Naruto Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ My Big Gay Path Wedding ❯ From This Day Forward ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: The characters, items, places etc of Naruto are property of Masashi Kishimoto. These objects are used without permission for entertainment only, not for making money. No infringement is intended.

Chapter 2: From This Day Forward

Since he was Uchiha Itachi and strove to be perfect in every way possible, even if he pretended otherwise sometimes, he parked up in the car park Sasuke had told him to ten minutes early.

Because he had to have his traits from somewhere, and where better than his parents, they were already present and waiting with Sasuke by their side. Sasuke looked incredibly displeased, though whether it was for a specific reason or just being in the vicinity of their father, Itachi didn't know.

"Evening boys," Fugaku greeted as they approached. Mikoto gave them both a smile and a hug, dressed in a stunning floor length red dress. Fugaku was dressed in a suit. Sasuke was dressed in a smart baby blue shirt and black jeans, which was casual compared.

Itachi thanked that he had decided to opt for smart clothes that evening, and even more thankful that he'd persuaded Deidara to do the same.

He had no idea where the meal was going to be taking place and while they might be overdressed for some establishments, knowing his parents Itachi had to consider they might go to somewhere decidedly more upper class.

"We thought perhaps you kids could decide where to go tonight," Fugaku told them approvingly. Sasuke scowled at him, presumably because he didn't want to be called a kid, while Itachi and Deidara shared a thoughtful glance.

"I don't mind," Itachi shrugged after a moment of deliberation. "There's a Nandos nearby, or maybe we could go for pizza?"

"Nandos?" Fugaku echoed. "Is that the place that uses Mc on everything? McNandos?"

"For pity's sake," Sasuke hissed at him. "Are you really that clueless?"

Itachi glanced at the sky momentarily, sighing as he did so. Two seconds and already Sasuke was at his father's throat. Fugaku was ignoring the comment, but he did narrow his eyes in Sasuke's direction dangerously.

"We'll go for pizza," Sasuke decided for them. "Come on."

"Should we take the car?" Fugaku asked, gesturing to it.

"No, we're going to walk because it's ten minutes away and the environment will thank us," Sasuke replied scathingly, already a couple of steps ahead. Itachi caught his shoulder swiftly, pulling him back so they were side by side as they walked.

"What's with you?" He whispered.

"Him, in the car," Sasuke whispered back sharply. "Isn't it lovely how Itachi's settled down now, don't you think it's time you did, remember the Haruno family, their daughter Sakura is single you know- I'm sick of it!"

"If you don't want to tell him about Naruto then tell him you're happy being single," Itachi suggested.

"It isn't the point."

"Then could you at least try to be sociable? You're the one who dragged me into this, so you can help me get through it."

"Fine," Sasuke muttered, some of the tension he was holding visibly draining away slightly. "But you have to tell them now."

"I know."

"Why haven't you?"

"It's a long story."

"Shorten it."

"Sasuke, not now," Itachi warned, eyes straying across to Deidara. He was walking a few paces ahead, giving the siblings some privacy.

"Are you having second thoughts?" Sasuke asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"No. It's not that."

"I dislike guessing games, Itachi."

Itachi didn't have a way to shorten all of his mental idiocies into a feasible sentence, so he shook his head once more and gave Sasuke a glance that indicated that he should drop the subject. Sasuke glared back, but heeded the unsaid plea.

"Oi, Blondie," he called instead. "Stop being unsociable."

Deidara didn't rise to the bait, but he did fall back into step beside Itachi. Behind them, Mikoto and Fugaku walked at a slower pace. "So why are we doing this anyway?" He asked.

"Itachi didn't tell you?" Sasuke queried, surprised. "You mean-"

"Enough," Itachi cut in quickly. "You'll see, Deidara."

Deidara looked at them both suspiciously, but kept his silence. As they passed underneath a subway Deidara headed off a few paces ahead again, marvelling at the artwork on the walls, leaving Itachi to lean back in to Sasuke.

"I didn't tell him for a reason," he noted.

"Because you're awful when it comes to actually being straight with him?"

"No," Itachi disagreed with a sigh. "I stopped that. Enough about me- how are you and Naruto?"

