Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Anything ❯ The Aftermath ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Ten: The Aftermath
The small creature stuck his head out from behind a tree, ears drawn back, while bright green eyes stared intently into the girl's unaware back. A snicker left the small creature's snout, as a long, flavor-coated pocky stick bobbed up and down, up and down, between his fangs.
He was a very strange sight, he knew, but his goal was finally going to be achieved. He was finally going to have his victory, while the girl wept in despair, realizing that he was the better of the two. He was going to laugh in her face, declare his triumph in a loud display, and then race off into the forest in his devious disguise.
Yes, yes, just a little closer now. A little closer!
Claws digging into the ground, the small creature tensed. The pocky stick became still. The girl was getting closer, just a little more and he would pounce. He wanted to snicker at his genius, but he did not, because he knew that there was a small chance that the girl would hear the sound and leave. He was not about to screw up his perfect chance, so he tensed completely, remaining very still, while the girl paused in step.
“I wonder,” she muttered, then shook her head. “No, couldn't be.”
Grinning, the small creature let the girl walk by him. He knew it was the only way he would finally have his victory. Any more distance between them and the girl would have too great a chance at fleeing. And there was no doubt in his mind that she would take it, since she always did.
Finally, rising up, he sprang from his hiding place when the girl's back was to him. A cloud of smoke surrounded his form, changing him in that instant, as a cry of victory left his mouth. “Hi-ya!
His small hand slapped against the girl's back, while his bright green eyes glittered with glee. He had done it! He was victorious! Higurashi Kagome had nothing on him! Especially now, since the mocking girl could no longer say—
Shippo was taken by surprise, however, when the small blast of smoke and leaves hit him directly in the face. He was thrown backwards, slamming hard into a tree, and his pocky stick slipped from between his lips as he gasped. It landed in the dirt, broken, while his body slipped to the ground.
A tremble shook along his lip, tears filling his eyes, as his brain processed what had just happened. Then, when it hit him, he threw his head back, crying out, “No!
Damn substitution!
“I told you, Shippo—!” Kagome's voice called out. Her mocking laughter soon followed from beyond the trees, pounding in the fact that the small orphan had once again missed his chance to pass along the title of `it'. “—You'll never tag me!”
Jumping to his feet, the boy huffed and yelled back, “You just wait! I will beat you!”
“Nuh uh!”
“Uh huh!” Shippo growled.
The kunoichi-in-training did not reply a third time.
Stomping his foot, the boy reached up and wiped away a thin trail of blood from the cut on his face. Then, angrily, he reached into his pocket, pulled forth his box of pocky, and quickly shoved another stick into his mouth after he tore the box open. It helped very little with his sudden wave of depression, but his determination returned with a vengeance the moment the sugar touched his tongue.
He would tag Higurashi Kagome if it was the last thing he did!?!
Giving himself a moment to compose himself, Shippo growled deep in his chest. He had been `it' for quite some time, trying again and again to successfully tag Kagome, and he was getting tired of the position. He needed a new tactic—something bold and new!—that would outwit and outmaneuver Kagome in order to tag her. He knew that now, having failed at his goal six times in a row, so it was time for Plan B.
Plan B never failed!
Turning on his heel, Shippo began to race back through the thick foliage toward the Konoha Orphanage. Chakra swiftly pumped through his body, stabilizing his footing and allowing him to run at a smooth pace, but the journey soon began to annoy him. So, his pocky stick tilting up toward the sky, Shippo brought his hands up across his chest in a hand seal. “Transform!”
A cloud of smoke instantly extended away from his body, the transformation taking only a few seconds to complete. Then, delight pulsing through his body, he lunged away from the smoke as a tall, handsome, red haired teenager with strikingly beautiful green eyes. His long legs, muscles flexing and pumped full of chakra, easily sprang across the distance in less than half the time it would have taken him before.
A grin crossed Shippo's mouth. He knew his transformation was perfect, unmatched. And he utilized his ability to change his form at every opportunity, pleased with the fact that no one else his age could possibly control the technique as well he did. Especially when he constantly created new and wonderful forms to transform into, wishing only to find another form to throw in the faces of those attending the Academy.
