were heading at her. ‘Easy.’ Quickly she ran away from them and jumped behind Sasuke. She watched him search for her and smirked when he couldn’t find her. He jumped down and started to look for her again. Hiding her giggle she jumped down behind him. He stopped looking and she leaned towards his ear. “Boo.”
Sasuke jumped and turned around only to find she wasn’t there. ‘This may be harder then I thought.’
Kagome quickly went behind him again and leaned forward. “Going to have to do better then that Sasuke.” she purred and tapped him on the head. Sasuke turned so fast she almost couldn’t see him and sent her a punch. Kagome barley dodged. “That’s better, but still not good enough.” she taunted.
Sasuke continued throwing punches. Soon he realized she was playing with him and he tried harder. Kagome continued dodging him but soon he was actually landing some hits on her. Small and light, but hit none the less. Seeing as he could actually hit her she gave him light hits as well. Most of hers hit, but occasionally he would dodge as well. While Sasuke was starting to get upset, Kagome was having a blast. She hadn’t had this much fun in a while. Looking up at the sky she noticed the time.
“Hey Sasuke, when did we have to meet the rest of your group?” Kagome asked.
Sasuke looked at her. ‘How can she be talking so easily?’ “” He said out of breath.
Suddenly Kagome stopped fighting. “Well then let’s go Sasuke. We have ten minutes.” Kagome said.
Sasuke looked at her. Taking a big breath he responded. “Fine. Follow me.” And he started walking away.
With Sango
After leaving Kakashi Sango continued her jog. For a while she just wandered where ever while she thought. ‘Man, why do I always seem to have a thing for perverts? And why..... Hey, where’d Kirara go?’ Soon after that thought Kirara jumped out of some bushes and continued running with Sango. ‘Weird.’
“Hey Kirara. Can you find Kagome? This is getting boring and we were probably supposed to meet with her earlier.” Sango asked, stopping. Kirara nodded her head and darted to the left with Sango following behind. Soon they approached a bridge. She saw Naruto sleeping and Sakura looking off into the water. She was about to ask Kirara where Kagome was when she walked up following Sasuke.
“Hey Sango! How has your morning been?” Kagome asked in a good mood. Seeing that Kagome walked up with Sasuke, Sakura switched her eyes to glaring at her.
“Not so good. I ran into Kakashi. Sent him through a tree though. Guess that was good. How’s yours going?” Sango asked, curious as to what put her in a good mood.
“Nothing much. Just sparing with Sasuke.” Kagome replied. She was about to say more when Kakashi showed up. With Kakashi’s arrival Naruto woke up.
“You’re late. Again! Can’t you ever be on time?” Naruto screamed.
“Yes, well, I had to get my head out of a tree.” Kakashi said embarrassed. With that comment Kagome and Sango giggled, Naruto burst out laughing, and Sasuke smirked.
“That’s what you get hentai!” Sango screamed at him.
Kakashi sighed, “Let’s just go somewhere to train. follow me.” Kakashi led them into another clearing in the forest. “Ok. So what do you guys know about ninja and chakra?”
“Chakra?” Kagome asked.
Kakashi sighed. “Sakura, explain it.”
Taking a deep breath Sakura started explaining about chakra and ninja stuff. “So, do you understand?” Sakura asked, expecting them to be utterly confused.
“Ya. Actually it’s pretty easy to understand.” Sango said.
Sakura looked at them in shock. ‘But, but how could they understand? I even tried to make it confusing.’
“Well now that that is understood why don’t we spar?” Kakashi said, “Kagome, you and Sango first so we can see your skill.” Nodding the both stood up. Kagome went to one side of the clearing and Sango was walking to the other. When she was close to Kakashi Kirara darted around her legs, tripping her. Sango fell right into Kakashi’s arms. Blushing Sango quickly got out of his arms and darted to her spot in the clearing.
Hantai- PervertHai- Yes
Minshuu- people
Hiya minshuu! Miss me? Probably not but did u miss the story at least? I hope u like this one. Its set more on sango then on kagome but I hope its still equally as good! Review and tell me what u all think!! I hope u all love it!