"Fine," Sasuke replied cagily. "Why?"

"Because I'm your brother and I'm interested in the happiness of my younger sibling?"

"We're fine," Sasuke repeated. "Worry about your own relationship, not mine."

"The day I get any details about you guys from you is the day I will die from shock," Itachi joked lightly as he glanced over his shoulder. "Wait up a bit for Mum and Dad. I doubt they know where we're going."

"Dad thought we were going to McNandos," Sasuke pointed out. "That man is far too absorbed in business and has no clue about the real world."

"So what can you recommend on the menu, son?" Fugaku asked Sasuke as they fell into line beside each other, giving him a smile and clearly attempting to dispel the negative energy between them.

"The pizza," Sasuke quipped. Catching Itachi's sharp look, he continued. "But I suppose the farmhouse is pretty good."

"Farmhouse? What's that?"

"It's mushroom and ham," Sasuke replied incredulously. "Have you never eaten pizza before?"

"Of course," Fugaku replied, sounding slightly insulted. "We went to Italy, remember? They sold wonderful pizza there, without any of these fancy toppings. Our pizzas are nothing compared to be quite honest."

"You went to Italy?" Deidara asked, ears pricking up at this detail.

"Sasuke might be a little too young to remember," Fugaku chuckled. "I've travelled Europe quite extensively myself, but I took the family to Italy when the children were younger. Itachi and I also took a trip to Paris when he was sixteen or so."

"Have you been to Norway?"

"Actually, yes. Are you familiar with it?"

"I'm Norwegian."

Fugaku turned his full attention to Deidara, one eyebrow raised slightly. "Is that so? Interesting piece of information, boy. When did you move here?"

Itachi turned his attention away when Fugaku and Deidara began to talk animatedly about Norway and Europe. Deidara didn't know it, but starting their father on a conversation about Europe generally meant him repeating the same few stories about his trips there.

Usually his father felt it necessary to repeat the fact Itachi had insisted they visit Disneyland while in Paris to pretty much anyone that would listen, putting emphasis on the fact he was sixteen at the time. He had no regrets though. The look on Sasuke's face when he returned home with a picture of himself next to a Disney princess had been priceless.

They arrived at the restaurant within the ten minutes Sasuke had specified, letting themselves be seated and handed menus. The server left them to decide on drinks and food, which Sasuke gave his input on immediately.

"Hey, Sasuke?" Deidara smirked. "I bet you can't share a Spicy Special with me."

"You're on," Sasuke replied immediately. Itachi declined to point out Sasuke wasn't the biggest fan of spicy food, knowing it was a pride issue and refusing to get involved.

"Wouldn't it be easier to order and share anyway?" He pointed out with a tiny smirk. May as well help his sibling's pride get torn to shreds, like the good big brother he was.

Itachi's suggestion was taken readily as the most sensible, so by the time the server came back they had decided on what to order.

Mikoto, Fugaku and Itachi were happy to share one pizza while Sasuke and Deidara would share a smaller Spicy Special- with extra jalapeños on it that Deidara had been sure to request, too.

"Could we have some crayons please?" Sasuke asked the server quietly. "That blond there- he's mentally challenged, but he loves colouring-"

"You jerk!" Deidara shouted at him. "I can hear you!"

The young girl looked between them before scurrying off, returning with a tray of drinks, crayons and paper. She tentatively put them down on the table, much to Sasuke's amusement and Deidara's chagrin. That didn't stop Deidara snatching them up once she'd gone away with their food orders, though.

"So," Fugaku said, attempting to dispel Sasuke's mirth at the situation. "Sasuke hinted perhaps there was a reason we should do this, Itachi. Any idea what he's talking about?"

"Yes," Itachi replied certainly, though he didn't feel it.

He reached into his pocket and withdrew a small jewellery box, giving Deidara a tiny smile and holding it out for him. Deidara's eyes widened slightly and he gingerly took the box, opening it to reveal a simple silver band inside.

"Itachi...?" He questioned, his voice a whisper.

"Deidara and I are going to be partaking in a civil partnership," Itachi explained. "That ring is long overdue."