Plan B—find Rin, tag her, and race away to find the perfect way to tag Kagome—quickly turned in his favor the moment he neared the house. Rin was exactly where he knew she would be. She actually thought the small tree would hide her. But, his eyes flashing in memory, he also knew that she had a very good reason as to why she never wanted to leave the safety of the leaning structure.
After all, any sane person would not want to enter a forest when their parents had been attacked and killed by Iwa-nin summons just beyond the border. And right before their eyes.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Shifting nervously from one foot to the other, Rin tried to survey every piece of forest that she could see. A knot formed in her throat as she did so, her eyes widening, as the wind blew softly across her ears.
It was so dark out there. So hauntingly beautiful, as if it could any individual into a trance with a single glance. But, worst of all, it was exactly like the night that had ripped away her little family. It was dark, beautiful, and filled with peace, but she knew that in one moment it could turn cruel, bloody, and tear away her world again.
Sinking further into the sanctuary of her tree, Rin eyed the forest warily. She was not going in there. She was not even sure why she had agreed to play shinobi-tag so many times over, since she refused time and again to go into the forest. She refused. She did not care if it gave her a better chance at winning; she was not going in there.
That was that.
Biting her lip, Rin squeaked when a creak caressed her ears. “Kagome-nee?” she called quietly, hoping the older girl had been the cause of the noise. She normally was, trying to coax her into playing, and she never scared her. Unlike Shippo, who always scared her, the jerk!
There was no reply, only the loud creaking from the forest.
Kagome-nee?” Rin called again, nearly whispering.
She wanted it to be the older girl. Higurashi Kagome was her elder sister. She was. She would never try to hurt her, scare her, or drag her into the one place she never wanted to go again. She would merely smile sweetly, give her cookies, and tell her that everything would be all right. She would let her get away with `tag backs', not wanting to force her, and then trot off with the same sweet smile on her face.
However, the forest merely creaked again.
Backing away from the tree she had hid behind, Rin whimpered, “Kagome-nee.” Memories were already beginning to fill her head. Things she would rather leave forgotten terrorized her, haunted her, and bombarded her all at once. And she whined, gripping her head, as she shouted, “Stop it, Kagome-nee! You're scaring Rin!
Softly, a cackle blew across her ear from behind. “Kagome's not here.”
Screaming, Rin swung around and struck the person across the face. Her heart was racing madly, her pupils dilated, and she was rather surprised when a cloud of smoke surrounded her. “W-what?” she muttered.
OW!” the boy yelled. “That hurt, Rin!”
Blinking, anger suddenly swarmed through Rin's body. “SHIPPO!” she shrieked. “You jerk!”
The foliage along the forest rumbled a bit, before Uchiha Sasuke stepped out to see what the commotion was about. The air had been tainted with fright, alerting his senses, and he had thought for a moment someone might be in danger. But, as he watched the small orphan yell at the even smaller boy, he realized that the girl had merely been frightened.
Rin was scared half to death!” Rin raged. “Rin can't believe you!
“Hey—!” Shippo yelled, dodging a blow to the head. “Hey! Knock it off!”
How dare you!?!” Rin continued. It was clear that Higurashi Kagome's famous temper had somehow rubbed off on her somehow.
Look—!” Shippo finally screamed. “You're it!
Nuh uh!” Rin shrieked.
Punching her in the arm, Shippo hissed, “Uh huh!” And then he raced back into the forest, nursing his swollen cheek along the way. He had not been trying to scare her—well, maybe a little—so she did not need to freak out on him.
Pumped full of anger, Rin raced after him. However, fright gripped her heart the moment she realized what she was about to do, and she stopped immediately. Her foot barely touched the darkness of the forest, feeling it call out to her, and her eyes filled with tears as she looked beyond the trees.
She could clearly see the bark being splashed with the blood of her kin so clearly, while those evil, evil wolves waited patiently for her to jump into their massive, drooling jaws. She could see the lifeless eyes staring up at her from beneath those evil, evil wolves, begging her, pleading, asking her to help them, but she could not. She knew she could not, ever, even while those hauntingly familiar eyes pleaded for her to do something, anything.
She could not. She was not strong enough. She knew that, so why did they continue to ask her to help them when they were dead?
