Naruto Fan Fiction / Naruto Shippuden Fan Fiction ❯ My Big Gay Path Wedding ❯ Until Death Do Us Part ( Chapter 9 ) Updated

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: The characters, items, places etc of Naruto are property of Masashi Kishimoto. These objects are used without permission for entertainment only, not for making money. No infringement is intended.

Chapter 9: Until Death Do Us Part

"You never did tell me how you got that black eye," Itachi mused over the sound of the music filling the reception hall. The party was in full swing, with most people nursing a drink or on the dance-floor.

"Deidara," Sasuke sighed as he drained his drink. "It was an accident though."

"How do you accidently give someone a black eye?"

"When you hit someone whilst struggling with a unicorn kidnapper in your dreams. He's insane, just so you know."

Itachi didn't think anything of the response, given it was exactly as he expected of his now-husband.

"Who's that idiot anyway?" Sasuke asked, pointing at Tobi who was dancing by himself happily on the dance floor.

"Deidara's old neighbour," Itachi explained, a small grin on his face. "I'll introduce you."

He called Tobi over, who gladly came. He was still wearing his usual mask, which Sasuke clearly disapproved of.

"Tobi, this is my little brother," Itachi said. "Sasuke, this is Tobi."

"You look a bit feminine too!" Tobi exclaimed, causing Sasuke to scowl immediately. "I thought Itachi was a girl at first."

Sasuke simply stared at the man for a moment before putting a hand up. "Goodbye," he said curtly before vanishing. Tobi didn't seem to take offence, heading back to the dance floor while Itachi went to find Deidara.

The Uchiha family were quite something to anyone who didn't know of their ways. To Itachi, he'd grown up knowing he had various extended family members who would drop anything should he- or any other Uchiha- need him. Family was not just a word- it was their blood, their lifeline, their everything.

Madara and Fugaku were seen as the top connecting points for them, and all the information that mattered was filtered through them. Had it been anybody else's son having a gay marriage, the family gossip chain would have been rife with talk about it.

However since it was Fugaku's son, and he had kept his mouth shut until only a month earlier when sending out invites, many people were surprised yet quiet about their opinions.

Itachi mentally thanked that one of the traits Uchihas shared was tolerance in the very least, though thankfully the overall atmosphere seemed to be one of acceptance.

"He looks a bit like a girl," one elderly Uchiha lady commented to another, her voice loud enough for everyone in the area to notice.

Deidara, who was their topic of conversation, looked around nervously in the vain hope they were discussing someone else whilst looking at him. "I can see why Itachi might have fallen for him. He's very pretty."

"Pretty, yes. Pretty for a boy."

"It's a trend these days, isn't it? Boys being pretty. I read about it in the newspaper- meterosexual, isn't it?"

"Yes, yes. Something like that."

Itachi sidled straight up next to Deidara, touching his arm gently and giving the ladies a polite smile. "I hope you're enjoying yourselves," he said, before rescuing his poor boyfriend to the wedding table at the head of the room.

It consisted of Fugaku, Mikoto and Elise- the ladies were talking away quite happily, while Fugaku had his eyes on room. His usual serious frown was on his face but Itachi could see a hint of a smile on the edge of it.

He was intercepted on his way there by someone he recognised as his cousin, Shisui. The man seemed to have had a few too many drinks, swinging an arm around both of their necks with a grin.

"To you guys," he said, his voice slightly slurred. "And to the party!"

With that he swiped a cupcake from the side, earning an angry shout from Sasuke to back off until later. Shisui put it back mournfully, slinking over to Sasuke instead with a wave while Itachi weaved through the people to take Deidara outside instead.

The air was fresh and the evening was still light thanks to the summer, only a slight breeze on the air. It was welcoming after being in a loud, warm room like they had been. They shared only a look before Deidara was kissing Itachi, arms around his neck and snaking lightly down his back with so much passion it practically seeped from his fingertips.

"I cannot wait to get you upstairs," he purred in Itachi's ear. Itachi didn't reply, trying to fend off the sudden hot flush he was experiencing.

"Oi oi, none of that in public!" A voice behind them scolded lightly. Kisame, who had been sitting on a nearby step unnoticed, simply raised his drink to them with a smirk.

"Leave it until later then," Itachi scolded Deidara as he pushed him away, giving Kisame a smile in return as though nothing had just happened. Kisame only smirked harder in response.

Once back inside Itachi was cornered by Sasuke, who was looking rather coy about something. The smirk on his face gave him away too, prompting only a raised eyebrow from his elder sibling.

"Do you see Naruto anywhere?" Sasuke hummed lightly.

"No, I don't. Why is that?"

"Because he's waiting for me somewhere else," Sasuke replied, his smirk growing wider as he quickly slipped out of the door. Itachi exhaled heavily, rather wishing he hadn't been subjected to that little bit of boasting.

