Naruto Fan Fiction / Kingdom Hearts Fan Fiction ❯ Kingdom Hearts Coming Out ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kingdom Hearts Coming Out

Temari92: OH MY GOD!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!! Please forgive me!! My cousin wouldn’t let me get on the computer so I couldn’t update. Well anyways I will make it up to you by writing long chapters. Well enjoy this chapter.


Serif sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. She looked over to her left and saw Itachi with his eyes closed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and paid no attention to his partner Kisame who was currently looking out the window as they flew to Florida. She turned towards Naruto who was sitting next to her and also looking out the window. She let a small smile pass her lips as Naruto grinned as he saw the clouds go by.

Though she still couldn’t believe that they were going to Florida for a two week vacation.


Serif and Gaara ran inside the house after heard a scream and burst into her room. There they saw an ecstatic Lien jumping up and down with Serif’s laptop in her hands. Serif grabbed the laptop from her friend before she could break it.

Serif looked at Lien and frowned, “What’s wrong?”

Lien squealed causing everyone to wake up. Lien grinned, “Pack your things. We’re going to Florida!!”

Serif dropped her laptop and it fell to the floor, luckily it didn’t break and she picked it up.

Serif frowned, “b-but how?”

Lien smiled, “I won…well you won the drawing contest and the prize was a trip to Florida and the person is aloud to take as much people they want.”

Serif blinked then looked at Lien suspiciously, “What drawings contest?”

Lien rubbed the back of her head, nervously laughing, “Funny you ask. You see I entered one of your drawings in a contest.”

Serif glared at Lien so cold that would make any person freeze under her intense glare, “WHAT!!?!??”

Lien quickly hid behind the nearest person who, unfortunately, was Kisame. Serif glared at Kisame who quickly moved out of the way and watched as Serif beat up Lien to a pulp. Rion quickly got up and ran over to stop Serif before she could do any severe damages but couldn’t, seeing that he wasn’t strong enough. He looked at everyone else for help and they quickly helped him but surprisingly Serif was barely pulled off of Lien who had passed out during Serif’s rampage.

Serif pulled out of everybody’s grasp and glared at Rion, “”Did you know about this?”

Rion started to shake his head no but then ended up nodding. He put up his arms to defend himself but when he didn’t feel Serif’s gruesome punches he looked at her and gasped as he saw a look of pain flash in her eyes.

Rion frowned, “Serif…we just wanted to help you.”

Serif turned her back on him, “By keeping secrets behind my back? Tell me…do you enjoy watching me suffer?”

Rion clenched his fists, “No, and you know we don’t. We just thought that you could use a vacation from this fucked up household of people who call themselves family.”

Serif looked over her shoulder and narrowed her eyes, “really? Then I suppose not telling me is also good for me, is it?”

Rion sighed, “We didn’t want to tell you since we knew you would react this way. Besides wouldn’t you want to visit Andy?”

Serif flinched as she heard that name. It has been a long time since she heard it. She turned to face him and frowned, “Don’t bring her into this conversation.”

Rion sighed again, “You know it’s true. Don’t you think she would be happy to see you?”

Serif turned her head away, “She’s better off without me. I don’t want her to get hurt.”

Rion rolled his eyes, “and how would she get hurt? Huh? Would you stop accusing yourself that everyone near you gets hurt!! Did Lien and I get hurt? Well besides right now, anyway did we? No, and its all thanks to you that we are living a good life.”

Serif winced as his voice got louder. Riku walked up to Rion and put his hand on his shoulder and shook his head. Riku looked up at Serif and sighed, “So how about it Serif? Are we going to Florida?”

Serif sighed and she turned around to face everybody. She looked at everyone in the eyes and then came to Rion as he nodded and she sighed, “Pack your things everybody. We’re going on a vacation.”

Rion, Riku, Sora, Kairi, Namine, and Roxas jumped up, “YEAH!!!!!”

Serif smiled and out of nowhere Lien jumped up and started to cheer with them. Serif looked at Lien suspiciously, “By the way…What picture did you use?”

Lien smiled as she pointed at Itachi, “I used the one with Itachi and you in it.”

Serif blushed as she quickly ran out of the room as Itachi looked at her confusedly. Lien started to laugh and then continued her talk about Florida with everyone. Itachi on the other hand followed Serif.

Serif used all of her will power to stop blushing as she walked down the hall towards her extra room where she was refurnishing. She looked around and smiled as she saw a baby’s crib on her left where her drawing desk was. She walked over to the crib and ran her hands across the soft blanket.

She didn’t noticed that Itachi had come in and was watching as a tear ran down her face. Itachi frowned, “Why are you crying?”

Serif jumped as she heard his voice and quickly turned around, “What are you doing in here?”

Itachi walked up to her and frowned, “Why are you crying?”

Serif looked down as she frowned, “I’m not crying.”

Itachi lifted her head up to look her in the eyes and wiped away the tear that was on her face. Serif sighed and she turned around and faced the crib again. Itachi watched in silence as Serif grabbed a stuffed teddy bear that had a aqua ribbon that matched her eyes. Serif stared at the teddy bear sadly, “This teddy bear…belonged to my baby niece.”

Itachi looked at Serif and frowned, “What happened?”

Serif sighed as she lifted the teddy bear up to her eyes, “She was sent back to her mother, my sister Lucy. Of course she didn’t stay with her long and was sent back to her father, Alex Colon. Now she is nothing but a empty shell that is transferred from one home to another. When she was first born she was living with me and my family.

I thought she was just another baby just to take care of but…something happened along the way.”

“You had gotten attached.” Itachi said and Serif nodded.

“I used to take care of her everyday. I bought her teddy bears and bought an aqua ribbon to go with one of her favorite teddy bears since she loved the aqua streaks in my hair and would always ask if she could have some. I played with her everyday and she would always laugh her cheerful laugh. I would always sing her to sleep while she held this teddy bear with her tiny hands. When it was school time she would always run up to me and say ‘titi goodbye’ or ‘I love you titi’. I would always smile and hug her goodbye. When I came home I would always find her in the same spot where she had been in the morning and then run up to me and shout out ‘titi titi play wit me’ and I would. Until one day when I was putting her to sleep, Lucy came in and grabbed her. I tried to take her back but I was held back my step father and all I could do was watch as Lucy left with my crying niece in her arms.

I have never seen her since but I know she is living a terrible life. Now all I have left to remind me of her is this one teddy bear with her favorite color ribbon.”

Itachi put a hand on her shoulder as Serif hugged the teddy bear to herself. Before Serif could blink, Itachi pulled her into his arms and held her in his embrace. Serif closed her eyes as leaned into his embrace, “Thank you.”

Itachi blinked, “For what?”

Serif smiled as she looked him in the eyes, “for listening to me and caring.”

Itachi smirked, “I can’t leave a beautiful women in distress to wallow in her own sorrow.”

Serif playfully punched him in the arm and put down the teddy bear in the crib. Some day…someday I will see her again.

*Flash Back End*

Serif sighed as she looked out the window that Naruto was looking out of and let a small smile pass her lips. She always did want to see her cousin but was always afraid of what she would say and that they would get hurt. Well there’s no turning back now.