Stumbling back, Rin shook her head frantically, trying to dislodge the memory.
“Hey.” A hand bumped against her arm.
Jumping, Rin turned her frightened eyes to the Uchiha standing next to her. She gulped suddenly, the memory of her dying family bringing forth more violence, as she wondered if the Uchiha boy was going to hit her. Hit her like all those mean, stupid kids that Hakudoushi got rid of. Call her worthless. Remind her a second time that she would never be strong enough to save the lives of her family members from the vicious jaws of those evil wolves.
“Are you alright?” Sasuke asked. She did not look well.
Slowly, Rin shook her head. “No,” she whimpered.
Frowning, Sasuke put his hand out toward the young girl. “Here, you can—” he began.
“This is such a foolish game.”
Reaching up to rub at her eyes, the young girl turned her head a bit. “Kanna,” she called to the white girl. She knew Kanna would understand, even if she wanted Kagome so much at the moment.
Kanna's black eyes merely blinked at the two of them, while she stared the small girl down. Then, slowly, she finally reached up and wiped away the thin trial of juice that had cascaded down from her lip. Her movement was natural, fluid, yet there was a complete lack of passion within her action. “This game does nothing for a person,” Kanna continued, “except, perhaps, hone a certain set of skills.”
Rin rubbed at her eyes again, saying, “Rin was so scared, Kanna.”
Sighing softly, Kanna nodded, saying, “I am aware.”
Coughing, Sasuke caught the attention of the two girls again. He was certain that there was a reason for the girl's fright, and he was not about to make her go into the forest if she did not want to. So, he jerked his arm, making sure the young girl saw it, before stating, “Tag me.”
“W-what?” Rin blinked in surprise.
“Tag me, then you won't be `it' anymore,” Sasuke replied.
“I don't think—” Rin was able to finish, though, before the Uchiha had grabbed a hold of her arm. She almost jerked away from his hold, but he merely tapped her fingertips lighting against his wrist and then released her.
“There,” Sasuke nodded. “I'm `it' now.”
“B-but—” Rin started, but the boy was already streaking into the forest, “—you can't do that.”
Kanna's hand landed gently on her shoulder, as she said, “Come, Rin.”
Biting her lip softly, Rin nodded. “Ok.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Quietly, the girl stalked along the ground, turning her head every few seconds to check her surroundings. Then, slowly, she smirked, straightening her back. “I lost them!” she said triumphantly.
Holy sh—!” the girl began, turning on her heel. “Hakudoushi!”
The boy chuckled, amused with the red tint coloring the girl's cheeks, as he nodded.
“Don't sneak up on me like that,” Kagome hissed.
“The point of this game is to—” she did not allow him to finish.
“Yeah, well,” she huffed, “you could have given me a heart attack.”
“I doubt it,” Hakudoushi replied. “Besides, you should be aware of your surroundings at all times. Especially when there are enemy shinobi in the area.”
“First off, mister,” the Higurashi girl growled, “I am aware of my surroundings. And second, you're not exactly—”
He smirked.
Narrowing her eyes, she huffed in his face again. “Fine,” she said. “Be that way. See if I play with you again in the future!”
Hakudoushi leaned against the tree at his back, watching her stomp away. Before she could leap into the branches, though, he called out to her. “You know, I could be `it',” he said.
Smirking, she laughed. “If you're `it', come and get me!”
“No, I don't think I will—Kagome!” Hakudoushi shouted, his eyes widening as Kagome leapt away from him. He had seen the other boy hiding in the foliage a second too late, though, as Uchiha Sasuke's arms wrapped his arms around Higurashi Kagome's waist and sprang deep into the forest with her squealing in his grasp.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Hey!” Kagome shouted. “Hey!
Slowly, Sasuke came to a stop.
Struggling, Kagome swung her fists through the air. “Put me down! Put me down right this instant, Uchiha Sasuke!?!”
The Uchiha shrugged, deciding it was still best not to let her in on his little secret, before he dropped her onto the ground. However, he was a little surprised when she did not manage to catch herself and landed hard on her butt. Then again, he supposed he should not be surprised at all, since she had been more preoccupied with getting herself free.
