Naruto Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Coming Out ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3.
Serif sighed as she Riku, Kairi, Sora, Roxas, and Namine walked over to the Mall. They were now going to get some clothes to fit in. Serif had called her best friends to meet her at the mall and right now she was wondering if she should have told them. Lien would probably run over to Riku and hug him to death.
They walked through the entrance and they all stared in awe except for Serif would was from the real world and knew how big the mall was.
Sora looked at Serif and smiled, “is every mall this big?”
Serif nodded, “Yeah. But some are even bigger. Come on lets go to find my friends.”
They walked over to a store called Fye movie store and went inside. They spotted Lien and Rion talking about an anime movie and walked over to them.
Serif tapped Lien on the shoulder and she turned around and smiled, “Hey, Serif!! Guess what? They have some more Naruto movies out and they also had a sneak preview on the next Kingdom Hearts Game!!”
Serif sighed, “Lien…be quiet. Anyways, Sora, Riku, Roxas, Namine, and Kairi these are my friends Lien Tran and Rion Flowers. Guys we have a problem already.”
Rion frowned, “What kind of problem? I mean I thought you always wanted Sora, Riku, Roxas, Kairi, and Namine to-”
Lien and Serif quickly put their hands over Rion's mouth and smiled nervously at Sora and the group, “Don't pay any attention to him.”
Serif sighed, “Not that it's Saturday and Naruto comes on. Which means the characters from there are also coming out and you know how Gaara gets and about Sasuke's curse mark. What are we going to do about them?”
Lien smiled, “Hey they wont do a thing to you. Seeing that you're the most beautiful girl there is…they would practically fall head over heels with `ya!”
Rion coughed, “um…Lien you know if they fall for her then they're going to have a big battle right?”
Lien's smiled faded, “Oh yeah, well Serif sure is lucky that the most cutest guys fall for her. Not to mention her favorite Naruto cha-”
Rion hit her upside her head, “Shut up.”
Serif sighed, “I'm more worried about if they end up killing each other.”
Rion smiled, “Just keep them away from each other. But until then lets have some fun!!”
Serif looked at him, “but-”
Lien cut her off, “No buts, Serif think about it. How many people have their own Kingdom Hearts characters in real life?”
Serif smiled, “Probably a lot. I'm not the only one who seen a bright star and is obsessed with that game.”
Rion thought about it, “hm, you're right…oh well, lets go get some pizza then probably we can all see a movie.”
Serif sighed, “Whatever.”
Sora smiled, “Cheer up Serif, it'll be alright just try to enjoy the time right now.”
Serif smiled, “thanks Sora.”
Sora grinned, “aw, it was nothing. Now how about that pizza!!”
Everybody shook their heads and laughed.
Temari92: Alright people please review some more and those of you who did, THANK YOU!! Ok, now I know there was some fluff between Riku and Serif but I'm not sure if those two should be together. So review and vote on who you think should go out!!
~Possible pairings~
Serif/ Riku
Serif/ Gaara
Serif/ Sasuke
Serif/ Itachi
And the list goes on!! Just kidding, lol. If you think of anymore pairings just tell me!!