Fugaku and Mikoto glanced between the two of them blankly for a moment while Itachi waited with baited breath for their opinion. It had taken him a long time to get to this point- while his parents seemed to accept the relationship, marriage was a completely different thing altogether.

Mikoto was the first to speak, a silly smile on her face. "Don't look so worried, Itachi. That's wonderful news."

"It's about time you settled down properly," Fugaku said with a nod of approval. "When's the date?"

"We're thinking of August 3rd."

"Excellent. I'll contact your uncle Madara and-"

"No," Deidara cut in immediately, looking up from the ring he had put admiringly on his finger. "Sorry, but no. Not Madara."

"Why not?" Fugaku asked, eyes narrowed slightly. Itachi shot Deidara a quick glare before attempting damage control.

"We haven't decided whether we'd like it to be a small close family event yet or not," he attempted to smooth over, lying through his teeth.

"Ah, I see. Let me know when you've decided, son."

"Of course. Deidara, could you show me where the bathroom is please?"

"It's just around that cor-"

Itachi viciously clasped Deidara's shoulder quickly to silence him as he stepped past, successfully gaining his attention so that he followed a few moments later. Itachi led him around the corner out of sight, glaring sharply at his partner.

"What?" Deidara hissed. "We don't want Madara there!"

"Maybe not, but you have to break these kinds of things to my Dad slowly," Itachi hissed back.

"Nothing is ever simple with you, is it?" Deidara sighed. "Fine. He's not coming, so you'd better find a suitable excuse soon."

He returned to his seat, leaving Itachi to mentally count to ten in an effort to calm himself slightly. He had enough things to stress about- adding Madara to the list was not a welcome thought.

His attention was captured by Sasuke's raised voice from their table, saying something that sounded suspiciously like 'I'm not interested in Haruno fucking Sakura, stop going on about it!' prompting Itachi to return to the table with a heavy sigh.

"She's a perfectly nice girl," Fugaku was protesting, giving Itachi a nod of greeting as he sat back down.

"I thought you never wanted us to get into relationships because it would distract us?" Sasuke countered.

"I've learnt such opinions were a mistake," Fugaku admitted. "After all, look at Itachi. He's proved he can be in a stable relationship and still be academically successful."

"This is Itachi," Sasuke pointed out. "He'd be successful at everything he touches even if it killed him. It's no surprise his first relationship worked out well, is it?"


"You know it's true, Itachi."

"Regardless," Fugaku cut in quickly. "I don't understand you sometimes, Sasuke. Most young men your age would jump at the chance of a beautiful girlfriend."

"I don't understand you either," Sasuke bit back. "You don't see me attempting to analyse you though."

Silence descended on the table, slightly awkward and uneasy. Pizza arrived shortly after, which was appreciated by everyone as it gave something to fill the silence with.

"Everything alright?" Deidara smirked at Sasuke as he eyed the spicy slice in his hand.

Sasuke glared at him and took a defiant bite, choking lightly a few moments later. Deidara snickered at him, while Itachi- who was stuck sitting between them- simply sighed and attempted to ignore them. His family was dysfunctional enough without adding Deidara to the mix.

"So Itachi," Sasuke spoke up, slyly stealing a slice of normal pizza from his sibling's plate. Itachi raised an eyebrow but let him do it. "About your stag night. Kisame and I have been discussing it, and we have a few ideas to help make the night memorable for you guys."

Itachi nodded, waiting for him to continue. It didn't escape his notice that the words had captured the attention of the entire table.

"Since you'll be sharing a stag night, we decided we needed to have some hen night influence. So for half of it you'll be stags, and the other half you'll be hens."

"No!" Itachi remarked, at the same time Deidara replied with a rather shrill "Never!"

"We'll dress up too!" Sasuke continued, a smirk on his face. "Trust me, if we have our way you'll be getting so wrecked you won't even notice the short skirt and high heels."

"Kisame had a hand in this too?" Itachi asked, glaring at Sasuke.

"Kisame suggested it!"

"I see. I'll have words with him later. There is absolutely no way that's going to happen, Sasuke."

Opposite them, Mikoto had become very interested in her drink and Fugaku looked like he would rather be pretty much anywhere else but there.

Itachi found that a touch amusing at least- apparently his parents could handle the idea of a gay relationship, but cross dressing was where they drew the line.