“You didn't have to drop me!?!” she huffed. Seriously! There was absolutely no reason for him to have grabbed her around the waist and shot off into the forest with her! What was his problem?! Was he trying to—she stopped the thought before it even began, not wanting to think that the Uchiha might be a pervert.
After all, she had already thought that about his father. And if his father was indeed a pervert, there was a very likely chance that every male from Fugaku's bloodline would be a pervert. Which, since she thought about it, was rather hilarious. Who else would have ever guessed that Uchiha Fugaku, Sasuke, and Itachi might all be perverts?
But, really, it could not be true. Not from the Uchiha clan!
“What are you staring at?” Sasuke asked. He barely controlled the red tint trying to cover his face, as he noticed that Kagome's blue gaze was staring intently into his own after she calmed down a moment.
“Nothing,” she mumbled. What did he think she was staring at? “What are you staring at?”
“Nothing,” he replied, turning his head away. Damn girl. She just had to make that insistent twisting in his stomach return. She just had to make the color rise in his face. She just had to be so damn cute while she pouted lightly at a nearby tree.
“Well, good,” Kagome nodded. Then, slowly, she reached out her hand. “Help me up, will you?”
“Sure,” he said. Grasping her hand, Sasuke easily pulled the girl to her feet. He then watched as she brushed away the dirt on her clothing, turning his head away swiftly, while his mind supplied him with more than a few inappropriate images. “By the way,” he smirked, “you're `it'.”
Kagome stopped abruptly, stiffening. “What did you just say?” she asked, her voice tight.
“You're `it',” Sasuke said.
WHAT!?!” she screamed.
Higurashi Kagome was not given the chance to yell at the Uchiha boy, though, as he bound away into the forest once more. And he surprised her a little, his hand brushing up against her neck and flipping her hair back, since she could not tag him back in return. It was not the fact that he touched her that surprised her, but the fact that he did so willingly, without hesitation, and almost as if he were mocking her silently.
But, she could not resist the chance to yell after learning her winning streak had been completely and utterly destroyed. “Uchiha Sasuke!” she shouted. “Get back here!?!
A nearby flock of birds rose up from the trees at the noise, mocking her further.
Tensing to follow after him, Kagome was surprised again when a strong hand grabbed onto her arm. She turned, grinning madly, as her bright, dark blue eyes trapped Hakudoushi in her gaze. “Hakudoushi!”
U—” Hakudoushi began in surprise.
“I'm so glad you're here!” Kagome grinned. Yes! Her streak was back on!
Hakudoushi blinked, as the girl slapped him in the arm.
“You're `it'!” she cried, before racing into the forest.
Hakudoushi frowned. Of course he was.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“That was so much fun!” Kagome grinned.
The youngest orphan merely huffed, crossing his arms in defeat.
“Oh,” Kagome smiled. “You'll get me next time, Shippo. Don't worry.”
“That's what you always say,” Shippo growled. “And it still hasn't happened yet!”
“You still need to focus on your training,” Hakudoushi cut in. “I'll make sure to increase the kunai and shuriken training to help you with your speed a little more.”
Slowly, Shippo's head hung in utter defeat. Hakudoushi already pushed him to the limit most of the time; he did not want more training. Yes, he wanted to wait to enter the Academy and rise through the ranks much like the older boy had, but he preferred to lay around and dream of more wonderful transformations that he could one day achieve.
Softly, from another corner, Kanna called, “Your mother will be expecting you soon, Kagome.”
“I know,” Kagome nodded in agreement. She was also pretty sure that Sasuke's mother would be worrying about him eventually, so they would need to be going soon. Though, really, it would not surprise her if the Uchiha boy wanted to high tail it out of there after spending so much time with them.
“Kagome-nee has to go home?” the other girl pouted.
Patting Rin on the head, Kagome said, “But I'll be back next week!”
The young girl poked the floor with her sandal, while her hands twisted together behind her back. She wanted to cling to Kagome, ask her not to go, but she knew that the Higurashi girl was needed elsewhere. And she was not selfish enough to keep her from her own family. “Rin will miss Kagome-nee, and—”
“—and you'll bring me more pocky, right, Kagome!?!” Shippo shouted. He stiffened only a little when the young girl turned to glare at him, her brown eyes blazing, and knew that he would need to hide every box of pocky he had obtained through the kunoichi-in-training.
