Naruto Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mystery of the History ❯ Prologue: The Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N: This story has been running through my mind for a while now, even though I have another
story(which I've decided to stop.) This one is a Naruto/Inuyasha fanfic. Though I'm only going
to use Naruto characters, except for Kagome. Anyway, for this story, the Naruto gang are now 15
years old, some 16, depending on the birthdays , and I think Kagome is going to be 16. For all the
people who were maybe hoping for another chapter for my other story, I'm sorry but I quit that
one. It was a waste of time, and I just have no ideas on how to continue it. Besides, maybe with
this story I'll get more reviews! Whoever reviews first gets a hundred cookies!


Naruto had been pretty sure he had seen it all. In all his experience as a chuunin-level shinobi,
he had encountered many weird, freakish and interesting looking people. There were people
whose bodies mutate into various forms and were sometimes covered in tattoos, like
Orochimaru's people from the Sound Village, and that shark looking dude, Kisame something or
rather, who was an Akatsuki member and partner to Itachi, as well as Akatsuki member Zetsu,
the walking humanoid Venus Fly Trap. Gaara, when he was over-powered by Shukaku, also fit
into the freakish looking category, when his body had been half Gaara (who was pretty scary to
begin with) and half demented looking sand racoon blob thing. Whatever it was. Orochimaru
himself with the snake eyes and abnormally long tongue, and Kimimaru, with the bones growing
outside the body thing, and a whole other assortment of unique and different looking people.

However, Naruto had been fairly sure that in all the assortment of unique and different looking
people, he had yet to encounter anyone with animal ears and a tail.

‘Well.' Naruto thought to himself as he lay on his back on the forest floor with a quivering
form, complete with a pair of black cat ears and tail, sprawled on his front. ‘I can now add this to
my never ending list of Interesting Looking People.'

To Naruto, it was amazing how he just seemed to attract these types of people. All the freaks
(not that he had anything against them, seeing as technically, he was one also) in the surrounding
area of himself seemed to just migrate toward him, like he was the most important, freakish one
of them all, and they all need to come pay homage to him. Though, most of the time their way of
paying homage to their King Freak is dealt with kunais , shurikans, and the like.

So, when he felt the approaching chakra, he had put a hold on his bored meander through the
forest, and whipped out a kunai in preparation to defend himself, all the while grumbling to
himself as to why they had to attack him on the one day he had reserved for rest and relaxation.
In addition to the kunai, he put up his mental defenses as well, prepared to defend himself,
mentally as well as physically. So he waited, ready for whatever was thrown at him.

Ready for anything but the thing that was thrown at him, apparently.

What came from the trees was not a weapon, justu or evil person coming to harm him. It was
a person, rather, a female, however she was not one of his dedicated enemies. He was pretty sure
he would have remembered a girl with cute, furry cat ears and a slim, black cat tail.

He was also pretty sure that the girls' intention was not on attacking him, because she appeared
to be in tears, big blue eyes glimmering, ears twitching, tail swishing anxiously back and forth,
and small whimpers escaping her mouth.

Naruto had maybe a second to process all this before the girl rammed into him with the force of
a charging grizzly bear, and the two were sent flying half-way across the clearing, hands flailing,
hair streaming and tail whipping.

Which brings us back to where Naruto is now, laying dazed on the ground, with the cat girl
laying on top of him, whimpering and clutching onto his green chuunin vest.

After a few minutes of Naruto sprawled gasping on the dirt floor, still winded, the girl slid off
him, tucking her legs underneath herself, and proceeded to stare miserably at Naruto until he
regained his breath. Once he did, he lay there for a moment, eyes closed, waiting to see if the
flying head butt the girl had so nicely given him had mushed up some of his organs, and he
would start throwing up blood until he died of blood loss or extreme internal injury. Unlikely, but
with the pain he was feeling now, it could be considered a possibility. Once he felt bett-

Naruto froze in mid-thought. He had not just felt that. No way.

His fingers twitched, now feeling slightly cool and wet. He peeked one eye open, staring at the
weird cat girl kneeling beside him.

And there, right in front of his astonished eyes, she did it again.

Kneeling forward, the girl put her face right next to his hand, and licked it.

Naruto snapped both eyes open, and sat up quickly, snatching his hand away from the startled

‘No way, what the heck is wrong with this weirdo?! Is she mentally retarded or something?'

Naruto gave her a quick, appraising glance, noting the cuts and bruises that covered her bare
arms and legs. Both her knees were scarred and bloody, and her face was smudged with dirt and
grime. Her black hair, blue when the light shone on it, hung in a long, tangled mess to her waist,
and the huge, over-sized T-shirt she wore was ripped and frayed at the seams, and seemed to be
more greyish-brown than actual white. Her tail was matted and muddy, and her ears, black fur
with pink insides, were droopy.