"Will you be attending, Dad?" Sasuke smirked, apparently noticing the awkwardness as well.

"I might come along for a drink or two," Fugaku replied. "Certainly before any cross dressing goes on. Really, boys- must you do such things?"

"It's a stag night!" Sasuke protested. "The entire point of stag nights is to drink copious amounts while watching strippers and making fools of yourself. Bonus points if a certain blond moron ends up naked on a train to France or something."

"No strippers," Itachi told him firmly.

"Oh come on! Kisame was really insistent on that one."

"Of course he was."

"What kind of stag night doesn't have strippers?"

Itachi almost retorted with 'since when did you care about strippers, you're gay' but he held his tongue at the last moment. Instead he let the conversation drop, returning to his pizza.

The rest of the meal went smoothly. Fugaku took the bill and paid before Itachi could protest- which he did anyway once he realised, but was ignored.

"You live off my money anyway," Fugaku pointed out, which subdued Itachi immediately. He stayed that way for the duration of the walk back to the cars, finally prompted into speaking by Deidara.

"Thank you for the ring," Deidara whispered to him, one hand snaking lightly around Itachi's waist. "You didn't have to."

"I wanted to," Itachi insisted. "Deidara, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Would you object if we surrendered the house back to my father? It would mean moving to somewhere smaller and taking up part time jobs."

"Is this about what he said back in the restaurant?"

"Not really. I don't like him putting a fine point on it, but I've never really liked living off of his wage. I couldn't do much about it while living alone, but I might be able to now."

"If that's what you want," Deidara agreed. "I don't think any place we could move to would be as bad as my old one anyway."

"You know you never showed it to me," Itachi mused.

"That was intentional," Deidara admitted. "It isn't very nice, yeah. You're not missing much."

"Is it still registered to you?"

"Technically I guess so. I haven't changed my details- it's probably about time I did, actually. I'll call the council tomorrow and withdraw my need for tenancy."

Itachi nodded, slowing his stride to fall into line besides his parents. "Dad, can I have a word?"

"Of course, son. What is it?"

"I dislike living off of you," Itachi explained once more. "I want to give the house up and-"


Fugaku cut in firmly, causing Itachi to silence immediately.

"I provide for you because you are my son," Fugaku continued. "The home is yours. I will not permit you to give it back for such reasons- I want you to live there."

Itachi didn't reply, feeling uneasy. Fugaku sensed it, putting a kind hand on his shoulder lightly.

"I've failed you boys a lot," he said quietly. "Please don't throw back at me one of the only things I have managed to achieve for you."

"Alright," Itachi agreed sombrely. "Thank you."

Fugaku let his hand fall away, leaving Itachi to catch back up to Deidara.

"Did he agree?"

"The opposite actually," Itachi sighed. "I'm still going to get a part time job though, perhaps when college isn't so hectic. The less I can use his money, the better."

"I'll get one too!" Deidara replied, eyes lighting up. "I could work in an art museum. Oh! Or with... Fireworks! Yes! I could be a fireworks co-ordinator or something!"

"That sounds like a terrible idea," Itachi pointed out, pausing for a moment before smirking. "Besides, such a thing doesn't exist."

"Oh yeah? Who sorts out fireworks for displays in November then? A fireworks co-ordinator, that's who!"

"A Pyrotechnician. Not a 'fireworks co-ordinator'."

"I could do it, yeah. Don't you think I could?"



"Because you are insane, Deidara," Itachi told him, though his voice was kind- condescending, almost.

They had reached their car, waiting by it for Fugaku and Mikoto to catch up, Sasuke a few steps ahead of them. He gave them a wave and made his way to their parents car, Mikoto following after exchanging a congratulatory hug with her son and son-in-law-to-be. Fugaku hesitated for a moment before laying a hand on Deidara's shoulder, giving him a nod as he did so.

"Treat my son well," he told him firmly, following on Mikoto's heels a moment later without another word. Deidara nodded in agreement, though it wasn't seen by Fugaku, before turning to Itachi.

"That went pretty well," he praised.

"It did," Itachi agreed. "Better than expected, actually. Come on- let's go home, shall we?"

Chapter End