“That's rude, Shippo,” Kagome scowled. “How many times must I tell you not to interrupt someone when they're talking?”
Hanging his head again, Shippo muttered, “I'm sorry.”
The white haired boy chuckled, saying, “Extra training is definitely in order.”
Quietly, Shippo whined in his throat. Why had his mouth opened, the stupid thing? Why had it betrayed him, again?!
Finally, Rin continued, “—and Rin hopes that Kagome-nee will bring cookies and—” She paused, her bright eyes turning toward the floor, “—and maybe Uchiha-san will come with Kagome-nee again.”
Kagome's head snapped to the shy girl in surprise, before sliding over to the silent Uchiha standing nearby. That was not what she had expected to hear from Rin. Ever. So, slowly, she asked, “Rin, do you—do you want Sasuke to come over again?”
A scowl worked its way onto Hakudoushi's face. This would not do. He did not want that Uchiha brat inside the Konoha Orphanage all the time in an effort to gain Kagome's attention. And he especially did not want to have to pretend that he could act civil toward him while she was there. Once had been far too much already.
“Well—” Rin blushed, poking the floor with her sandal a little harder, “—Uchiha-san made it so that Rin did not have to go into the forest after Shippo tagged her. And that was really nice of Uchiha-san, so he cannot be like all those—”
When Rin stopped, the Higurashi girl smiled a little more. “I understand, Rin,” she said. “And I'm sure that Sasuke would be willing to come with me again if you asked him politely.”
Rin shook her head quickly. She had only been confronted with the emotion in her chest once before, when Hakudoushi saved her, and realized that she looked up to him like he was her big brother. But, Hakudoushi was her big brother. Uchiha Sasuke was not. So, she really did not want to ask him to do anything, since there was a good chance he did not want to act as her brother and would smear her hopes into the ground.
Whatever,” Uchiha Sasuke stated. It did not matter to him. Truthfully, it benefited him, since it gave him more reason to defy that arrogant Hakudoushi and follow the object of his affection to the Konoha Orphanage. And, in turn, that would help him in the end, since he planned on having Kagome's heart securely wrapped around his fingertips before the blasted boy could do anything about it.
“See?” Kagome said, noticing the way Rin brightened. It was not every day that the girl opened up, and though she was surprised that it was with Sasuke, she was happy for her. Rin needed more people to lean on.
“Hakudoushi?” Kanna's quiet voice called through the sudden silence.
Hakudoushi turned to his sibling, asking, “What?” He had been perfectly fine watching, calculating, and delighting in the idea of the Uchiha's defeat. But, of course, Kanna had to find something to interrupt his thoughts with.
“We will need to restock soon, since we did not manage to go to the market today,” the white girl replied.
“I'll go tomorrow,” Hakudoushi told her.
“And, Hakudoushi?” Kanna continued. She reached up, her movement more instinctive than anything else, to brush a strand of hair away from her ear.
What?” he growled.
“There are ANBU waiting outside,” Kanna said, her voice low.
“Eh?” the Higurashi girl blinked. “ANBU outside?”
“Yes.” Kanna nodded slowly, her blank eyes turning to the other girl. “Hakudoushi was given the day off, and from what the silence has told me, they are waiting for the young prodigy to notice them. It leads me to believe that Hokage-sama has sent them.”
Hakudoushi scowled. He had sensed the ANBU far off, but he had not realized that they had arrived already. No doubt waiting for him to come to them, since it should be rather obvious that they had come to collect him. The Hokage had said he would be calling upon him and the rest of his team once the day was nearly over, after all. So, he nodded, stating, “Very well. Thank you, Kanna.”
Kanna dipped her head in return.
“I'll see you later,” Hakudoushi sighed, “Kagome—” he took a glance at the smiling girl, before adding, “Uchiha.”
The Uchiha boy turned his head away, dismissing the acknowledgement. “Tch,” he muttered, though he knew that the situation could turn in his favor. Now, since the white haired boy was no doubt going to be sent on a mission, he would only need to watch out for the Hyuuga. And it would be easy for him to snatch up Higurashi Kagome's heart with only the Hyuuga trying to steal it from him.