They had decided not to bother with the tradition of the first dance or the cutting of a cake- not that it was easy to cut cupcakes anyway. The dance was something Itachi just didn't want to add to an already stressful day. Eyes were supposed to be on him for the wedding, not the reception too.

However, speeches were something that they had both agreed to, namely because neither of them had to speak. When Sasuke had returned, looking smug and marginally bedraggled, Itachi gave Kisame the cue to start.

"Could I have your attention please?" Kisame called to the room, banging on the edge of his champagne glass in a manner Itachi knew he'd seen on television somewhere. The room quietened down and all eyes turned to the top table.

"I have to admit I didn't really know what to say here," Kisame began when he had the full attention of the room. "I actually forgot I'd need to make a speech until Itachi mentioned it about a week ago."

"Thankfully I have many nice things to say about these guys so it wasn't really very hard. Itachi- where do I start? I've known Itachi for a long time. We went to school together and I ended up watching out for him. He was always quiet and he kept to himself, but he finally opened up around me and showed me who he really was. Of course that was the time I abandoned him for my career."

A soft chuckle resonated throughout the room at that. Kisame glanced to Itachi, who gave him a nod of approval to continue.

"That was probably a good thing, because in my absence he met Deidara. The first time I saw them together I thought Deidara was actually insane. He'd painted odd things all over Itachi's wall, and Itachi had let him. I was so confused!"

"But over time I learnt that Deidara is just very artistically minded and against the odds, he and Itachi are a very good match." He raised his glass, which prompted the room to do the same. "To Itachi and Deidara."

He sat back down again with a sigh, lowering his voice to whisper in Itachi's ear. "There you go. The most generic speech you could ever give at a wedding. You owe me a drink or three."

"Thank you," Itachi smirked, turning to Sasuke who was now standing instead.

As the other best man, he too had been lumbered with the task of writing a speech. Itachi was worried about this one, since he wouldn't put it past his dear little brother to simply say 'Deidara is a prick' and leave it at that.

"Where do I start?" Sasuke said with a soft sigh. "Itachi- he's my big brother, he's the one who's always been there for me. I've always looked up to him and all I want is for him to be happy. Then he met Deidara, who is possibly the most irritating and annoying person I have ever had the misfortune of meeting."

The room laughed at that- all but Itachi, who gave his little brother a sidelong glare. Sasuke ignored him.

"Regardless he captured my brother's heart for some unknown reason, and over time I think he's won me over too. He might be completely insane but he's a good influence on Itachi, who needed to lighten up a bit. They don't seem like that should be matched but they are, and I had no choice but to begrudgingly accept that my brother was going to marry a lunatic."

Another laugh filtered through the room, and Itachi relaxed a little. It was just Sasuke being Sasuke.

"They have my blessing, and they better have yours too. If even I can accept Deidara, then so can you. To my big brother and his idiot husband."

He raised his glass, the room followed suite again, and all eyes turned to Fugaku. He noticed and stood up, his stance commanding respect and silence which he gained immediately.

"I'm not one for long heartfelt speeches," Fugaku admitted. "That isn't going to change just because my eldest is married. Instead I'm going to talk a little about my son, and how his now-husband has changed him for the better."

"Dad," Itachi hissed, eyes wide in surprise as everyone turned to look at him. He hadn't been expecting this turn of events. Fugaku ignored him, as expected.

"Itachi was the model child, as I'm sure many of you are aware. He excelled at everything in life and was the personification of the word perfection. This continued on through his teenage years and became a huge problem- I'll spare him the embarrassment of the details, but Deidara came along at the right time."

"He taught my son that it was alright to be less than perfect, which is the best gift anyone could ever have given him. He gave Itachi the courage to speak out when needed, becoming his voice when it became too hard and guiding him along the right path in life."

"Never once has he complained about this task, because he loves my son and only wants the best for him. I am so grateful that he's here, and welcome him into my family with open arms."

He didn't raise his glass to signify the end of his speech. Instead he clapped his hands lightly in applause, mirrored by the rest of the room that were eyeing Deidara with a new kind of respect. Deidara looked like he wanted to hide under the table, but there was a sparkle of thankfulness in his eyes.

"Please feel free to help yourself to cupcakes," Fugaku concluded. "I hope you have a wonderful time tonight. Thank you all for coming and supporting Itachi and Deidara."

He sat back down next to Itachi, turning to his eldest son who looked at him in shock. "Never think that I'm not happy with your choices in life," he said almost sternly. "Just be yourself, Itachi. I'll love you and your brother no matter what you want to do with yourselves."

"I'm fucking Naruto," Sasuke interjected as he walked past towards the cupcake stand. Fugaku's eyes widened and he looked up at Sasuke, but he had already moved past.

"Is he serious?" He asked Itachi, who was struggling between the idea of crying and laughing at that moment. "Is he- my word, boys! Is there something in the water around here? I- never mind."