Still, even though she was a mess, she didn't look retarded. Her ink blue eyes were filled with
awareness and curiosity, among other things, and judging by her state of being, she had been out
in the woods awhile now, a few days at least. No mentally retarded person could survive in the
forest for that long, so she has to have some wits about her.

But, first things first, he would have to bring her to the village so she could be checked over.
Tsunade-baasan was sure to find her an interesting specimen, what with the extra appendages and
so on.

For all he knew, cat girl could be some kind of spy for some enemy nin. All the more reason to
get her back to the village.

He sighed, and picked himself up, brushing off the dirt on his clothes. He looked down at the
cat girl, who was staring up at him with wide eyes.

"Ano, miss, but I'm going to have to bring you back to the village, ‘kay?"

The girl blinked.

‘Hmm, that didn't work, let's try again why don't we.'

"Miss, umm...," he started, kneeling at eye level in front of her. "You're going to have to come
with me. Do you understand, miss..." He trailed off, realizing he didn't know her name yet. He
couldn't go on calling her miss or cat girl forever.

"Could you tell me your name miss?" Knowing full well that it was a waste of time.

The girl blinked again, her head tilting to the side cutely. As she did, a clinking sound and a
glimmer of light reflecting off metal brought Naruto's attention down to her neck. There, he saw
a metal chain, with a small rectangular piece on the front, almost hidden under the collar of her

"Eh, what's that?" Naruto muttered out loud, and mostly to himself, bending down and sticking
his head directly under her chin, unaware of the discomfort this caused her. He was too curious
about the engravings he saw on the rectangular piece of metal. Instead of some proclamation of
love or friendship engraved in elegant handwriting, like he knew some of the females in the
village liked to wear, a name was printed in strict, capital letters.


"Kagome, eh?" Naruto sat back up, barely missing the underside of cat girl's, now identified as
Kagome, chin. He sighed, scratching the back of his head as he stood up.

"Well, Kagome, I'm going to take you back to Konoha, ‘kay? You just follow me and I can get
you all cleaned up before we go meet Tsunade-baasan!"

Kagome mewed in agreement, maybe deducing the meaning of his words from the tone of his
voice, and ignoring Naruto's outstretched hand, started crawling toward the path leading to

Naruto blinked, opening his mouth...before closing it. He wasn't going to bother asking. He just
followed silently after her, pondering over the situation. He was pretty sure that the girl presented
no threat to Konoha, and as of yet Kyuubi has not growled or demanded to kill her, so point for
her. She seems to have passed whatever judgement Kyuubi always had for anyone, which was
damn near unheard of. Kyuubi giving the girl his acceptance, or at least tolerance, so soon after
meeting her was absolutely astonishing. Could it be that Kyuubi sensed a kindred spirit within
her? Was it possible that this girl is a demon vessel like himself? If that is so, he would find out
soon enough when Tsunade-baasan examined her. Then all the questions would be answered.

Except, Naruto, way back in the depths of his mind, had one nagging suspicion. Because if it
turns out that Kagome is not a demon vessel as he hopes she is, then what other explanation is
there? She couldn't be an actual demon, because if she was, then that means so were her parents,
and her grandparents, and her great-grandparents, and there is no possible way that a family of
powerful demons ( and Kagome is powerful, he and Kyuubi could easily sense that.) Could go
undetected when the land they occupy is habited by so many shinobi.

So if she wasn't a demon vessel, or an actual demon, what other explanation is there? What
other reason is there that she has a tail and cat ears and claws that no normal human being could
be born with? The answer is she had to have been created like this, of course. Either when she
was still in her mothers womb, or after her birth, someone had to have made her like she is now.

And who has the power to ‘equip' people with inhuman attachments? Who has the mental
perverseness and insanity to use conned children as his experiments and twisted creations?

Why, none other than the former Konoha genius citizen, now Hokage of the self-made Village
of Sound, Orochimaru himself.


Booya people! Now, I know it's short, but this is just the prologue to see how people like this.
Whoever reviews gets an honorable mention on my next chapter! And a cookie! However, I am
warning you that the next chapter will probably be a long time coming. No excuses, I just take a
lot of time, and things keep interfering. Then again, the beautiful spring weather may inspire me
to work double time! Or not, but you can hope! Compared to my other story, I think my writing
has improved, if only a tiny bit. If you could pretty please tell me of your thoughts on my story,
advice, or even what you think you should happen in the story. I can't say I will definitely add it
in, but I will take it into consideration, and who knows, your idea just might take place in the
story! Anyways, thanks for giving my story a try, and if you like, please say so, and if you don't,
either give a recommendation, or just go on your way. No flames, they serve no other purpose
then to insult and hurt, and if you have nothing other to do with your life, then I pity you. Have
an awesome spring! P.S If you review, I will read your story and review too! See, we both