Kagome was much too oblivious for Hyuuga Neji, and, like Naruto said, he was the only one making an effort to actually get to know her and what she liked. The Hyuuga simply believed she would fall into his lap if he worshipped her, when he needed to focus more on her personality and what she liked. And, as much as he hated to admit it, he had that stupid blonde to thank for drilling that into his head.
“Of course!” Kagome nodded, and then Hakudoushi was off.
Rin frowned deeply. “You do not really have to go, do you, Kagome-nee?”
Shippo rolled his eyes, saying, “Of course she has to go, Rin! Just because you're a `fraidy cat doesn't mean she's going to stay here while Hakudoushi's on a mission.”
“Rin is not a `fraidy cat!” Rin cried.
“Yes, she is!” Shippo cried back.
“No!” Rin growled. “Rin is not!”
“Oh, guys, not—” This time, they did not listen to Kagome as she tried to break them a part.
“Is so!”
Rin's eyes blazed suddenly, as she screeched, “Shut up, Shippo! Rin will—Rin will pull on your tail when you transform next time, and Rin won't stop! Rin will make sure—”
Hold it!” Kagome yelled. “Hold it!
Rin deflated slightly, while Shippo shrank back from the girl.
“Shippo, be nice.” Kagome growled, her eyebrow twitching slightly. When she noticed Rin's grin, though, she continued, “And, Rin, you will not pull on Shippo's tail while he is in fox form, do you understand?”
“But, Kagome-nee!” Rin whined.
“No,” Kagome snapped, her blue eyes becoming hard.
Knowing that the older girl would not be pleased if Shippo told her later that she had pulled on his tail while in fox form, despite her warning, Rin began to dig the tip of her sandal into the floor again. “Yes, Kagome-nee,” she said softly. “Rin won't pull on Shippo's tail.”
“Shippo?” Kagome encouraged the boy.
Crossing his arms in defeat, Shippo muttered, “And I'll be nice.”
“Good!” Kagome smiled. “Now, I have to go, but I'll see you guys again next week. I'll make sure to bring lots of cookies and pocky, too, while I'm at it, and maybe Sasuke if he wants to come with me!”
Meekly, Rin nodded in acceptable. Then, afterward, Shippo followed suit with a small nod of his own.
Kanna merely stood quietly. She knew that the girl would return. There was no reason for her to think otherwise. “We will await your return, Kagome,” she said slowly.
Kagome turned her smile onto Kanna, saying, “Yes, and maybe next time you'll be willing to play with us, Kanna.”
“Perhaps,” Kanna breathed. Through her voice alone, though, it was very clear that she would not be playing any time soon. She merely chose to appease the Higurashi girl by briefly thinking upon the subject.
“Well, then we'll be off,” Kagome said. “Come on, Sasuke.”
Lifting himself away from the wall, the Uchiha silently followed behind the object of his affection as they left the Konoha Orphanage.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“—So,” Kagome sighed, nearly dragging her feet along the ground as she tried to find a way to entertain herself, “did you really make it so Rin did not have to enter the forest, Sasuke?”
Biting his tongue at the sudden sound of her voice, Sasuke nodded. After a moment, he eased up on his tongue and said, “I noticed that she stopped at the edge and started to shake, so I made her tag me. I figured that she really shouldn't be playing the game anyway, if she can't even bring herself to enter the tree line.”
“Yeah,” Kagome frowned lightly.
“Why is it she can't?” Sasuke questioned. “Or do you even know why?”
“Rin's family was killed in a forest just like that one. She hid like her mother told her to until Konoha-nin came to help, but by then she had already watched them be ripped a part by Iwa-nin summons.” Kagome glanced up at the darkening sky, taking in the brief glimpses of stars and soaking up the light from the moon. “I think, if I remember correctly, the Iwa-nin summoned wolves.”
Oh,” Sasuke replied softly.
“It's so sad,” Kagome continued. “And then they have to live in a place like that…”
Uchiha Sasuke merely nodded, taking in the sight of Higurashi Kagome as she stopped in the middle of the street. The faint moonlight caressed her body, making her appear eternal, but Sasuke was not surprised. Only someone with Kagome's heart could ever appear so beautiful while bathed in moonlight. And, gulping, Sasuke was forced to bite down on his tongue for a second time while his stomach tightened.