He reached out and gave Itachi a quick but firm embrace, giving him a proud nod when he pulled away again. "Be yourself," he repeated. "I have something for you from Madara."

"Madara?" Itachi echoed, raising an eyebrow as Fugaku handed him a card. "Is it coated in acid? I can't imagine I'm his favourite person right now."

"Madara cares more than you think. He's had a rough time in life, Itachi. We don't always see eye to eye and you have more reason than most to dislike the man, but it's an act of kindness rarely seen from him. Accept it and be sure to thank him later."

With that he got up to get a cupcake, leaving Itachi and Deidara to glance nervously between one another as Itachi opened the red envelope slowly. Inside was a generic card Itachi imagined had been picked out by Madara's secretary- it was nothing special, until he opened it up. Inside was a handwritten note in Madara's neat writing.

"Itachi and Deidara," Itachi read out loud. "In your hotel room is a replacement mobile phone and a cheque. Use the money to fund what you want to do in life. My door is always open to you if you change your mind, Itachi. Best wishes, Madara."

"So he does have a soul!" Deidara exclaimed, as Itachi closed the card with a small grin.

"Apparently so. I didn't get round to replacing my phone yet- I can give Dad his money back now."

"Aren't you curious? Don't you want to go and take a look?"

"No," Itachi shrugged. "It can wait. We have a reception to enjoy."

"Looks like Sasuke's really enjoying it," Deidara snickered, indicating the younger Uchiha.

He had Naruto up against a wall, kissing him roughly in a manner that suggested he'd been wanting to do so all evening. Itachi reasoned that that was probably true, stealing a glance at his father who was watching them. Something akin to shock lined his features, but he was smiling a little too so all seemed to be well.

The party wound down around midnight- the older guests had begun to leave once the music started up in full force, citing that they were too old for such things. Itachi and Deidara made their way up to their wedding suite hotel room, arms laden with food left over from the buffet, cupcakes and cards.

"Oh wow," Deidara exclaimed as they opened the door to the most beautiful room either of them had ever seen. "Look at this place!"

There was a four poster double bed in the middle of the room, covered with paper hearts and housing a basket of complimentary items from the hotel. Inside was a bottle of champagne, some chocolates and a card of well wishes. On one side of the room was a stack of gifts from guests, and the other had a door leading into the bathroom which Deidara was inspecting.

"Look!" He called excitably to Itachi, who was putting the cards down on the bed. "Look at this place!"

"It's a bathroom," Itachi smirked from the doorway. "What's so special?"

"Look at the bath!" Deidara argued. "It's actually a hot tub, yeah. You're telling me that isn't a great idea?"

"Later," Itachi promised, beckoning with one hand. "Help me clear the bed off. The hearts are nice and all but it's a bit impractical."

Once the bed was clear with the hearts on the floor, Deidara pointed to a box sat on one of the bedside tables. It wasn't wrapped like the rest of the gifts- upon closer inspection they realised it was the mobile phone Madara had promised. As Itachi opened up the box the aforementioned cheque fell out, which he glanced at before his eyes widened in shock.

"What is it?" Deidara asked, seeing his change in demeanour.

"That- Madara- that is far too much money," Itachi finally articulated. "Is he crazy?"

"Read the back," Deidara prompted. Itachi turned it over, seeing words he had previously missed.

"No, this isn't a mistake," he read. "Enjoy it and buy a new car for heaven's sake, your current one is atrocious." He lowered the cheque, narrowing his eyes in confusion. "I like my car. It's practical."

"Do as the man says," Deidara shrugged. "He's given you enough to buy a new car, fund your university fees and have change. Don't argue with him, yeah."

"There's enough to fund both of us," Itachi corrected. "This is not just for me."

Deidara didn't reply to that, looking humbled for a moment before he pried the box and cheque from Itachi and set them on the side.

"To us," he whispered as he took Itachi in his arms tightly. Itachi clutched back just as tightly, feeling himself relax from simply being in his partner's arms.

"To us," he whispered back.

He had expected this moment to be awkward. The idea of planning a sexual encounter in a relationship that rarely did anything planned just didn't seem to fit.

However Itachi found himself unbuttoning Deidara's shirt with no worries at all, riding on the love he had been feeling all day as they slipped naked between the sheets together.

"I'm really glad I met you," Deidara whispered into Itachi's shoulder as he trailed kisses across his neck, causing Itachi to shudder.

"I love you too," Itachi murmured back. "However you don't do sweet nothings, so you don't need to start now."

"Point taken," Deidara shrugged. "I'll just do you instead."

"As crude as you are that's more like your normal self," Itachi sighed, but his disapproval was soon forgotten.

Instead all that replaced it was an overwhelming feeling of joy and desire to be with the one he loved, feeling almost as though they weren't close enough even when they were as close as a couple could be both physically and mentally at that moment.

All feelings of perfection were cast aside, leaving just Itachi and Deidara together in their own little world of bliss.

Chapter End