If only she would see how much he wanted her.
She turned her smile upon him once more, her eyes suddenly shiningly brightly within the darkening atmosphere. The Uchiha gulped loudly, hoping she did not hear it, as her voice caressed his ears again. “I'm really glad decided to stay, Sasuke,” she said, and his stomach clenched tightly as the words processed in his head.
Unable to help himself, his automatic response was, “Whatever.”
Kagome's smile faded just a bit.
“I mean,” he corrected himself. Damn it, he had thought he was over that. “It's not like I really did anything.”
“But you helped Rin!” she defended.
Well, yeah, bu—”
Her blinding grin halted his sentence, before she spoke again. Softly, she stated, “I still think it was really sweet. Not many would have noticed Rin's problem, and a lot of others would have simply shrugged and went the other way. But you didn't. You helped her. Thank you, Sasuke.”
Turning his gaze toward the ground, he replied, “You're welcome.”
Folding her hands together behind her back, Kagome leaned toward the Uchiha boy. She noticed that he leaned away, her sharp eyes taking in the movement, and she wondered for a moment why he would do so. But, she decided it was best not to think about it, as she thought over her next idea. “So, uh,” she blushed a bit, “I noticed that you're still having a bit of trouble with taijutsu in class. Has training with your brother not helped?”
Stiffening, Sasuke scowled. “Itachi had—” damn it, his brother was not going to gain the interest of the girl he wanted! “—a mission that he needed to go on. I told him not to waste his time, since he needed to prepare for it.”
“Oh,” she nodded. “I see.”
“Why do you want to know?” Sasuke asked. His thoughts darkened considerably, his eyes hardening, and he was determined in that moment to keep Higurashi Kagome as far away from his brother as humanly possible. Itachi did not deserve her affection. He did not even deserve to have her look upon him. Not when he had dozens of other girls that would willingly fall at his feet if he only asked for it.
“Well,” the color in her face deepened a little, “I thought that, maybe, I could try to help you again.”
The boy blinked in surprise, his eyes softening within seconds. Higurashi Kagome wanted to help him? How could he say no? How could he give up the opportunity to make her notice him in some small way?
“I mean—” she paused, “—It's not like I—” again, “—You see—” and again, “—Um—” and again. “—What I meant was—”
A hint of a smile appeared on Sasuke's face, while he watched her stutter. It was extremely cute. It caused a mass of butterflies to erupt in his stomach, though, because he realized after a moment that she was stuttering because of him. She was stuttering trying to speak with him. Higurashi Kagome was—!
The Uchiha boy did not allow the thought to continue. Kagome was not his yet. But soon. Oh so soon.
“—as payment for what you did for Rin,” she finally managed to finish.
Realizing that he had not heard most of what she said, Sasuke blinked. Then, slowly, he said, “I'd like that.”
Brightening up, she asked, “After the Academy gets out then?”
He nodded, saying, “Sure.”
Higurashi Kagome smiled as brightly as she could. She was happy that she could help him, since he had done such a wonderful thing for Rin. He deserved to have her help him, and she was glad that he was willing to let her, someone outside the Uchiha clan, help him. “Ok!” she grinned. “I'll meet you outside afterward!”
He nodded, again, choosing silence.
“Have a safe trip home, Sasuke,” she said, rushing off quite suddenly.
Sasuke watched her go, his eyes taking in each step that the Higurashi girl took. Then, allowing a small smirk to cross his face, he turned away from the sight and began to head home. He walked slowly, his hands finding their way into his pockets, while his thoughts drifted toward the future.
Soon—he was positive now—he would have Higurashi Kagome's heart in the palm of his hand.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
KibaSin: It took me far longer than I thought it would to complete this chapter, and I'm terribly sorry for the wait. School decided that it hated me. And then a bunch of other stuff started to happen and I got caught up in trying to keep up with life. But! I'm hoping to get back on track now, and hopefully the next chapter will not take me as long, since I really want to type up the one after that.
Please review!!